Re: Avoiding __traits(getAttributes, ...) on alias

2014-05-09 Thread Philippe Sigaud via Digitalmars-d-learn
Vlad Levenfeld:
> but beware I've noticed that sometimes this is not
> equivalent to the previous version and I'm not sure how or why that happens.
> In particular I notice that
>   mixin("const bool value = "~expr~";)");
> and
>   const bool value = mixin(expr);
> are not the same, for some reason.

What are the differences?

Kìtchèń Desìgners Hertfordsìre

2014-05-09 Thread dondong via Digitalmars-d-learn
Kìtchèń Desìgners Hertfordsìre. Thirty €x Display K ìtcheńs To 
Clear. W W W . è x d ì S p l a y K ì t C H è ń S 1 . c o . u k £ 
595 EAch wIth appliańcès.

Re: why can't I call const methods on shared objects?

2014-05-09 Thread Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn
aaand on further experimentation it turns out I don't need a 
template at all, I can just overload it... strange, I seem to 
remember not being able to do that before.

Re: why can't I call const methods on shared objects?

2014-05-09 Thread Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn
PS After reading your post I experimented with overloading 
shared/unshared methods in my code and came up with this solution:

shared Id!Service id ()() const if (is (typeof(this) == shared)) {
  return (cast(Service)this).id;
Id!Service id () const {
  return service_id;

I like this better than casting at the callsite (though it would 
be nice to roll those two into one method using a static if 
somehow, but I can't think of any way to do this).

Re: Avoiding __traits(getAttributes, ...) on alias

2014-05-09 Thread Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've recently found out that you can deal with the abundance of 
backticks and escapes in a couple of ways:

  q{ your code here... }
will resolve to a string but your editor can still highlight it 
as D code, making it more readable.

also, turning things like:
  mixin ("if ("~expr~")")
  if (mixin(expr))
can improve readability but beware I've noticed that sometimes 
this is not equivalent to the previous version and I'm not sure 
how or why that happens.

In particular I notice that

  mixin("const bool value = "~expr~";)");
  const bool value = mixin(expr);

are not the same, for some reason.

Re: core.sync.rwmutex example

2014-05-09 Thread Charles Hixson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 05/09/2014 02:51 PM, Joshua Niehus via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

Hi Charles,

would the following work (just a shot in the dark) ?

module test;

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;

void spawnedFuncFoo(Tid tid, Tid tidBar) {
 (int i) {
 writeln("Foo Received the number ", i);
 send(tidBar, i, thisTid);
 auto barSuccessful = receiveOnly!(string);
 writeln("Bar got my (Foo) message");

 send(tid, true);

void spawnedFuncBar(Tid tid) {
 (int i, Tid tidFoo) {
 writeln("Foo passed me (Bar) the number ", i);
 send(tidFoo, "done");

 (string sig) {
 writeln("Main says I'm (Bar) done.");
 send(tid, 42);

void main() {
 auto tidBar = spawn(&spawnedFuncBar, thisTid);
 auto tidFoo = spawn(&spawnedFuncFoo, thisTid, tidBar);
 send(tidFoo, 42);
 auto fooWasSuccessful = receiveOnly!(bool);

 send(tidBar, "your done");
 auto barWasSuccessful = receiveOnly!(int);
 assert(barWasSuccessful == 42);
 writeln("Successfully had two separate threads communicate
with each other");

Thank you very much for the response.
How do you ensure that the received message (in "auto barWasSuccessful = 
receiveOnly!(int); ") came from the thread sent to by tidFoo?  Also, why 
two receives in
spawnedFuncBar?  I thought that receive handled multiple different 
arguments with a single receive?  Are you asserting that the arguments 
happen in sequence, as it appears?  That doesn't look as if it would 
scale will to multiple threads.  And with multiple threads I would 
expect the mailbox to start getting very full with inappropriate 
messages that never got handled, because they came at the wrong time 
(and arguably from the wrong sender, as it seems that there is an 
assumption that there is no intervening thread sending any messages).

That's why I was looking for a way to ensure that the message being 
received came from the appropriate sender.  You can't depend on messages 
to always come from the source you expect.  This probably means that you 
need to have only ONE receive statement, located in a loop.  And some 
way to check and set the status of incoming messages.  Also a yield 
method that lets one receive and stack any incoming messages during a 
busy cycle, though I think that that's what receive does.

OTOH, I do note that you are using "auto barWasSuccessful = 
receiveOnly!(int);" which implies that the value returned is not a void, 
even though you never use the result.  This fits with the claims of 
TDPL, but make me increasingly dubious about the documentation.  Or do I 
just not understand what a function of type void is supposed to return?

The hashtable itself will be a uint64_t[string] which is confined to one 
thread, so the access methods need to be rather straightforwards.  I'm 
thinking of:

(  (string s, uint64_t id) { void set(s, id); }
   (string s)   { void get(s);  }
   (Variant v) { void reportError (v);  }
get should send the id back to the calling thread.  set updates the AA 
and sends true or false (success) back to the calling thread. But 
doesn't this design lock the entire hashtable while the update is in 
progress?  Is there a better way?  set will be, approx:

void set (string s, uint64_t id)
send (tid, true);
etc.  But I'm worried about the receiving end.  It needs, somehow, to 
ensure that the message it receives is the appropriate message, and that 
other messages don't get dropped while it's waiting for the answer...or, 
perhaps worse, substituted for the expected answer.  If I can depend on 
msg[0] of "auto msg = receiveOnly!(Tid, bool)" that will allow me to 
check that the message was received from the proper source  Also, if a 
message is received that if of an inappropriate form, an exception is 
thrown.  Recovery looks problematic.  But this is a case that should be 
expected when different threads are sending messages.  And if the 
message is of the correct form, but from the wrong thread, how can one 
re-queue it for later processing?

So far the best idea I've got is to have a dequeue of messages that are 
stacked with "receiveOnly!Variant".  But this would need to be accesses 
in various places throughout the thread, and the handling looks messy.  
OTOH, it does let me save messages that come in at the wrong time where 
I can deal with them later.  So it's not all bad. But it gives up on the 
processing that receive makes available.  And note that this processing 
doesn't need to be done in the hashtable function, that's pretty clear, 
but wherever it's used.  Which is terrible.  As it is, I might be better 
putting the hashtable in s synchronized class.  The entire hashtable is 
getting locked o

Recommendation on option parsing

2014-05-09 Thread Chris Piker via Digitalmars-d-learn

Phobos' std.getopt is a bit spare for my taste, as there is
no builtin general help facility with word-wrapping.

Does anyone have a recommendation on which of the existing
command line option parsing libraries floating around in the
wild to use?  If it doesn't compile against the current
version of phobos I'm willing to put in a little work, but
since I'm very new to D I probably would not make the best
design decisions.


Re: why can't I call const methods on shared objects?

2014-05-09 Thread Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn
Let me see if I understand this right... let's say I have some 
(unshared) class that launches threads to do its real work in.

class Foo {
  this () {thread = spawn (&work);}
  shared void work () {...};
  void send_message (T) (T msg) {thread.send (msg);}
  Tid thread;

It has an unshared method to pass messages to the worker thread, 
and everything is copacetic, but what is the best practice for 
when I want another thread to interact with one of these 

class Bar {
  this () {thread = spawn (&pass);}
  shared void pass () {
receive (
   (shared Foo F) {this.F = F;}  // (1)
   (T msg) {(cast(Foo)F).send_message (msg);},   // (2)
  void send_message (T) (T msg) {thread.send (msg);}
  Tid thread;
  Foo F;

void main () {
  auto F = new Foo;
  auto B = new Bar;
  B.send_message (cast(shared)F);// (3)
  // sleep

When I interact with F from at (1), this.F is automatically 
shared (because Bar is shared) so this compiles. Here, this.F 
refers to the same F I would refer to if I accessed this.F from 
the main method, it just gets automatically shared whenever Bar 
is shared. So when I spawn a worker thread, the worker thread 
sees a shared Bar (and shared F), while the main thread sees a 
Bar that it owns, but they are both looking at the same Bar (just 
with different access rules, like a const and non-const reference 
to the same object).
At (2), I have to cast F to unshared in order to send it a 
message. But this is ok, because I am only sending messages, and 
am not risking a race condition. Basically I am announcing "I 
know that multiple threads can see this, but I am taking 
ownership of it and taking responsiblity for preventing races."
And when I cast to shared at (3), I am announcing "I am 
explicitly recognizing that multiple threads may now access this, 
and that there is a potential for races."

Is this the right way to handle this situation?

And on a more general note, the shared keyword, as I understand 
it, is intended to be a sort of compiler-reinforced tag that I 
can use to prevent races the same way const helps prevent 
unintended side-effects, and  to aid my reasoning when I do need 
to debug a race?

Re: Improving IO Speed

2014-05-09 Thread flamencofantasy via Digitalmars-d-learn

Try this;

import std.mmfile;
scope mmFile = new MmFile("T201212A.IDX");

TaqIdx* arr = cast(TaqIdx*)mmFile[0..mmFile.length].ptr;

for (ulong i = 0; i < mmFile.length/TaqIdx.sizeof; ++i)
// do something...

On Friday, 14 March 2014 at 18:00:58 UTC, TJB wrote:
I have a program in C++ that I am translating to D as a way to 
investigate and learn D. The program is used to process 
potentially hundreds of TB's of financial transactions data so 
it is crucial that it be performant. Right now the C++ version 
is orders of magnitude faster.

Here is a simple example of what I am doing in D:

import std.stdio : writefln;

align(1) struct TaqIdx
  align(1) char[10] symbol;
  align(1) int tdate;
  align(1) int begrec;
  align(1) int endrec;

void main()
  auto input = new File("T201212A.IDX");
  TaqIdx tmp;
  int count;

input.readExact(&tmp, TaqIdx.sizeof);
   // Do something with the data

Do you have any suggestions for improving the speed in this 

Thank you!


Re: CMake for D

2014-05-09 Thread Chris Piker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 21:43:04 UTC, Trent Forkert wrote:

The way I've tackled that in my (still work-in-progress) CMake 
fork[1] is to add an `include_directories(TEXT ...)` signature.

I like that, it seems clean.

Unfortunately, you'll need to build my CMake from source, 
though that isn't difficult. Also, while I am hopeful about

The standard CMake build instructions just don't work on the
CentOS 6.5 systems we are currently using at work.  I gave
up after 2 hours. Since CMakeD2 is working for me I'm sticking
with it for now but...

getting my changes merged upstream, there is no guarantee of 
that, so proceed with caution.

... it would be great to have better D support in CMake, I
really hope your changes do get committed upstream.  I plan
on using D somewhat quitely for about a year and after I've
worked out the gotcha's start talking to my programming friends.
An upstream merge would get used.

Do note that my CMake work is independent of CMakeD2 and its 
forks. See my project wiki for more info.


Thanks, I'll check it out.

Re: why can't I call const methods on shared objects?

2014-05-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Fri, 09 May 2014 17:45:37 -0400, Vlad Levenfeld   

Is there any way to declare a method as "safe regardless of  
shared/mutability/etc" (or some other way to avoid  
cast(Type) every time I want to check a property which  
won't affect any state)?

Not really for shared. For everything else, there's const for value  
properties, and inout for reference properties.

Shared is quite different, because the method has to be cognizant of race  
conditions. It has to be implemented differently.

Casting away shared is somewhat dangerous, but OK if you logically know  
there is no race condition.


Re: why can't I call const methods on shared objects?

2014-05-09 Thread Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn
I mean I thought that's what "pure" was for but the compiler 
complains all the same.

Re: core.sync.rwmutex example

2014-05-09 Thread Joshua Niehus via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi Charles,

would the following work (just a shot in the dark) ?

module test;

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;

void spawnedFuncFoo(Tid tid, Tid tidBar) {
 (int i) {
 writeln("Foo Received the number ", i);
 send(tidBar, i, thisTid);
 auto barSuccessful = receiveOnly!(string);
 writeln("Bar got my (Foo) message");

 send(tid, true);

void spawnedFuncBar(Tid tid) {
 (int i, Tid tidFoo) {
 writeln("Foo passed me (Bar) the number ", i);
 send(tidFoo, "done");

 (string sig) {
 writeln("Main says I'm (Bar) done.");
 send(tid, 42);

void main() {
 auto tidBar = spawn(&spawnedFuncBar, thisTid);
 auto tidFoo = spawn(&spawnedFuncFoo, thisTid, tidBar);
 send(tidFoo, 42);
 auto fooWasSuccessful = receiveOnly!(bool);

 send(tidBar, "your done");
 auto barWasSuccessful = receiveOnly!(int);
 assert(barWasSuccessful == 42);
 writeln("Successfully had two separate threads communicate
with each other");

Re: why can't I call const methods on shared objects?

2014-05-09 Thread Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there any way to declare a method as "safe regardless of 
shared/mutability/etc" (or some other way to avoid 
cast(Type) every time I want to check a property 
which won't affect any state)?

Re: why can't I call const methods on shared objects?

2014-05-09 Thread Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is this still the case if the method is const or pure?

Re: why can't I call const methods on shared objects?

2014-05-09 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Fri, 09 May 2014 17:37:35 -0400, Vlad Levenfeld   

Error: non-shared const method is not callable using a shared mutable  

Why not? If the method is const, it can't modify the object anyway.

Non-shared methods cannot be called on shared objects. Otherwise, you  
could have unintended race conditions.


Re: CMake for D

2014-05-09 Thread Trent Forkert via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 21:11:54 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:

On Monday, 24 March 2014 at 23:55:14 UTC, Dragos Carp wrote:
I moved cmaked2 to github [1], updated and simplified the 
usage a little (system cmake patch not necessary anymore). You 
can give

it a try. Dub registry support is also on the way.


What is the best way to specify a mixin include directory for 

CMake?  I can arbitarily add a -J option to the compiler flags
but should
the cmake-d module include a variable that should be set?


The way I've tackled that in my (still work-in-progress) CMake 
fork[1] is to add an `include_directories(TEXT ...)` signature. 
Unfortunately, you'll need to build my CMake from source, though 
that isn't difficult. Also, while I am hopeful about getting my 
changes merged upstream, there is no guarantee of that, so 
proceed with caution.

Do note that my CMake work is independent of CMakeD2 and its 
forks. See my project wiki for more info.

 - Trent


why can't I call const methods on shared objects?

2014-05-09 Thread Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn
Error: non-shared const method is not callable using a shared 
mutable object

Why not? If the method is const, it can't modify the object 

Re: CMake for D

2014-05-09 Thread Chris Piker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 24 March 2014 at 23:55:14 UTC, Dragos Carp wrote:
I moved cmaked2 to github [1], updated and simplified the usage 
a little (system cmake patch not necessary anymore). You can 

it a try. Dub registry support is also on the way.


What is the best way to specify a mixin include directory for dmd
CMake?  I can arbitarily add a -J option to the compiler flags
but should
the cmake-d module include a variable that should be set?


core.sync.rwmutex example

2014-05-09 Thread Charles Hixson via Digitalmars-d-learn
The example code from core.sync.rwmutex seems bugged.  After copying it 
I added an import for core.sync.rwmutex, and moved the executions of 
runTest into...well:

void main()

Then I tried to compile it.  I got the following error messages:
test3.d(36): Error: class core.sync.rwmutex.ReadWriteMutex member 
m_commonMutex is not accessible
test3.d(38): Error: class core.sync.rwmutex.ReadWriteMutex member 
m_numQueuedReaders is not accessible
test3.d(39): Error: class core.sync.rwmutex.ReadWriteMutex member 
m_numQueuedWriters is not accessible

Checking out the documentation, I don't see that they SHOULD be 
accessible, so I think the compiler's correct, and the example is wrong.

P.S.:  Does anyone have a good working example of rwmutex?  I'm trying 
to build a hash table that is write accessible from one thread, and 
readable from anywhere, and this looked like the best way to do 
it...except that when I start to figure out how to use it I get errors.

Also does anyone have any examples of two directional communication 
between two particular threads (a bit more than just yes/no) in the 
presence of multiple other threads, so that when a thread asks another 
for information, only that other thread  is allowed to reply?  Perhaps 
that's a better way to implement the shared-read hash table.  (I'd like 
to use std.concurrency, but I can't figure out how one is supposed to 
manage specific inter-thread communications.)

Charles Hixson

Re: sort struct of arrays

2014-05-09 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 16:26:22 UTC, Rene Zwanenburg wrote:

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 15:52:51 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 14:23:41 UTC, Luís Marques wrote:

If you have an array of structs, such as...

   struct Foo
   int x;
   int y;

   Foo[] foos;

...and you wanted to sort the foos then you'd do something 

   foos.sort!(a.x < b.x),

..and, of course, both of the fields x and y get sorted 

If you have a so-called struct of arrays, or an equivalent
situation, such as...

   int[] fooX;
   int[] fooY; there a simple way to sort fooX and fooY
"together"/coherently (keyed on, say, fooX), using the 


For some situations (expensive/impossible to move/copy 
elements of fooY), you would be best with this:

auto indices = zip(iota(fooX.length).array, fooX).sort!"a[1] < 

auto sortedFooY = fooY.indexed(indices);

bearing in mind that this causes an allocation for the index, 
but if you really can't move the elements of fooY (and fooX 
isn't already indices of fooY) then you don't have much of a 

It's probably better to use makeIndex:

good call, I didn't realise that existed.

Re: sort struct of arrays

2014-05-09 Thread Rene Zwanenburg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 15:52:51 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 14:23:41 UTC, Luís Marques wrote:

If you have an array of structs, such as...

struct Foo
int x;
int y;

Foo[] foos;

...and you wanted to sort the foos then you'd do something 

foos.sort!(a.x < b.x),

..and, of course, both of the fields x and y get sorted 

If you have a so-called struct of arrays, or an equivalent
situation, such as...

int[] fooX;
int[] fooY; there a simple way to sort fooX and fooY
"together"/coherently (keyed on, say, fooX), using the standard

For some situations (expensive/impossible to move/copy elements 
of fooY), you would be best with this:

auto indices = zip(iota(fooX.length).array, fooX).sort!"a[1] < 

auto sortedFooY = fooY.indexed(indices);

bearing in mind that this causes an allocation for the index, 
but if you really can't move the elements of fooY (and fooX 
isn't already indices of fooY) then you don't have much of a 

It's probably better to use makeIndex:

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-09 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn

flamencofantasy, thanx for that! Where do we vote here? =)

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-09 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 14:56:21 UTC, flamencofantasy wrote:
One thing I hate about C# (which is what I use professionally) 
the sync block index in every single class instance. Why not 

the developer decide when he needs a Monitor and manually use
it?! I am disappointed D took the same route.

If it can be changed without breaking existing code, you might be 
able to convince people to make it somehow optional or elided 
when unnecessary.

Re: sort struct of arrays

2014-05-09 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 14:23:41 UTC, Luís Marques wrote:

If you have an array of structs, such as...

 struct Foo
 int x;
 int y;

 Foo[] foos;

...and you wanted to sort the foos then you'd do something 

 foos.sort!(a.x < b.x),

..and, of course, both of the fields x and y get sorted 

If you have a so-called struct of arrays, or an equivalent
situation, such as...

 int[] fooX;
 int[] fooY; there a simple way to sort fooX and fooY
"together"/coherently (keyed on, say, fooX), using the standard

For some situations (expensive/impossible to move/copy elements 
of fooY), you would be best with this:

auto indices = zip(iota(fooX.length).array, fooX).sort!"a[1] < 

auto sortedFooY = fooY.indexed(indices);

bearing in mind that this causes an allocation for the index, but 
if you really can't move the elements of fooY (and fooX isn't 
already indices of fooY) then you don't have much of a choice.

Re: sort struct of arrays

2014-05-09 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 14:48:50 UTC, anonymous wrote:, fooY).sort!((a, b) => a[0] < b[0]);

I wasn't sure if that's supposed to work. Turns out the
documentation on zip [1] has this exact use case as an example.


Ha! Awesome! Sorry that I missed that example.

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-09 Thread flamencofantasy via Digitalmars-d-learn

One thing I hate about C# (which is what I use professionally) is
the sync block index in every single class instance. Why not have
the developer decide when he needs a Monitor and manually use
it?! I am disappointed D took the same route.

Re: sort struct of arrays

2014-05-09 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 14:23:41 UTC, Luís Marques wrote:

If you have an array of structs, such as...

 struct Foo
 int x;
 int y;

 Foo[] foos;

...and you wanted to sort the foos then you'd do something 

 foos.sort!(a.x < b.x),

..and, of course, both of the fields x and y get sorted 

If you have a so-called struct of arrays, or an equivalent
situation, such as...

 int[] fooX;
 int[] fooY; there a simple way to sort fooX and fooY
"together"/coherently (keyed on, say, fooX), using the standard
lib?, fooY).sort!((a, b) => a[0] < b[0]);

I wasn't sure if that's supposed to work. Turns out the
documentation on zip [1] has this exact use case as an example.


sort struct of arrays

2014-05-09 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

If you have an array of structs, such as...

 struct Foo
 int x;
 int y;

 Foo[] foos;

...and you wanted to sort the foos then you'd do something like...

 foos.sort!(a.x < b.x),

..and, of course, both of the fields x and y get sorted together.
If you have a so-called struct of arrays, or an equivalent
situation, such as...

 int[] fooX;
 int[] fooY; there a simple way to sort fooX and fooY
"together"/coherently (keyed on, say, fooX), using the standard

Re: Down the VisualD0.3.38-1.exe ,found virus!

2014-05-09 Thread Orvid King via Digitalmars-d-learn
Trend Micro and Comodo have (from my limited experience) been pretty
good about dealing with false positives, so does anyone want to inform
them and the others as well?

On 5/8/14, sigod via Digitalmars-d-learn
> On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 01:02:39 UTC, FrankLike wrote:
>> Hi,everyone,
>> down VisulaD from
>> found the virus:Win32.Troj.Undef.(kcloud)
>> Why?
>> Frank
> Just 5 of 52. Probably a false alarm.

Re: Avoiding __traits(getAttributes, ...) on alias

2014-05-09 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 12:19:12 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 11:53:59 UTC, Stefan Frijters wrote:
I've been playing with UDAs a bit and I wanted to find all 
variables with a particular attribute in various modules. I 
thought I had it cracked, until I added a module that contains 
an alias declaration, which makes it choke when trying to 
execute __traits(getAttributes, ...). A small example is shown 
below. Is there any conditional I can insert between the two 
foreach lines to make it detect such an alias declaration, and 
move on to the next derived member? Or should getAttributes 
handle this by just returning no attributes?

import std.traits;

@("testattr") int foo;
alias char[256] MyChar;
@("testattr") int bar;

void main() {
 foreach(e ; __traits(derivedMembers, mixin(__MODULE__)))  {
   foreach( t; __traits(getAttributes, mixin(e)) ){
 pragma(msg, t);
 // testattr
 // test.d(9): Error: first argument is not a symbol
 // test.d(9): Error: invalid foreach aggregate false
 // testattr

Any hints would be appreciated!

Kind regards,

Stefan Frijters

You could always do a static if with __traits(compiles, 
__traits(getAttributes, mixin(e))

Thank you for the fast reply; this solves my problem. I actually 
tried this before, but in my actual code instead of the example, 
where I'm deep into backticks and quotes and escaped quotes so I 
probably made a mistake there...

Re: Avoiding __traits(getAttributes, ...) on alias

2014-05-09 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 11:53:59 UTC, Stefan Frijters wrote:
I've been playing with UDAs a bit and I wanted to find all 
variables with a particular attribute in various modules. I 
thought I had it cracked, until I added a module that contains 
an alias declaration, which makes it choke when trying to 
execute __traits(getAttributes, ...). A small example is shown 
below. Is there any conditional I can insert between the two 
foreach lines to make it detect such an alias declaration, and 
move on to the next derived member? Or should getAttributes 
handle this by just returning no attributes?

import std.traits;

@("testattr") int foo;
alias char[256] MyChar;
@("testattr") int bar;

void main() {
  foreach(e ; __traits(derivedMembers, mixin(__MODULE__)))  {
foreach( t; __traits(getAttributes, mixin(e)) ){
  pragma(msg, t);
  // testattr
  // test.d(9): Error: first argument is not a symbol
  // test.d(9): Error: invalid foreach aggregate false
  // testattr

Any hints would be appreciated!

Kind regards,

Stefan Frijters

You could always do a static if with __traits(compiles, 
__traits(getAttributes, mixin(e))

Avoiding __traits(getAttributes, ...) on alias

2014-05-09 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've been playing with UDAs a bit and I wanted to find all 
variables with a particular attribute in various modules. I 
thought I had it cracked, until I added a module that contains an 
alias declaration, which makes it choke when trying to execute 
__traits(getAttributes, ...). A small example is shown below. Is 
there any conditional I can insert between the two foreach lines 
to make it detect such an alias declaration, and move on to the 
next derived member? Or should getAttributes handle this by just 
returning no attributes?

import std.traits;

@("testattr") int foo;
alias char[256] MyChar;
@("testattr") int bar;

void main() {
  foreach(e ; __traits(derivedMembers, mixin(__MODULE__)))  {
foreach( t; __traits(getAttributes, mixin(e)) ){
  pragma(msg, t);
  // testattr
  // test.d(9): Error: first argument is not a symbol
  // test.d(9): Error: invalid foreach aggregate false
  // testattr

Any hints would be appreciated!

Kind regards,

Stefan Frijters

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-09 Thread Yuriy via Digitalmars-d-learn
Imho, offtop, also i'm a C++/Obj-C guy and that might partially 
explain my preferences, but here are some more reasons:
1. I like the concept of CT-reflection and CTFE a lot. This makes 
metaprogramming extremely powerful without any RT overheads. It 
brings a lot more control to what goes to RT. I guess D still 
needs to shrink it's runtime a bit more, and __monitors is just 
another example of that.
2. It's extremely easy for C++/C#/Java/Objc-C developers to 
switch to D without loosing any bit of their productivity, but 
gaining lots of possibilities, that can be used in future. And 
C++/C#/Java/Obj-C is the majority of the world now. Even PHP 
developers should think of D one day =).
3. That's the most arguable, but D's syntax and semantics looks 
much cleaner and uniform to me than Rust's.

Re: Any chance to avoid monitor field in my class?

2014-05-09 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn


but I like D, and i strongly believe it's the next big language.

Oh, good. Do you want to briefly explain why? :)
