For those that missed the first announcement (, SuperStruct is a struct that acts like a class; basically, a value type that exposes a common interface from its 'subtypes'.

Code on github:

Anyways, I was having enough fun with this slightly ridiculous idea to make a v0.20, so with no further ado, here's whats new:

Operators get passed through just like any other common members.

You can try to cast a SuperStruct to a subtype (throws on failure).

If members have a common signature but uncommon return types, the member _is_ forwarded and the return type is a SuperStruct of the possible return types (this means it has any behavior common to the return types). Thanks to Timon Gehr for the suggestion! (

A SuperStruct can now satisfy a range interface (this required using mixed-in members instead of opDispatch).

Create a SuperStruct on the fly with pick or pickAmong (similar to std.range's choose/chooseAmong, but works for any types, not just ranges).

unittest {
  import std.range, std.algorithm, std.container;

  alias Container(T) = SuperStruct!(SList!T, Array!T);

  Container!int slist = SList!int();

  // We can call any members that are common among containers
  assert(slist.front == 1);

// opSlice is supported on all the subtypes, but each returns a different type
  // Container.opSlice will return a SuperStruct of these types
  auto slice = slist[];     // [1,2,3,4]
  assert(slice.front == 1);
  slice.popFront();         // [2,3,4]
  assert(slice.front == 2);

// as slice is a SuperStruct of range types, it still works as a range
  slist.insert(slice); // [2,3,4] ~ [1,2,3,4]

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