On Monday, 11 July 2016 at 10:05:15 UTC, Ben Palmer wrote:
Hi All,

The July Berlin D Meetup will be happening at 20:00 on Friday the 15th of July at Berlin Co-Op (http://co-up.de/) on the fifth floor.

This time we will be doing a hackathon with DUB. Mathias Lang will be present to give a brief introduction, provide assistance, and point people in the direction of open issues that would be good to get sorted.

Sociomantic have come to the party once more and will be sponsoring food (including vegetarian options) and drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic).

More details are available on the meetup page here: http://www.meetup.com/Berlin-D-Programmers/events/232532625/


I cannot come, is too late for me :(
I hope you have a nice meetup!

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