Summary: NRVO not properly working with inferred return type
           Product: D
           Version: D1 & D2
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Keywords: performance
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: DMD

--- Comment #0 from Trass3r <> 2012-01-23 16:27:36 CET ---
import std.stdio;
struct S
    static uint ci = 0;
    uint i;

    this(int x)
        i = ci++;
        writeln("new: ", i);

        i = ci++;
        writeln("copy ", i);

        writeln("del ", i);

    S save1() // produces 2 copies in total
        S s = this;
        return s;

    auto save2() // produces 3 copies in total
        S s = this;
        return s;
        pragma(msg, typeof(return));

    S save3()
        return this;

void main()
    S s = S(1);
    S t = S(1);

    t = s.save1();

    writeln("-"); = 0;
    S s = S(1);
    S t = S(1);
    t = s.save2();

    writeln("-"); = 0;
    S s = S(1);
    S t = S(1);
    t = s.save3();

$ dmd -run test.d
//or dmd -release -run test.d
//or dmd -release -O -run test.d
new: 0
new: 1
copy 2
del 1
del 2
del 0
new: 0
new: 1
copy 2
copy 3
del 2
del 1
del 3
del 0
new: 0
new: 1
copy 2
del 1
del 2
del 0

$ dmd -release -O -inline -run test.d
new: 0
new: 1
copy 2
del 1
del 2
del 0
new: 0
new: 1
copy 2
copy 3
del 2
del 1
del 3
del 0
new: 0
new: 1
del 1
del 0
del 0

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