Re: Time to setup D's wallet

2021-11-11 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 9 November 2021 at 17:29:37 UTC, Rumbu wrote:

Nim received a nice donation :)

You never know when it happens.

I hope the put the money into making a better debugger ;-)

Re: Top Five World’s Most Underrated Programming Languages

2019-01-23 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 12:26:02 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 24/01/2019 1:20 AM, JN wrote:
Well, the truth is, people don't come to a language because of 
a killer feature. Sometimes it's even the opposite. Java and 
Dart are familiar to some extent because of lack of killer 

Actually that isn't quite true.

Java's killer feature is consistent simplicity. That is how it 
was originally sold to great success. The ecosystem and tooling 
came later.

Java is going to get CSP-style concurency as in Go probably in 
JDK13. It's called Project Loom. Here is a presentation by Mark 
Reinhold (Java project lead at Oracle) where he is presenting a 
preview of JDK13 and Project Loom: 
(starting at 1:08:47)

This will create some competition for Go what the multi-threading 
model is concerned. Java is better than Go otherwise in every 
aspect except memory consumption.

Re: Top Five World’s Most Underrated Programming Languages

2019-01-23 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 15:04:00 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
I would think that dynamic class loading is something that 
could be bolted on to C++ (and presumably D as well), albeit 

Dynamic class loading means there is no more link step.

Re: Top Five World’s Most Underrated Programming Languages

2019-01-23 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 14:14:06 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
I've made this comparison many times before, but I'll do it 

Look at what Rust offers as documentation for Cargo:

This is what you get with Dub:

One is professional documentation, the other was something 
hacked together by a sixth grader over the weekend. The Dub 
documentation is good through the part demonstrating `dub 
init`, then it falls apart. It talks about two configuration 
file formats - not one, but two ("use whichever you prefer") 
and I have no idea there is even a discussion of configuration 
file formats at that point. Then there's a link to this word 

Noticeably absent: how I'm supposed to *use* Dub. Where do I 
put my source files? How do I add dependencies? Have you ever 
heard of an example?

Then a little below that is a link to this page: I wonder what that is for. Can't 
make heads or tails out of that.

This is *introduction to the language*. If someone sees that 
and doesn't run away, there's something wrong. I most 
definitely would have gone with Rust if it had been usable when 
I started using D. The Dub documentation makes it really hard 
to bring in users - and makes Rust look like a sane language in 

This is all true, but you need to keep in mind that Go had no 
real package manager for a long time. There was the "go get" 
command which loaded the code from some github repo in the state 
it was at the time when being loaded. There was no version 
control. Nobody really cared (the vendor stuff in Go was added 
with Go 1.10 or 1.11). Goroutines were the killer feature of the 
language that paved the way, because this was badly needed for 
writing server-side software.

I don't think D will have some killer app in the mid-term future. 
So what is left is to put a killer feature into the language like 
CSP or safe manual memory management or something.

Re: Top Five World’s Most Underrated Programming Languages

2019-01-23 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 12:26:02 UTC, rikki cattermole 
Java's killer feature is consistent simplicity. That is how it 
was originally sold to great success. The ecosystem and tooling 
came later.

Also, the Internet was Java's killer application. No other 
language had the libraries for accessing the Internet easily. 
Then there is dynamic class loading. This made things a little 
bit more unsafe at runtime but in general developer productivity 
rose sharply, comparable to Smalltalk and by order of magnitude 
compared to C++. At that time the competition for Java was only 
Smalltalk and C++. Performance was nevertheless good, because of 
runtime code optimization (HotSpot), which was a new thing 
(albeit taken from Strongtalk, some Smalltalk high performance 

Re: Top Five World’s Most Underrated Programming Languages

2019-01-23 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 09:58:05 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 

On Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 09:14:18 UTC, Bienlein wrote:

On Friday, 18 January 2019 at 08:55:23 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
D really needs its killer use case if it is to move away from 
that list.

D is a lot like Scala on the JVM: Both language have myriads 
of language features and bells and whistles, but there is no 
killer feature in the language itself.

For me the killer feature is meta-programming. No other 
language comes close.

It's a nice feature, but won't make any startup company choose D 
or any other company as the language for their next software 

Re: Top Five World’s Most Underrated Programming Languages

2019-01-23 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 18 January 2019 at 08:55:23 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
D really needs its killer use case if it is to move away from 
that list.

D is a lot like Scala on the JVM: Both language have myriads of 
language features and bells and whistles, but there is no killer 
feature in the language itself. Rust and Go have that: Rust has 
safe manual memory management and Go has an excellent threading 
model with communicating sequential processes (aka goroutines). 
Scala didn't make it anywhere until Akka came along beind 
developed in Scala. Then came Play, Spark and Kafka - all 
developed in Scala.

Either the language has a killer feature or there must be a 
killer application written in it. For D the latter applies as it 
does not have a killer feature in the language. Build CSP into D 
or manual memory management as in Rust. CSP without a GC is 
difficult (that's one reason why Go has a GC) and Go has a very 
good GC.

I don't think marketing is a requirement. Rust and Go also 
received no big marketing. Their respective killer feature paved 
the way as those things were needed. Then people just take it and 
use it.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2019-01-14 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 13:33:29 UTC, Russel Winder 

Brilliant, DConf comes to the UK, I can get to it…


it's on at the exact same time as DevoxxUK 2019 which is at the 
Business Design Centre. :-(

Programming languages are unimportant anyway.

Re: Aalborg D meetup

2018-06-15 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 15 June 2018 at 07:34:07 UTC, biocyberman wrote:

On Friday, 15 June 2018 at 07:20:04 UTC, Bienlein wrote:

On Wednesday, 13 June 2018 at 12:37:26 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Wednesday, 13 June 2018 at 12:12:11 UTC, bauss wrote:
I'll be there since I live there and would be nice to see 
monthly meetups! :)

I forgot to ask. Is it free entry? :)

Yeah, and the Aalborg Akvavit is also free ? ;-)

Depending on the volume you can take and how you transport to 
and from the meetup :) But I am taking some beer, soft drinks 
(saft vand?), fruit and chips. It's good for discussing 
socializing parts

It is called soda vand, I think. Unhappily I'm about 1000 km away 
from Aalborg :-(

Re: Aalborg D meetup

2018-06-15 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 13 June 2018 at 12:37:26 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Wednesday, 13 June 2018 at 12:12:11 UTC, bauss wrote:
I'll be there since I live there and would be nice to see 
monthly meetups! :)

I forgot to ask. Is it free entry? :)

Yeah, and the Aalborg Akvavit is also free ? ;-)

Re: Gary Willoughby: "Why Go's design is a disservice to intelligent programmers"

2015-03-31 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce
Java programmers are having to come to terms with this. Python 
programmers sort of have, except that BDFL has failed to accept 
the correct end point and still likes loops. Scala has done it 
all wrong. (Further opinions available on request :-)

Could you provide some sample Scala code to demonstrate what you 
mean? Just because it is not clear to me what this is about. 

Re: "Programming in D" book is 100% translated

2014-07-24 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce
Very nice piece of work. Thank you! The PDF version seems not to 
have a table of contents. Would be really helpful if it had :-).

Re: D Breaks on to the TIOBE Top 20 List.

2014-04-26 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 25 April 2014 at 19:51:22 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:
I know we don't place much value in TIOBE and it's brethren. 
However, I thought that this was a milestone worthy of a note 

I don't want to take your joy, but tiobe has its mood swings: 
Groovy was within the top 20 last year, see 
Now it is somewhere below the top 40. I think it was below the 
top 50 at the beginning of the year.

Nevertheless, it is certainly good news :-).