I want to thank everyone who has submitted an application to SAOC 2019. The application deadline has passed and we are no longer accepting new applications.

This year, the SAOC committee consists of the following members:

John Colvin
Mathias Lang
Átila Neves
Robert Schadek
Ethan Watson

They will be reviewing the applications over the next few days and will be submitting their selections to me by the end of this week. We should be ready to announce the participants on the 25th.

We had a total of 8 applications. At this time, I cannot guarantee how many will be selected to participate. At a minimum, it will be 3 just like last year, but we may have a little room to increase the participant count this year.

Thanks also to everyone who has already agreed to be a mentor. Depending on which applicants are selected, we may need to search for one or more mentors starting next week. I ask anyone willing to act as a mentor to keep an eye out for the announcement Sunday in case a project that fits your interests and skill set is in need of one.

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