Summary: immutable and static variables usage in asm{}
           Product: D
           Version: D2
          Platform: x86
        OS/Version: Windows
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: DMD

--- Comment #0 from 2011-05-03 03:04:41 PDT ---
I am not sure about the errors shown here (so no keywords). Please close this
bug report if things here are working as expected.

D2 code:

void main() {
    immutable size_t x = 10;
    asm {
        mov EDI, x;

DMD 2.052 shows the error:
test.d(2): Error: Integer constant expression expected instead of x = 10u


D2 code, static (thread-local) variables can't be used in ASM:

void main() {
    static size_t x = 10;
    asm {
        mov EDI, x;

It produces:
object.Error: Access Violation

They work using __gshared, this gives no errors:

void main() {
    __gshared static size_t x = 10;
    asm {
        mov EDI, x;

My suggestion is to remove this source of errors. One solution may be to
disallow the direct access to static variables from asm code, avoiding this

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