Well, I use Ubuntu 14.04 and I have managed to get qt5.5 at my /opt/qt55 since the default(usr/lib) directory is occupied by qt4. Since DOtherSide looks for qt5 from usr/lib, how do I change it to now point to /opt/qt55?

This is the setup in /opt/qt55

karabuta@mx:/opt/qt55$ ls
bin icudtl.dat lib phrasebooks qtwebengine_resources.pak
doc       imports     libexec  plugins      share
examples  include     mkspecs  qml          translations

and DOtherSide is at /home/DOtherSide

karabuta@mx:~/DOtherSide$ ls
build  CHANGELOG.md  CMakeLists.txt  LICENSE  README.md  src  test

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