Summary: template instantiation with empty tuple
           Product: D
           Version: 2.036
          Platform: x86
        OS/Version: Linux
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: DMD

--- Comment #0 from garick <> 2009-12-08 01:36:10 PST 
string func( A... )( string name, string v )
    return "int " ~ name ~ " = " ~ v ~ ";";

void main()
    writeln( func!( int, long, float )( "val", "10" ) );
    writeln( func!()( "tmp", "77" ) ); // D 2.036 successfully compile this,   
                                       // but not 2.037
    // worked in 2.037
    alias func!() TMP;
    writeln( TMP( "tmp", "77" ) ); 

2.037 output:
funcmix.d(13): Error: template funcmix.func(A...) does not match any function
template declaration
funcmix.d(13): Error: template funcmix.func(A...) cannot deduce template
function from argument types !()(string,string)
funcmix.d(13): Error: template instance errors instantiating template

May be because '()' and '()' tuples are incompartible ?
see Issue 3278

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