Mark writes,

>  The role of ICTs in education is
> thus much more natural and compelling than that of radio, television,
> and film.  I would suggest that attempts to generalize a "ceiling
> effect" for the long-term role of ICTs in schools based on prior
> educational technology research on the diffusion of radio,
> television, and film are flawed.
Thanks for the interesting insights. Videos, TVs, radios and ICTs are
enablers. Their success depends partly on how teachers integrate them
skillfully in the teaching and learning process.  OLPC needs to be
accompanied by OLPT (one laptop per teacher). ICTs or OLPC won't cure
inadequate teaching or flawed education system. The one fit all solution is
another culprit- those who propose technological solution to enhance
education often discount the challenges in and the differences between
developing nations.    I visited some schools in Africa recently- the list
of the challenges is overwhelming - badly wired networks, regular power
cuts, lack of skilled technicians, inadequately trained, less paid and
motivated teachers... I ask myself what good 1 million OLPTs will do in that
setting.  Some smart kids will use OLPT, the rest of us will sit and see
OLPT come and go.


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