On Monday, 17 September 2018 at 19:10:27 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Basically, @implicit is being proposed out of fear that someone, somewhere wrote a constructor that had what would be a copy constructor if D had them instead of postblit constructors and that that code would break with the DIP. Does anyone expect that such a constructor would be intended as anything other than a copy constructor (albeit one that has to be called explicitly)? And does anyone really think that such constructors are at all common, given that the correct way to handle the problem in D right now is the postblit constructor? We're talking about introducing an attribute that should be unnecessary, which will be annoying to use, and which will be error-prone given the bugs that you'll get if you forget to mark your copy constructor with it. And it's all to avoid breaking a theoretical piece of code that I would think that we could all agree is extremely rare if it exists in any real D code base at all. Simply using a transitional compiler switch like we have with other DIPs would make _way_ more sense than burdening the language with an unnecessary attribute that's just going to make it easier to write buggy code. This is clearly a case of making the language worse long term in order to avoid a theoretical problem in the short term.

- Jonathan M Davis

From what I've read, the copy constructor can be used with different types:

struct B

struct A
    @implicit this(ref B b)

B foo();

A a;
a = foo(); // ok because of @implicit
a = A(foo()); // ok without @implicit

That's why it exists, otherwise I wouldn't want two types to be implicitly convertible unless i explicitly tell it to be implicit.

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