Mixin templates as virtual function add tool

2016-04-08 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi, I'm unfortunately in D this construction is not possible to 

class A(T){
abstract void method(S)(T arg1,S arg2);

As adding S to function declaration makes it not virtual.

But we can add this kind of functionality using mixin templates

mixin template BaseMix(T,S){
   abstract void method(T arg1,S arg2);

class Base{
   mixin BaseMix!(int,int);

//we can create now implementation by creation of other mixin
mixin template ImplMix(T,S){
   override void method(T arg1,S arg2){
import std.stdio;
writeln(T.strinof," ",S.stringof);
//some dummy implementation
//and initiate the class

class Impl:Base{
   mixin ImplMix!(int,int);

OK but i don't want to write each argument to mixin templates 

   mixin ImplMix!(int,int);
   mixin ImplMix!(int,byte);
   mixin ImplMix!(int,string);
   mixin ImplMix!(int,Object);
   mixin ImplMix!(int,ubyte); etc.
It may produce a bug susceptible code as i would have to write it 
in two class definitions.

I created template that automatically calls mixins with PList... 
passed but i can't call it with mixins having more than one 
template param like ImplMix(T,S)

template MixinTypeIterate(alias mixinTemplate,TList...){
static if(TList.length>0){
mixin mixinTemplate!(TList[0]);
static if(TList.length>1){
mixin MixinTypeIterate!(mixinTemplate,TList[1..$]);

how to alias mixin template to be able to pass it to this one ?

class BaseClass(T){
   protected alias Types=AliasSeq!(int,string,ubyte);
   private alias WrappedMix(S)=mixin Mix!(T,S); //not compiles - 
mixins are no t regular templates

   mixin MixinTypeIterate!(WrappedImplMix,Types);
class ImplClass(T){
   private alias WrappedMix(T)=mixin ImplMix!(T,S); //not 
compiles - mixins are no t regular templates

   mixin MixinTypeIterate!(WrappedImplMix,Types);

How to make it work?

Joining AliasSeq/TypeTuple s

2016-03-29 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi, i want to join two or more tupples in to one, with mixing the 
indexes like roundRobin but in compile time.

import std.meta;
alias first=AliasSeq!(int, string,bool);
alias second=AliasSeq!("abc","def","ghi");
alias third=...

static assert(third==AliasSeq!(int, "abc", string, "def", bool, 


How to obtain this kind of functionality ? Is there maybe some 
builin template for this in phobos ? I couldn't find this.

Thank you

Re: Variant.type bug ?

2016-03-23 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 23 March 2016 at 19:18:50 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:
Consider the `coerce` method: 


import std.variant;
class A {}
class B : A {}

void main()
A b = new B;
auto bb = Variant(b).coerce!B;
assert (bb !is null);

Magnificent! Thank you ! :)

Re: Variant.type bug ?

2016-03-23 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 23 March 2016 at 12:52:24 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 March 2016 at 08:01:36 UTC, Voitech wrote:
Hi Variant stores variant.type as not the "highest" in 

Yeah, it stores the static type. You can use it to get that 
then do a normal dynamic cast to test for a more derived type.

Ok but how to handle sittuation like this ?

class TypeHolder{
import std.variant;
Variant[TypeInfo] data;

void add(T)(T value){

T getByType(T)(){
Variant retVar=data.get(typeid(T),Variant(null));
T val=retVar.get!T; //fails
return val;

import std.variant;
A a= new A;
B b= new B;
C c = new C;

A ab= new B;
A ac = new C;
TypeHolder holder = new TypeHolder;
A result=holder.getByType!A;
result=holder.getByType!B; //fails
result=holder.getByType!C; //fails

I can hold objects in other AA but Object[TypeInfo] rather  than 
Variant. Or is there a way to get super type of provided T ?

Variant.type bug ?

2016-03-23 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi Variant stores variant.type as not the "highest" in hierarchy. 
Like this

A a= new A;
A b = new B; //B:A
Variant bVar=Variant(b);
bVar.type will be typeid(A) not typeid(B). Is this intentional ? 
If so is there a way to get "concrete" type of "b" variable like 
when passing to template function ?

void templateFunc(T)(T v){//just test function for B not used 
with other type

import std.variant;
typeof(v) val=v;//concrete type ??
Variant var=val;

A b= new B;

Types and unittests:

module typeTest;
import std.traits;
import std.meta;
class A{

void a(){}

class B:A{
int b(){
return 1;


class C:B,D{
string c(){
return "";
override int d() {
return 0;   

interface D{
int d();

void templateFunc(T)(T v){//just test function for B not used 
with other

import std.variant;
typeof(v) val=v;//concrete type ??
Variant var=val;

A b= new B;

import std.variant;
A a= new A;
B b= new B;
C c = new C;

A ab= new B;
A ac = new C;

Variant variant;
assert(typeid(a) == variant.type);
assert(typeid(b) == variant.type);
assert(typeid(c) == variant.type);
assert(typeid(ab) == variant.type); //fails
assert(typeid(ac) == variant.type); //fails

TypeInfo for highest type in hierarhy (class) when passed base type

2016-03-16 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

How to handle this situation:
module typeTest;

class A{

void a(){}

class B:A{
int b(){
return 1;


class C:B,D{
string c(){
return "";
override int d() {
return 0;   

interface D{
int d();
TypeInfo __typeInfo(T)(T t){
return typeid(T);

A a= new A;
A b= new B;
A c = new C;

TypeInfo aInfo=__typeInfo(a);
TypeInfo bInfo=__typeInfo(b);
TypeInfo cInfo=__typeInfo(c);

assert(aInfo!=bInfo); //fails


Re: Using tango or other static lib in static lib

2016-03-14 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 13 March 2016 at 01:08:29 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Sunday, 13 March 2016 at 01:06:33 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

it. Assuming both files live in the same directory, they can 
be compiled with this command:

Somehow I deleted that line:

dmd main.d something.d

Wow. Thank You very much for so wide description! I will try it 
and see if have any more questions.


Using tango or other static lib in static lib

2016-03-12 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
At beginning I want to say that I'm Java devloper so most of 
linking, joining, dependent classes, libs could be solve with 
simple 3 click in eclipse so please be patient with me :).
I'm using Mono-D under Ubuntu 14.04 to create my project it would 
be a library for further development process, but I'm a guy who 
don't want to invite wheel again and again, so i wanted to use 
Tango-D2 (for now HashMap implemenetation). From what i red you 
cant import one static library with another but somehow import o. 
files, or just copy sources .d to proper folder and use them as 
yours (with proper license of course). Tango-D2 by itself 
compiles nicely with bob and produces many .o files. How to use 
them though ?
If using sources by just copping them into one folder, creating 
Mono-D project, dmd complains about many, many errors, mostly 
import errors (in tango.sys.win32). I fixed them adding version 
to each of included files and adding some imports first:

module tango.sys.win32

But i think I'm doing something wrong, if Tango-D2 compiles with 
bob it should also by creating project in Mono-D (or this is 
linking problem ?). In Mono-D there is also possibility in 
Project-> Options-> Build-> Compiling to add Libraries (there is 
a tick Link static libraries from nested dependencies) how to use 
this ? Or rather how should i obtain what i want ?

Re: Accessing all data in TypeTupple (AliasSeq) and stringify them

2016-02-25 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 14:29:30 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 

On Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 13:16:43 UTC, Voitech wrote:
Hi, I have some code processing functions definition in 
compile time, I want to override
them in some other class but not explicitly so created this 

template MixinFunction(alias attributes,alias returnType,alias 
name,alias parameters,alias bodyy){

enum string MixinFunction = format(q{
%s %s %s(%s){



	alias func=MixinFunction!("static","void","testFunc","int 
a,int b",q{

import std.stdio;
writeln("im void body");


Now i acquired all data like return type, parameters but need 
to turn them into string for example function parameters must 
have form of:

for function func:
void func(int a,string b){}

alias parameters=Parameters!func;

returns me AliasSeq!(int,string)
I want to to turn them into string: like "int param0, string 
param1", but in template

template AliasSeqToString(TList...){

enum AliasSeqToString= ... //each ?

How to operate on TypeTuple/AliasSeq elemens withouth foreach ?

You can (see std.meta/(std.traits?) , with recursive 
templates), but there is nothing stopping from using 
for/foreach in a template

this should do what you want
string[] functionSig;
string[] params;
foreach(s; Parameters!T)) // returns AliasSeq of types
   params ~=s.stringof;
  string[] pits;
 foreach(p; ParameterIdentifierTuple!(T)); // returns AliasSeq 
of strings

   pits ~=p;
and the either join(er) or do as you see fit.
or use plain old for
for(auto i=0;i< pits.length; i++)
 functionSig ~= params[i];
 functionSig ~= pits[i];
// should print ["int" , "param0" , "string" , "param1"]


Thank You for answering, well i wanted to make all of this in 
template block, not using template functions (testing if it is 
possible), but i'm getting error when i try to create something 

template TupleToString(TList...){

string a;
foreach(T;TList){ // Error: declaration expected, not 

enum string TupleToString=a;

Of course i can use template function, but wanted to know if can 
omit this.

Cheers Voitech

Accessing all data in TypeTupple (AliasSeq) and stringify them

2016-02-25 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi, I have some code processing functions definition in compile 
time, I want to override

them in some other class but not explicitly so created this code:

template MixinFunction(alias attributes,alias returnType,alias 
name,alias parameters,alias bodyy){

enum string MixinFunction = format(q{
%s %s %s(%s){



	alias func=MixinFunction!("static","void","testFunc","int a,int 

import std.stdio;
writeln("im void body");


Now i acquired all data like return type, parameters but need to 
turn them into string for example function parameters must have 
form of:

for function func:
void func(int a,string b){}

alias parameters=Parameters!func;

returns me AliasSeq!(int,string)
I want to to turn them into string: like "int param0, string 
param1", but in template

template AliasSeqToString(TList...){

enum AliasSeqToString= ... //each ?

How to operate on TypeTuple/AliasSeq elemens withouth foreach ?

Create a proxy

2016-02-19 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi, I'm trying to create a proxy with automatic method generation 
. Let say i hava Service object which can be Local service and 
Remote service. f.e:

interface Service{
   string serviceInfo();

interface LocalService:Service{

   int doSmth(string param);

class LocalServiceImpl:LocalService{

   override string serviceInfo(){
  return "i am local";
   override int doSmth(string param){
  return param.lenght;
And now i want to create a proxy, which for client is visible as 

class RemoteServiceProxy:LocalService{

  Serializer serializer;
  HttpClient client;
  Deserializer deserializer
  this(Serializer serializer,Deserializer deserializer,HttpClient 


   override string serviceInfo(){
  return "i am remote";
   override int doSmth(string param){
  string json= serializer.toJson!(doSmth,int,param)();
  string response=client.send(json);
  return deserializer.fromJson!(response,int)();

So RemoteServiceProxy should serialize method name, return type 
and parameters and send it to some server. On server this should 
be executed (for now i don't care about errors) and returned as 
proper value.

The problem is i don't want to override every remote service 
method i will create in interface (LocalService) i want them to 
be generated depending on return, and parameter types. It will 
always the same schema: serialize ... http request ... 
deserialize ... return value (throw Excepion).

How to handle this corectly ? I was trying to use mixins for this 
i created some functions but this not working don't know why

string createFunction(R, alias name)(){

static if(is(R==void)){
return mixin(createVoidFunction(name)());
static if(!is(R==void)){
return mixin(createNonVoidFunction!(R,name)());

string createVoidFunction(alias name)(){
return format(q{
void %s(){
writeln(" im void function");
string createNonVoidFunction(R,alias name)(){
return format(q{
%s %s(){
writeln("im non void function");
return %s;
}, R.stringof,name,R.init);


There is also a Proxy template in std.typecons but i don't 
understand how it works or even can it be used in this case. How 
to handle this ?

Re: Algebraic template instance holder

2016-02-12 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 10 February 2016 at 20:53:15 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:

On Wednesday, 10 February 2016 at 10:31:34 UTC, Voitech wrote:

Hi, why this is not working ?

class Base{
int a;

class BaseTemplate(E):Base{
E value;
this(E value){

class Concrete:BaseTemplate!int{
this(int value){
Algebraic!(Concrete) holder;
Concrete a=new Concrete(4);
holder =Algebraic!Concrete(a);

This is a bug. I filled it as: 

I will see if I can fix it tomorrow.

Hi @ZombineDev have you by chance looked at this bug ?

Algebraic template instance holder

2016-02-10 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi, why this is not working ?

class Base{
int a;

class BaseTemplate(E):Base{
E value;
this(E value){

class Concrete:BaseTemplate!int{
this(int value){
Algebraic!(Concrete) holder;
Concrete a=new Concrete(4);
holder =Algebraic!Concrete(a);

Re: Dynamic Ctors ?

2016-02-08 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 8 February 2016 at 15:09:30 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

You need Tuple, not Algebraic. Algebraic stores only one value 
of one type from a set, like Variant.

Thank you for answering. You right if i would want to store all 
types of T.. in an Inner instance. But my conception was bad from 
the beginning. I want to store only one type of value in Inner 
instance. I just wanted to create generic constructor for each of 
Type which is invalid, cause instance holds value of single type 
that's why it is not parametrized by itself.

Re: Dynamic Ctors ?

2016-02-08 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 8 February 2016 at 07:08:58 UTC, Voitech wrote:

On Saturday, 6 February 2016 at 23:35:17 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 02/06/2016 10:05 AM, Voitech wrote:

> [...]

You can use string mixins (makeCtor and makeCtors):

string makeCtor(T)() {
import std.string : format;


Thank you very much for answering.

Unfortunately this doesn't work as I'am trying to assign value 
from ctor to member something like:

this(%s value){

it gives me
Error: memcpy cannot be interpreted at compile time, because it 
has no available source code.
Probably this is caused by declaration of member which is also 
parametrized with T...

Member is:
Algebraic!(T) value;

So declaration of this mixin constructors are done before 
variable value is declared (compilation)?

Is there any field in class that would contain ctors ? Something 
like __ctors ?
i could try to init this(T... value) constructors in static 
constructor using delegates/functions. Something like:

template Outer(T...){
class Inner{
Algebraic!(T) value;

alias ctor(Type) =Inner delegate (Type value);
static this(){
ctor!(Type) c={
__ctors~=c; // ?



Re: Dynamic Ctors ?

2016-02-07 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 6 February 2016 at 23:35:17 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 02/06/2016 10:05 AM, Voitech wrote:

> [...]

You can use string mixins (makeCtor and makeCtors):

string makeCtor(T)() {
import std.string : format;


Thank you very much for answering.

Re: Dynamic Ctors ?

2016-02-06 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 6 February 2016 at 18:05:05 UTC, Voitech wrote:
Hi, i have a variadic args template, with a class inside 
something like:

template foo(T...){

class Inner(){



Now i want to make Inner create or i will create manually, 
constructor for each of T... parameter types, but don't know 
what is syntax for it. I found that there is possibility to 
initialize T... types static variables with AliasSeq!(T) but 
how to do this automatically, or with static ifs,for 
constructors ?

I tried ...

template foo(T...){
alias Types=AliasSeq!(T);
Algebraic!(T) value;
this(Types value)
But this dosn't work

This gives  Error: memcpy cannot be interpreted at compile time, 
because it has no available source code

Dynamic Ctors ?

2016-02-06 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi, i have a variadic args template, with a class inside 
something like:

template foo(T...){

class Inner(){



Now i want to make Inner create or i will create manually, 
constructor for each of T... parameter types, but don't know what 
is syntax for it. I found that there is possibility to initialize 
T... types static variables with AliasSeq!(T) but how to do this 
automatically, or with static ifs,for constructors ?

I tried ...

template foo(T...){
alias Types=AliasSeq!(T);
Algebraic!(T) value;
this(Types value)
But this dosn't work

Re: Variadic template parameters T... bounding

2016-02-02 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 February 2016 at 13:52:55 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 February 2016 at 13:20:33 UTC, Voitech wrote:


Two possible solutions... If you don't need to know the number 
of arguments at compile time, you can use normal variadic 


Thank you I'll try that.

Variadic template parameters T... bounding

2016-02-02 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi, Is it possible to bound T... in template with some type ? For 
single Parameter declaration it can be done by T:SomeType but 
variadics does not seems to have that possibility ?


Types as keys

2016-01-26 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello, I'm having problem with converting from Java style coding 
to D, probably doing wrong something. I want to have a map 
(associative array) which will return specific object depending 
on provided key. Key is a type of other object. Let say i want to 
hold single instances of some kind of parser for each key object 

class BaseFooBar{}

class Foo:BaseFooBar{


class Bar:BaseFooBar{



Parser(T) :BaseParser{
abstract string parse(T value);
override string parse(Foo value){

override string parse(Bar value){

Parser[TypeInfo] container;
container~=new ParserOne();
container~=new ParserTwo();

Now i have some data Foo and some Bar in array and each one must 
be parsed using proper parser

parserFoobars(BaseFooBar[] values){

foreach(BaseFooBar foobar;values){
BaseParser parser=container[typeid(foobar)];
Now i would have to cast check if parser is ParserOne or 
ParserTwo and then cast foobar to Bar or Foo depending on which 
parser has been retrieved. This has no sense ...  In Java i could 
place generic code in BaseParser and depending on FooBar type i 
will get proper parser from map, and values would be parsed 
without casting.

How to handle this correctly?

Re: Templates, templates, templates...

2016-01-24 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 23 January 2016 at 13:19:34 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On 23.01.2016 12:30, Voitech wrote:
Ok so i want to hold different types in LogicRule maybe 

implementation would do?

private alias ControllTemplate(T) =Rule!(T,ControllFlag);
private alias SymbolRule =ControllTemplate!(SymbolType);
private alias StringRule =ControllTemplate!(SymbolRule[]);
private alias LogicTemplate(T...)
=Rule!(Algebraic!(ControllTemplate(T))[],LogicFlag); <--error

You're missing an exclamation mark there, and you've got the 
order of Algebraic and ControllTemplate wrong. This compiles:

private alias LogicTemplate(T...) = 

private alias AlgebraicLogicRule = 

Error: cannot pass type (Rule!(SymbolType, ControllFlag),
Rule!(Rule!(SymbolType, ControllFlag)[], ControllFlag)) as a 



Is there any nicer way to handle this case ?

Instead of Algebraic you could use a common base class, or 
interface, for the Rule instantiations:

abstract class RuleBase
... whatever common functionality rules have ...
class Rule(V,F) : RuleBase { ...}

But I have to say that I'm having trouble making sense of all 
that class and template complexity, and how it helps in 
actually validating user input.

Since this is a parsing thing, you may want to look into 
writing parsers an/or using a parse generator. I think Pegged 
is the most popular one for D. 

Hi, thanks for answering. The complexity is unnecessary as you 
said. I'm just experimenting with D language. I think i try to 
finish implementation in my own way and then will look how it may 
be done with http://code.dlang.org/packages/pegged to have a full 
spectrum of possibilities.

I added base class for Rule -> BaseRule. But this class is just a 
shell without implementation.

Is there any way to avoid this ?

Templates, templates, templates...

2016-01-23 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi, I have a problem with creating proper inheritance chain with 
templates. First i will give some background about my problem.

I'm trying to create a validator for math calculation 
expressions. I don't want to use regexps as this is approach 
gives me headache and probably will not allow further extension i 
want. For now expressions should look like this:

1+2+3/4, -(5*(25-5)/19), sqrt(-5/-6*(212)) etc.

So each of charactes is parsed to something like PrimaryElement
class PrimaryElement {
const dchar value;
SymbolType symbolType;
SymbolsType is an enum which contains: 

So now i want to create validator for input so user couldn't 
insert something like:

/00..34-+/493 but only 0.34-493. I want to divide it into phases.

First phase is SymbolType validation so it will handles problems 

+-/345..3 but not .234+3-53

Second phase will take care about value validation so user cant 
insert .0+3 but only 0.000+3

Third phase would be executed to check expression is completed 
and not allow to calculate expression for situations like 
0.000+3, 3-3+4.5+ or 364/4-5.3+(

Now i'm trying to implement phase one. So i create 
PrimaryElementProcessor which will take some kind of rules and 
check PrimaryElement[] that way if divided parts of array fits 
into one of rules then it is valid. Rules will be trimmed to size 
of expression if necessary.

Model and constants declaration looks like this:

private enum ControllFlag{

private enum LogicFlag{

private class Rule(V,F){
V value;
F flag;

this(V value){

this(V value,F flag){
private alias ControllTemplate(T) =Rule!(T,ControllFlag);
private alias SymbolRule =ControllTemplate!(SymbolType);
private alias StringRule =ControllTemplate!(SymbolRule[]);
private alias LogicTemplate(T...) 
private alias LogicRule=LogicTemplate!([SymbolRule,StringRule]); 

So i first want to handle case like D. or DD where D 
is Digit

instantiation code:

SymbolRule digitRule = new 

SymbolRule commaRule = new SymbolRule(SymbolType.comma);
StringRule numericRule = new 
LogicRule decimalRule = new 

Error: type Rule!(Rule!(SymbolType, ControllFlag)[], 
ControllFlag) has no value

Ok so i want to hold different types in LogicRule maybe Algebraic 
implementation would do?

private alias ControllTemplate(T) =Rule!(T,ControllFlag);
private alias SymbolRule =ControllTemplate!(SymbolType);
private alias StringRule =ControllTemplate!(SymbolRule[]);
private alias LogicTemplate(T...) 
=Rule!(Algebraic!(ControllTemplate(T))[],LogicFlag); <--error
private alias AlgebraicLogicRule = 

Error: cannot pass type (Rule!(SymbolType, ControllFlag), 
Rule!(Rule!(SymbolType, ControllFlag)[], ControllFlag)) as a 
function argument

So maybe something simpler:

private alias ControllTemplate(T) =Rule!(T,ControllFlag);
private alias SymbolRule =ControllTemplate!(SymbolType);
private alias StringRule =ControllTemplate!(SymbolRule[]);
private alias SimpleLogicRule 

Compiles but... when i try to instantiate SimpleLogicRule like

SymbolRule digitRule = new 

SymbolRule commaRule = new SymbolRule(SymbolType.comma);
StringRule numericRule = new 
SimpleLogicRule decimalRule = new 
SimpleLogicRule([digitRule,numericRule],LogicFlag.or); <--- error

i get error:
None of the overloads of '__ctor' are callable using argument 
types (Object[], LogicFlag), candidates are: ...

So i understand compiler can't cast/extract array of different 
types to known type.

I created a wrapper for this two types SymbolRule and StringRule 
and init it somewhere before passing to LogicRule ctor. This 
approach makes a lot of boilerplate code for example:

alias Wrapper = Algebraic!(SymbolRule,StringRule);
alias LogicRule =Rule!(Wrapper[],LogicFlag);

SymbolRule digitRule = new 

SymbolRule commaRule = new SymbolRule(SymbolType.comma);
StringRule numericRule = new 

Wrapper digitRuleWrapper =digitRule; <-- how to ommit this ?
Wrapper numericRuleWrapper =numericRule;  <-- how to ommit this ?

LogicRule decimalRule=new 

Is there any nicer way to handle this case ?

Cheers Voitech.

Java wildcards... in D

2016-01-18 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi. I'm trying to parse an simple string expression to something 
like Element array. Each Element can have a value of unknown 
type, which will be further combined and calculated to let say 
real/double/float value, no mather.

In Java i had something like generics and this could be 
implemented like:

class Element {
T value;

Element(T value){


class Parser{

Collection parse(String expression){

Collection retVal = new ArrayList<>();
//"expression"  would be parser but for this example lets say 
we just create  new elements

Element e1= new Element<>();
Element e2 = new Element<>();

return retValue;


And then in other class not connected through module or template 
parameter or anything i could call it just:

Parser p = new Parser();
Collection  elements=p.parse("(1+2+3)/6");

and then check weather (element.value instanceof Operator) or 
other stuff.

if i do something like this in D:

module calculator;
class Element(T) {
T value;

this(T value){


and then:

Element[] parse(string expression){
Element[] returnSlice;
//"expression"  would be parser but for this example  
lets say we just create  new elements

Element!(int) e1 = new Element();
Element!(string) e2= new Element();
return returnSlice;
I'm getting error:
class calculator.Element used as a type.

How to represent this class template parameter T of Element(T) as 
wildcard Element(?) ??

Cheers Voitech

Re: Java wildcards... in D

2016-01-18 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 January 2016 at 21:15:51 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:

On Mon, 18 Jan 2016 19:19:22 +, Voitech wrote:

Hi. I'm trying to parse an simple string expression to 
something like Element array. Each Element can have a value of 
unknown type, which will be further combined and calculated to 
let say real/double/float value, no mather.

In Java, Element is always Element behind the 
scenes, and there's only one type.

In D, Element(T) is a template that produces a type. 
Element!int and Element!Object are entirely different and, 
thanks to what templates allow you to do, the compiler can't 
assume any relationship between the two.

You have to establish that relationship manually by creating a 
base type:

abstract class BaseElement {

class Element(T) : BaseElement {
  T value;

Alternatively, if this is not appropriate to your usecase, you 
may want to look at std.variant, which explicitly implements 
value boxing.

Thank you for answering. I think i will use std.variant.Algebraic 
implementation for my needs. But about Algebraic... why first 
template parameter of it must be always int. Let say i want to 
store only real and string in Algebraic no int.

if i try to do something like :

alias Element =Algebraic!(real,string);

i will get:

Cannot store a int in a VariantN!(16LU, real, string)

if i declare as:

alias Element =Algebraic!(int,real,string);

this will be ok.

But anything other than Algebraic!(int,x,y,z...) doesn't compile, 

alias Element =Algebraic!(uint,bool,string); //compilation error
alias Element =Algebraic!(ulong,Object,bool); //compilation error
alias Element =Algebraic!(long,real,string); //compilation error

Why is that ?

Cheers Voitech.

Struct Union behavior

2016-01-06 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello, i am new to D language and trying to learn it by coding.
I compile my programs on Xubuntu 14.04 with DMD64 D Compiler 
So i have a struct/union which contains two fields representing 
real and string values:

public union Element
private real _value;
private string _rawValue;

real value(){
return _value;
void value(real value){

@property {
ref string rawValue(){
return _rawValue;
void rawValue(ref string value){


public Element opBinary(string op)(Element other){
Element newElement;
real value=mixin("this.value "~op~"other.value");
return newElement;

public bool opEquals(Element other){
if(this.rawValue == null && other.rawValue == null){
return this.opEquals(other.rawValue);
return this.opEquals(other.value);
public bool opEquals(real value){
return this.value==value;
public bool opEquals(string rawValue){
return this.rawValue==rawValue;

Element e1 = {4},e2 ={5};
writeln("e1 is at address: ",);
writeln("e2 is at address: ",);
writeln("e1.value is at address: ",_value);
writeln("e2.value is at address: ",_value);

Element s1={_rawValue:"+"},s2,s3,s4;
writeln("s1 is at address: ",);
writeln("s2 is at address: ",);
writeln("s3 is at address: ",);
writeln("s1.value is at address: ",_value);
writeln("s2.value is at address: ",_value);
writeln("s3.value is at address: ",_value);
writeln("s4.value is at address: ",_value);
writeln("s1.rawValue ",s1._rawValue);
writeln("s1.value: ",s1._value);
writeln("s2.value: ",s2._value);
writeln("s3.value: ",s3._value);
writeln("s4.value: ",s4._value );

The unit test results are:

e1 is at address: 7FFCEFBA7510
e2 is at address: 7FFCEFBA7520
e1.value is at address: 7FFCEFBA7510
e2.value is at address: 7FFCEFBA7520
s1 is at address: 7FFCEFBA7500
s2 is at address: 7FFCEFBA7510
s3 is at address: 7FFCEFBA7520
s1.value is at address: 7FFCEFBA7500
s2.value is at address: 7FFCEFBA7510
s3.value is at address: 7FFCEFBA7520
s4.value is at address: 7FFCEFBA7530
s1.rawValue +
s1.value: 0.125
s2.value: 4
s3.value: 5
s4.value: 9

Can anyone tell me why s2,s3,s4 have initialized _value field?  
Shouldn't it be collected by GC when first unit test (with e1,e2) 
finishes ? If not how to handle this behavior, to use union 
without preinitialized fields.

Re: Struct Union behavior

2016-01-06 Thread Voitech via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 6 January 2016 at 12:25:31 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 
Probably because you are accessing uninitialised memory. the 
values 4,5,9 appear in the first unittest and are left on the 
stack. Unions ,unlike structs, do not initialise their fields 
because it does not make sense to do so because the memory 
aliases. This can be observed by looking at the size of element 
(16 bytes) which is less than the size of an array (on 64 bit 
systems) , 2*8 bytes plus size of a real (8 or 10 bytes 


Thank you for your answer it was very helpful :)