Summary: More handy BigInt.toString()
           Product: D
           Version: future
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: P2
         Component: Phobos

--- Comment #0 from 2010-04-24 16:09:02 PDT ---
The toString() of BigInt is not handy to print bigintegers during debugging. I
have had to create a function like:

const(char)[] bigIntRepr(BigInt i) {
    const(char)[] result;
    i.toString((const(char)[] s){ result = s; }, "d");
    return result;

Note that this doesn't work (Access violation, I don't know why):

const(char)[] bigIntRepr(BigInt i) {
    const(char)[] result;
    i.toString((const(char)[] s){ result = s; }, null);
    return result;

My suggestion is to change the signature of BigInt.toString() from this:

void toString(void delegate(const (char)[]) sink, string formatString) const {

To something like this:

string toString(void delegate(string) sink=null, string formatString="d") const

And make it return a string filled with the decimal representation when sink is
null; and to return an empty string when sink!=null.


Eventually the signature can even become:

string toString(void delegate(string) sink=null, string formatString="d",
string thousands="") const {

So if thousands="_" the number gets represented as:


But this is less important.

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