CBOR with Mir Ion

2024-04-19 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
Mir-Ion 2.3.0 
[got](https://github.com/libmir/mir-ion/blob/master/source/mir/ser/cbor.d) CBOR serialzation. It is the fastest Mir serialization target.

I have no plans for CBOR deserialization. It can be implemented 
using the MsgPack deserialization target as a draft.

On Mir parts migration to DRuntime

2023-07-01 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi Walter and Dlang Community,

Mir libraries or their parts can be moved to Phobos/Druntime 
under BSL-1.0. I won't be able to help with mir migration except 
for general review and coordination with copyright holders. I use 
D for work but am no longer an active open-source contributor.

 - [mir-ion](http://mir-ion.libmir.org/) - JSON, Amazon Ion, 
YAML, CSV, and Msgpack  serialization library
 - [mir-algorithm](http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org) - tensors, 
prices number printing and parsing, interpolation, and algorithms
 - [mir-core](http://mir-core.libmir.org) - a lot of cool stuff, 
including algebraic types
 - [mir-random](http://mir-random.libmir.org) - random engine and 

 - [mir-cpuid](http://mir-cpuid.libmir.org)
 - [mir-optim](http://mir-optim.libmir.org)
 - maybe some other packages as well

 - Full backward compatibility up to the namespace until 
 - Port as it is with minimal changes, including all Mir 
dependencies up to the module level.
 - Port to a separate namespace, something like core.mir/std.mir 
or core.ext/std.ext. The namespace has to be short.
 - Mir libraries must be updated in lockstep to depend on Phobos: 
if a Mir module is ported to Phobos, it must be removed from Mir.
 - All ported public code documentation must be presented on the 
 - If a non-mir module, for example, `std.format`, is reworked 
with mir, it has to add the credentials.
 - All credentials have to be presented (authors, and note that 
it was ported from Mir)
 - We would need approval from other copyright holders for some 
modules. Generally, we have to get approval from Symmetry 
 - Mir code in Phobos has to be frozen from any major rework 
until 2025-12-31. We may add some exceptions. But the general 
rule is to freeze the code.

Walter, please let me know what you think.

ki9ilia on G post

Kind regards,

Re: text based file formats

2022-12-20 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 20 December 2022 at 19:46:36 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Tuesday, 20 December 2022 at 00:40:07 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 04:16:57PM -0800, Walter Bright via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On 12/19/2022 4:35 AM, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
> On Monday, 19 December 2022 at 09:55:47 UTC, Walter Bright 
> wrote:

> > Curious why CSV isn't in the list.
> Maybe std.csv is already good enough?

LOL, learn something every day! I've even written my own, but 
it isn't very good.

There's also my little experimental csv parser that was 
designed to be as fast as possible:


However, it can only handle input that fits in memory (using 
std.mmfile is one possible workaround), has a static limit on 
field sizes, and does not do validation.


We use this at work with some light tweaks, it’s done a lot 
work 

It has already been replaced with 
[mir.csv](https://github.com/libmir/mir-ion/blob/master/source/mir/csv.d). Mir is faster, SIMD accelerated, and supports numbers and timestamp recognition.

Re: Beta 2.099.0

2022-02-17 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 15 February 2022 at 13:06:47 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

As usual please report any bugs at

The compiler has some mangling or attributes deduction bug when 
compiling or linking tagged self-referencing algebraic.

The GitHub job:


I report the bug here because issues.dlang.org doesn't like my 

The e-mail address you entered (@@@my GMAIL@@@) didn't pass our 
syntax checking for a legal email address. A legal address must 
contain exactly one '@', and at least one '.' after the @. 
Currently, registering using Gmail addresses is not allowed due 
to spam. It also must not contain any illegal characters.

Re: Result handing in D: some|none

2022-01-30 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 30 January 2022 at 10:58:33 UTC, 9il wrote:


I like `suit` a lot. It helps to define very clean visitors.

import std.traits: isDynamicArray, Unqual;
import std.meta: templateNot;
alias V = Variant!(long, int, string, long[], int[]);
alias autoGetElementType = match!(
(string s) => "string", // we override the suit handler below 
for string

suit!(isDynamicArray, a => Unqual!(typeof(a[0])).stringof),
suit!(templateNot!isDynamicArray, a => 

assert(autoGetElementType(V(string.init)) == "string");
assert(autoGetElementType(V((long[]).init)) == "long");
assert(autoGetElementType(V((int[]).init)) == "int");
assert(autoGetElementType(V(long.init)) == "long");
assert(autoGetElementType(V(int.init)) == "int");

Result handing in D: some|none

2022-01-30 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
 - `some`, `none`, and `suit` second level algebraic visitor 

 - `@reflectErr` UDA
 - `Err` auto expanded wrapper when `@reflectErr` can't be used
 - Required utility API

import mir.algebraic;
import mir.conv: to;

alias orElse(alias fun) = visit!(some!"a", none!fun);
alias convertErrToString = orElse!(to!string);

// can be any other type including integer enums
static struct ErrorInfo {
string msg;
auto toString() const { return msg; }

alias V = Variant!(Err!string, ErrorInfo, long, double);
alias R = typeof(convertErrToString(V.init));

static assert(is(R == Variant!(string, long, double)), 

assert(convertErrToString(V(1)) == 1);
assert(convertErrToString(V(1.0)) == 1.0);
assert(convertErrToString(ErrorInfo("b")) == "b");
assert(convertErrToString("Ш".err) == "Ш");

Re: mir.complex

2021-08-20 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 20 August 2021 at 16:55:57 UTC, David Gileadi wrote:

On 8/20/21 9:54 AM, Dennis wrote:

On Friday, 20 August 2021 at 16:44:53 UTC, 9il wrote:
Builtin complex numbers have been replaced with mir.complex 
in the following packages:

Out of curiosity, how did std.complex fall short?

Maybe it was too complex?

Sorry, I'll see myself out.

Yes, it was hard to make std.complex works.

Re: mir.complex

2021-08-20 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 20 August 2021 at 16:54:07 UTC, Dennis wrote:

On Friday, 20 August 2021 at 16:44:53 UTC, 9il wrote:
Builtin complex numbers have been replaced with mir.complex in 
the following packages:

Out of curiosity, how did std.complex fall short?

There are few reasons. The main one is that linking bugs caused 
by a compiler mangling/generation bugs makes std.complex unusable 
for us. Initially I have updated all packages with std.complex, 
however it failed to link in a private project.


2021-08-20 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

mir.complex [1] has been added to mir-core v1.1.80

Builtin complex numbers have been replaced with mir.complex in 
the following packages:

 - cblas,
 - lapack
 - mir-blas
 - mir-lapack
 - lubeck

[1] http://mir-core.libmir.org/mir_complex.html

MRs are welcome.

Kind regards,

Re: Mir Ion and Asdf benchmakrs

2021-05-16 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 16 May 2021 at 10:28:24 UTC, Tobias Pankrath wrote:

On Sunday, 16 May 2021 at 09:50:21 UTC, 9il wrote:
mir-ion and Asdf JSON libraries have been added to the 


If we exclude parsers with inaccurate number parsing then the 
top will be

1. C++, simdjson
2. Rust, Serde
3. Dlang, Mir Amazon's Ion DOM
4. Dlang, Mir Asdf DOM
5. C++ RapidJSON (Precise)

Mir Ion has been inspired by simdjson and Amazon's Ion binary 
format, which is used as DOM. Thus the mir-ion DOM for the 112 
MiB file costs 16 MiB comparing with 176 MiB DOM in simdjson.

Kind regards,

Great work! What makes simdjson faster?

simdjson works with padded single memory chunk and use simple 
(but large) DOM format. Mir uses buffered input by chunks of 4KB 
and compresses data to the Ion format on the fly. Ion requires 
significantly less space but it is more CPU time expensive.

Mir Ion and Asdf benchmakrs

2021-05-16 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
mir-ion and Asdf JSON libraries have been added to the 


If we exclude parsers with inaccurate number parsing then the top 
will be

1. C++, simdjson
2. Rust, Serde
3. Dlang, Mir Amazon's Ion DOM
4. Dlang, Mir Asdf DOM
5. C++ RapidJSON (Precise)

Mir Ion has been inspired by simdjson and Amazon's Ion binary 
format, which is used as DOM. Thus the mir-ion DOM for the 112 
MiB file costs 16 MiB comparing with 176 MiB DOM in simdjson.

Kind regards,

Json Algebraics with Mir

2021-04-11 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi all,

As you may know, [Mir](https://github.com/libmir) provides two 
JSON libraries: [asdf](http://asdf.libmir.org/) and WIP 
[mir-ion](http://mir-ion.libmir.org/). The last one is based on 
Amazon's Ion dual format.

Both libraries provide a direct de/serialization API that doesn't 
need to have a mutable JSON value. This works awesome for almost 
all cases, except when we want to work with JSON tree directly 
and dynamically change it. Or sometimes a JSON value may have 
different types and we want to check them at runtime.

Looking into JSON value implementations, we can find that they 
are _tagged nullable self-referencing algebraic_ types.

 - _algebraic_ - type can store a value of a type from a fixed 
 - _self-referencing_ - algebraic typeset types can refer to this 
algebraic type
 - _nullable_ - `typeof(null)` type is supported, and it is the 
 - _tagged_ - we have an enumeration (`enum`) of the whole 
typeset, and value has a property, which returns an enumeration 
value that corresponds to the underlying type.

We can define such algebraics with 

import mir.algebraic: TaggedVariant, This;

union JsonAlgebraicUnion
typeof(null) null_;
bool boolean;
long integer;
double float_;
immutable(char)[] string;
/// Self alias in array
This[] array;
/// Self alias in associative
This[immutable(char)[]] object;

alias JsonAlgebraic = TaggedVariant!JsonAlgebraicUnion;

JsonAlgebraic value;

JsonAlgebraic[string] object;

// Default
assert(value.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.null_);

// Boolean
value = true;
object["key"] = value;
assert(value == true);
assert(value.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.boolean);
assert(value.get!bool == true);
assert(value.get!(JsonAlgebraic.Kind.boolean) == true);



We added serialization of 
[mir.algebraic](http://mir-core.libmir.org/mir_algebraic.html) a 
few months ago to both JSON libraries. It is effortless to 
implement: send a serialization lambda to a visitor. And the 
typeset isn't limited to JSON-like types (bool, string, double, 
etc.). If all types of the typeset are serializable, then 
algebraic is serializable as well.

Deserialization is more complicated. We need to define a rule of 
how we want to deserialize a JSON type set to an algebraic 
typeset. And more, we don't need to provide a unique 
JsonAlgebraic type.

Instead, we provide a common JSON algebraic alias 
[mir.algebraic_alias.json](http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org/mir_algebraic_alias_json.html) and support user-provided algebraic aliases as well.

For example, user-provided types can be:

import mir.algebraic: Variant, Nullable, This;

struct Color { ubyte a, r, g, b; }

alias JsonValue0 = Variant!(string, Color[], This[string]);
alias JsonValue1 = Nullable!(This[], long);

Asdf match Json types according to the following rules:

 - `typeof(null)` can handle JSON `null`
 - `bool` can handle JSON `true` and `false`
 - `string` can handle JSON strings
 - `double` can handle JSON numbers
 - `long` can handle JSON integer numbers and has priority for 
them comparing to `double`
 - `T[]` can handle JSON arrays, where T is a deserializable 
type, including the algebraic itself
 - `StringMap!T` and `T[string]` can handle JSON objects, where T 
is a deserializable type, including the algebraic type itself. 
is an ordered string-value associative array with fast search 
operations. It has a priority over built-in associative arrays.
 - Other types of algebraic typeset aren't used for 
 - If no type can handle the current JSON value, then an 
exception is thrown.

Users APIs will be consistent even if they will define different, 
their own JSON algebraic aliases. Mir algebraic types:

 - are order-independent: `Variant!(A, B)` is the same type as  
`Variant!(B, A)`

 - can be constructed from their algebraic subset.
 - can get their algebraic subset.

mir-ion support for algebraic deserialization will be added later 
and extended with Ion types, including Blob, Clob, Timestamp, 
Decimal, and 4 bytes floats.

Kind regards,

This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments and Kaleidic 

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2021-01-06 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 6 January 2021 at 02:30:30 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 1/5/2021 2:42 AM, 9il wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 January 2021 at 09:47:41 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 1/4/2021 11:22 PM, 9il wrote:

I can't reproduce the same DMD output as you.

I did it on Windows 32 bit. I tried it on Linux 32, which 
does indeed show the behavior you mentioned. At the moment I 
don't know why the different behaviors.


It just uses SSE, which I think a good way to go, haha.

As I mentioned upthread, it will use SSE when SSE is baseline 
on the CPU target, and it will always round to precision.

Does this mean that DMD Linux 32-bit executables should 
compile with SSE codes?

The baseline Linux target does not have SSE.

I ask because DMD compiles Linux 32-bit executables with x87 
codes when -O is passed and with SSE if no -O is passed. That 
is very weird.

Example, please?

DMD with flag -m32 generates

assume  CS:.text._D7example1fFffZf
sub ESP,018h
movss   XMM0,0Ch[EBP]
movss   XMM1,8[EBP]
addss   XMM0,XMM1
movss   -8[EBP],XMM0
subss   XMM0,XMM1
movss   -4[EBP],XMM0
movss   -018h[EBP],XMM0
fld float ptr -018h[EBP]
ret 8
add [EAX],AL

It has been provided in the thread

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2021-01-05 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 5 January 2021 at 09:47:41 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 1/4/2021 11:22 PM, 9il wrote:

I can't reproduce the same DMD output as you.

I did it on Windows 32 bit. I tried it on Linux 32, which does 
indeed show the behavior you mentioned. At the moment I don't 
know why the different behaviors.


It just uses SSE, which I think a good way to go, haha.

As I mentioned upthread, it will use SSE when SSE is baseline 
on the CPU target, and it will always round to precision.

Does this mean that DMD Linux 32-bit executables should compile 
with SSE codes? I ask because DMD compiles Linux 32-bit 
executables with x87 codes when -O is passed and with SSE if no 
-O is passed. That is very weird.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2021-01-04 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 5 January 2021 at 03:20:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 1/4/2021 4:11 AM, 9il wrote:

The reason those switches are provided is because the 
write/read is a performance hog.

D provides a couple functions in druntime which guarantee 
rounding intermediate values to float/double precision. Those 
can be used as required. This is better than a compiler switch 
because having compiler switches that influence floating point 
results is poor design.

> Since C99 the default x87 behavior is precise.

Not entirely:

 float f(float a, float b) {
float d = (a + b) - b;
return d;

sub esp, 4
fld DWORD PTR [esp+12]
fld st(0)
faddDWORD PTR [esp+8]
[no write/read to memory here, so no round to float]
fsubrp  st(1), st
fstpDWORD PTR [esp]
fld DWORD PTR [esp]
add esp, 4

In any case, let's try your example 
https://cpp.godbolt.org/z/7sa8dP with dmd for 32 bits:

fld float ptr 010h[ESP]
faddfloat ptr 0Ch[ESP]
fstpfloat ptr [ESP] // there's the write
fld float ptr [ESP] // there's the read!
fsubfloat ptr 0Ch[ESP]
fstpfloat ptr 4[ESP]// the write
fld float ptr 4[ESP]// the read
add ESP,8
ret 8

It's semantically equivalent to the godbolt asm you posted.

I can't reproduce the same DMD output as you.

DMD with flags -m32 -O generates

assume  CS:.text._D7example1fFffZf
fld float ptr 0Ch[ESP]
faddfloat ptr 8[EBP]
fsubfloat ptr 8[EBP]
pop EBP
ret 8
add [EAX],AL
add [EAX],AL

As you can see there are no write-read op codes.

DMD with flag -m32 generates

assume  CS:.text._D7example1fFffZf
sub ESP,018h
movss   XMM0,0Ch[EBP]
movss   XMM1,8[EBP]
addss   XMM0,XMM1
movss   -8[EBP],XMM0
subss   XMM0,XMM1
movss   -4[EBP],XMM0
movss   -018h[EBP],XMM0
fld float ptr -018h[EBP]
ret 8
add [EAX],AL

It just uses SSE, which I think a good way to go, haha. Probably 
if no one has raised this bug then all real-world DMD targets 
have at least SSE support.

The only D compiler that uses excess precision is DMD and only if 
-O flag is passed. The same example compiled with GDC uses 
write-read codes. LDC uses SSE codes.

As for C, it allows an intuitive built-in way to work with exact 
precision when an assignment works like a directive to use exact 
precision for the expression result, unlike D. It doesn't cover 
all cases but an intuitive and very easy way to do things the 
right way.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2021-01-04 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 4 January 2021 at 05:58:09 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 1/3/2021 8:37 PM, 9il wrote:
I didn't believe it when I got a similar answer about IEEE 
floating-point numbers: D doesn't pertinent to be IEEE 754 
compatible language and the extended precision bug is declared 
to be a language feature.

The "extended precision bug" is how all x87 code works, C to 
C++ to Java. The reason is simple - to remove the problem 
requires all intermediate results to be written to memory and 
read back in, which is a terrible performance problem. Early 
Java implementations did this write/read, and were forced to 
change it.

Since C99 the default x87 behavior is precise.

For older C versions GCC provides -fexcess-precision=standard 

Java is going to restore the original behavior.

C# has an option to control virtual machine behavior

Finally, x87 is a deprecated architecture. It likely will be 
supported for a few decades. From the business's point of view, 
no one expects the best performance from the code compiled for 
x87. Instead of speed, numeric correctness is much more important 
here. I wouldn't explain why extended precision is inaccurate, 
because Kahan and Darcy already wrote an 80-page essay about it:

"How Java’s Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere"

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2021-01-03 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 3 January 2021 at 22:50:16 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 3 January 2021 at 20:31:41 UTC, welkam wrote:
You should put yourself in the boots of Atila. If you accept a 
change that later turns out to be bad idea you cant just take 
it out.

This is just silly. You don't have to accept a specific 



If an indirection through an alias causes type unification to 
fail then that is a serious type system failure. No excuses 

"workarounds" are indeed just excuses, telling people 
"workarounds" they already know about is borderline offensive. 
I wouldn't call it mocking, but I certainly see why it can be 
perceived as such.

I suppose the answer would be that D doesn't pretend to support 
all C++ template features and the bug is not a bug because we 
live with this somehow for years. I didn't believe it when I got 
a similar answer about IEEE floating-point numbers: D doesn't 
pertinent to be IEEE 754 compatible language and the extended 
precision bug is declared to be a language feature. I suppose we 
shouldn't expect D to pretend to be a robust language for large 
business projects.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2021-01-02 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 29 December 2020 at 19:59:56 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Tuesday, 29 December 2020 at 16:14:59 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

On Thursday, 24 December 2020 at 14:14:33 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Thursday, 24 December 2020 at 14:08:32 UTC, welkam wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 18:05:40 UTC, 9il wrote:

It was a mockery executed by Atila

Read the all comments and didnt saw any mockery

Yes, it wasn't explicit. He didn't write bad words, he did a 
bad decision. Bad for D.

I apologise if what I wrote came across as mockery; it 
certainly wasn't intended that way.

How would you have liked for me to have handled it better?

I am not speaking for Ilya, but from skimming through the 
dialogue it struck me that you didn't respond from the 
perspective of managing the process, but from a pure engineer 
mindset of providing alternatives.

It would've been better if you started by 1. understanding the 
issue 2. acknowledging that the type system has an obvious bug 
3. looking at the issue from the perspective of the person 
bringing attention to the issue. I don't think anyone was 
looking for workarounds, but looking for

1. acknowledgment of the issue
2. acknowledgment of what the issue leads to in terms of 

3. a forward looking vision for future improvements


Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-24 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 24 December 2020 at 14:08:32 UTC, welkam wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 18:05:40 UTC, 9il wrote:

It was a mockery executed by Atila

Read the all comments and didnt saw any mockery

Yes, it wasn't explicit. He didn't write bad words, he did a bad 
decision. Bad for D.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-24 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 24 December 2020 at 11:05:16 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 20:56:26 UTC, jmh530 wrote:


Non-concept version is more verbose, but yeah, works fine in 

namespace detail {
template class F, class U>
static constexpr void _dummy(const F );

template typename F, class=void>
struct has_outer_template : std::false_type {};

template typename F>
has_outer_template(std::declval()))>>: std::true_type {};


template  typename F>
inline constexpr bool has_outer_template = 

struct Foo{};


Thank you for the examples. They make sense.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-23 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 18:23:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 18:05:40 UTC, 9il wrote:

Have you read the DMD PR  thread (not the DIP itself)?

It was a mockery executed by Atila accompanied by silent 
Walter's and Andrei's ignoring.

I am not sure if I read the same one, I didn't perceive it as 
mockery. Atila seemed to imply that a bigger language change is 
needed and that this DIP would only fix one bit of what has to 
change? Then he tried to suggest alternatives. Maybe he did not 
understand that it makes the compiler look buggy. The 
communication was not very clear though… Looked more like 
people talking past each other than mockery.

Or that was just a very good mockery. But as was said that 
doesn't really matter for the result we have.

I am using D last 11-12 years. This case wasn't an exception, it 
was a Dlang failure among consequent others.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-23 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 17:22:28 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 17:08:26 UTC, 9il wrote:

I don't use tensors much, how does it help zipping?

Safe optimizations. Mir uses unsafe ugly workarounds somehow in 
some places and doesn't improve some stuff that can be improved. 
Lazy tensors are used in


which has few kernels. The fastest one is `ndslice`, which uses 
lazy zipped tensors. Comparing with Phobos zipped ranges, Mir's 
zipped tensors are mutable.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-23 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 17:22:28 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 17:08:26 UTC, 9il wrote:

and the oldest one reported in 2008

C++ templates can be resolved, at least at the level Mir needs 
this. So, it is a bug in my opinion. But it was said the DIP 
is required. I can't write DIP well and was very happy that 
Stefanos wrote the DIP and even the druft.

Yes, if something is perceived as bug it becomes a burden to 
remember that it is isn't. Not sure why anyone resist this 
improvement. Hm, he seems to be a compiler consultant now, but 
no longer interested in D?

Hi is disappeared from the Dlang after that.

Maybe the DIP should have pushed harder on what other languages 
support (might be viewed as a stronger political argument).

Have you read the DMD PR  thread (not the DIP itself)?

It was a mockery executed by Atila accompanied by silent Walter's 
and Andrei's ignoring.

I know Atila in person. However, it doesn't really matter if 
Atila really didn't understand the DIP reasons or it was a real 
mockery. The fact that this behavior including real or seeming 
mockery and real ignoring is a red flag for any professional 

Atila had been already declared as "new Andrei".

Which was noted right in the DIP to define Atila's privileges to 
make decisions.


I see how builtin tuples could be useful for a linalg 
library. I like how Python allows just using ",". Makes code 
easier on the eyes

x,y = y,x

It is also very desired for lazy zipped tensors.

I don't use tensors much, how does it help zipping?

I sometimes wonder if linalg primitives should be builtin too. 
Seems like that could allow for better compiler optimization.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-23 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 16:51:33 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 16:20:37 UTC, Timon Gehr 

On 23.12.20 16:37, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 03:06:51 UTC, 9il wrote:
You, Andrey, and Atila don't care about language features 
that have been requested for Mir or even more: rejecting DIP 
draft + DMD partial implementation for no real reason.

Out of curiosity, which language features would improve Mir?


This looks like a bug?

and the oldest one reported in 2008

C++ templates can be resolved, at least at the level Mir needs 
this. So, it is a bug in my opinion. But it was said the DIP is 
required. I can't write DIP well and was very happy that Stefanos 
wrote the DIP and even the druft.

I see how builtin tuples could be useful for a linalg library. 
I like how Python allows just using ",". Makes code easier on 
the eyes

x,y = y,x

It is also very desired for lazy zipped tensors.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-23 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 15:37:45 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 03:06:51 UTC, 9il wrote:
You, Andrey, and Atila don't care about language features that 
have been requested for Mir or even more: rejecting DIP draft 
+ DMD partial implementation for no real reason.

Out of curiosity, which language features would improve Mir?

Alias template function parameter resolution

As a result D and Mir lost Stefanos Baziotis. That is terrible, 
hi is very talented.

Multiple auto ref return values - when function allows returning 
multiple values.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-23 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 16:20:37 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 23.12.20 16:37, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 03:06:51 UTC, 9il wrote:
You, Andrey, and Atila don't care about language features 
that have been requested for Mir or even more: rejecting DIP 
draft + DMD partial implementation for no real reason.

Out of curiosity, which language features would improve Mir?





Thanks, that is a more detailed list.

Re: Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable

2020-12-22 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 19:45:43 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 16:54:56 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 16:43:30 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 16:32:20 UTC, 9il wrote:
"Struct non-static methods marked with the return attribute 
ensure the returned reference will not outlive the struct 

The issue isn't that the reference outlives the struct. It's 
that the reference outlives a tag change of the tagged union.

If I am correct Dlang doesn't provide an instrument to 
validate it, isn't it?

What alternative is possible?

The solution sumtype uses is to make opAssign @system if the 
union contains any unsafe types.

That is interesting, I have missed it. Thanks

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-22 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 21:53:20 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
If you don't want the formatting code to be part of Phobos, I 
respect your choice.

Why did you think I may want it?

Phobos is almost not used in my work.

You, Andrey, and Atila don't care about language features that 
have been requested for Mir or even more: rejecting DIP draft + 
DMD partial implementation for no real reason.

Why should I care about something important for you while you act 
like three tsars that care only about their party for years? How 

Re: Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable

2020-12-22 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 17:07:16 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 16:54:56 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 16:43:30 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:



If I am correct Dlang doesn't provide an instrument to 
validate it, isn't it?

What alternative is possible?

Returning it by value isn't acceptable at least because of 
performance reasons: the first target of the library is struts 
with a lot of Mir ref-counted fields.

Mark it @system then.


This is why it is the market as `trusted`. It is much more 
convenient than forcing users to wrap each access with 
@trusted lambda, which feels like masochism.

@trusted makes the exact same promise to the user as @safe.

If your method doesn't have a safe interface, don't mark it 
@safe or @trusted. Mark it @system.

Hmm, maybe it worth changing the API a bit. Needs to wait for 
mir-core 1.2.x thought.

Re: Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable

2020-12-22 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 16:43:30 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 16:32:20 UTC, 9il wrote:
"Struct non-static methods marked with the return attribute 
ensure the returned reference will not outlive the struct 

The issue isn't that the reference outlives the struct. It's 
that the reference outlives a tag change of the tagged union.

If I am correct Dlang doesn't provide an instrument to validate 
it, isn't it?

What alternative is possible?

Returning it by value isn't acceptable at least because of 
performance reasons: the first target of the library is struts 
with a lot of Mir ref-counted fields.

The docs maybe not clear enough. `trustedGet` asserts type is 
matched, while `get` throws an exception if the type doesn't 

You can't rely on an assert for @safe (unless it's 

This is why it is the market as `trusted`. It is much more 
convenient than forcing users to wrap each access with @trusted 
lambda, which feels like masochism.

Re: Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable

2020-12-22 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 14:27:02 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 22.12.20 04:56, 9il wrote:
6. Algebraic type subsets are supported by `get`, 
`trustedGet`, `_is`, and `this` primitives. You can operate 
with algebraic subset as with the type of the original 
typeset. [1]

"trustedGet" - That name smells of a safety violation. And 
indeed (compile with `-release`):

The normal `get` also violates safety by giving out references 
into the union (compile with `-preview=dip1000`):

But that might be an issue with DIP1000. `ref_to_ptr` is a hint 
that something isn't right in that area.

The definitions are

auto ref get(E)() @property return inout
auto ref trustedGet(E)() @trusted @property return inout nothrow

Both market with `return`.

According to the spec [1, example 2]

"Struct non-static methods marked with the return attribute 
ensure the returned reference will not outlive the struct 

The docs maybe not clear enough. `trustedGet` asserts type is 
matched, while `get` throws an exception if the type doesn't 

[1] https://dlang.org/spec/function.html#return-ref-parameters

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-22 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 09:18:25 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/21/2020 8:33 PM, 9il wrote:
These functions in Phobos would make a great advertisement 
for Mir.

How this possible?

A lot more people will have Phobos than Phobos+Mir. If they are 
perusing the source code and see Mir contributed excellent 
floating point formatting code, they may have never heard of 
Mir but have now.

"If, If Is Good" (Disney Company). From the marketing point of 
view, this doesn't make real sense.

Then they'll be likely to be positively disposed towards using 
Mir because of the high quality code.

Mir doesn't need a Phobos conformity mark. In many designs and 
implementation questions, Phobos is far behind Mir. The reality 
is that Phobos asks for 6K+ LOC Mir's code, while Phobos legacy 
in Mir's codebase is less than a quite well reworked few 

It's the same idea as HBO offering the first episode for free 
in a miniseries. People watch the first episode, like it, and 
then subscribe to HBO.

I don't take payments from people to use Mir. They don't need to 
dig in Phobos source code to find it. Likely they will search 
GitHub or code.dlang.org to find a solution they need.

Having them in Mir is already a great advertisement for Mir

Since they exist in the C standard library (except for DMC :-( 
) they by themselves aren't a compelling reason for someone to 
use Mir.

They are, Mir comes with a CTFE/@nogc/nothrow formatting API and 
these functions are play well inside.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-21 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 04:33:55 UTC, 9il wrote:
On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 02:02:24 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 12/20/2020 9:42 PM, 9il wrote:
On Sunday, 20 December 2020 at 22:21:56 UTC, Walter Bright 
Can the improved parsing be added to D? (It would need to be 
Boost licensed.)
If I am correct there is open PR that set DMD to use C’s 
primitives for literals parsing. So, for compiler itself we 
don’t need Mir.

That's not correct for the targets that use Digital Mars C.

I thought that DMD is compiled with LDC for release builds, 
isn't it?

If you mean Phobos - one can use Mir instead.

These functions in Phobos would make a great advertisement for 

How this possible? Having them in Mir is already a great 
advertisement for Mir and not having them in Phobos is an even 
more great advertisement for Mir.

... I just have thought maybe I have missed something and DLF 
helps Mir with advertising at least a bit, maybe at least with 
two-three tweets per year? The last time @D_Programming tweeted 
something about Mir was in 2016.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-21 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 02:02:24 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/20/2020 9:42 PM, 9il wrote:
On Sunday, 20 December 2020 at 22:21:56 UTC, Walter Bright 
Can the improved parsing be added to D? (It would need to be 
Boost licensed.)
If I am correct there is open PR that set DMD to use C’s 
primitives for literals parsing. So, for compiler itself we 
don’t need Mir.

That's not correct for the targets that use Digital Mars C.

I thought that DMD is compiled with LDC for release builds, isn't 

If you mean Phobos - one can use Mir instead.

These functions in Phobos would make a great advertisement for 

How this possible? Having them in Mir is already a great 
advertisement for Mir and not having them in Phobos is an even 
more great advertisement for Mir.

Re: Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable

2020-12-21 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 20 December 2020 at 12:32:35 UTC, Petar Kirov 
[ZombineDev] wrote:
How does your work compare to sumtype? Would mir.algebraic 
offer any benefits, which would make it worth switching over?

replied at

If we can work together to consolidate on a single API, I think 
it would be better for the language ecosystem.

Agreed. On the other hand, my public association with a DIP would 
be a red flag and will increase the chance the DIP would be 
declined. Cooperation is better to make silently.

Re: Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable

2020-12-21 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 20 December 2020 at 11:00:05 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 

On Sunday, 15 November 2020 at 04:54:19 UTC, 9il wrote:
Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable with an order-independent 
list of types.

Thanks for sharing it!

Could you give a (very short) explanation on why sumtype could 
not meet your requirements? I am just starting a new D project 
and have to choose between sumtype and your solution.

Lets users do comparisons between libraries. Both are very good.

Some mir.algebraic features:

1. (optionally) Nullable algebraic types. Also serves as buggy 
Phobos Nullable replacement.

2. (optionally) Tagged algebraic types
3. Type list order-independent declaration
4. Feature-rich visitor handlers. For example, they can form new 
Algebraic types if the visitors return different types.
5. `void` support. This is an important brick for reflections on 
the algebra of type sets.
6. Algebraic type subsets are supported by `get`, `trustedGet`, 
`_is`, and `this` primitives. You can operate with algebraic 
subset as with the type of the original typeset. [1]
7. Members (fields and methods) reflection. Is more restrictive 
than in vibe.d implementation. It adds member reflection to an 
algebraic type if all of the types contain members with the same 

Mir implements Algebra of (type) sets with reflections 
(functions) on it.

[1] https://github.com/libmir/mir-core/issues/33

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-20 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 20 December 2020 at 22:21:56 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/13/2020 10:47 PM, 9il wrote:
Note that D's compiler floating-point literals parsing and 
Phobos floating-point literals parsing are not precise 
[5,6,7,8]. It is recommended to use Mir's to!double/float/real 
to convert floating-point numbers from a string.

Can the improved parsing be added to D? (It would need to be 
Boost licensed.)

If I am correct there is open PR that set DMD to use C’s 
primitives for literals parsing. So, for compiler itself we don’t 
need Mir.

If you mean Phobos - one can use Mir instead.

Re: Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-20 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 14 December 2020 at 06:47:32 UTC, 9il wrote:

Hi all,

Generic version of Ryu algorithm [1] was ported to D, well 
optimized, and adopted to mir packages.


Default formatting has been reworked to be more human-friendly:
1.23e1 -> 1.23


Microsoft, Clang++, and others are adopting Ryu as well.

Re: Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable

2020-12-18 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 17 December 2020 at 15:38:52 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Thursday, 17 December 2020 at 15:12:12 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 16:14:08 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 15:58:21 UTC, 9il wrote:


What about making it into a sub-package, as in here [1]?


It takes 0.1 seconds to compile mir-core with LDC in the 
release mode. It is almost all generic and quite fast to 
compile. We can, but dub doesn't always work well with 
submodules. Is there any other reason except compilation speed?

You can put it on code.dlang.org as a subPackage and people can 
download it without downloading all of mir-core. See below:


dub downloads the whole package if just a subpackage is required. 
The size of mir-core is less then 0.5 mb and 0.1 mb in Zip 

Re: Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable

2020-12-17 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 18:14:54 UTC, Oleg B wrote:

On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 15:58:21 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 14:54:26 UTC, Oleg B wrote:

On Sunday, 15 November 2020 at 04:54:19 UTC, 9il wrote:


Great library! Have you any plan to separate it from mir-core 
(to mir-algebraic for example)?

Thanks! Maybe, but mir-core is quite small itself and 
mir.algebraic is the only part that would be extended or 
updated in the near future. Other parts are quite stable. If 
there would be a strong reason to split it, we can do it.

That are you planing update? It's will be perfect if you add 
`get` overload for kind type and more work with tags [2]

like that:
alias TUnion = Algebraic!(
TaggedType!(int, "count"),
TaggedType!(string, "str")

auto v = TUnion("hello");

S: final switch (v.kind)
  static foreach (i, k; EnumMembers!(k.Kind))
case k:
  someFunction(v.get!k); // [1] by now 

  break S;

if (v.is_count) // [2]

or may be I miss this feature in docs?

Get by Kind cand be added.

You can define TaggedAlgebraic [1].

It has a bit weird API with a separate array of lengths. But we 
can add another one definition option I think.


Re: Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable

2020-12-17 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 16:14:08 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 15:58:21 UTC, 9il wrote:


Thanks! Maybe, but mir-core is quite small itself and 
mir.algebraic is the only part that would be extended or 
updated in the near future. Other parts are quite stable. If 
there would be a strong reason to split it, we can do it.

What about making it into a sub-package, as in here [1]?


It takes 0.1 seconds to compile mir-core with LDC in the release 
mode. It is almost all generic and quite fast to compile. We can, 
but dub doesn't always work well with submodules. Is there any 
other reason except compilation speed?

Re: Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable

2020-12-16 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 14:54:26 UTC, Oleg B wrote:

On Sunday, 15 November 2020 at 04:54:19 UTC, 9il wrote:
Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable with an order-independent 
list of types.

Nullable is defined as
alias Nullable(T...) = Variant!(typeof(null), T);

Variant and Nullable with zero types are allowed.

`void` type is supported.

Visitors are allowed to return different types.

Cyclic referencing between different variant types are 

More features and API:



The work has been sponsored by Kaleidic Associates and 
Symmetry Investments.

Great library! Have you any plan to separate it from mir-core 
(to mir-algebraic for example)?

Thanks! Maybe, but mir-core is quite small itself and 
mir.algebraic is the only part that would be extended or updated 
in the near future. Other parts are quite stable. If there would 
be a strong reason to split it, we can do it.

Printing shortest decimal form of floating point number with Mir

2020-12-13 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi all,

Generic version of Ryu algorithm [1] was ported to D, well 
optimized, and adopted to mir packages.

It allows printing the shortest (scientific) decimal form of a 
floating-point number that if it is converted back would produce 
the same floating-point number.

The update requires mir-algorithm [2] >=3.10.13

@safe pure nothrow unittest
import mir.conv: to;
assert(12.3.to!string == "1.23e1");
assert(12.3456789.to!string == "1.23456789e1");

// CTFE-able
static assert(12.3456789.to!string == "1.23456789e1");

@safe pure @nogc unittest
// @nogc
import mir.conv: to;
import mir.small_string;
assert(12.3.to!(SmallString!32) == "1.23e1");
assert(12.3456789.to!(SmallString!32) == "1.23456789e1");

@safe pure @nogc nothrow unittest
// @nogc
import mir.format;
stringBuf buffer;
auto data = buffer << 12.3 << ", " << 12.3456789 << getData;
assert(data == "1.23e1, 1.23456789e1");

Floating-point numbers can be converted to stack-allocated 
decimal numbers.

@safe pure nothrow @nogc
// float and double can be used to construct Decimal of 
any length

auto decimal64 = Decimal!1(-1.235e-7);
assert(decimal64.exponent == -10);
assert(decimal64.coefficient == -1235);

// real number may need Decimal at least length of 2
auto decimal128 = Decimal!2(-1.235e-7L);
assert(decimal128.exponent == -10);
assert(decimal128.coefficient == -1235);

decimal128 = Decimal!2(1234e3f);
assert(decimal128.exponent == 3);
assert(decimal128.coefficient == 1234);

Recent releases of ASDF [3] and Mir Ion [4] use this formatting 
by default. It allows performing JSON serialization without loss 
of precision.

Note that D's compiler floating-point literals parsing and Phobos 
floating-point literals parsing are not precise [5,6,7,8]. It is 
recommended to use Mir's to!double/float/real to convert 
floating-point numbers from a string.

The work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments and Kaleidic 

Kind regards,

[1] https://github.com/ulfjack/ryu
[2] http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org/
[3] http://asdf.libmir.org/
[4] http://mir-ion.libmir.org/
[5] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20951
[6] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20952
[7] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20953
[8] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20967

Matt Godbolt's Compiler Explorer supports Mir libraries

2020-12-07 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi all,

Compiler Explorer [1] is an interactive compiler. The left-hand 
pane shows the editable code. The right, the assembly output of 
having compiled the code with a given compiler and settings.


1. open the site [1]

2. press 'Libraries' bottom on the right window and pick required 
libraries with all their dependencies. For example, 
mir-algorithm(trunk) and its dependency mir-core(trunk).

3. Pick LDC compiler

4. Use LDC's -mtriple= or -mcpu= flags to pick the target you 
want. LDC can do cross-compilation for ARM CPUs.

5. Add compiler flags like -O -release -boundscheck=off 

6. Past you code in the left window.

7. Enjoy

[1] https://d.godbolt.org/

Re: Mir vs. Numpy: Reworked!

2020-12-07 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 7 December 2020 at 12:28:39 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:

On Monday, 7 December 2020 at 02:14:41 UTC, 9il wrote:
I don't know. Tensors aren't so complex. The complex part is a 
design that allows Mir to construct and iterate various kinds 
of lazy tensors of any complexity and have quite a universal 
API, and all of these are boosted by the fact that the 
user-provided kernel(lambda) function is optimized by the 
compiler without the overhead.

I agree that a basic tensor is not hard to implement, but the 
specific design to choose is not always obvious. Your 
benchmarks shows that design choices have a large impact on 
performance, and performance is certainly a very important 
consideration in tensor design.

For example I had no idea that your ndslice variant was using 
more than one array internally to achieve its performance - it 
wasn't obvious to me.

ndslice tensor type uses exactly one iterator. However, the 
iterator is generic and lazy iterators may contain any number of 
other iterators and pointers.

Re: Mir vs. Numpy: Reworked!

2020-12-06 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 6 December 2020 at 17:30:13 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:

On Saturday, 5 December 2020 at 07:44:33 UTC, 9il wrote:

sweep_ndslice uses (2*N - 1) arrays to index U, this allows 
LDC to unroll the loop.

For example, for 2D case, withNeighboursSum [2] will store the 
pointer to the result, and the pointer at rows above and below.

--a--- above iterator
--r--- the result
--b--- below iterator

Also, for AVX-512 targets it allows vectorizing the loop [1]. 
The benchmark has been run on the AVX2 CPU.

[1] https://github.com/typohnebild/numpy-vs-mir/issues/4

Very interesting, thank you for the explanations. Are there 
journal/book other implementation references for these 
approaches to implementing tensor-like multidimensional arrays?

I don't know. Tensors aren't so complex. The complex part is a 
design that allows Mir to construct and iterate various kinds of 
lazy tensors of any complexity and have quite a universal API, 
and all of these are boosted by the fact that the user-provided 
kernel(lambda) function is optimized by the compiler without the 

Re: Mir vs. Numpy: Reworked!

2020-12-05 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 4 December 2020 at 20:26:17 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:

On Friday, 4 December 2020 at 14:48:32 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

It looks like all the `sweep_XXX` functions are only defined 
for contiguous slices, as that would be the default if define 
a Slice!(T, N).

How the functions access the data is a big difference. If you 
compare the `sweep_field` version with the `sweep_naive` 
version, the `sweep_field` function is able to access through 
one index, whereas the `sweep_naive` function has to use two 
in the 2d version and 3 in the 3d version.

Also, the main difference in the NDSlice version is that it 
uses *built-in* MIR functionality, like how `sweep_ndslice` 
uses the `each` function from MIR, whereas `sweep_field` uses 
a for loop. I think this is partially to show that the 
built-in MIR functionality is as fast as if you tried to do it 
with a for loop yourself.

I see, looking at some of the code, field case is literally 
doing the indexing calculation right there. I guess ndslice is 
doing the same thing just with "Mir magic" an in the background?

sweep_ndslice uses (2*N - 1) arrays to index U, this allows LDC 
to unroll the loop.

More details here

I'm still not sure why slice is so slow. Doesn't that 
completely rely on the opSlice implementations? The choice of 
indexing method and underlying data structure?

sweep_slice is slower because it iterates data in few loops 
rather than in a single one. For small matrices this makes 
JMP/FLOP ratio higher, for large matrices that can't feet into 
the CPU cache, it is less memory efficient.

Re: Mir vs. Numpy: Reworked!

2020-12-04 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 4 December 2020 at 03:48:15 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/3/2020 8:27 AM, 9il wrote:
Since the first announcement [0] the original benchmark [1] 
has been boosted [2] with Mir-like implementations.

This is really great! Can you write an article about it? Such 
would be really helpful in letting people know about it.

Thanks! The README is really great as the benchmark description. 
I will do a small article about Mir this year.

Re: Mir vs. Numpy: Reworked!

2020-12-04 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 4 December 2020 at 02:35:49 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:

On Thursday, 3 December 2020 at 21:28:04 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

Am I correct in assuming that the data in the NDSlice is also a 
single array?

sweep_ndslice uses (2*N - 1) arrays to index U, this allows LDC 
to unroll the loop.

For example, for 2D case, withNeighboursSum [2] will store the 
pointer to the result, and the pointer at rows above and below.

--a--- above iterator
--r--- the result
--b--- below iterator

Also, for AVX-512 targets it allows vectorizing the loop [1]. The 
benchmark has been run on the AVX2 CPU.

[1] https://github.com/typohnebild/numpy-vs-mir/issues/4

Re: Mir vs. Numpy: Reworked!

2020-12-04 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 3 December 2020 at 17:08:58 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Thursday, 3 December 2020 at 16:27:59 UTC, 9il wrote:
Looks good, but a few typos:


Re: Mir vs. Numpy: Reworked!

2020-12-04 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 3 December 2020 at 16:50:39 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:

On Thursday, 3 December 2020 at 16:27:59 UTC, 9il wrote:

Hi all,

Since the first announcement [0] the original benchmark [1] 
has been boosted [2] with Mir-like implementations.

 1. is more abstract than NumPy
 2. requires less code for multidimensional algorithms
 3. doesn't require indexing
 4. uses recursion across dimensions
 5. a few times faster than NumPy for non-trivial real-world 

Why Mir is faster than NumPy?

1. Mir allows the compiler to generate specialized kernels 
while NumPy constraints a user to write code that needs to 
access memory twice or more times.

Another Mir killer feature is the ability to write generalized 
N-dimensional implementations, while Numpy code needs to have 
separate implementations for 1D, 2D, and 3D cases. For 
example, the main D loop in the benchmark can compile for 4D, 
5D, and higher dimensional optimizations.

2. @nogc iteration loop. @nogc helps when you need to control 
what is going on with your memory allocations in the critical 
code part.


[1] https://github.com/typohnebild/numpy-vs-mir
[2] https://github.com/typohnebild/numpy-vs-mir/pull/1

The benchmark [1] has been created by Christoph Alt and Tobias 

Kind regards,

Hi Ilya,

Thanks a lot for sharing the update. I am currently working on 
porting a python package called FMPY to D. This package makes 
usage of numpy and I hope I can use MIR here.

Probably you may want to express FMI entities as Algebraic types 
rather than classes. mir.algebraic can be really helpful here


Somehow it is hard to get started to learn MIR. What maybe 
could help python developers is to have some articles showing 
numpy coding and side by side the equivalent MIR coding.

It is hard for me to write articles. I will try to write a small 
one this year, but it would be Mir only. Maybe this benchmark can 
be used as an example and if one wishes to write a side-by-side 
comparison with NumPy I would be happy to comment and explain the 
D implementation and what it is doing internally.

What I miss in MIR is a function to read and write CSV files. 
Is s.th. like numpy.genfromtxt planned?

Unlikely I would add it but can do a code review.

Currently, we can load/safe NumPy binary data with numir


Kind regards,

Mir vs. Numpy: Reworked!

2020-12-03 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi all,

Since the first announcement [0] the original benchmark [1] has 
been boosted [2] with Mir-like implementations.

 1. is more abstract than NumPy
 2. requires less code for multidimensional algorithms
 3. doesn't require indexing
 4. uses recursion across dimensions
 5. a few times faster than NumPy for non-trivial real-world 

Why Mir is faster than NumPy?

1. Mir allows the compiler to generate specialized kernels while 
NumPy constraints a user to write code that needs to access 
memory twice or more times.

Another Mir killer feature is the ability to write generalized 
N-dimensional implementations, while Numpy code needs to have 
separate implementations for 1D, 2D, and 3D cases. For example, 
the main D loop in the benchmark can compile for 4D, 5D, and 
higher dimensional optimizations.

2. @nogc iteration loop. @nogc helps when you need to control 
what is going on with your memory allocations in the critical 
code part.


[1] https://github.com/typohnebild/numpy-vs-mir
[2] https://github.com/typohnebild/numpy-vs-mir/pull/1

The benchmark [1] has been created by Christoph Alt and Tobias 

Kind regards,

Re: MIR vs. Numpy

2020-11-18 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 10:05:06 UTC, Tobias Schmidt 

Dear all,

to compare MIR and Numpy in the HPC context, we implemented a 
multigrid solver in Python using Numpy and in D using Mir and 
perforemd some benchmarks with them.

You can find our code and results here:

Feedback is very welcome. Please feel free to open issues, pull 
requests or simply post your thoughts below.

Kind regards,

Thank you a lot! It is a huge benefit for Mir and D to have so 
quality benchmarks.

Python's sweep_3D access memory only once for one element 
computation, while old D's sweep_slice access it 7 times.

A PR [1] for new version of sweep_slice was added, I expect it 
will be at least twice faster. The new sweep_slice uses a more 
D'sh approach and single memory access to the computation element.

[1] https://github.com/typohnebild/numpy-vs-mir/pull/1


Re: MIR vs. Numpy

2020-11-18 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 13:14:37 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 10:05:06 UTC, Tobias Schmidt 

It also looks like you are compiling on ldc with -mcpu=native 
--boundscheck=off. Why not -O as well?

-O is added by DUB

Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable

2020-11-14 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
Truly algebraic Variant and Nullable with an order-independent 
list of types.

Nullable is defined as
alias Nullable(T...) = Variant!(typeof(null), T);

Variant and Nullable with zero types are allowed.

`void` type is supported.

Visitors are allowed to return different types.

Cyclic referencing between different variant types are supported.

More features and API:



The work has been sponsored by Kaleidic Associates and Symmetry 

Re: mir-stat

2020-10-11 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 11 October 2020 at 17:10:19 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Sunday, 11 October 2020 at 10:14:04 UTC, tastyminerals wrote:

On Thursday, 8 October 2020 at 16:40:01 UTC, 9il wrote:
It is a pleasure to announce the Dlang Statistical Package by 
John Michael Hall.


Awesome! Are there any plans to add functions for inferential 

Next thing I want to add is histogram (influenced by Boost 
histogram), but I have been a bit busy lately and haven't 
finished it. After histogram, the next step would probably be 
pdfs/cdfs/icdfs, but I was thinking about just borrowing from 
what is in dstats (I'll need to look into the license 
compatibility). With those functions in there, then t-test and 
similar functions would be straightforward.

Maybe we should replace Boost with MIT for most of the Mir 
packages. What do you think?


2020-10-08 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
It is a pleasure to announce the Dlang Statistical Package by 
John Michael Hall.




The initial release provides descriptive statistics and 
algorithms for transforming data that are useful in statistical 

The very basic stuff like `gmean` [1] is located in the 
mir-algorithm package, it will be downloaded automatically.

The generation of random numbers of various distributions is 
provided by mir-random package [2].


libmir.org infrastructure supports cross-site links now.

New documentation macro set:

The G* macros add an argument to the first position that should 
refer to the mir package name.

Module header
 NDSLICEREF = $(GREF_ALTTEXT mir-algorithm, $(TT $2), $2, mir, 
ndslice, $1)$(NBSP)


See_also: $(NDSLICEREF slice, Slice)
Slice!(double, 2) eye(size_t n);


Have a good day!


[1] http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org/mir_math_stat.html
[2] http://mir-random.libmir.org/mir_random_variable.html

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-07 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 23:56:45 UTC, kinke wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 23:52:05 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 16:38:39 UTC, kinke wrote:
So wouldn't the trivial 'fix' be using `strtod` for double 
literals and `strtof` for floats? [For LDC, we wouldn't rely 
on the host C runtime or a mir implementation, but use LLVM 
facilities anyway.]

This should work if the C runtime handles the values correctly.

I've just opened a PR for DMD (and LDC too): 

Does this actually mean DMD wouldn't be able to compile itself 
with DigigtalMars C runtime?

Sorry, I don't understand. - I think this excess precision was 
at some point considered a feature (but probably only for D, 
not for DigitalMars C), there's even a test making sure 0.9L 
and 0.9 are parsed to the same compile-time value.

DMC strtod [1] isn't IEEE compatible. Just nitpick. Unlikely it 
is used to compile DMD thought.


Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-07 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 16:38:39 UTC, kinke wrote:

On Saturday, 4 July 2020 at 20:35:48 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/21/2020 8:24 AM, 9il wrote:


Great work! Would you like to add it to dmd?

AFAIU, the 'problem' is that *all* floating-point literals are 
parsed as real_t values, which for DMD is x87 real (usually 
using the host C runtime's `strtold`). When emitting them as 
double or float literals, the compiler converts these values to 
a lower precision, where the increased intermediate precision 
might break the 'banker's rule'.

So wouldn't the trivial 'fix' be using `strtod` for double 
literals and `strtof` for floats? [For LDC, we wouldn't rely on 
the host C runtime or a mir implementation, but use LLVM 
facilities anyway.]

This should work if the C runtime handles the values correctly. 
Does this actually mean DMD wouldn't be able to compile itself 
with DigigtalMars C runtime?

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-07 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 12:52:35 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 07:49:02 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Businesses will not want to commit to a balkanized project.

It's been ages since I worked on a software project for a 
business that didn't have many random third (and fourth and 
fifth and sixth and seventh.) party dependencies. Trying to 
remove or avoid them would universally encounter pushback from 
management. "Don't reinvent the wheel" they say.

It is really absurd.

But anyway this whole debate is moot because if you like the 
code, you can simply copy/paste it (with attribution as 
required by Boost copyright of course) into your own files. You 
keep full control and get all the benefits of using it.

This would be good advertising for DFL, haha.

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-07 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 12:04:43 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 7/7/20 7:13 AM, 9il wrote:


Guys, this is all open source, all licensed identically. There 
are ways to solve this. Practically speaking, just because DMD 
depends on Mir, doesn't mean that Mir has control over how the 
dependency works. DMD can depend on a specific version of Mir, 
upgraded when reasonable (i.e. it should take a PR change to 
DMD for upgrading which code exactly is depended on) and if 
something changes in the future, you can fork it, or move back 
to using libc. This way, the code is only maintained in one 
place unless something catastrophic happens.

In this sense, the DLF *does* control which code is used, as 
well as if it were in the DMD repository itself.

We have a boost license for a reason.


Exactly. Thank you

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-07 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 12:14:16 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 10:58:25 UTC, 9il wrote:
From a business point of view, having slightly more correct 
string to float conversion holds very little value. I'll 
stick with sscanf thanks...

For a high tech real markets (airspace, automotive, science, 
military-industrial complex) having a correct decimal literal 

Phobos is the stdlib of the language. Mir is not.
Likewise, you've made the std.experimental.allocator on DUB 
depends on mir-core... stdlib shouldn't depend on non-stdlib, 
there isn't anything to debate on this point.

Mir is stdlib for my business. Phobos is not. It wasn't me who 
proposed to use Mir code in DMD. I have heard Walter. There isn't 
anything to debate on this point.

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-07 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 12:35:57 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 12:33:40 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 12:14:16 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 


Is that not an example of how Steve thinks it should work? 
Both are Boost licensed. mir-core has no external 
dependencies. Ilya could split the parse/bignum packages to a 
separate repo with no other dependencies and then public 
import them in mir-algorithm and just normally import them 


Walter's original comment was about adding it to DMD. He may 
have intended Phobos, but I read it as DMD.

Eh, it looks like parse.d depends on std. So it wouldn't make 
sense to add to DMD since then the compiler would depend on the 
standard library.

All std.* dependencies in Mir are minor and can be replaced in a 

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-07 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 07:49:02 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/5/2020 5:46 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

On Sunday, 5 July 2020 at 11:07:55 UTC, 9il wrote:
There is no risk for DMD and DFL to depend on a Mir's Boost 
licensed library. If something happens with Mir or Mir change 
the license, DFL will be able to fork the required code at 
any point in the Boost licensed part of git history.

Can't speak for Walter or the D foundation here, but I'm not 
sure the concern is really about licensing.  It's about 
putting in place a required dependency on code where 
maintenance decisions are outside the hands of the D 

That's right, it's not about the licensing. It's that the DLF 
should control the code it distributes.

Businesses will not want to commit to a balkanized project.

The proposal is for Mir to become a central required component 
of DMD and Phobos. This means it needs to become part of the D 
Language Foundation.

These don't serve my business needs. DLF doesn't serve my 
business needs. DLF blocks the initiatives my business needs. For 
the current state of things being a part of DLF codebase for Mir 
is nonsense.

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-07 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 09:28:26 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 07:49:02 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
That's right, it's not about the licensing. It's that the DLF 
should control the code it distributes.

Businesses will not want to commit to a balkanized project.

From a business point of view, having slightly more correct 
string to float conversion holds very little value. I'll stick 
with sscanf thanks...

For a high tech real markets (airspace, automotive, science, 
military-industrial complex) having a correct decimal literal 
parsing has a little but absolutely mandatory value. If SpaceX is 
lending a rocket, they want it located on the platform, something 
around wouldn't make sense. Note, that these companies hold a 
huge amount of the legacy C/C++ code and they are potential Dlang 
markets. But only if Dlang will be able to match C exactly for 
numeric code. Otherwise merging C/C++ code would have a huge 
negative impact on them.

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-05 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 5 July 2020 at 10:39:49 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/5/2020 3:35 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
All of DMD, Druntime, and Phobos use Boost, except for Curl 
and the zip library (which we probably shouldn't have added).

Also, there are no dependencies on Curl and zip.

We don't distribute the C libraries, we use whatever is on the 
user's system.

DMD statically links the C standard library (and maybe something 

There is no risk for DMD and DFL to depend on a Mir's Boost 
licensed library. If something happens with Mir or Mir change the 
license, DFL will be able to fork the required code at any point 
in the Boost licensed part of git history.

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-05 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 5 July 2020 at 08:15:53 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

It doesn't work quite like that. The D Language Foundation 
controls it. Andrei, Atila, and myself control it only as far 
as we DLF empowers us to, which can change. Official parts of 
the DMD distribution have to be controlled by the DLF. It's 
unworkable otherwise.

If I remember correctly some time ago DMD hasn't been even Boost 
licensed. Also, DMD uses C libraries at least. I can't see why 
adding an open-source Boost licensed dependency is unworkable 

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-05 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 5 July 2020 at 08:15:53 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/5/2020 12:24 AM, 9il wrote:

On Sunday, 5 July 2020 at 06:23:35 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/4/2020 8:09 PM, 9il wrote:
Does the float parsing code require bignum?
Yes. The decimal float parsing requires big integer arithmetic 
and software

Arbitrary precision or simply a fixed amount of more precision?

Up to 2^^16384 - 1.

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-05 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 5 July 2020 at 06:23:35 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/4/2020 8:09 PM, 9il wrote:

On Saturday, 4 July 2020 at 20:35:48 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/21/2020 8:24 AM, 9il wrote:
So excited to finally announce we can correctly parse 
floating-point numbers according to IEEE round half-to-even 
(bankers) rule like in C/C++, Rust, and others.

Great work! Would you like to add it to dmd?

Thank you! Yes.

It would be very much appreciated to preserve the `mir.` 
namespace for the `parse` module, the required `bignum` 
package*. Also, whenever the code will be located I would like 
to have control over it. Will you agree?

* - `mir.bignum` is 6K LOC and it is expected to grow up to 
20K LOC if finished. The package includes abstract views for 
big integers, decimal, and binary FP numbers; stack-allocated 
big integers; midsize unsigned integers; software FP numbers 
with extended precision.

Does the float parsing code require bignum?

Yes. The decimal float parsing requires big integer arithmetic 
and software floating-point multiplication with extended 
precision (128-bit mantissa).

I'm also not sure I know what you mean by control. 
Contributions to dmd would need to be Boost Licensed, which 
means anyone can do what they like with them.

The code is already Boost licensed.

We need not only literals parsing but also library text parsing. 
So the code should be available for users and for the compiler. I 
see two possible solutions that look good to me.

The first one is to add mir-algorithm package or its part as an 
external dependency for DMD. It is preferable and either way. If 
you will accept the PR, I will do it.

The second solution is to move `mir.bignum` and `mir.parse` to 
DRuntime/Phobos. In this case, I would like to preserve the 
`mir.` namespace and the same authority and veto right for this 
part of the codebase as I have at Mir Org.

I mean the following. Your voice has a veto right for DMD and 
Dlang evaluation. Andrei has a veto right for Phobos. Atila seems 
to have almost the same veto right as Andrei and you and blocks 
required Dlang features for Mir [1, 2]. Furthermore, if you and 
Andrei really want to add or change something you will force it 
to happen. I want the same veto right for evaluation of the Mir 
parts in case you think they should be moved to DRuntime/Phobos. 
Also, the code under `mir.` namespace should be less constrained 
then `core`/`std` code in terms of API changes.

[1] https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/9778

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-07-04 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 4 July 2020 at 20:35:48 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/21/2020 8:24 AM, 9il wrote:
So excited to finally announce we can correctly parse 
floating-point numbers according to IEEE round half-to-even 
(bankers) rule like in C/C++, Rust, and others.

Great work! Would you like to add it to dmd?

Thank you! Yes.

It would be very much appreciated to preserve the `mir.` 
namespace for the `parse` module, the required `bignum` package*. 
Also, whenever the code will be located I would like to have 
control over it. Will you agree?

* - `mir.bignum` is 6K LOC and it is expected to grow up to 20K 
LOC if finished. The package includes abstract views for big 
integers, decimal, and binary FP numbers; stack-allocated big 
integers; midsize unsigned integers; software FP numbers with 
extended precision.

Re: From the D Blog: A Pattern for Head-mutable Structures

2020-06-27 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 25 June 2020 at 11:55:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Simen Kjærås outlines an approach to supporting head-mutable 
types in D without the need for compiler or language changes.

The blog:


I've also submitted it to HN (please use the search box):


Good stuff. If this pattern will be accepted to language design 
the same way as Ranges API then Mir will adopt it to extend the 
current lightConst/lightImmutable features.


Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-06-22 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 22 June 2020 at 12:04:13 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Monday, 22 June 2020 at 10:53:02 UTC, Dukc wrote:

On Sunday, 21 June 2020 at 15:24:14 UTC, 9il wrote:
Can mir_parse handle other bases than decimal?

No, only the decimal basis is supported for now. Support for 
hexadecimal FP/integer parsing can be added though.

The basic stuff for correct FP hexadecimal parsing is done: we 
can convert a big integer view to FP number with half-to-even 

So the algorithm would look like:
1. Parse hexadecimal big integer
2. Parse exponent
3. Cast big integer to `Fp` with a specific number of 
meaningful bits (its already implemented)
4. Add exponent to `Fp`'s exponent, and cast the result to a 
hardware floating point type.

My bad, the hexadecimal parsing is already implemented for big 


So, each part of the algorithm above is implemented. Maybe we 
need to rework fromHexStringImpl to make it return a boolean 

Re: Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-06-22 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 22 June 2020 at 10:53:02 UTC, Dukc wrote:

On Sunday, 21 June 2020 at 15:24:14 UTC, 9il wrote:
Can mir_parse handle other bases than decimal?

No, only the decimal basis is supported for now. Support for 
hexadecimal FP/integer parsing can be added though.

The basic stuff for correct FP hexadecimal parsing is done: we 
can convert a big integer view to FP number with half-to-even 

So the algorithm would look like:
1. Parse hexadecimal big integer
2. Parse exponent
3. Cast big integer to `Fp` with a specific number of meaningful 
bits (its already implemented)
4. Add exponent to `Fp`'s exponent, and cast the result to a 
hardware floating point type.

Decimal string to floating point conversion with correct half-to-even rounding

2020-06-21 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hey everyone,

So excited to finally announce we can correctly parse 
floating-point numbers according to IEEE round half-to-even 
(bankers) rule like in C/C++, Rust, and others.

@nogc, optionally nothrow API is provided as part of Mir 
Algorithm v3.9.0 [0].

The documentation is available [1].

In case you are surprised, you can be sure that neither D 
compilers can correctly parse decimal FP literals [2, 3, 4], nor 
Phobos can correctly parse decimal FP strings [6].

Mir decimal parsing supports up-to quadruple precision.

The conversion error is 0 ULP for normal numbers.

Subnormal numbers with a decimal exponent greater than or equal 
to -512 have upper error bound equal to 1 ULP. Zero error 
bound for subnormal numbers can be supported in the future when 
Mir Ion, the ASDF successor, is ready.

The implementation is based on the paper [7].

The error bounds above are valid for LDC. DMD may have slightly 
larger errors because of the wrong code generation for ulong to 
double conversion [5].

This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments and Kaleidic 

Best regards,

[0] https://github.com/libmir/mir-algorithm
[1] http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org/mir_parse.html#.fromString[2] 

[3] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20952
[4] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20953
[5] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20963
[6] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20967

Re: On the D Blog: A Looat at Chapel, D, and Julia Using Kernel Matrix Calculations

2020-06-03 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 3 June 2020 at 16:15:41 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

This is unclear:
The chart below shows matrix implementation times minus ndslice 
times; negative means that ndslice is slower, indicating that 
the implementation used here does not negatively represent D’s 

hmm, ndslice isn't slower on my machine.


Re: On the D Blog: A Looat at Chapel, D, and Julia Using Kernel Matrix Calculations

2020-06-03 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 3 June 2020 at 16:15:41 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

This is unclear:
The chart below shows matrix implementation times minus ndslice 
times; negative means that ndslice is slower, indicating that 
the implementation used here does not negatively represent D’s 

This means that ndslice (in the way how it was used here) is 
slower than the custom matrix type used.

Re: On the D Blog: A Looat at Chapel, D, and Julia Using Kernel Matrix Calculations

2020-06-03 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 3 June 2020 at 14:34:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Some of you may have seen a draft of this post from user "data 
pulverizer"  elsewhere on the forums. The final draft is now on 
the D Blog under his real name and ready for your perusal.

The blog:


I'll be posting on HN, too, but please don't share a direct 
link. I did some digging around and it really does affect the 
ranking -- your upvotes won't count.

Please fix the link


docs.algorithm.dlang.io is outdated.

Tensorflow wrapper for D

2020-05-31 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

by Shigeki Karita


Re: DDOC generator Harbored-Mod - v0.3.4

2020-04-25 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 25 April 2020 at 06:50:07 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

[1] https://gitlab.com/basile.b/harbored-mod

Note that I don't have access to the DUB registry to update the 
location so Ilya Y. if you read this maybe you can do that [2] 

[2] https://code.dlang.org/packages/harbored-mod


Mir Ref-Counted Type System for .NET

2020-04-23 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce



Without docs for now.

Feel free to open an issue if you have a question.


This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments and Kaleidic 

mir-algorithm v3.7.30: mir.date, squeeze, unsqueeze

2020-04-19 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
mir.date [1] is a rework of the Phobos Date type with the 
following features:

1. ABI and mangling compatibility with Boost's date type

2. BetterC compatible

3. ASDF (JSON) (de)serialization support

4. reworked all (to/from)String methods, added nothrow and @nogc 

5. `toString` is the alias for `toISOExtString` instead of 

6. Added universal `fromString` that parses ISO, Extended ISO, 
and Simple date strings.

`squeeze` and `unsqueeze` has been added to mir.ndslice.topology 

[1] http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org/mir_date.html
[2] http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org/mir_ndslice_topology.html

This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments and Kaleidic 

mir-algorithm v3.7.30: mir.date, squeeze, unsqueeze

2020-04-19 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
mir.date [1] is a rework of the Phobos Date type with the 
following features:

1. ABI and mangling compatibility with Boost's date type

2. BetterC compatible

3. ASDF (JSON) (de)serialization support

4. reworked all (to/from)String methods, added nothrow and @nogc 

5. `toString` is the alias for `toISOExtString` instead of 

6. Added universal `fromString` that parses ISO, Extended ISO, 
and Simple date strings.

`squeeze` and `unsqueeze` has been added to mir.ndslice.topology 

[1] http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org/mir_date.html
[2] http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org/mir_ndslice_topology.html

This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments and Kaleidic 

Re: Mir updates

2020-04-02 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 2 April 2020 at 13:39:41 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Thursday, 2 April 2020 at 13:16:46 UTC, 9il wrote:


For my work, I use `mir-blas` - ndslice bindings to CBLAS API. 
It is faster to write binding rather than finish BLAS 

It is useful. And I think it is very promising for Dlang 
promotion and can really involve new companies. I will be 
happy to finish it if a company sponsors the work. Companies 
like CPU/GPU vendors or companies that require slim and fast 
BLAS implementation will win from this work. However, I have 
no idea how to sell mir-glas, it is more complex to find a 
client rather than finish it.

Can mir-glas be used as a replacement blas implementation for 

Yes (when finished). However, mir-lapack would need to link with 
a LAPACK library. For example, OpenBLAS can be compiled with 
LAPACK as a solid library. We can do the same. Actually, when the 
library is finished it can be available in the dub registry as 
well as it should be packed for Linux and windows as a standalone 
BLAS/LAPACK library with common API.

Re: Mir updates

2020-04-02 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 2 April 2020 at 06:20:22 UTC, Manu wrote:
On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 12:15 AM 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce 
< digitalmars-d-announce@puremagic.com> wrote:

On Monday, 30 March 2020 at 12:23:03 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
> On Monday, 30 March 2020 at 06:33:13 UTC, 9il wrote:
>> [snip]
> Thanks, I like 'em.
> I noticed that the little icon in the tabs has changed from 
> most of them. However, the mir random is unchanged from 
> before.

Probably it is because of your browser cache, likely will be 
updated after a while.

> Also, on the mir.glas page, one of the lines says 
> "matrix-vector operations %3 done, partially optimized for 
> now". Another line says "l3 was moved to mir-glas", which is 
> confusing because it should be at the mir-glas documentation 
> page anyway.

We don't have documentation for mir-glas library, only for mir 
(backports) package, which has mir.glas package.

I don't know what to do with mir-glas, it is too good to be 
forgotten, but I don't see a commercial perspective in it.

Why not? Where does it fall short of being useful?

For my work, I use `mir-blas` - ndslice bindings to CBLAS API. It 
is faster to write binding rather than finish BLAS implementation.

It is useful. And I think it is very promising for Dlang 
promotion and can really involve new companies. I will be happy 
to finish it if a company sponsors the work. Companies like 
CPU/GPU vendors or companies that require slim and fast BLAS 
implementation will win from this work. However, I have no idea 
how to sell mir-glas, it is more complex to find a client rather 
than finish it.

Re: Mir simple linear

2020-03-30 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 30 March 2020 at 17:21:57 UTC, Vino wrote:

Hi All,

  Can anyone  guide me what is the problem  with below code as 
it throws  error.

import std.stdio, mir.math.common: approxEqual;
static immutable x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
static immutable y = [1, 3, 2, 5, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 12];
auto params = x.simpleLinearRegression(y);

static immutable y = [1.0, 3, 2, 5, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 12];

`.0` will change the sum type of y to double.

Re: Mir updates

2020-03-30 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 30 March 2020 at 12:23:03 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Monday, 30 March 2020 at 06:33:13 UTC, 9il wrote:


Thanks, I like 'em.

I noticed that the little icon in the tabs has changed from 
most of them. However, the mir random is unchanged from before.

Probably it is because of your browser cache, likely will be 
updated after a while.

Also, on the mir.glas page, one of the lines says 
"matrix-vector operations %3 done, partially optimized for 
now". Another line says "l3 was moved to mir-glas", which is 
confusing because it should be at the mir-glas documentation 
page anyway.

We don't have documentation for mir-glas library, only for mir 
(backports) package, which has mir.glas package.

I don't know what to do with mir-glas, it is too good to be 
forgotten, but I don't see a commercial perspective in it.

Re: Mir updates

2020-03-30 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 30 March 2020 at 06:33:13 UTC, 9il wrote:

Docs and links have been updated for

http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org, Mir Algorithm
http://mir-core.libmir.org, Mir Core
http://mir-random.libmir.org, Mir Random
http://mir-optim.libmir.org, Mir Optim
http://mir-cpuid.libmir.org, Mir CPUID
http://mir-blas.libmir.org, Mir BLAS
http://mir-lapack.libmir.org, Mir LAPACK
http://mir.libmir.org, Mir Backport
http://asdf.libmir.org, ASDF - JSON library


Mir updates

2020-03-30 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

Docs and links have been updated for

http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org, Mir Algorithm
http://mir-core.libmir.org, Mir Core
http://mir-random.libmir.org, Mir Random
http://mir-optim.libmir.org, Mir Optim
http://mir-cpuid.libmir.org, Mir CPUID
http://mir-blas.libmir.org, Mir BLAS
http://mir-lapack.libmir.org, Mir LAPACK
http://mir.libmir.org, Mir Backport
http://asdf.libmir.org, ASDF - JSON library

I have started this a year ago and recently I got time to finish 
this work.

All of the libraries above have:
1. Meson and dub support
2. Imports validation for documented examples
3. AWS S3 + Circle CI automated documentation updates

Mir Optim was completely reworked and got Box Constrained QP 

ASDF, mir-algorithm, mir-lapack, mir-random, mir-core have been 


This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments and Kaleidic 


mir-integral: gauss quadratures for integration

2020-02-10 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hey folks,

Just a small betterC mir.quadrature module

 - Gauss-Hermite Quadrature
 - Gauss-Jacobi Quadrature
 - Gauss-Laguerre Quadrature
 - Gauss-Legendre Quadrature

They should be enough to implement a dozen integration algorithms.

MRs, feature requests, and GSoC projects with integration related 
stuff are welcome.


This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investment and Kaleidic 

Re: DMD 32 bit Linux code gen now uses XMM for float & double

2019-05-27 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 28 May 2019 at 01:23:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
32 Bit Linux now uses XMM registers for float and double rather 
than the x87.

This should substantially speed up routine float and double 
SIMD vector operations, however, are still not support on 32 
bit Linux code

because of issues with 16 byte stack alignment.

This means that generated code will no longer work on older x86 
processors that
do not have XMM registers. If this is an issue, please file a 
bug report.


DMD always had that capability, it just wasn't enabled for 
backwards compatibility with older processors.

Thanks a lot. I expect it resolves some ancient issues I had with 
math functions when compiled with DMD.

Does DMD still use x87 for float/double on other targets?

Re: dlang.ru is updated

2019-05-18 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 18 May 2019 at 09:19:24 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Saturday, 18 May 2019 at 06:26:10 UTC, Suliman wrote:

On Saturday, 18 May 2019 at 03:01:33 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Thursday, 16 May 2019 at 12:25:52 UTC, Suliman wrote:


Bullshit! I have checked the dlang.ru at RKN [1] registry and 
there are no dlang.ru in it. I checked with two providers 
from Russia and access works. Don't bug the forum with 
provocations or simply wait for DNS update.

[1] - https://eais.rkn.gov.ru/

It was banned by IP. I checked it two weeks ago. It work very 
strange even from single mobile providers.


Well, yes this IP is blocked for me and the 
checker [1] shows it belongs to dlang.ru (however the site 
itself works well). This was done by the court's decision [2] 
at 13.04.2018, more than a year ago. The information can be 
checked at [3]. You picked an already blocked IP.

[1] https://ipinfo.info/html/ip_checker.php

[3] http://blocklist.rkn.gov.ru/

Or, if you picked it a long time ago, then probably they blocked 
a Europe's subnet with this IP (because of telegram, games or 
drugs). However, nothing in this information says that they 
wanted to block dlang.ru. Placing the site at a new IP will solve 
the problem.

Re: dlang.ru is updated

2019-05-18 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 18 May 2019 at 06:26:10 UTC, Suliman wrote:

On Saturday, 18 May 2019 at 03:01:33 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Thursday, 16 May 2019 at 12:25:52 UTC, Suliman wrote:
After 2 years dlang.ru was update. Content did not change. 
Main improves was is technology stack and design (still not 
perfect, but better than was).


P.S. site is blocked by most of russian internet-providers by 

Bullshit! I have checked the dlang.ru at RKN [1] registry and 
there are no dlang.ru in it. I checked with two providers from 
Russia and access works. Don't bug the forum with provocations 
or simply wait for DNS update.

[1] - https://eais.rkn.gov.ru/

It was banned by IP. I checked it two weeks ago. It work very 
strange even from single mobile providers.


Well, yes this IP is blocked for me and the 
checker [1] shows it belongs to dlang.ru (however the site itself 
works well). This was done by the court's decision [2] at 
13.04.2018, more than a year ago. The information can be checked 
at [3]. You picked an already blocked IP.

[1] https://ipinfo.info/html/ip_checker.php

[3] http://blocklist.rkn.gov.ru/

Re: LDC 1.16.0-beta1

2019-05-11 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 9 May 2019 at 21:14:02 UTC, kinke wrote:
Glad to announce the first beta for LDC 1.16; mainly just an 
upgrade to D 2.086.0.

Full release log and downloads: 

Please help test, and thanks to all contributors!

Many thanks!

Re: Mir Algorithm 3.4.1 - RCArray and RCPtr

2019-04-24 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 24 April 2019 at 10:52:14 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Wednesday, 24 April 2019 at 01:34:58 UTC, 9il wrote:

Thread safe RC Array and Ptr. Plus C++ headers for code 



Does this make any use of DIP1000? How is the run-time/memory 
performance vs. the GC versions?

RC types are created to be used with DIP1000. Plus, Mir Algorithm 
used in production with this DIP. See configuration "dips" [1]

Well, the allocator support is not ready yet. But the 
mir_rc_context already contains `void* allocator` that will be 
replaced in the future with nothrow @nogc allocator interface 
(maybe this or next year). For now, Mir RC types are like a C++ 
shared_ptr without allocators and with the same performance.

1. https://github.com/libmir/mir-algorithm/blob/master/dub.sdl#L26

Mir Algorithm 3.4.1 - RCArray and RCPtr

2019-04-23 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

Thread safe RC Array and Ptr. Plus C++ headers for code 


Also, Ndslice and Series RC wrappers are available:

mir.qualifier from mir-core library contains useful utilities to 
work with RC and/or const data.

1. lightScope - returns a rc-free view of a Slice/Series. For 
example, for Slice!(RCI!double) it returns Slice!(double*)

2. lightConst - returns a mutable Slice/Series view to constant 
data. In terms of Phobos: it converts a constant range structure 
to a mutable range structure with constant elements.

3. lightImmutable  - the same for immutable qualifier

DMD related regression:

and a new bug:

This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments and Kaleidic 



Re: ldexp and frexp benchmark between Mir, C and Phobos

2018-12-29 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 29 December 2018 at 15:15:48 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
On Fri, 28 Dec 2018 at 20:50, 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce 

ldexp and frexp are base building blocks for a lot of math 

Here is a small benchmark that compares Mir, C and Phobos 


Mir ldexp is 2.5 (5.5 - dmd) times faster for double and float.

You could double the speed of ldexp if you actually used the 
checkedint compiler intrinsics rather than implementing it 

Using libm's ldexp() is also likely going to be 2-5x slower 
than using
the implementation you've written for mir.ldexp().  For one, 

version will be inlined!

Mir has support for LLVM checkedint intrinsics. GDC checkedint 
intrinsics are not yet integrated in Mir.


Re: ldexp and frexp benchmark between Mir, C and Phobos

2018-12-29 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 29 December 2018 at 12:35:03 UTC, kinke wrote:

On Friday, 28 December 2018 at 19:48:28 UTC, 9il wrote:
Any chance the multi-precision ldexp can be upstreamed to 
Phobos (which currently uses real precision for the 
float/double overloads, which explains the suboptimal 
performance)? It'd make a *lot* more sense there, instead of 
having it in a separate library. It's well-known that there's a 
lot of remaining std.math functions which need proper 
single/double precision implementations, and ldexp is one of 

Yes, Mir is Boost licensed, but I don't work on Phobos anymore. 
Mir libraries are going to be independent of Phobos.

ldexp and frexp benchmark between Mir, C and Phobos

2018-12-28 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
ldexp and frexp are base building blocks for a lot of math 

Here is a small benchmark that compares Mir, C and Phobos 


Mir ldexp is 2.5 (5.5 - dmd) times faster for double and float.

LDC, macos x64:
ldexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 2.55584
ldexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 0.773019
frexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 1.04093
frexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 1.748
ldexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 2.49162
ldexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 1.31868
frexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 0.937906
frexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 1.82241
ldexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 0.999327 (LDC Phobos uses C func 
for real)
ldexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 0.969467 (LDC Mir uses C func 
for real)

frexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 1.02512
frexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 1.77901

DMD, macos x64:
ldexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 5.53172
ldexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 0.535711
frexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 2.06024
frexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 0.739571
ldexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 5.32189
ldexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 0.772949
frexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 2.02758
frexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 0.637328
ldexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 2.61905
ldexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 0.803806
frexp (Phobos time / Mir time) = 1.22398
frexp (  stdc time / Mir time) = 1.08659


This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments and Kaleidic 


RCArray for D & C++ - mir-algorithm v3.1.12

2018-11-20 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce
Thread safe reference counted RCArray with DIP1000 in mind has 
been released with mir-algorithm v3.1.12.

It has well defined C++ header. You can use it from C++ if the 
same type is used in linked D object file.

D's RCArray (1) (mir_rcarray) does not have range primitives, 
only length, [], and [i] primitives. [] returns a common scoped 
slice view (common D array).

C++'s mir_rcarray (2) defines [i], at, begin, cbegin, end, cend, 
and data primitives.

Both D and C++ versions define asSlice method that returns 
ndslice view on top of reference counted iterator.

See also the example D++ interaction (5)

D++ interaction now tested in Travis CI. GCC may not be 
compatible with LDC, CLANG interacts well.

This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments (3) and 
Kaleidic Associates (4).


3. http://symmetryinvestments.com/
4. https://github.com/kaleidicassociates/
5. https://github.com/libmir/mir-algorithm/tree/master/cpp_example


Re: usable @nogc Exceptions with Mir Runtime

2018-11-02 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 2 November 2018 at 07:00:49 UTC, Manu wrote:
On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 9:30 AM Oleg via Digitalmars-d-announce 

Thanks for your work!

> Example
> ===
> ///
> @safe pure nothrow @nogc
> unittest
> {
> import mir.exception;
> import mir.format;
> try throw new MirException(stringBuf() << "Hi D" << 2 <<
> "!" << getData);
> catch(Exception e) assert(e.msg == "Hi D2!");
> }
> ===

I don't understand why you choose C++ format style instead of 
D-style format?

Perhaps this is a stupid question... but there's clearly `new
MirException` right there in that code.
How is this @nogc?

The code requires -dip1008 flag. Take a look into the DIP 

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