Re: Aerospike wrapper/driver for vibe.d ?

2017-01-28 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
This afternoon I'll first try using dstep to generate the binding automatically. If that doesn't work as expected, I'll try to bind the main functions manually as detailed in the "fancylib" example... In both cases, at least now I'm confident that I know precisely how to proceed, so thanks

Re: Aerospike wrapper/driver for vibe.d ?

2017-01-28 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
Actually I think that John's explanations are much more concrete and useful than what's in the official docs. Why not integrate it into D's wiki ?

Aerospike wrapper/driver for vibe.d ?

2017-01-28 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
I'm new to the D language, but I really enjoy its execution speed and ease of programming, and I'd like to implement the web server of my next project in D instead of C++ or Go. Unfortunately my server needs to communicate with an Aerospike database (an ultra-fast open-source distributed

Re: Aerospike wrapper/driver for vibe.d ?

2017-01-28 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
I agree, one step at a time... Anyway, as I've never used D's type introspection and compile-time code generation, my options are quite limited at the moment :(

Re: Aerospike wrapper/driver for vibe.d ?

2017-01-28 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
Thanks for proposing it ! I've just added John's sample code to the wiki (hoping that he doesn't mind).

Re: Aerospike wrapper/driver for vibe.d ?

2017-02-09 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
I've finally stopped working on Aerospike's wrapper. My company has finally decided to use another database (probably CouchBase). Anyway, I had noticed an obvious lack of interest of Aerospike's company for the D language. It's not even worth any short answer (even negative) to a request

Re: Aerospike wrapper/driver for vibe.d ?

2017-02-09 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d

Re: [OT] Re: Why don't you advertise more your language on Quora etc ?

2017-03-04 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
That's a curious statement, because I was trained mainly as a C/C++ programmer, and still use them for my job every day. I was very well-versed in the intricacies of C, and somewhat C++, yet I was very unhappy with them. For several years I would scour the net during my free time to look for

Re: [OT] Re: Why don't you advertise more your language on Quora etc ?

2017-03-06 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
void loop() { // code } void loadLevel() { import core.memory : GC; GC.disable(); while(stuff) loop(); GC.collect(); } Also see EMSI containers for no gc containers with deterministic destruction Thanks for

Re: [OT] Re: Why don't you advertise more your language on Quora etc ?

2017-03-06 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
maybe that's what you're looking for: What is nice with Nim it that it has a GC heap PER THREAD. No need to stop the other threads during a GC... "Nim's

Re: [OT] Re: Why don't you advertise more your language on Quora etc ?

2017-03-06 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
If this isn't a perfect example of D's marketing problem I don't know what is. Someone who likes D and takes the time to write on the forum yet thinks the GC will randomly run no matter what. To make it abundantly clear: I'm not bashing on you in the slightest, Rico Decho. I'm just pointing

Re: [OT] Re: Why don't you advertise more your language on Quora etc ?

2017-03-06 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
GC.disable doesn't guarantee the garbage collector won't run: I'm not sure how much impact that has in practice. That's why I'd like D to allow also Nim's alternative GC method. Basically, you have the

Re: [OT] Re: Why don't you advertise more your language on Quora etc ?

2017-03-06 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
maybe that's what you're looking for: Indeed ! I'll try to make some benchmarks with a 3D rendering loop to see how much time it takes if there is not much to GC.

Re: [OT] Re: Why don't you advertise more your language on Quora etc ?

2017-03-06 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
Btw, I'm not promoting Nim here, just asking to take inspiration from its memory model ;) I've used Nim in the past, and while it's a nice language, D is much closer to perfection regarding my personal needs and tastes. I've actually converted all my Nim scripts to D, because : 1/ it doesn't

Re: [OT] Re: Why don't you advertise more your language on Quora etc ?

2017-03-06 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
If you have a lot of total allocated memory, GC may still be somewhat slow (because it has to scan a lot of memory, most of which is still live). One possible approach is to do your large-scale, long-term allocations outside the GC heap (i.e., use malloc) so that the amount of GC memory that

Re: [OT] Re: Why don't you advertise more your language on Quora etc ?

2017-03-05 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
It's actually rather rare to *need* to avoid the GC -- only niche applications need that, like if you're writing a game engine that has to avoid stop-the-world pauses (which can be easily worked around, btw), or real-time medical applications where if it stops for 10ms somebody dies. 90% of

Re: Why don't you advertise more your language on Quora etc ?

2017-03-03 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
Slant does a pretty good job of providing a platform to these opinionated questions. That's right. Btw I've tested this simple "opinionated" search :

Re: [OT] Re: Why don't you advertise more your language on Quora etc ?

2017-03-07 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
D seems to be in a situation where those who don't care have a crap GC which needs to be improved and those who do care have the tools to deal with it. So there needs to be ongoing replacement of the D GC until there is something good, this is a technical problem. That people who care about


2017-08-19 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
May I ask to those of you who actually agree that D is a nice language to learn programming and implement many kinds of applications to vote for my answers to the following questions on Quora ?

Re: Quora

2017-08-19 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
Here is another one :

Re: Quora

2017-08-20 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
Two more answers : Feel free to vote for my answers if you agree

Re: Quora

2017-08-20 Thread Rico Decho via Digitalmars-d
So, editing and answering old questions is encouraged on stackoverflow and imho it is a good thing, nothing is more annoying than googling for a question and only finding answers in old mailing lists that apply only to a compiler/system/language from the '90s. I absolutely agree. We should