Re: Pro programmer

2019-08-25 Thread GreatSam4sure via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 26 August 2019 at 04:39:39 UTC, Tony wrote:

On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 21:30:10 UTC, GreatSam4sure wrote:
I am wondering as to what is the starting point of being a pro 
programmer. If I want to be a pro programmer what language 
must I start with?

Most pro programmer I have heard of are all C and C++ Guru. 
Most of the best guys on this D forum falls into that category.

I really want to know programming to the core not just tied to 
a language or just at the level of drag and drop or use a 
framework or library.

I will appreciate your help in this matter. I am ready to put 
in hard work. I ready know a little of java, actionscrip 3.0, 
kotlin, D but at the surface level but can use them to write 

But I am a concern with a matter like how can I write a GUI 
toolkit from the ground up.

When you say "pro programmer" are you referring to someone who 
programs for a living for a company or a "top-notch/very good 

I am referring to a person who has a good understanding of 
programming that he can model any real-world situation. He can 
turn any real-world case to a program.

For instance, I consider Walter, Andrei, etc as a pro programmer 
this platform. They are c and C++ programmer.

What is the path of becoming very good at programming? Which 
language will one start with.

I have some real-world situation I want to model but I am at a 
loss as to how to start. For instance, I do one build a GUI 
framework like adobe spark, javafx,etc with minimum dependency or 
no dependency from the ground up.

The lack of easily customizable, platform native GUI in D is a 
real concern to me but I don't have the expertise to do it.

Where is the starting point of doing such amazing thing?

Thanks for your reply

.fflush() in stdio.d

2019-08-25 Thread berni via Digitalmars-d-learn
Out of curiosity: Browsing the source of stdio.d I found that 
flush() is implemented by calling fflush from some C++ library. 
What I don't understand: Why is the call to fflush preceded by a 

Re: Pro programmer

2019-08-25 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 21:30:10 UTC, GreatSam4sure wrote:
I am wondering as to what is the starting point of being a pro 
programmer. If I want to be a pro programmer what language must 
I start with?

Most pro programmer I have heard of are all C and C++ Guru. 
Most of the best guys on this D forum falls into that category.

I really want to know programming to the core not just tied to 
a language or just at the level of drag and drop or use a 
framework or library.

I will appreciate your help in this matter. I am ready to put 
in hard work. I ready know a little of java, actionscrip 3.0, 
kotlin, D but at the surface level but can use them to write 

But I am concern with matter like how can I write a GUI toolkit 
from the ground up.

When you say "pro programmer" are you referring to someone who 
programs for a living for a company, or a "top notch/very good 
programmer" ?

Do I understand std.experimental.allocator composition correctly?

2019-08-25 Thread James Blachly via Digitalmars-d-learn
The documentation for std.experimental.allocator is a little dense and I 
wanted to make sure I am understanding composition correctly.

Suppose I have the following, taken more-or-less direct from the docs:

auto batchAllocator = AllocatorList!(
(size_t n) => Region!Mallocator(max(n, 1024*1024))

Is my understanding correct that Mallocator, the ParentAllocator in 
Region's construction will allocate a block of at least 1 MiB when a 
request comes in, but calls to batchAllocator.make!(T) will allocate 
only enough (rounded up to some ideal like a power of 2) to store T -- 
until it runs out, then the AllocatorList will allocate another block of 
1 MiB, and so on?

Essentially, I need to allocate memory for objects in an inner loop, and 
I thought a better strategy would be to make big block alloc(s) as a 
pool and then hand out internal pointers into the pool. I previously did 
this will malloc() and std.conv.emplace, but this looks like a better 
solution, if my understanding is correct.

Thank you!

Re: Setting up Dlang Environment

2019-08-25 Thread Mike Brown via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 August 2019 at 21:26:27 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:

On Saturday, 17 August 2019 at 20:42:41 UTC, Mike Brown wrote:

Hi All,

I've tried installing and setting up Dlang a few times now. 
I'm struggling to get it reliable and to a decent environment 
in place.

I don't really want to make this thread about specific issues 
- Id very much like to know if there's a decent tutorial or 
guide to setup Dlang?

* I'd like to get the basic's down solid (One of my issues is 
a linker issue on release but not debug, etc)

* A decent IDE which allows debugging, understanding the stack 
traces, step through etc?

* The package management, Should I be using DUB or doing 
packaging etc with make files etc?

I appriciate some of this is down to choice, but an idiots 
guide and recommended practises - to setting up the above so I 
can just get on with coding would be great.

Kind Regards,

Hi Mike,

Which OS do you target? Setting up DMD on e.g. Ubuntu is just 
installing package build-essentials and installing the dmd deb 
On Windows you just extract the 7z file and add the bin path to 
th PATH environment variable.

I tried so far IntelliJ IDEA and Visual Studio Code. Both are 
multi platform and free to use. Both supports debugging but 
here the details really depends on your OS.
For Visual Studio Code there are even different D plugins 
available. I used vscode-dlang and it was just a fantastic 
(I still prefer the kind of development flow IntelliJ provides, 
but Intellij D support is more complex to setup).

If you target Windows, there is also Visual Studio, this plugin 
has no dub integration as far as I know.

Kind regards

Hi Andre,

Thank you for your reply! Windows is my target system. I have 
(hopefully) installed the d compiler toolchain, and Visual Studio 
Code - along with the recommended extension.

I'm wondering on the build systems, I have read up on rdmd and 
dub. I think these are two seperate competing build systems? 
Which should I use, for which situations?

I'd like to use Vibe, so I guess I need to use DUB? Can I use 
rdmd with dub dependencys?

Kind Regards,

Pro programmer

2019-08-25 Thread GreatSam4sure via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am wondering as to what is the starting point of being a pro 
programmer. If I want to be a pro programmer what language must I 
start with?

Most pro programmer I have heard of are all C and C++ Guru. Most 
of the best guys on this D forum falls into that category.

I really want to know programming to the core not just tied to a 
language or just at the level of drag and drop or use a framework 
or library.

I will appreciate your help in this matter. I am ready to put in 
hard work. I ready know a little of java, actionscrip 3.0, 
kotlin, D but at the surface level but can use them to write app.

But I am concern with matter like how can I write a GUI toolkit 
from the ground up.

Re: Sort Associative Array by Key

2019-08-25 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 19:03:10 UTC, JN wrote:

I think normal lambdas are better than these string ones:

foo.byPair.array.sort!((a, b) => a[0] < b[0]).map!(a => 

You can also use names instead of numeric indices:

foo.byPair.array.sort!((a, b) => a.key < b.key).map!(a => 

Re: Sort Associative Array by Key

2019-08-25 Thread JN via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 17:01:23 UTC, a11e99z wrote:

On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 16:54:33 UTC, Samir wrote:
Is there a way to output the values of an associative array 
based on the lexicographic order of the keys?

For example, if foo = ["VXE":8, "BZP":5, "JLC":2], I'd like to 
output something like:


auto foo = ["VXE":8, "BZP":5, "JLC":2];

I think normal lambdas are better than these string ones:

foo.byPair.array.sort!((a, b) => a[0] < b[0]).map!(a => 

Re: Sort Associative Array by Key

2019-08-25 Thread a11e99z via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 16:54:33 UTC, Samir wrote:
Is there a way to output the values of an associative array 
based on the lexicographic order of the keys?

For example, if foo = ["VXE":8, "BZP":5, "JLC":2], I'd like to 
output something like:


auto foo = ["VXE":8, "BZP":5, "JLC":2];

Sort Associative Array by Key

2019-08-25 Thread Samir via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there a way to output the values of an associative array based 
on the lexicographic order of the keys?

For example, if foo = ["VXE":8, "BZP":5, "JLC":2], I'd like to 
output something like:



Re: [Help!] Use two different assembly symbol in D, but they are same address.

2019-08-25 Thread a11e99z via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 13:43:42 UTC, a11e99z wrote:

On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 13:24:57 UTC, lili wrote:

On Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 12:55:57 UTC, a11e99z wrote:

and try to use any compiler DMD/LDC/GDC.
maybe result will be that u want.

Re: [Help!] Use two different assembly symbol in D, but they are same address.

2019-08-25 Thread a11e99z via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 13:24:57 UTC, lili wrote:

On Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 12:55:57 UTC, a11e99z wrote:

On Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 12:16:34 UTC, lili wrote:

On Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 12:09:19 UTC, a11e99z wrote:

On Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 11:53:01 UTC, lili wrote:


resb 8
just reserving 8 bytes not initializing it.
probably u compare some garbage. sometimes it equals, 
sometimes not.


I write wrong, not  if (_vga_x == _vga_y) but if (&_vga_x == 

try to do next:
add funtion in asm that returns real addresses to vga_x,y
extern(C) void asmVgas( int** px, int** py)
call it
int *px, *py;
asmVgas( &px, &py);
writefln( "%s=%s,%s=%s",px, &_vga_x,py, &_vga_y);
and see result

I followed your suggest, call asm_fn in d function. it return 
address not 0 but is a correct

address same as the var address show in link map file.
when a try define a __shared int xx, the &xx also 0.
after linked all variables address is 0 that in .bss segment.
do you know why occur this?

[global asm_fn]
mov rax, p2_table

no idea.

u can to define _vga_x,_vga_y in D code and export it to asm 
(vice versa than now).

see result again.

in case still not working:
make very simple app with global vars: 2 D-files OR 1 D-file and 
1 asm-file

(maybe its not working even for D+D files).
try to get same bug from compiler/linker.
fill the issue and attach both files as sample.
add point (for case D+asm) "how to compile asm file for linking 
with D" as u did.

then wait and hope.

Re: [Help!] Use two different assembly symbol in D, but they are same address.

2019-08-25 Thread lili via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 12:55:57 UTC, a11e99z wrote:

On Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 12:16:34 UTC, lili wrote:

On Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 12:09:19 UTC, a11e99z wrote:

On Saturday, 24 August 2019 at 11:53:01 UTC, lili wrote:


resb 8
just reserving 8 bytes not initializing it.
probably u compare some garbage. sometimes it equals, 
sometimes not.


I write wrong, not  if (_vga_x == _vga_y) but if (&_vga_x == 

try to do next:
add funtion in asm that returns real addresses to vga_x,y
extern(C) void asmVgas( int** px, int** py)
call it
int *px, *py;
asmVgas( &px, &py);
writefln( "%s=%s,%s=%s",px, &_vga_x,py, &_vga_y);
and see result

I followed your suggest, call asm_fn in d function. it return 
address not 0 but is a correct

address same as the var address show in link map file.
when a try define a __shared int xx, the &xx also 0.
after linked all variables address is 0 that in .bss segment.
do you know why occur this?

[global asm_fn]
mov rax, p2_table