Re: Question about iteger literals

2014-06-22 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Uranuz: Another stupid question. Using this logic substraction for two uint values should return int too, because it can produce negative result. Am I right or not? There are no stupid questions, there are only some stupid answers. Generally uint - uint generates a result with a

Re: Question about iteger literals

2014-06-22 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Uranuz: Why there are so complicated rules in the *new* language. It's hard to understand the logic. Despite D being only 14 years old, one of its rules is to (usually) give the same results if you write code that is valid in C. This means it has to follow many rules of C language. If you

Re: mixin(__MODULE__) fails if module name is module

2014-06-22 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
sigod: Shouldn't keywords be disallowed for module names? I agree. (Walter seems not too keen on strictness). This question seems more fit for the main D newsgroup. Look in Bugzilla if there is a enhancement request. Bye, bearophile

Re: assocArray.get(key, default) exists?

2014-06-21 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Paul: IS there such method get(key, default) for associative arrays, like in Python? Try it. Bye, bearophile

Re: DMD assert error

2014-06-18 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Byron Heads: Anyone seeing this error? Assertion failure: '0' on line 423 in file 'backend\aa.c' Please put in a new Bugzilla entry a minimal program that generates that failure. Bye, bearophile

Re: Formatted read of tokens?

2014-06-17 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Jerry: If I do f.readf(%s %s, l, i); it fails if the whitespace is a tab. In you can use byLine, followed by a split, and then assignment of the pieces, followed by to!int where necessary. Bye, bearophile

Re: Subclass of Exception

2014-06-14 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Paul: class MyError : Exception { this(string msg) { super(msg); } } Don't call exceptions errors, because in D there are also errors, so they should have distinct names. Is any shorter D way? Perhaps not. Bye, bearophile

Re: Version() for unittest OR debug?

2014-06-10 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Juanjo Alvarez: Probably I pretty simple question, how could I mark some code to be compiled when in debug OR unittest mode? (or both, ||) At first I tough I could do: version(unittest, debug) {} You can define a enum boolean value in the version unittest block, and another inside the

Re: Version() for unittest OR debug?

2014-06-10 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Juanjo Alvarez: Probably I pretty simple question, how could I mark some code to be compiled when in debug OR unittest mode? (or both, ||) Regarding your latest ER, Walter is usually not fond of such ideas. I have seen many similar ideas being shot down. Bye, bearophile

Re: splitter for strings

2014-06-09 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Chris: auto word = bla-bla; auto parts = appender!(string[]); w.splitter('-').copy(parts); // == 3 [bla, , bla] With the current dmd 2.066alpha this code: void main() { import std.stdio, std.string, std.algorithm; const txt = bla-bla; txt.split(-).writeln;

Re: How to add elements to dynamic array of dynamic array

2014-06-07 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
katuday: I am very new to D. Welcome to D :-) alias the_row = string[]; alias the_table = the_row[]; Here you are defining two types (and in D idiomatically types are written in CamelCase, so TheRow and TheTable). File inFile = File(account.txt, r); This is

Re: Compiler support for T(n) notation for initialization of variables

2014-06-07 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Joseph Rushton Wakeling: which version of the dmd frontend introduces support for the notation T(n) to initialize a variable as type T? Is it 2.065 or the upcoming 2.066? In 2.066. Bye, bearophile

Re: zip with fieldTuple

2014-06-06 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
John: I can iterate over the struct elements with the traits FieldTypeTuple!foo, In such iteration you are using a static foreach. Types are compile-time constructs in D. If you need run-time entities you need to get their typeinfo. I can iterate over the the string that represents the

Re: zip with fieldTuple

2014-06-06 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
John: C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\range.d(3808): Error: template cannot deduce template function from argument types !()((int, float),string[]) By the way, I find it surprising that D/Phobos give a so good error message for a so messed up situation. I don't

Re: Linking with C on Windows

2014-06-05 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Mark Isaacson: My attempts to have either the MinGW linker or the Visual Studio linker accept my D .objs have all failed. Try using the dmc compiler for the C code. Bye, bearophile

Re: Delegate, scope and associative array

2014-06-03 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Ali Çehreli: Here is a workaround: unittest { size_t delegate()[size_t] events; auto makeClosure(size_t i) { return { return i; }; } foreach( i; 1..4 ) { events[i] = makeClosure(i); } You can also use two lambdas to do that, without the makeClosure:

Re: asserts and release

2014-06-03 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Etienne: Are asserts supposed to be evaluated in DMD release? I was getting a privileged instructions error 0xC096 which was caused by an assert, when doing some gc programming in druntime assert(0) are not removed in release builds. They are a HALT. Bye, bearophile

Re: how to detect ctfe

2014-06-01 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Vlad Levenfeld: Is there any way that I can detect whether or not a function is being evaluated at compile time? Specifically I want to switch between to use/not to use memoize!func without having to figure out when its CTFE-able and calling it with different syntax. Calling it with a

Re: Interfacing to const T or const T* C++ code

2014-06-01 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Atila Neves: D: struct Foo { int i; int j; } extern(C++) void useFoo(ref const(Foo) foo); C++: struct Foo { int i; int j; }; void useFoo(const Foo foo) { ... } This doesn't look very safe because D const is transitive, unlike the C++ const. So in the C++ code you can

Re: floating point conversion

2014-06-01 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Martin Krejcirik: float a = 1.23f; double b = to!float(1.23); assert (a == b); // ??? } Should the assert fail or not ? (Please reply without trying first). It's a bad question. Generally to compare floating point values for equality use std.math.feqrel. Bye, bearophile

Re: dmd segfaults

2014-05-31 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
matovitch: Does anybody knows why dmd segfaults on this code ? Should I report this as a bug ? Please report this minimized case to Bugzilla: struct Foo(int[] arr) { const int[] arr = arr; } void main() { Foo!([0]) foo; } The error it gives before the crash: test.d(2,17):

Re: enums

2014-05-31 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Miles Stoudenmire: In contrast to those two examples where immutable can be used at compile time, what are some other cases where it is necessary to use enum instead of immutable? By default use enum if you define a compile-time-known value, unless it's composed data like an array, etc.

Re: enums

2014-05-31 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Chris Nicholson-Sauls: Good... I was starting to fear I was the only one. In general you can't fix the names in a language because you always find someone that likes the ones present :) I think enum is a bad name for the purpose of defining manifest constants, but I don't think this will

Re: Differences between const Type function() and const(Type) function()

2014-05-30 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
francesco cattoglio: And why is const(Foo) getQ so much different? (e.g: this is an explicit cast, right? In D the syntax for casts is cast(something)somethingElse. Bye, bearophile

Re: enums

2014-05-30 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Russel Winder: For me, enum means create an enumerated type. Thus enum double to define a single value is just a contradiction. Enlightenment required… In D enum can be used to define manifest constants. This means constants known at compile time. In practice for a double there isn't a

Re: Hiding types

2014-05-30 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Philippe Sigaud: as foo is returning a value from a private type, it should be considered private also. I think this was discussed, but I don't know why Walter didn't design like that. Perhaps someone else can give you an answer. Bye, bearophile

Re: Read file on compiler time.

2014-05-29 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Remo: is it also possible to save/write string at compile time? There is pragma(msg, ...) but it's a little crappy. There are plans and a pull request for a good _ctWrite, but it's stalled for reasons unknown to me. Bye, bearophile

Re: std.algorithm range violation

2014-05-28 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
maarten van damme: writeln(providor_symbol_map.keys.sort!((x,y)=providor_symbol_map[x].length=providor_symbol_map[y].length)); [/code] Try: ((x, y) = providor_symbol_map[x].length providor_symbol_map[y].length) Bye, bearophile

Re: std.algorithm range violation

2014-05-28 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Wanderer: providor_symbol_map.sort!((x,y)={x.value.length=y.value.length}), This lambda doesn't return a boolean. Also, add spaces around operators and after commas. Bye, bearophile

Re: @safe @nogc memory allocation

2014-05-28 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Dicebot: It is also because `malloc` can return null when out of memory and `new` will throw an Error. Wrapper around `malloc` that throws `OutOfMemoryError` on null can be considered of same purity class as `new`. One wrapper should have a template argument to specify the type of the

One case of GC-allocated closure

2014-05-26 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
I don't know if this is a bug, an enhancement request, or just a mistake of mine. I don't understand why currently @nogc refuses this code: import std.algorithm: filter; struct Foo { bool bar(in int) @nogc { return true; } auto spam() @nogc { immutable static data

Re: Bounds check

2014-05-23 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Chris: The following: import std.stdio; void main() { int[5] arg; arg[10] = 3; // Compiler says (of course): Error: array index 10 is out of bounds arg[0 .. 5] } import std.stdio; void main() { int[5] arg; foreach (i; 0..10) { arg[i] = i; } } Compiler says

Re: DLang Front Page Code Example

2014-05-22 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Nicholas Londey: So I tried rewriting the example on the home page and came up with the following. import std.algorithm, std.exception, std.stdio; double average(T)(T range) { enforce(!range.empty, No inputs); auto totals =!(a = tuple(1.0,

Re: Scalar + array operations

2014-05-21 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Stefan Frijters: Is this by design? It was very surprising to me, especially since all other combinations do seem to work. I don't know if this situation is by design. At first sights it seems a limitation that could be removed. Bye, bearophile

Re: [std.c.stdlib] (malloc(something) is null) or (malloc(something) == 0)?

2014-05-20 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Alexandr Druzhinin: In D code I do void* data = GC.malloc(...); if(data is null) ... In C code I do void* data = malloc(...); if(data == null) ... What to do when in D code I have void* data = std.c.stdlib.malloc(...); if(data ?) // is null vs == 0 x is null or x == null are

Re: [std.c.stdlib] (malloc(something) is null) or (malloc(something) == 0)?

2014-05-20 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Adam D. Ruppe: but I prefer is null because that is most consistent with other D code (where there might be a difference between the two). Curiously I do the opposite, I use == to remind me it's a pointer :-) Bye, bearophile

Re: Convert a hex string into a ubyte[] or OutBuffer

2014-05-19 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Darren: Let's say I have a hex representation of a large number: String hexnum = 16D81B16E091F31BEF; I'd like to convert it into a ubyte[] A simple way is to use hex strings and then cast it to immutable(ubyte)[]: void main() { immutable hexNum =

Re: Write double to text file, then read it back later without losing precision

2014-05-19 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Andrew Brown: I would like to write a double to a text file as hexadecimal and then read it back in without losing information. Is this good enough for you? void main() { import std.stdio, std.math; auto fout = File(ouput.txt, w); fout.writef(%a, PI); fout.close; auto

Re: randomSample

2014-05-18 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Meta: You need to use the function array from std.array. import std.array; int[] source = [ ... ]; int[] sample = randomSample(source, 3).array(); In some cases it's also useful to use std.algorithm.copy: void main() { import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.random, std.array,

Re: UCFS does not work for nested functions?

2014-05-18 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Steffen Wenz: Just noticed that using UFCS does not work for nested functions, Right. and was wondering whether that's intended, and what the rationale behind it is: Currently it's intended. Because doing otherwise causes other problems with struct/class member functions. Perhaps there

Re: Modify char in string

2014-05-18 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Tim: is there any chance to modify a char in a string like: void main() { string sMyText = Replace the last char_; sMyText[$ - 1] = '.'; } But when I execute the code above I'm always getting cannot modify immutable expression at sMyText[__dollar -1LU]. I though D supported such

Re: D Newbie Trying to Use D with Major C Libraries

2014-05-16 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
John Colvin: Any plans to get any preprocessor stuff working? Do you mean in D? Bye, bearophile

Re: [Rosettacode] Growable slices

2014-05-16 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
There are of course ways to implement a really efficient ZLW compressor in D, and such implementation could be added as third D entry if it manages to be not too much long, Third version added: I have tried to make it

Re: [Rosettacode] Growable slices

2014-05-16 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Artur Skawina: So how does it perform wrt the D version that I wrote for you last time? [1] [1] From your answer: First, the code above is practically a textbook example on how /not/ to write readable and

Re: [Rosettacode] Growable slices

2014-05-16 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Artur Skawina: Ugh. So how does it perform wrt the D version that I wrote for you last time? [1] I have done a benchmark with the various version (the first 3 are the ones on the Rosettacode site, and the #4 is yours): lzw1: 0.39 lzw2: 0.17 lzw3: 0.21 lzw4: 0.17 I think your comment was

Re: [Rosettacode] Growable slices

2014-05-16 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
monarch_dodra: Arguably, your code allocates a lot. What version (1-2-3) do you mean? I'll give it a shot (next week). I think the LZW entries are OK :) So if you want to work on Rosettacode it's better to write an entry that is missing in D. Bye, bearophile

[Rosettacode] Growable slices

2014-05-15 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
This task asks for an basic implementation of the the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression/decompression algorithm. I am keeping two D versions, the first one is minimal, and the second is a little more optimized: There are of

Re: Why std.algorithm.sort can't be applied to char[]?

2014-05-14 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
monarch_dodra: As a matter of fact, the built in sort property does it. It's going to be deprecated soon. Bye, bearophile

Re: Cost of assoc array?

2014-05-14 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Chris: Is there any huge difference as regards performance and memory footprint between the two? Or is 2. basically 1. under the hood? An associative array is a rather more complex data structure, so if you don't need it, use something simpler. There is difference in both the amount of

Re: Cost of assoc array?

2014-05-14 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Chris: Do you mean the difference is negligible in many cases? Yes, but you have to profile the code (or reason about it well, with knowledge of the data structures and their usage patterns) if you want to know what your case is. Bye, bearophile

Re: Cost of assoc array?

2014-05-14 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Chris: foreach (size_t i; 0..myArray.length) { // do something with myArray[i]; } There are various better ways to use a foreach on an array: foreach (immutable x; myArray) { foreach (ref const x; myArray) { foreach (ref x; myArray) { Bye, bearophile

Re: Array!T and find are slow

2014-05-14 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Damian Day: Benchmark found here: Perhaps it's a problem of missed dmd inlining. So I suggest to run the benchmark with ldc2. Bye, bearophile

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-09 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Yuriy: but I like D, and i strongly believe it's the next big language. Oh, good. Do you want to briefly explain why? :) Bye, bearophile

Re: Need help with movement from C to D

2014-05-08 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Artur Skawina: But I have no idea why anybody would want to wrap this trivial expression like that. And, I have no idea if the, hmm, /unconventional/ D offsetof semantics are in the bugzilla. It's not really a bug, but a design mistake...

Re: throws Exception in method

2014-05-08 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
amehat: What is the proper behavior for this D? D doesn't have that Java syntax, because it was widely regarded as a Java design mistake. So in D omit the throws part. If your function tree doesn't throw exceptions (but it can throw errors) add a nothrow. Bye, bearophile

Re: [Rosettacode] D code line length limit

2014-05-08 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Jonathan M Davis: I still think that allowing const on the left is simply a bad design decision. I opened a request on this, and it was closed down :-) Bye, bearophile

Re: [Rosettacode] D code line length limit

2014-05-08 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
H. S. Teoh: FWIW, for very long function signatures I write it this way: const(T)[] myVeryLongFunction(T)(const(T)[] arr, intx, inty, intz,

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-08 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Yuriy: But. Why are you protecting __monitors so eagerly? :) Also take a look at the Rust language, that avoids some of your problems :-) Bye, bearophile

[Rosettacode] D code line length limit

2014-05-07 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
So far in Rosettacode D entries I've kept a line length limit of 72 or 73 chars. But now a little larger monitors are common, D UFCS chains are common, and we also have longer function signatures with pure nothrow @safe @nogc (that usually I put on a new line), so keeping that line length

Re: [Rosettacode] D code line length limit

2014-05-07 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Nick Sabalausky: 72-73 chars would indeed be a pain. In my own code I like to use a soft limit of 80, FWIW. This is not regular code, it's an online wiki. The situation is a little different. But I think 80 is now acceptable. Bye, bearophile

Re: Reading a single whitespace-separated word from stdin

2014-05-06 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Mark Isaacson: I'm trying my hand at reading from standard input and having little luck. In particular, I would like to be able to do the rough equivalent of C++'s: cin myString; There isn't always a 1:1 mapping between C++ and D. In D if you want a single word you usually read the whole

Re: Reading a single whitespace-separated word from stdin

2014-05-06 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Mark Isaacson: Fair enough. I've done stuff like that in the past. I'm trying to implement a university project that was originally designed for C++ style I/O... and so where I'd have otherwise jumped at something like that from the beginning, my hands are slightly tied. If you need/want

Re: Reading a single whitespace-separated word from stdin

2014-05-06 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Mark Isaacson: Indeed. However, doing so looks more painful than redefining my goals. Upon further examination it seems that I had more flexibility than I originally estimated. Besides, the real reason I'm implementing this project is just to practice for when I get to write production D

Simple matching on a range

2014-05-06 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is it a good idea to add a function like this to Phobos? This is just a first draft of the idea. void main() { import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range, range_matcher; auto primes = iota(2, uint.max) .filter!(x = iota(2, x) .all!(t =

Re: Need help with movement from C to D

2014-05-06 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Artur Skawina: Keep in mind that D's offsetof is flawed - if the object does not contain the requested member, but implicitly converts to another one that does have such field then the expression compiles, but yields a bogus value. Eg struct S { int a, b, c; S2 s2; alias s2 this; }

Re: Need help with movement from C to D

2014-05-06 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Artur Skawina: And, I have no idea if the, hmm, /unconventional/ D offsetof semantics are in the bugzilla. It's not really a bug, but a design mistake... Design mistakes are valid bugzilla entries. At worst the bad behavior could be documented. But often it's possible to fix the design

Re: Implicit static-dynamic arr and modifying

2014-05-06 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
H. S. Teoh: Exercise for the reader: spot the bug. Bye, bearophile

Re: Need help with movement from C to D

2014-05-05 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Andrey: A similar D code is, as far as I know, type.field.offsetof Yes, it's a built-in feature of D. Is there an any way to make a corresponding D template? I don't understand. Please explain better. Bye, bearophile

Re: Any equivalent to python's dir(object) in D?

2014-05-05 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Chris Piker: Is there any way to get a list of the properties and functions provided by a module or class or generic variable in D at runtime? In D there are various traits to do that a compile-time. Like: There are also the Phobos traits:

Re: Is it possible to check if a type is an instance of a template?

2014-05-05 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Andrej Mitrovic: I can do this: struct Foo(T) { } template bar(T : Foo!int) { } I can check if T is a specific instantiation of Foo. But I want to check whether T is *any* instantiation of Foo. Is this possible to do? There is now std.traits.isInstanceOf that could do what you need. Its

Re: Is this a bug?

2014-05-04 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
monarch_dodra: As rule of thumb, you can't allocate during a GC cleaning cycles, and class destructors are usually called during a GC cleaning cycle. This means it is usually unsafe to call *anything* that could potentially allocate in a destructor. So it could be a good idea to have

Re: const ref parameters and r-value references

2014-05-04 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Jonathan M Davis: Andrei suggested auto ref to fix this problem, and Walter implemented it, but he misunderstood what Andrei had meant, I missed this detail of the story :-) Walter has suggested that we just redefine ref itself to do what I just described rather than using auto ref or

Re: Is this a bug?

2014-05-04 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Alex: Why the compiler does not complain or, I've just asked something related to this in the main D newsgroup, take a look there for answers. Today D has means to complain statically. But I don't know the fate of D class destructors. Bye, bearophile

Re: C++ std::map equivalent? (An in-order iterable associative container)

2014-05-04 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Mark Isaacson: 2) Create a wrapper struct that contains key and value and whose comparison operator is defined only on the key. This would essentially be doing what the C++ implementation does. Until we have a tree-based associative map, use a tuple for the key-value and define a less

Re: C++ std::map equivalent? (An in-order iterable associative container)

2014-05-04 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Mark Isaacson: Got it, no native support. Most unfortunate. What native support are you talking about? I've always been vehemently against losing self-documentation via the std::pair/tuple based solution to the problem. What self documentation are you losing in D? I ended up rolling my

Re: C++ std::map equivalent? (An in-order iterable associative container)

2014-05-04 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Dicebot: What benefits this gives over definining distinct struct? Sounds like unnecessary complication for me. See the code in my precedent post, what do you think about it? Bye, bearophile

Re: Postblit not invokable with MyStruct(MyStruct()); ?

2014-05-02 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Mark Isaacson: Accordingly, I no longer need an answer to my second question unless someone knows of a more idiomatic way to get the same results. Is the alias this useful in this case? Bye, bearophile

Re: Strings concatenated at compile time?

2014-05-01 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Jonathan M Davis: If you want it to be guaranteed, you'd do something like template foo(string s) { enum foo = s ~ betty; } A more general solution is to wrap the concatenation with a call to: alias ctEval(alias expr) = expr; Use: string bar() { return ctEval!(s ~ betty); } Bye,

Re: Making enum join variadic

2014-05-01 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Nordlöw: How can I make `join` variadic (by filling in njoin) in the following code? When you have a D tuple (not Phobos tuple), and it contains values all of the same type, you can turn it into an array with just: [mytuple] Once you have an array of strings, you can use the normal

Re: how to print ubyte*

2014-04-30 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
brad clawsie: auto digest = HMAC(EVP_sha1(), cast(void *) key, Better to attach the * to void. cast(int) key.length, cast(ubyte*) s, Here you are casting a struct of pointer to immutable plus length to a

Re: import with renaming and public import inside module

2014-04-29 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
ketmar: so it's broken beyond any repair. so sad. The current implementation of the module system has some problems, that are being worked on. If you think some part of the module system design is not good enough, then try to ask for an enhancement :-) No need to be sad. Bye, bearophile

Re: import with renaming and public import inside module

2014-04-29 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Artur Skawina: The D module system has a lot of problems and certainly needs to be completely redesigned from scratch, I don't think it will be redesigned from scratch (and if that happens I see no proof that the redesign will be better than the original design). So better to fix its major

Re: import with renaming and public import inside module

2014-04-29 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
ketmar: ah, i can't clearly express myself even in this case, i don't think i can make clear request. it's easier to write code, not words. ;-) i'm sad not about D or module issues, i'm sad about myself. One of the most important skills of a programmer (and of course a technical/literary

Re: import with renaming and public import inside module

2014-04-29 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
ketmar: the thing is that English neither my native language Nor mine, as you can see :-) And I am bad with natural languages in general. But you can learn to write acceptable English if you do exercises for some years :-) Bye, bearophile

Re: Is this a bug?

2014-04-28 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Andrey: Could anyone please explain to me, why do I have error message on this piece of code? In this thread you are doing some mistakes. This code seems OK: alias TData = short; alias TArray = TData[100]; struct MyStruct { TArray* arrPtr; } void main() { MyStruct* t3 = new

Re: Pointer to template types?

2014-04-28 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Chris: I need an array that contains pointers to types created via template. To stick to my usual example: Person!(string) How can I make an array with pointers to concrete instances of Person!(string)? Every template creates a new type, so you can't put them as they are in an array.

Re: Pointer to template types?

2014-04-28 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Chris: So there is no way of filling an array with something like Person!(string) *pptr; foreach(person; people) { buf ~= person; } So you want an array filled with instances of the same instantiation, sorry, I misunderstood your problem for a more complex one :-) Bye, bearophile

Re: Is this a bug?

2014-04-28 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Andrey: alias short Type1; The alias X Y; syntax is going to be deprecated, so use alias Y = X; if your compiler already supports it. alias Type1[100]* Type2; // if I take out '*' I will have to type it everywhere, because arrays in D2 always 'by value' Adding the * everywhere could be

Re: Static constructors inconsistency

2014-04-27 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
spec: Although, yeah, it would be nice if the compiler emitted some kind of warning pointing this (if it's at all possible). What got me confused was indeed the disparity of results from changing small things. If you think this can be done and it's useful, then ask for this enhancement

@nogc and lazy arguments

2014-04-27 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Lazy arguments in general allocate, but who is to blame for the allocation? Isn't the allocation at the calling point? This code: void foo(lazy int x) @nogc { auto r = x(); // Error } void main() { foo(1); } Gives: test.d(2,15): Error: @nogc function '' cannot call

Re: Static constructors inconsistency

2014-04-27 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
spec: Although, yeah, it would be nice if the compiler emitted some kind of warning pointing this (if it's at all possible). What got me confused was indeed the disparity of results from changing small things. D doesn't like warnings, but it could be an error. This is minimized code:

Re: @nogc and lazy arguments

2014-04-27 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Dicebot: It happens because attribute inference does not work properly on generated delegated for lazy argument. I think it is a bug lazy int x is effectively same as int delegate() x and @nogc states that you can only call other @nogc functions and delegates from something annotated as

Re: Static constructors inconsistency

2014-04-27 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
spec: I usually try to refrain myself from opinionating on stuff where i lack proper knowledge and i'am still a newbie with D (contrary to you bearophile). It's not just a matter of experience, when there are many interacting parts it's also a matter of intelligence (and people like Timon

Re: Creating a List Type Using std.variant.algebraic

2014-04-27 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Meta: I'm trying to create a basic List type using Algebraic, but the compiler keeps complaining about recursive aliasing. As stated in its docs, Algebraic is not yet finished and good for recursive data structures. But here I have put an usage example of that kind:

Re: Creating a List Type Using std.variant.algebraic

2014-04-27 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Meta: alias List = Algebraic!(typeof(null), Cons!(int, This)); Also your Cons seems a value type, like Algebraic itself. You have to avoid creating an infinite-size algebraic value. Bye, bearophile

Re: Creating a List Type Using std.variant.algebraic

2014-04-27 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Meta: I should specify. This did not work: alias T = Algebraic!(int, This*); void main() { auto l = T(1, new T(2, new T(3, null))); } An Algebraic is a sum type, so you can't store two value in it, only one, an int or a T*. But this is not going to solve your problems... Bye,

Re: Creating a List Type Using std.variant.algebraic

2014-04-27 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Meta: The more I try to use Algebraic, the more I come to think that this is something that can't be done cleanly in a library, even in D. Algebraic is currently unfinished and needs improvements. If it turns out it's not possible to implement it well in library code, we can find the

Re: Static constructors inconsistency

2014-04-27 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
If no one comment I'll put this in Bugzilla. Bye, bearophile

Const Tuples

2014-04-25 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
They are not the same type: void main() { import std.typecons: Tuple; alias T1 = const Tuple!(int, int); alias T2 = Tuple!(const int, const int); static assert(is(T1 == T2)); // Fails. } This type difference causes some troubles when you use tuples. Bye, bearophile

Re: Const Tuples

2014-04-25 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn
Dicebot: Why would you even expect those to be same types? These 2 types are also different: struct A { const int x; } alias A_ = const(A); In general a tuple is a higher level data structure compared to a struct. So it's not unreasonable to expect a Tuple to be more flexible than a

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