Not at all. In fact, I was playing with using it to do
integration testing at work for our C++ code (it has a C
interface). I guess I was just focussed on unit testing because I
got annoyed at how long our unit tests* take to run, which was
what led me to write the C++11 version to begin with. After your
post I've got half a mind to try and speed up all aspects of
testing at work. Thanks!

I guess I or someone else will just have to try and use the
library for other types of testing and fix anything that might
need to be fixed.

I even mentioned at work that if I started a new company or large
project that I'd use D to write tests for anything with a C
interface. There's less glue to write (even with Swig, getting
the Python bindings to work can be a pain), it compiles lightning
fast and is just as nice as writing, say, Python.


* Even though part of the reason they take so long to run is that
quite a few of them are unit tests in name only, being
mini-integration tests in practice.

The trend in other languages, especially the Java-verse, is to use the same testing framework for unit, integration and some system testing. By using the name "Unit Threaded", and talking of unit testing, you seem to be stating that this framework is no good for integration and system
testing, just unit testing. Is this the case?


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