Hi Shelley,

On 03.07.2013 04:53, Shengyun Liu wrote:
Hi there,
     I am new to Dia :). I have to admit that it is gooood....except for the
file crash. My files (end with .dia) currently were turned to 0 byte files.
I am using a Win7 system and I really need those files back. Would you help
me? Thanks!
If you've overwritten your .dia Files with empty files (0 byte files), Dia
will not be able to help you. You'll need a data recovery tool. Have you
checked if there are any .dia.autosave files?

Could you describe the "file crash" in a little bit more detail? What where you
doing, what happend?
P.S. I am using the newest version, though.
I assume that you're using Dia 0.97.2.
P.S.P.S. I have once changed one of my file in to .jpeg. Would that do any
help? (i.e. is changing it back to .dia file possible?)
The question is "how" did you change your file (I assume that it's a .dia file) ? If you simply renamed foo.dia to foo.jpeg, you can get back foo.dia by renaming the file. If you've used some kind of conversion tool, your data might be lost.

Whatever operation you do on your files now:
First create a backup copy of all files to be on the save side - if possible on a different drive (e.g. a USB drive).

Good luck recovering your data!

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