On 2017-04-25 00:07, JamesD wrote:

I'm pretty new with D, and I'm not a full-time coder.
A learning goal was to see if I could figure out how to create a dub
package for DWT.
I feel I am well on the way to achieve this goal (32-bit works, need to
test 64-bit).
I respect your work, as well as the others, in porting DWT from SWT and
maintaining it.
I don't want to "muck" up your repository.
Having said that, I would much prefer this be part of the original
github repository.
Then, I could retire my dwtlib dub package in favor of the updated
github repository.
What are your thoughts?

I would like to have a Dub package for DWT, but I haven't created one yet because I have not been able to figure out a good way to deal with the submodules or the examples. I guess the submodules could be inlined directly in the main repository.

I'm also not sure how the configurations work in Dub. Will the correct configuration be selected automatically based on platform?

/Jacob Carlborg

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