Hello, everyone!

I was directed here after asking around on reddit.

To get straight to the point, I have practically no programming experience, but I did just finish going through Programming in D and I would like to learn how to make games. My plan so far is to learn how to use dub and build the samples here:

I'm using the DMD compiler and I have downloaded DUB and know that "init" makes a project and that's about it. So, here are some questions!

1) I've downloaded the binaries of the dependencies listed. Do I need to do anything with them to get them to work? I don't know how to add these to the PATH (I'm on Windows 10), but it mentions copying them to a bin folder. Does it matter where the bin folder is added? I'm guessing I only need to include files for code I'm using, but maybe dub does that for me?

2) Does dub automatically download bindings so I can use the libraries with D? (I hope I'm getting the terminology correct here)

3) Do I copy and paste the tutorial code into the app.d file, and replace the contents of the dub.json file with the associated .json of the tutorial?

I apologise for asking for a thorough step-by-step of what I need to do to get these running. I'm sure it's second nature to most of you but it's quite bewildering for a newcomer like me to try getting this stuff to work and keep running into problems.

I'm thinking of starting a blog to help people get into using D once I know what to do, because I really like the language! The best I've used by far. And if anyone feels like writing guides and documentation for complete newbies, I don't mind being a test subject and hopefully bring in more people interested in programming.

Thank you for your time and patience.  :)

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