
Hopefully, people are preparing their submissions for this CVu Code
Critique. I am writing one as we speak, but as I know absolutely SFA
about Vibe.d I am sure it will be as crap as the code below. ACCU
members would I suspect like to have some constructive material on
using D for Web backends. Many of them know and use Go and Python.

-------- Forwarded Message --------

> Code Critique 112
> Hello all,
> Below is the code for Code Critique number 112
> As usual, please don't reply to the list with your entry but email
> s...@accu.org for collation.
> Regards,
> Steve.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----
> (Submissions to s...@accu.org by August 1st)
> Further to articles introducing D, I am attempting to use the
> event-driven Vibe.d server library, which I understand to be like a
> native version of Python's Tornado and potentially a “killer app” of
> D
> as I haven't seen any other mature event-driven server library in a
> compiled language.
> I would like to build a back-end server that performs some processing
> on
> the body of the HTTP request it receives.  To begin with, I would
> like
> it to simply echo the request body back to the client.
> My code works but there are three problems: (1) when I issue a POST
> request with lynx, 3 spaces are added to the start of the response
> text,
> (2) I cannot test with nc because it just says 404 and doesn't log
> anything, and (3) I'm worried that reading and writing just one byte
> at
> a time is inefficient, but I can't see how else to do it: I raised a
> "more documentation needed" bug at
> https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe.d/issues/2139 but at the time of
> writing
> nobody has replied (should I have used a different forum?)
> --- code ---
> import vibe.d;
> void main() {
>     auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
>     settings.port = 8080;
>     listenHTTP(settings, (req, res) {
>         ubyte[1] s;
>         while(!req.bodyReader.empty()) {
>           req.bodyReader.read(s);
>           res.bodyWriter.write(s);
>         }
>       });
>     runApplication();
> }
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