We are looking for NetSquared community builders to help NPOs use
technology for social change.  We are also having a happy hour to
discuss this stuff face to face, next Tuesday.  Details are below:


Do you know a nonprofit using technology for social change?


Be a NetSquared Builder: help nonprofits use web-based technology to
create social change. 


Net2 is an online and offline community created by TechSoup,
www.techsoup.org, a project of CompuMentor, www.compumentor.org, an
organization that has helped nonprofits access technological assistance,
information and products for 18 years. 


We are looking for folks to be NetSquared Builders, people who want to
use their writing, technology and/or community building skills to help
spread Net2 and to help nonprofits use web-based tools to create social


            As a Net2Builder you can help by: 


            * Creating case studies of nonprofits that are successfully
using Net2 technology 

            * Researching what obstacles and challenges nonprofits face
to using these tools 

            * Creating toolkits for nonprofits (i.e. How to Podcast) 

            * Podcasting from Net2 related events 

            * Facilitating discussion forums on the Net2 site. 

            * Organizing f2f events in cities across the globe 

            * Providing tech support for Net2 users 

            * Being site editors and writers 

            * Working at/on the Net2 conference in the spring 

            * Moving the Net2 movement with your ideas, inputs and


If you are interested in being a Net2Builder, go to
http://www.netsquared.org/participate/be-netsquared-builder, or contact
NetSquared's Community Builder, Britt Bravo at [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Malin Coleridge

Business Analyst


A program of Compumentor 



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