Re: 64 bit size_t

2014-02-16 Thread Steve Teale

On Monday, 17 February 2014 at 07:17:06 UTC, Steve Teale wrote:

What is size_t for 64 bit?


Sorry parent.children is just a straightforward array

Sorry again - forget about it. I'd forgotten that D actually says 
int is 32 bits, and ulong is 64, and size_t for a 64 bit machine 
is obviously 64.

I'll just go through the code and either change int to ulong or 
use a cast.


Re: 64 bit size_t

2014-02-16 Thread evilrat

On Monday, 17 February 2014 at 07:46:02 UTC, Steve Teale wrote:

On Monday, 17 February 2014 at 07:17:06 UTC, Steve Teale wrote:

What is size_t for 64 bit?


Sorry parent.children is just a straightforward array

Sorry again - forget about it. I'd forgotten that D actually 
says int is 32 bits, and ulong is 64, and size_t for a 64 bit 
machine is obviously 64.

I'll just go through the code and either change int to ulong or 
use a cast.


or use auto :)

Re: 64 bit size_t

2014-02-16 Thread Mike Parker

On 2/17/2014 4:15 PM, Steve Teale wrote:

parent is just a straightforward array

What is size_t for 64 bit?

It's ulong on 64-bit and uint on 32. size_t and ptrdiff_t are defined as 
aliases in object.d.

Re: 64 bit size_t

2014-02-16 Thread Mike Parker

On 2/17/2014 4:23 PM, evilrat wrote:

but it looks like length is not size_t but ulong in which case you need
explicit cast from larget to smaller type. check lenght signature

size_t is an alias to ulong on 64-bit. Aliases tend to show up in error 
messages as the underlying type.

Re: 64 bit size_t

2014-02-16 Thread evilrat

On Monday, 17 February 2014 at 07:15:20 UTC, Steve Teale wrote:

Why is it that with 32 bit compilation, int is 32 bits, but
apparently this convention is not followed in 64 bit 

I have not installed the 64 bit compiler yet, but apparently

int len = parent.children.length+1;

provokes the following error

acomp.d(782): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(parent.children.length + 1LU) of type ulong to int

parent is just a straightforward array

What is size_t for 64 bit?


it is equal to machine word size. 4 bytes on x86, 8 on x64.

but it looks like length is not size_t but ulong in which case 
you need explicit cast from larget to smaller type. check lenght 

64 bit size_t

2014-02-16 Thread Steve Teale

Why is it that with 32 bit compilation, int is 32 bits, but
apparently this convention is not followed in 64 bit compilation.

I have not installed the 64 bit compiler yet, but apparently

int len = parent.children.length+1;

provokes the following error

acomp.d(782): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(parent.children.length + 1LU) of type ulong to int

parent is just a straightforward array

What is size_t for 64 bit?


Re: 64 bit size_t

2014-02-16 Thread Steve Teale

On Monday, 17 February 2014 at 07:15:20 UTC, Steve Teale wrote:

Why is it that with 32 bit compilation, int is 32 bits, but
apparently this convention is not followed in 64 bit 

I have not installed the 64 bit compiler yet, but apparently

int len = parent.children.length+1;

provokes the following error

acomp.d(782): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(parent.children.length + 1LU) of type ulong to int

parent is just a straightforward array

What is size_t for 64 bit?


Sorry parent.children is just a straightforward array

Re: Can opCmp return a 'long' instead of 'int'?

2014-02-16 Thread Saurabh Das

On Sunday, 16 February 2014 at 15:19:08 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 02/16/2014 04:13 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 02/16/2014 02:59 PM, Saurabh Das wrote:

This does compile and run correctly, but are there any hidden
assumptions or requirements on the return value of opCmp that 
I should
be aware of? Is there any reason that doing this may be not 
be wise?

No, this is fine.

To be more precise: Returning long is fine.

The subtraction trick does not work in general regardless of 
return type:

import std.stdio;
struct S{
int d;
int opCmp(S r){ return d - r.d; }

void main(){
assert(S(1)S(int.max)); // passes. oops.

Right. I didn't expect that! So I shouldn't use it anyway. Thanks!


Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-16 Thread bearophile


I always thought that D would be much easier to learn than C++ 
as all the people always say that C++ is the most complex 
language. After what I have learned so far D seems to be much 
more complex which isn't bad in general, but the learning curve 
doesn't feel so well atm as I am mainly confused by many things 
instead of getting what happens behind the scene.

D is not a small language, it contains many features, but 
compared to C++ it has less corner cases, less traps, and on 
default it's often safer than C++. In C++ you need to take care 
of many details if you want to write correct code. Writing D code 
should be faster and safer than C++.

immutability which result in zero performance boost in 
non-paralell environments,

A good D compiler like ldc2 is sometimes able to optimize better 
the code that uses immutable/const. But immutability is also for 
the programmer: to make the code simpler to reason about, and 

the fact that classes are by-ref and structs are by-val is also 
confusing from time to time to be honest.)

D seems to be more problematic when it comes to learning how to
optimize the code.

Perhaps because D also focuses a little more on correctness of 
the code. You see this even more in Ada language.

I would love to see how much performance a D vetaran like you 
is able to grab out of my codes. Just tell me where I shall 
upload them and I will do so.

I guess your code is composed by just one or two small D modules, 
so you can post it here:
You can also upload there the Java code, to help me compare and 
to know what you were trying to write :-)

However, what is true is, that it is (at least for me) harder 
to learn how to write efficient code for D than it was to learn 
it for C++.

But I think on average it's a little harder to write correct code 
in C++ compared to D.


Re: [video tutorial] hello world using dmd, rdmd, dub and vibe.d

2014-02-16 Thread nazriel

On Saturday, 15 February 2014 at 13:28:24 UTC, simendsjo wrote:

The content wasn't planned, and English is not my native tongue.
Hopefully it can still be useful for newbies.

This is pretty much a response to a recent discussion on the 
lack of documentation/tutorials:

PS: The many delays are X going black, forcing me to switch to 
a different terminal and back again.

Really awesome!

I had plans to create something similar to Gynvael Coldwind's 
ReverseCraft series[1] but dedicated to D generally (not really D 
as a tool for reversing but basics *G*) Unfortunately,  recently 
my time was limited. Good to see that others also think it is a 
good idea!

Your english was very good in my opinion. I understood everything 
and I'm not using English on a daily basis.

You've got my respects simendsjo and I am definitely looking for 
more of this!

Best regards,
Damian Ziemba

Re: [video tutorial] hello world using dmd, rdmd, dub and vibe.d

2014-02-16 Thread nazriel

On Monday, 17 February 2014 at 00:51:17 UTC, nazriel wrote:

On Saturday, 15 February 2014 at 13:28:24 UTC, simendsjo wrote:

The content wasn't planned, and English is not my native 

Hopefully it can still be useful for newbies.

This is pretty much a response to a recent discussion on the 
lack of documentation/tutorials:

PS: The many delays are X going black, forcing me to switch to 
a different terminal and back again.

Really awesome!

I had plans to create something similar to Gynvael Coldwind's 
ReverseCraft series[1] but dedicated to D generally (not really 
D as a tool for reversing but basics *G*) Unfortunately,  
recently my time was limited. Good to see that others also 
think it is a good idea!

Your english was very good in my opinion. I understood 
everything and I'm not using English on a daily basis.

You've got my respects simendsjo and I am definitely looking 
for more of this!

Best regards,
Damian Ziemba


Re: Strange result with nextUp for reals

2014-02-16 Thread Casper Færgemand

If you swap the line to
writefln("nextUp of %a is %a", 1.0L, 1.0L.nextUp());
you get the same result as the second case.

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-16 Thread Stanislav Blinov

On Sunday, 16 February 2014 at 23:47:08 UTC, Robin wrote:

I am not currently aware of the "move semantics" in D or what 
it is called there. However, I am not quite sure if D does an 
equally good job as C++ in determining if a value can be moved 
or not. I have made some simple tests which showed me that the 
swap-assignment and the move-constructor are never called in D 
at code where C++ would certainly take them, instead D just 
copies values which were in fact rvalues ... (Maybe I just 
don't get the whole thing behind the scenes - and I am really 
hoping it.)

What swap assignment, what move constructor? :)

Here are the rules for moving rvalues in D:

1) All anonymous rvalues are moved;
2) Named temporaries that are returned from functions are moved;
3) That's it :) No other guarantees are offered (i.e. compilers 
may or may not try to be smart in other scenarios).

Sometimes when you want an explicit move you can use 
std.algorithm.move function. But keep in mind that its current 
implementation is incomplete (i.e. it doesn't handle immutability 

This code illustrates it all:

@All of you:
What I have done since the last time:
I have changed my mind - matrix is now a value type. However, I 
wasn't sure about this step because I planned to implement 
dense and sparse matrices which could inherit from a basic 
matrix implementation in thus required to be classes.

Templates, perhaps?

Re: [video tutorial] hello world using dmd, rdmd, dub and vibe.d

2014-02-16 Thread simendsjo

On Sunday, 16 February 2014 at 22:57:44 UTC, Brad Anderson wrote:

Nicely done.

It's a bit quiet (I had to max out my volume and put on
headphones to hear).

Thanks. I'll crank up the volume for the next one.

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-16 Thread Robin


thanks again for your answers!

I don't know where to start ...

@Stanislav Blinov:
I am not currently aware of the "move semantics" in D or what it 
is called there. However, I am not quite sure if D does an 
equally good job as C++ in determining if a value can be moved or 
not. I have made some simple tests which showed me that the 
swap-assignment and the move-constructor are never called in D at 
code where C++ would certainly take them, instead D just copies 
values which were in fact rvalues ... (Maybe I just don't get the 
whole thing behind the scenes - and I am really hoping it.)

My statement that the "in" and "body" block of the assignment 
operator slows down the whole code isn't true anymore. Don't know 
what fixed it tough.

Yeah, you are completely right - I am super confused at the 
moment. I always thought that D would be much easier to learn 
than C++ as all the people always say that C++ is the most 
complex language. After what I have learned so far D seems to be 
much more complex which isn't bad in general, but the learning 
curve doesn't feel so well atm as I am mainly confused by many 
things instead of getting what happens behind the scene. (e.g. 
move semantics, the whole army of modifiers, immutability which 
result in zero performance boost in non-paralell environments, 
the fact that classes are by-ref and structs are by-val is also 
confusing from time to time to be honest.)

When I started to write the C++ matrix library after I have 
written the Java matrix library to get to know what both 
languages can achive I have also had to start learning C++ as 
well. I bought a book and after 2-3 weeks I got the concepts and 
everything went as excepted and no things seemed to be hidden 
behind the scenes from me, the programmer which was in fact a 
nice experience when trying to optimize the code until it was 
equally fast as the java code or even faster. D seems to be more 
problematic when it comes to learning how to optimize the code.

To summarize, I am still a beginner and learn this language as it 
has got cool, new and advanced features, it has not so many 
legacy issues (like C++), it unites object orientated, functional 
as well as imperative and paralell programming paradigms (still 
amazed by that fact!), runs native and isn't bound to any 
operating system or a huge runtime environment (java/c#). That's 
why I am learning D! =)

I would love to see how much performance a D vetaran like you is 
able to grab out of my codes. Just tell me where I shall upload 
them and I will do so. Don't expect too much as I am still a 
beginner and as this project has just started. I didn't want to 
implement the whole functionality before I know how to do it with 
a good result. ;-)

The matrix multiplication you have posted has some cool features 
in it. I especially like the pure one with all that functional 
stuff. :D

@Nick Sabalausky:

Don't be shocked at the bad performance of a beginner D 
programmer. At least I am not shocked yet that my D 
implementation isn't performing as well as the highly optimized 
C++11 implementation or the JIT-optimized Java implementation. In 
general one can not compare the results of a native compilation 
optimization which shall run on different hardwares and a JIT 
optimization which is able to pull out every single optimization 
routine because it knows the system and all its components to 
compile at.

There is also the LDC2 and the GDC which should also improve the 
general performance quite a bit.

However, what is true is, that it is (at least for me) harder to 
learn how to write efficient code for D than it was to learn it 
for C++. And keep in mind that my Java implementation (which runs 
nearly as fast as the C++ implementation) is written just to fit 
for performance. I have had to do dirty things (against the 
general Java mentality) in order to achive this performance. 
Besides that I couldn't implement a generic solution in Java 
which wasn't five to ten times slower than without generics as 
generics in Java are a runtime feature. So all in all Java is 
only good in performance if you don't use it as Java (purely 
object oriented etc.) ... but it works! :D

@All of you:
What I have done since the last time:
I have changed my mind - matrix is now a value type. However, I 
wasn't sure about this step because I planned to implement dense 
and sparse matrices which could inherit from a basic matrix 
implementation in thus required to be classes.

I have also removed that nasty "final struct" statement.^^

However, benchmarks stayed the same since the last post.

Hopefully I haven't forgotten to say anything important ...


Re: [video tutorial] hello world using dmd, rdmd, dub and vibe.d

2014-02-16 Thread Brad Anderson

On Saturday, 15 February 2014 at 13:28:24 UTC, simendsjo wrote:

The content wasn't planned, and English is not my native tongue.
Hopefully it can still be useful for newbies.

This is pretty much a response to a recent discussion on the 
lack of documentation/tutorials:

PS: The many delays are X going black, forcing me to switch to 
a different terminal and back again.

Nicely done.

It's a bit quiet (I had to max out my volume and put on
headphones to hear).

Re: Strange result with nextUp for reals

2014-02-16 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 02/16/2014 01:42 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

> -
> import std.math;
> import std.stdio;
> void main()
> {
>  writefln("nextUp of %a is %a", 1.0, 1.0.nextUp());

That line uses doubles.

>  real num = 1.0;
>  writefln("nextUp of %a is %a", num, num.nextUp());

That one uses reals.

> }
> -
> This prints:
> nextUp of 0x1p+0 is 0x1.1p+0
> nextUp of 0x1p+0 is 0x1.0002p+0
> Any idea why the results are different?

There is no difference. They are both 1. ;)

The type of floating point literals is double. You are seeing the 
precision difference between doubles and reals.


Re: Strange result with nextUp for reals

2014-02-16 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 2/16/14, Andrej Mitrovic  wrote:
> Any idea why the results are different?

Interestingly the literal versions end up calling nextUp which takes a
double rather than a real. So nextUp(1.0) calls the double overload,
nextUp(num) calls the real overload. Mystery solved.

Strange result with nextUp for reals

2014-02-16 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
import std.math;
import std.stdio;

void main()
writefln("nextUp of %a is %a", 1.0, 1.0.nextUp());

real num = 1.0;
writefln("nextUp of %a is %a", num, num.nextUp());

This prints:

nextUp of 0x1p+0 is 0x1.1p+0
nextUp of 0x1p+0 is 0x1.0002p+0

Any idea why the results are different?

Re: How to append to SortedRange?

2014-02-16 Thread Artem Tarasov

On Sunday, 16 February 2014 at 12:51:10 UTC, bearophile wrote:

If you have a limited number of small values (like 30 ints) 
using a sorted array is quite efficient, and keeps low the 
binary size and the pressure on the code L1 cache :-)

Yup, I admit I over-generalized.
But this sorted array should also be encapsulated into a 
convenient interface. At times, I really miss things like 

Re: std.bigint.BigInt and const modifier

2014-02-16 Thread bearophile

Ruslan Mullakhmetov:

i use v2.064.2. is it outdated ?

It will be fixed in dmd 2.065. It's not yet out but you can use 
it already if you want to be on the "bleeding edge", it's 
currently in beta3 and most regressions are fixed, so it's 
probably better than using dmd 2.064.2.


Re: std.bigint.BigInt and const modifier

2014-02-16 Thread Ruslan Mullakhmetov

On Sunday, 16 February 2014 at 20:36:32 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Ruslan Mullakhmetov:

Is it a bug or design considerations?

It was a const correctness bug, but it's already fixed in 
recent D compilers.


recent D compilers.

i use v2.064.2. is it outdated ?

Re: std.bigint.BigInt and const modifier

2014-02-16 Thread bearophile

Ruslan Mullakhmetov:

Is it a bug or design considerations?

It was a const correctness bug, but it's already fixed in recent 
D compilers.


std.bigint.BigInt and const modifier

2014-02-16 Thread Ruslan Mullakhmetov

BigInt is a struct == ValueType, suppose i can assign 
const(BigInt) to BigInt

const(BigInt)/const(BigInt) do not compile.

Is it a bug or design considerations?


import std.stdio;
import std.bigint;

void foo(BigInt b)
std.stdio.writefln("foo(%s)", b);

void main()
const BigInt b = BigInt("445216415446");

auto b1 = b / b;


$ dmd test.d
/tmp/test.d(14): Error: 'b' is not of arithmetic type, it is a 
/tmp/test.d(14): Error: 'b' is not of arithmetic type, it is a 
/tmp/test.d(16): Error: function (BigInt b) is not 
callable using argument types (const(BigInt))

Re: Can opCmp return a 'long' instead of 'int'?

2014-02-16 Thread Timon Gehr

On 02/16/2014 04:40 PM, bearophile wrote:

Timon Gehr:

assert(S(1)S(int.max)); // passes. oops.

A possible solution is to add to Phobos (unless it's already there) a
variadic templated funcion cmpBuilder() that accepts an even number of
arguments, that are seen as pairs. Usage example:

struct Foo {
   int x, y;
   string s;
   int opCmp(in ref Foo r) {
 return cmpBuilder(x, r.x, y.abs, r.y.abs, s, r.s);

Is this worth adding to Phobos?


IMO no (lots of repetition), but forwarding opCmp is:

struct Foo{
int x,y;
string s;
private @property order(){ return tuple(x, abs(y), s); }
mixin OrderBy!order;

Furthermore, the language should be updated such that the built-in types 
are not special w.r.t. operators. Eg:


should work.

The following should be supported as well:

struct Foo{
int x,y;
string s;
mixin OrderBy!(()=>tuple(x, abs(y), s));

(Currently DMD bans function literals as members.)

Re: Can opCmp return a 'long' instead of 'int'?

2014-02-16 Thread bearophile

Timon Gehr:

assert(S(1)S(int.max)); // passes. oops.

A possible solution is to add to Phobos (unless it's already 
there) a variadic templated funcion cmpBuilder() that accepts an 
even number of arguments, that are seen as pairs. Usage example:

struct Foo {
  int x, y;
  string s;
  int opCmp(in ref Foo r) {
return cmpBuilder(x, r.x, y.abs, r.y.abs, s, r.s);

Is this worth adding to Phobos?


Re: Can opCmp return a 'long' instead of 'int'?

2014-02-16 Thread Timon Gehr

On 02/16/2014 04:13 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 02/16/2014 02:59 PM, Saurabh Das wrote:

This does compile and run correctly, but are there any hidden
assumptions or requirements on the return value of opCmp that I should
be aware of? Is there any reason that doing this may be not be wise?

No, this is fine.

To be more precise: Returning long is fine.

The subtraction trick does not work in general regardless of return type:

import std.stdio;
struct S{
int d;
int opCmp(S r){ return d - r.d; }

void main(){
assert(S(1)S(int.max)); // passes. oops.

Re: Can opCmp return a 'long' instead of 'int'?

2014-02-16 Thread Timon Gehr

On 02/16/2014 02:59 PM, Saurabh Das wrote:

This does compile and run correctly, but are there any hidden
assumptions or requirements on the return value of opCmp that I should
be aware of? Is there any reason that doing this may be not be wise?

No, this is fine.

Can opCmp return a 'long' instead of 'int'?

2014-02-16 Thread Saurabh Das


The call signature for opCmp in a struct is:

struct S {
  int opCmp(ref const S s) const { ... }

int opCmp(ref const S s) const { return _val - s._val; }

This works fine if _val is 'int'. However, if _val is 'long' then 
subtracting 2 longs may not result in an int - and therefore I 
would have to replace the subtraction above with 2 comparison 

My question is: Can I rewrite opCmp to return a 'long', like:

struct S {
  long opCmp(ref const S s) const { return _val - s.val; }

This does compile and run correctly, but are there any hidden 
assumptions or requirements on the return value of opCmp that I 
should be aware of? Is there any reason that doing this may be 
not be wise?


Re: How to append to SortedRange?

2014-02-16 Thread Tobias Pankrath

On Sunday, 16 February 2014 at 12:41:45 UTC, Artem Tarasov wrote:
Use a container adequate for the task at hand, e.g. red-black 

Very often a sorted array is the most adequate set implementation 
and we should have support for it in phobos.

Re: How to append to SortedRange?

2014-02-16 Thread bearophile

Artem Tarasov:

Use a container adequate for the task at hand, e.g. red-black 

If you have a limited number of small values (like 30 ints) using 
a sorted array is quite efficient, and keeps low the binary size 
and the pressure on the code L1 cache :-)

Arrays are awesome on modern CPUs.


Re: How to append to SortedRange?

2014-02-16 Thread Artem Tarasov
Use a container adequate for the task at hand, e.g. red-black 


2014-02-16 Thread Rikki Cattermole

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 20:29:50 UTC, Josh Phillips wrote:
I recently downloaded and tried to use DGUI but I can't get it 
to work. Is there any tutorials on how to build an use it? Or 
can anyone help me and tel me a way on how I can get it to work?

I know this isn't really related to DGUI but, I think this will 
be useful.
I have some semi old static bindings for IUP [0]. Very stable api 
IUP [1] has (c library) and has good cross platform functionality.

Little limited, but will definitely work in almost any cases.



Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-16 Thread Francesco Cattoglio

On Sunday, 16 February 2014 at 09:53:08 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Be instead amazed of the sometimes near-C++ performance levels 
they have pushed Java to :-)
Sorry, but I fail to be amazed by what huge piles of money thrown 
to a project for 10+ years can achieve. Those kind of 
achievements are boring :P
And I think D is doing well in a benchmark like this, I guess 
with ldc2 you can go about as fast as C++.
I'm sure that other "small benchmarks" on computational-intensive 
code achieved C++ speed in the past, so if we can't get C++-like 
speed here, it's either a problem with the code or some serious 
performance regression.

Re: How to get normal DLL method name

2014-02-16 Thread Mike Parker

On 2/16/2014 4:20 PM, Denis Mezhov wrote:

On Sunday, 16 February 2014 at 07:17:48 UTC, Denis Mezhov wrote:

extern (Windows)
void main(string[] args)

I'm curious why you're declaring your main method as extern(Windows).

Re: how to round durations to most significant unit ? (5 secs, 889 ms, and 811 μs => 5 secs)

2014-02-16 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Saturday, February 15, 2014 22:13:07 Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 17:14:03 -0500, Jonathan M Davis 
> wrote:
> > On Thursday, February 13, 2014 23:37:13 Timothee Cour wrote:
> >> Is there a function to do this?
> >> If not and I/someone writes it, is there interest to add it to
> >> std.datetime?
> >> 
> >> Duration t = ...;
> >>!string => 5 secs, 889 ms, and 811 μs
> >>!string=> 5 secs
> >> 
> >> t=...;
> >>!string => 889 ms, and 811 μs
> >>!string=> 889 secs
> >> 
> >> Use case: shorter logs.
> > 
> > There is no function for that, and no one's ever asked for anything like
> > it,
> > so I don't know how worthwhile it is to add. However, one possible
> > implementation would be
> > 
> > auto roundToLargest(Duration d)
> > {
> > 
> > foreach(units; TypeTuple!("weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes",
> >   "seconds", "msecs", "usecs"))
> > 
> > {
> > 
> > immutable value =!units();
> > if(value != 0)
> > 
> > return dur!units(value);
> > 
> > }
> > 
> > return d;
> > 
> > }
> You are doing the calculation for every test.
> Better:
> if(d >= dur!units(1))
> ...

Yeah. That would be better.

> Now, I think that the dur!units(1) should be statically determined, but if
> not, I think you could make it statically determined via enum.

It'll only be statically determined if it's in a context that requires it. 
Unless something has changed recently, the compiler never tries to do CTFE if 
it doesn't have to. So, you'd need to use an enum to force it.

- Jonathan M Davis


2014-02-16 Thread evilrat
On Saturday, 15 February 2014 at 16:26:28 UTC, Josh Phillips 
On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 20:36:42 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan 
Unless I am mistaken, it looks like the last time it was 
updated was in 2011. You'd probably have to update a bunch of 
stuff in the sources in order to get it to work properly.

I would recommend gtkD as a gui library.

I think you are mistaken. On bitbucket there are updates in 
october last year. Also I have heard lots of bad things about 
Gtk on windows.

and on OS X it is segfaults often, so gtk is no go for non linux

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-16 Thread bearophile

francesco cattoglio:

Well, actually, sometimes squeezing as much performance as you 
can from a test case can be a way to find out if a given 
language checks all the boxes and can be used to solve your 

Unless you know a language well, you will fail squeezing that. 
This is true even in Python.

I must admit I'm shocked by the poor performance of D here. But 
I also know one HAS to try LDC or GDC, or those numbers are 
really meaningless.

Be instead amazed of the sometimes near-C++ performance levels 
they have pushed Java to :-)
And I think D is doing well in a benchmark like this, I guess 
with ldc2 you can go about as fast as C++.


Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-16 Thread francesco cattoglio

On Sunday, 16 February 2014 at 01:25:13 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Many of the things you say and write are still wrong or 
confused. Usually the hard optimization of code is one the last 
things you learn about a language
Well, actually, sometimes squeezing as much performance as you 
can from a test case can be a way to find out if a given language 
checks all the boxes and can be used to solve your problems.
I must admit I'm shocked by the poor performance of D here. But I 
also know one HAS to try LDC or GDC, or those numbers are really 