Hi All,

I just downloaded - by mistake and without being aware of it (1) - a podcast: "Macchiaradio (puntata del 10/4/2006: Speciale Elezioni 2006)". As the producers write in the corresponding blog item <http://www.macchianera.net/2006/04/10/macchiaradio_speciale_elezioni.html>:

"Now that the live broadcast described below is over, we feel obliged to warn you: it lasted exactly 12 hours and 24 minutes, which makes its postcast the longest one ever - in Italy at least. The point is that people wishing to listen to it must be forewarned: Macchiaradio speakers are not answerable for possible saturation by their BS ("cazzate") of low-storage iPods" (my trsl.)

In fact, the thing weighs 340.8 Mb, but it can also be listened to in streaming from the URL above, and it is anything but BS.

Some contextual info: Macchianera.net is a left-wing multi-author blog, started by Gianluca Neri. It has 3 webradio channels of its own: RadioNation (= Machiaradio) 1, 2, 3 - and links to other webradio channels.

I listened to parts of the special broadcast on the elections live. It was a fascinating experience for several reasons. It covered the changes in the forecasts from an easy winning to a defeat to a bare winning by the left - and the corresponding changes of mood of the people doing the broadcast. People doing the broadcast were not just the people in the studio: listeners could phone in, use skype or a text chat. In the studio, they had a television and they zapped from channel to channel, commenting the excerpts (2). But on April 10, gales were blowing in Milan, so they periodically had to go out to re-orient the parabolic antenna.

When it seemed that Berlusconi was going to win, they asked for someone who had voted him to explain why. "Robinik", the editor of 2 neocon aggregators (B4CDL.com and tocque-ville.it) called. It was a great moment. Often, Italian neocons are even more strident and offensive than their US models. Robinik isn't. And maybe he is not a neocon either, rather a libertarian. He was courteous, and so were the people at Macchiaradio.


Some time ago, there was a discussion on UGA's ITforum mailing-list about the optimum size for a podcast. 340.8 Mb certainly isn't. But this one is the exception that confirms the rule: I'm certainly not deleting it.

(1) Though I have been co-handwriting the <http://feeds.feedburner.com/adisi/tamtam> podcast for months, I have only recently been able to subscribe to podcasts, i.e. when I started using a Bundy Mac with iTunes. So I am not yet very proficient at it and I bungled the subscription settings for the Macchiaradio one.

(2) Considering the short length of the excerpts, the fact they were arguably "background noise" - and the nature of the comments, this is fair use, isn't it?

Best wishes, and happy Easter


Claude Almansi
Castione, Svizzera

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