Re: Dconf - lightning talk: Excel add-ins in D

2017-05-17 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 21:17:37 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 20:58:05 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

(submitted to Hacker News - too)

The header says it's for the lightning talk on excel add-ins, 
but the link goes to Walter's talk.

For me the link goes to the lightning talk, but Reddit displays 
inline Walter's talk.  Strange.

Re: DMD now has colorized syntax highlighting in error messages

2017-05-17 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 16 May 2017 at 14:17:41 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Similarly, what I want to see in the future is highlighting of 
specific parts of code where the error applies.

Fear me. I combined Walter's code with my own to form some kind 
of Voltron!

Re: Dconf - lightning talk: Excel add-ins in D

2017-05-17 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 20:58:05 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

(submitted to Hacker News - too)

The header says it's for the lightning talk on excel add-ins, but 
the link goes to Walter's talk.

Dconf - lightning talk: Excel add-ins in D

2017-05-17 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-announce

(submitted to Hacker News - too)

Re: llvm-d 2.2 Dynamic loading (yet again)

2017-05-17 Thread Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 14:55:12 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
In response to a DConf 2017 request regarding this, llvm-d 
again supports dynamic loading.
The API is essentially the same as is was for llvm 1.x, though 
you have to enable it with D versions.


Many Thanks.

llvm-d 2.2 Dynamic loading (yet again)

2017-05-17 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-announce
In response to a DConf 2017 request regarding this, llvm-d again 
supports dynamic loading.
The API is essentially the same as is was for llvm 1.x, though 
you have to enable it with D versions.

- Single shared library only (e.g.
- Switch from (dynamic/static) linking to dynamic loading by 
setting the D version LLVM_Load.
- Use LLVM.load / LLVM.unload for manual control over which 
shared library to use
- Additionally set D version LLVM_Autoload to try to load a 
platform appropriate default shared library for LLVM
- As compile time introspection is used to generate function 
pointers dynamic loading has increased compilation time.

Special thanks to everyone who provided feedback[1] on how to 
optimize the cost for the dynamic introspection

- Moritz


dubmore: Support of local and remote archive dependencies

2017-05-17 Thread Andre Pany via Digitalmars-d-announce


I want to share with you a little application I wrote. With the 
following application you can add local and remote archive 
dependencies to your dub configuration.

/+ dub.json:

void main() {}

Place the dubmore executable into the same folder as dub and use 
dubmore instead of dub.

- Only json is supported
- You need to have the console application unzip in your system 

module dubmore;
import std.file, std.path, std.exception, std.process, std.array, 
std.json,, std.experimental.logger, std.algorithm, 
std.getopt, std.string;

void main(string[] args)
globalLogLevel = LogLevel.all;
string dubFile;
	scope(exit) if (exists(dubFile~".old")) rename(dubFile~".old", 

string[] dubArgs;

string packagesFolder = buildPath(getcwd(), "packages");
	if (args.canFind("--force") && exists(packagesFolder)) 

if (!exists(packagesFolder)) mkdir(packagesFolder);

if (exists(buildPath(getcwd(), "dub.json")))
dubFile = buildPath(getcwd(), "dub.json");
dubArgs = args[1..$];
auto jsRoot = parseJSON(readText(dubFile));
if (processJson(jsRoot, packagesFolder))
copy(dubFile, dubFile~".old");
writeTextFile(dubFile, jsRoot.toString);
	else if (args.length > 1 && buildPath(getcwd(), 

enum marker = "dub.json:";
dubFile = buildPath(getcwd(), args[1].stripExtension~".d");
dubArgs = dubFile~args[2..$];
string sourceCode = readText(dubFile);
auto startPos = sourceCode.indexOf("/+");
auto markerPos = sourceCode.indexOf(marker);
auto endPos =  sourceCode.indexOf("+/");
if (startPos > -1 && markerPos > startPos && markerPos < endPos)
			auto jsRoot = 

if (processJson(jsRoot, packagesFolder))
sourceCode = sourceCode[0..markerPos+marker.length]~" 
"~jsRoot.toString~" "~sourceCode[endPos..$];

copy(dubFile, dubFile~".old");
writeTextFile(dubFile, sourceCode);
import std.stdio: writeln;
with (execute(["dub"]~dubArgs)) writeln(output);

private bool processJson(JSONValue jsRoot, string packagesFolder)
bool found = processDependencies(jsRoot, packagesFolder);
	if ("configurations" in jsRoot && jsRoot["configurations"].type 
			found = jsRoot["configurations"].array.any!(jsConfig => 
processDependencies(jsConfig, packagesFolder)) || found;

return found;

private bool processDependencies(JSONValue js, string 

bool result;
	if ("dependencies" in js && js["dependencies"].type == 

foreach(key; js["dependencies"].object.keys)
auto dep = js["dependencies"].object[key];
			if (dep.type == JSON_TYPE.OBJECT && "url" in dep && 
dep["url"].type == JSON_TYPE.STRING)

string url = dep["url"].str;
string fileName = url.split("/").array[$-1];
string destination = buildPath(packagesFolder, 

if (exists(destination))
	dep["path"] = buildPath(destination.dirName, 

try { dep["path"] = 
downloadAndExtract(url, destination); }
catch(Exception e)
result = true;
			else if (dep.type == JSON_TYPE.OBJECT && "path" in dep && 
dep["path"].type == JSON_TYPE.STRING && 

string filePath = dep["path"].str;
string packageFolder = buildPath(packagesFolder, 

Re: Harbored-mod 0.2.1 and DYaml 0.6.1 at dlang-community

2017-05-17 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 16 May 2017 at 20:46:44 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
Following Brian Schott Announce [1] about the migration of his 
projects to the dlang-community, I'm pleased to announce that 
the most popular repository from Ferdinand Majerech are now 
also hosted there.

- D-YAML, a YAML parser and emitter for D (native D 

is at

- harbored-mod, a D documentation generator based on harbored
is at

So far we pushed the commits done in several forks and the two 
projects are up to date, tested by TravisCI, buildable with 
either make or DUB.

Note about D-Yaml: People who forked D-Yaml for their projects 
are encouraged to push their change to dlang-community and give 
up their fork !


BTW, forgot to say: thanks to Ferdinand for giving the ownership 
to the organization and thanks to those who continued to maintain 
the forks, notably Sociomantic D developers for harbored-mod and 
ZombineDev for D-YAml.