Summary: DMD 1.048+ fails to take function pointer from
                    overloaded member functions
           Product: D
           Version: 1.051
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: regression
          Priority: P2
         Component: DMD

--- Comment #0 from 2009-11-30 08:08:06 PST ---
The following code compiles and works fine on DMD 1.047 and older (DMD 1.023
was the earliest one I tested), but no longer compiles with DMD 1.048 up to DMD
1.052 because the compiler cannot »choose« the correct overload when it tries
to create the delegate/function pointer. In older versions, the casts were
enough of a hint.

Note, however, that the code compiles without any errors if the overload I try
to get the address of is the last one declared – in the example below, getting
the address of »void foo( float a )« would work fine.


template addressOf( alias fn, Type ) {
  const addressOf = cast( Type )&fn;

class A {
  void foo( float a ) {}
  void foo( int a ) {}

  void bar() {
    void* dg = addressOf!( foo, void function( float ) );
    auto blah = cast( void delegate( float ) )&foo;
    if ( cast( void* )blah.funcptr == dg ) {
      // Stdout( "not overridden" ).newline;
    } else {
      // Stdout( "overridden" ).newline;

class B : A {
  override void foo( float a ) {}
  override void foo( int a ) {}

void main() {
  A a = new A();;

  A b = new B();;

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