On Sat, 2013-07-06 at 08:13 -0700, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Y'know, I've always found correct-as-you-type features extremely
> annoying. I encountered it first in MS Word, and it annoyed me so much I
> crawled back into my Vim cave. :-P  When I upgraded to a smartphone, I
> decided to give it an honest try ... but after about half a year or so,
> I'm starting to regret it. I mean, it's nice that once in a while you
> can just type approximately and it will correctly guess what you
> intended. But other times, it makes the wrong guesses and completely
> mangles your text -- but you're so accustomed to it that you don't
> notice the mistake until it's too late! And yet other times, it will add
> random nonsense words to your custom dictionary just because you hit the
> wrong sequence of keys by accident. (Mistype a word, hit space, get the
> wrong guess, hit backspace, get the mistyped word back, erase a few
> characters, then accidentally hit space instead of, say, B, and now the
> *partial* mistyped word is in your dictionary. Wonderful.)
> I'm feeling quite tempted to turn off the feature, right now.

On my Android phone, I am finding Swype to be extremely good most of the
time. I tried the free tester and was sufficiently happy to pay money. I
will be renewing the subscription which is of course the real test of

Pop-up in IDEs are however another matter, they are so wrong so much of
the time that I tend to switch them off or ignore them if I cannot do
this – which is surprisingly difficult in some IDEs.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
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