Hi All

GEMA www.gema.de - the German collecting society for author's rights on music - has announced the levying of a lump tax on music in podcasts as from this summer. For those of you who read German, see:

- GEMA Podcasting-Tarif angekündigt - <http://www.netzpolitik.org/2006/gema-podcasting-tarif-angekundigt>

- Podcastday 2006 » GEMA gibt Gebührenmodelle für Podcaster bekannt <http://podcastday2006.com/de/gema-gibt-gebuehrenmodelle-fuer-podcaster-bekannt>

While the tarifs (1) may seem reasonable, this levying of a lump tax on podcasts means that German podcasters should in theory register with GEMA, as if they were traditional radio broadcasters, with a recording studio at a physical address.

Podcasts don't work this way. The audio files in them can be hosted on servers in various countries, the "podcast envelope" containing these audio files is an XML file that can in turn be hosted on yet other servers in yet different countries.

So on the one hand, this means that this tax levying might prove difficult to implement - but on the other hand, the attempt to regulate podcasting per se is there. And if GEMA does this in Germany, other collecting societies in other countries might well follow suit.

Besides, the GEMA tax project doesn't seem to consider the case of music outside its jurisdiction: in podcasts made by composers themselves, or using music under a Creative Commons license, for instance.

And in the comments to the Netzpolitik.org post linked above, there is one by someone calling himself "GVU Mitarbeiter", "a collaborator of GVU", calling for the compulsory introduction of DRM protections in podcasts. Now GVU = "Gesellschaft zur Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen e.V." i.e. Society for the Prosecution of Copyright Violations (dunno what the e.V. part means). Other people have called this "GVU Mitarbeiter" a troll in their comments, sure. Nevertheless, this is even more worrying.



Claude Almansi
Castione, Switzerland

(1) From 5 to 30 Euros per month, according to how much of a musical work is use in the podcast - see the podcastday2006 link above.
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