On 30/03/2011 06:40, Walter Bright wrote:
D Article Contest!

First Prize: iPad 2 wifi 16Gb

Write an article about the D programming language. The articles
submitted will be voted on by the participants in the digitalmars.D
newsgroup. Vote tallies determine the winners!

Article submission deadline: before June 1, 2011, GMT
Voting deadline: before June 8, 2011, GMT

Author Rules

1. Article is submitted under the Creative Commons License
2. Digital Mars may submit the article on your behalf to publishers like
DDJ and Artima.com
3. You will receive any proceeds from those submissions in addition to
any prize money
4. Digital Mars may post the submitted articles on the
d_programming_language.org web site
5. You may post article drafts at any time, collect feedback, and revise
up until the submission deadline
6. Article must be about the D programming language
7. You may submit as many articles as you wish
8. Anyone may enter
9. Final submissions are to be posted to the digitalmars.D newsgroup
with [Submission] in the Subject line

Voting Rules

1. You must have used your handle to post to the digitalmars.D newsgroup
prior to this announcement
2. One vote per handle
3. Voting will be done on the digitalmars.D newsgroup

Winner Rules

1. Ties split the cash equivalent
2. Optional cash equivalent
3. Winner is responsible for any taxes on prize

This is the first draft of my (first?) article, a little number on using fibers in D.


It is just a first draft, I'd appreciate any feedback you can give.


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