Summary: remove opIndexAssign from the language
           Product: D
           Version: 2.031
          Platform: Other
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: P1
         Component: DMD

Despite being redundant, my main gripe with opIndexAssign is that it can even
get in the way. For instance:


import std.stdio;

struct Arr(size_t W, size_t H, T)
    T[W * H] arr;

    this(T[W*H] rhs)
        arr = rhs;

    ref T opIndex(size_t row, size_t col)
        return arr[row + W*col];

int main()
    auto a = Arr!(2, 2, int)( [1, 2, 3, 4] );

    writeln( "a[1, 1] = ", a[1, 1] ); // a[1, 1] = 4

    a[1, 1] += 2;
    writeln( "a[1, 1] = ", a[1, 1] ); // a[1, 1] = 6

    // This requires opIndexAssign, but for no good reason
    //a[1, 1] = 42;
    //writeln( "a[1, 1] = ", a[1, 1] );

    return 0;

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