Re: Incomplete types question

2014-07-07 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn


In C my favorite way of achieving encapsulation is to use 
incomplete types. The module header contains the definition of 
an incomplete type and the prototypes for the public functions 
which operate on it.

Probably in D you can archive something similar with different 


Re: Incomplete types question

2014-07-07 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/07/2014 09:44 PM, NoUseForAName wrote:

In C my favorite way of achieving encapsulation is to use incomplete
types. The module header contains the definition of an incomplete type
and the prototypes for the public functions which operate on it. I have
read D has incomplete types too however D does not have headers and as a
C guy I do not know how to implement this scheme without a .h/.c

As I said, in C I put the incomplete declaration in the header while
keeping the complete declaration private to the module. How do I do this
in D? I mean type is complete within the module itself (and thus can be
instantiated there) but incomplete for clients (i.e. other modules) i.e.
instantiating or modifying data of that type directly is impossible.

P.S.: It seems D lingo for incomplete types is "opaque types".

1) Put the opaque type and its functions into a .di file:

// deneme.di
module deneme;

struct S;

S * makeS(int i);

void useS(S * s);

2) Put the implementation in its .d file:

// deneme.d
module deneme;

import std.stdio;

struct S
int i;

void foo()
writefln("Executing foo() for %s", this);

S * makeS(int i)
return new S(i);

void useS(S * s)

3) Compile the implementation as a library (just a .o in this case):

$ dmd deneme.d -c

(That will create the file deneme.o)

4) Write a client program that uses the interface. (Make sure that only 
deneme.di is visible to the client (not deneme.d).)

// main.c
import deneme;

void main()
S * s = makeS(42);

5) Compile (and link) the client program and the library to make the 

$ dmd main.d deneme.o

(That will create the executable 'main'.)

6) Run the program:

$ ./main
Executing foo() for S(42)


Re: Opinions: The Best and Worst of D (for a lecture/talk I intend to give)

2014-07-07 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, Jul 07, 2014 at 11:47:25PM +, Aerolite via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> So, if you would be so kind, give me a bullet list of the aspects of D
> you believe to be good, awesome, bad, and/or ugly. If you have the
> time, some code examples wouldn't go amiss either! Try not to go
> in-depth to weird edge cases - remain general, yet informative. E.g. I
> consider D's string mixins to be in the 'awesome' category, but its
> reliance on the GC for large segments of the standard library to be in
> the 'ugly' category.

String mixins are a controversial feature. Many (including myself) think
they are definitely awesome, but that power also comes with the price of
being harder to maintain, and difficult to integrate with IDE features
(though the latter doesn't matter to me 'cos I don't use IDEs). Because
of that, some others think they are a misfeature, and have proposed to
remove them. But I don't think it's going away anytime soon, since
several key features depend on it.

Perhaps I may bring up a representative use case: operator overloading.
In C++, if you implement a custom number type, for example, you have to
overload operator+, operator*, operator/, operator-. And then you
realize you left out operator+=, operator*=, operator/=, ... and then
you need operator<, operator>, operator<=, operator>=, ad nauseum. In D?

// This covers +, -, *, /, +=, -=, *=, /=, etc..
auto opBinary(string op)(NumType n)
return NumType(mixin(this.val ~ op ~ n.val));

// And this covers all the comparison operators:
int opCmp(NumType n) {
return ... /* implementation here */

Without string mixins, you'd have to copy-n-paste a ton of boilerplate
to get the necessary operator overloadings.


About the GC, my opinion is that anti-GC sentiment is largely unfounded.
The GC greatly simplifies certain tasks (string manipulation, for one
thing, and returning recursive data structures like trees). There *are*
cases where the GC can cause trouble, like in game engines, esp. given
that the GC implementation in D leaves a lot of room for improvement,
but a lot of C/C++ programmers have knee-jerk reactions about GCs for no
other reason than unfamiliarity breeding contempt (I speak for myself,
since I come from a strong C/C++ background, and had the same reaction),
than any truly objective measurements. I'd say a large percentage of
applications don't need to manually micro-manage memory, and having a GC
eliminates an entire class of bugs and greatly improves productivity.


But anyway, not to dwell on a contentious issue, let's move on to
something oft overlooked (and sometimes even maligned): unittests. I
could sing praises of D's built-in unittest blocks all day. When I was
young and foolish, I prided myself on being the macho C/C++ programmer
whose code will work the first time after I write it. Who needs tests?
They are for the weak-minded, who cannot grasp their code in every last
detail of their programs in their head with absolute clarity. Real
Programmers can write code in their dreams, and it will work the first
time they run it.

Except that they don't. :P  When I first started learning D, I tried my
best to ignore unittests, telling myself that it's for weaker
programmers, but they just kept sitting their, right in the language,
and staring at me, all cute-like, until I was shamed into actually
writing a few of them just to quiet that nagging voice within. And lo
and behold, I started finding bugs in my "perfect" code -- corner cases
I missed (even though I painstakingly took care of all the *other*
corner cases), subtle typos that compiled but gave the wrong answers,
blatant errors that I missed due to obsession over tiny details, etc..
To my chagrin, I discovered that I was *not* the macho perfect
programmer that I imagined, and that these unittests for the weak were
singlehandedly improving the quality of my code by leaps and bounds.

Sometimes, the mere act of writing unittests would bring my attention to
a corner case that I'd missed, and I'd fix the code, long before my past
self would've noticed it (by finding it as a runtime bug much later).
When I revised the code later, I suddenly could have peace of mind that
if the unittests didn't break, then in all likelihood the new code is
still correct (or mostly so). Regressions were instantly noticed, rather
than weeks or months down the road when I suddenly needed a corner case
that I knew was previously working but had since been broken by a later

Unittests in the language == total win.  External unittest frameworks
may be more powerful, more flexible, etc., but I'd never use them, 'cos
they are too troublesome. I have to switch out of coding mode, open a
new file, and possibly shift gears to a different language, write the
test, then switch back, and later on it becomes too trouble to keep
switching back and forth (and maintaining the unittest

Re: implib and system dlls, oh my

2014-07-07 Thread Jason King via Digitalmars-d-learn

Let me see what I can do for time.  There's the above, it's 
also possible to link mixed coff and omf with jwlink 
There's a couple of paths and while win32 isn't leading edge, I 
think enhancing it is a worthwhile project for lesser lights 
like myself.

I've tried the above and get a horde of errors.  Some seem to be 
weak link __symbol doesn't match the library's _symbol (two 
leading underbars on one side, one on the other).  Some seem to 
be some utterly missing capitalized symbols like GETLONG, 
GETPOINTER and STRLEN2.  The underbar mismatches I should be able 
to fix with a def file or maybe there's a (j)wlink option I 
missed to resolve those.
As I make progress, such as it is, I'll report.  Anybody who sees 
something I've missed feel free to chime in. While I'm learning I 
have no pride, I save it for pride in having learned.

Re: implib and system dlls, oh my

2014-07-07 Thread Jason King via Digitalmars-d-learn
You may want to spearhead the effort to get Win32 support of 
MSVC into D, if you care enough about it.  Rainer has done most 
of the work, you'd just have to turn his patches into pull 
requests, shepherd them through the review process, and maybe 
add some polish:

I'd love to, but that might be a little over my head.  I see he 
forked from 2.060 and now we're almost in 2.066.  I'd have to 
radically improve my git fu and my D fu to be able to bring the 
patches up to 2.066.
I'm on some extended time off in a couple of weeks for some 
surgery, this might be a project to while away the recovery days.

Incomplete types question

2014-07-07 Thread NoUseForAName via Digitalmars-d-learn
In C my favorite way of achieving encapsulation is to use 
incomplete types. The module header contains the definition of an 
incomplete type and the prototypes for the public functions which 
operate on it. I have read D has incomplete types too however D 
does not have headers and as a C guy I do not know how to 
implement this scheme without a .h/.c separation.

As I said, in C I put the incomplete declaration in the header 
while keeping the complete declaration private to the module. How 
do I do this in D? I mean type is complete within the module 
itself (and thus can be instantiated there) but incomplete for 
clients (i.e. other modules) i.e. instantiating or modifying data 
of that type directly is impossible.

P.S.: It seems D lingo for incomplete types is "opaque types".

Re: Sparse Aggregate Assignment/Initialization (RAII)

2014-07-07 Thread Nordlöw

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 21:50:22 UTC, Justin Whear wrote:

Copy and paste gone astray; should be this link:


Opinions: The Best and Worst of D (for a lecture/talk I intend to give)

2014-07-07 Thread Aerolite via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hey all,

I've not posted here in a while, but I've been keeping up to 
speed with D's progress over the last couple of years and remain 
consistently impressed with the language.

I'm part of a new computing society in the University of 
Newcastle, Australia, and am essentially known throughout our 
Computer Science department as 'the D guy'. At the insistence of 
my peers, I have decided to give an introductory lecture on the D 
Programming Language, in order to expose more students to the 
increasingly amazing aspects of D. I expect to cover the good, 
the bad, the awesome, and the ugly, in a 
complement-criticism-complement styled talk, and while I have my 
own opinions regarding each of these things, I'd like a broader 
view from the community regarding these aspects, so that I may 
provide as accurate and as useful information as possible.

So, if you would be so kind, give me a bullet list of the aspects 
of D you believe to be good, awesome, bad, and/or ugly. If you 
have the time, some code examples wouldn't go amiss either! Try 
not to go in-depth to weird edge cases - remain general, yet 
informative. E.g. I consider D's string mixins to be in the 
'awesome' category, but its reliance on the GC for large segments 
of the standard library to be in the 'ugly' category.

Thanks so much for your time!

Re: Visual D: Settings to Improve compil and link process

2014-07-07 Thread Rainer Schuetze via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07.07.2014 12:46, ParticlePeter wrote:

On Sunday, 6 July 2014 at 19:27:38 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

These object files are in the library ;-) That means manual selection,
though, as incremental builds to multiple object files don't work with
dmd, and single file compilation is painfully slow.

Not sure if I am getting this right, so when one object file has to be
recompiled all other object files, even if up to date, would be
recompiled ?

That's how it is currently done if you don't use "single file 
compilation". Compiling only modified and dependent modules in one step 
could work incrementally, but especially template instantiations make 
this hard to do correctly.

The modules form MyProject do import the MyLib modules properly, I do
not get compiler errors. However, the compiler should create Object
files from MyLib modules, and the linker should link them. But he
does not.
On the other hand, when I add MyLib modules to MyProject ( Rightclick
MyProject - add - existing item... MyLib source files ) then linking
works. I do not understand why the later step is necessary.

dmd does not compile imported modules, but rdmd does.

Ähm ... not seeing the connection here either, why is this significant ?

dmd just compiles the files given on the command line. rdmd makes two 
passes, one to collect imported files, and another to compile all the 
collected files. So rdmd works the way you want dmd to work (if I 
understand you correctly).

I feel that I could not explain my problem properly, so one example:
Importing phobos modules. I do not have to define any import path or lib
file in the project settings, I just need to import std.somthing. That's
because the import path for phobos modules are stored in the dmd sc.ini
When I want to import my modules which are somewhere on my hard-drive
and not added to my project I need to tell the compiler where these
modules can be found, using the additional import path project setting.
That's fine, doing this.

But result is, std.somthing works, my modules in a path known by the
compiler don't work, giving me linker errors. Why ? ( I do not create a
lib, I just want to import the module. )

phobos is precompiled to a library and is automatically included in the 
link. If you want your custom modules to work the same way, you have to 
compile them to a library.

Re: Sparse Aggregate Assignment/Initialization (RAII)

2014-07-07 Thread Justin Whear via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 21:49:22 +, Justin Whear wrote:

> On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 21:34:05 +, Nordlöw wrote:
>> However using this function through UFCS
>>  auto cx = new C().set!"x"(11);
>> fails as
>> algorithm_ex.d(1257,17): Error: template algorithm_ex.set cannot deduce
>> function from argument types !("x")(C, int), candidates are:
>> algorithm_ex.d(1242,7):algorithm_ex.set(string member, T,
>> U)(ref T a, in U value) if (isAggregateType!T && hasMember!(T,
>> member))
>> Instead I have to use
>>  auto c = new C(); set!"x"(c, 11);
>> which is not as elegant.
>> Why doesn't UCFS work here and is there a solution using DMD git
>> master?
> You need to use `auto ref` to have this work with both classes and
> structs.  A working version of your code here: auto dx =
> D().set!"x"(11);
>   assert(dx.x == 11);

Copy and paste gone astray; should be this link:

Re: Sparse Aggregate Assignment/Initialization (RAII)

2014-07-07 Thread Justin Whear via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 21:34:05 +, Nordlöw wrote:

> However using this function through UFCS
>  auto cx = new C().set!"x"(11);
> fails as
> algorithm_ex.d(1257,17): Error: template algorithm_ex.set cannot deduce
> function from argument types !("x")(C, int), candidates are:
> algorithm_ex.d(1242,7):algorithm_ex.set(string member, T,
> U)(ref T a, in U value) if (isAggregateType!T && hasMember!(T,
> member))
> Instead I have to use
>  auto c = new C(); set!"x"(c, 11);
> which is not as elegant.
> Why doesn't UCFS work here and is there a solution using DMD git master?

You need to use `auto ref` to have this work with both classes and 
structs.  A working version of your code here: auto dx = D().set!"x"(11);
assert(dx.x == 11);

On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 21:34:05 +, Nordlöw wrote:
> Further Is there a cleverer way to do this without resorting to mixins?

__traits(getMember, ...) is useful here, see this version of your code:

Sparse Aggregate Assignment/Initialization (RAII)

2014-07-07 Thread Nordlöw
Because D currently doesn't support RAII using named parameters 
like in Python I tried the following.

Say I have an aggregate

class C { int x,y,z,w; }

or similarly

struct C { int x,y,z,w; }

I know define a generic _free_ function

ref T set(string member, T, U)(ref T a, in U value) if 
(isAggregateType!T &&

hasMember!(T, member))

mixin(`a.` ~ member ~ ` = value;`);
return a;

which I want to use for flexible initialization of several 
members at once.

However using this function through UFCS

auto cx = new C().set!"x"(11);

fails as

algorithm_ex.d(1257,17): Error: template algorithm_ex.set cannot 
deduce function from argument types !("x")(C, int), candidates 
algorithm_ex.d(1242,7):algorithm_ex.set(string member, T, 
U)(ref T a, in U value) if (isAggregateType!T && hasMember!(T, 

Instead I have to use

auto c = new C(); set!"x"(c, 11);

which is not as elegant.

Why doesn't UCFS work here and is there a solution using DMD git 

Further Is there a cleverer way to do this without resorting to 

This old post

talks about opDispatch() but, to my knowledge, it requires the 
aggregate to have extra members doing the initialization.

I want this because I've identified in some parts of my code that 
I have large structures were only a few of the elements are 
initialized to non-default values.

Capture offset of matches in std.regex.matchAll?

2014-07-07 Thread JD via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm using a compile time regex to find some tags in an input
string. Is it possible to capture the offset of the matches in
some way? Otherwise I have to "calculate" the offsets myself by
iterating over the results of matchAll.



Example code:

import std.stdio;
import std.regex;

void main()
auto input = "{{ message }}";

auto ctr = ctRegex!(`(\{\{|\{\%|\{\#)?`, "s");

auto matches = matchAll(input, ctr);

auto offset = 0;
writeln(offset, ":", match);

Re: std.algorithm.sort error with default predicate

2014-07-07 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, Jul 07, 2014 at 08:35:53PM +, anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> Looks like a bad bug:
> void main()
> {
>  uint[] a = [0x22_DF_FF_FF];
>  uint[] b = [0xA2_DF_FF_FF];
>  assert(!(a < b && b < a)); /* fails */
> }

This looks pretty serious. Please file a bug:


People tell me I'm stubborn, but I refuse to accept it!

Re: std.algorithm.sort error with default predicate

2014-07-07 Thread Andrew Brown via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is it chain you are after to concatenate the objects and sort 
them together?

You'd need to cast them all to the same type.

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 20:50:06 UTC, Archibald wrote:

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 20:17:16 UTC, bearophile wrote:


Using std.algorithm.sort(a,b,c,d,e)

But isn't std.algorithm.sort accepting only one argument?


Sorry, it's sort(zip(a,b,c,d,e))

Re: std.algorithm.sort error with default predicate

2014-07-07 Thread Archibald via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 20:17:16 UTC, bearophile wrote:


Using std.algorithm.sort(a,b,c,d,e)

But isn't std.algorithm.sort accepting only one argument?


Sorry, it's sort(zip(a,b,c,d,e))

Re: std.algorithm.sort error with default predicate

2014-07-07 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 20:10:10 UTC, Archibald wrote:

Using std.algorithm.sort(a,b,c,d,e) I get the error message :

0350): Predicate for isSorted is not antisymmetric. Both 
pred(a, b) and pred(b,
a) are true for a=Tuple!(float, int, uint[], int, 
uint[])(-7.56963e-05, 17, [585
105407, 512], 1041, [2732589055, 0]) and b=Tuple!(float, int, 
uint[], int, uint[
])(-7.56963e-05, 17, [2732589055, 0], 1105, [585105407, 512]) 
in positions 25182

 and 25183

I am using the default predicate so is it a bug?

Looks like a bad bug:

void main()
 uint[] a = [0x22_DF_FF_FF];
 uint[] b = [0xA2_DF_FF_FF];
 assert(!(a < b && b < a)); /* fails */

Re: Ranges & containers : is it possible to get a SortedRange from a RedBlackTree ?

2014-07-07 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 19:20:24 UTC, Fr wrote:

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 16:58:51 UTC, anonymous wrote:

No array is created in the example. Where do you think an array
is created?

It's in the example above :

SortedRange!(MyObject[]) opSlice() { 
sequence[].array.assumeSorted; }

I thought that that using ".array" would lead to instantiating 

Ah, you're referring to Meta's response. Didn't catch that. Yes,
.array does create an array. Yes, it has a significant cost.

The actual code was the following, which seems to make sense if 
SortedRange expects random access:

SortedRange!(RandomAccessFinite!MyObject) opSlice();

But then I have this error on assumeSorted() :

template std.range.assumeSorted cannot deduce function from 
argument types !()(InputRange!int), candidates are: [...]

RedBlackTree's Range is not a random access range. So, at some
point the attempt to feed such a range to SortedRange must fail.

At first, it failed at SortedRange!(InputRange!MyObject). Then
you changed InputRange to RandomAccessFinite here. This passes

But I guess you forgot to make the change when calling
   InputRange!MyObject r = inputRangeObject(sequence[]);
   return assumeSorted(r);
Here, instantiation of assumeSorted fails, because r is a
InputRange!MyObject. This is the "cannot deduce function" error.

If you now tried to change r's type to
RandomAccessFinite!MyObject, assumeSorted would be satisfied, but
the initialization of r would fail, because sequence[] is no
random access range.

For various reasons I'm very attached to interface-oriented 
design, and although I understand that this is not very 
"D"-like, I'll try a little bit more in this way ;) I really 
like the D language itself but for me it's almost mandatory to 
manipulate abstract interface such as "ordered set" and then to 
be able to switch easily between particular implementations.

Sure, go ahead. And keep asking for help when you need it. It may
not be the most popular style, but it's not exactly discouraged
either. After all, the interfaces in std.range are there
specifically to aid it. "Templated everything" has the same goal
of being able to "switch easily between particular
implementations", though.

Re: std.algorithm.sort error with default predicate

2014-07-07 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn


Using std.algorithm.sort(a,b,c,d,e)

But isn't std.algorithm.sort accepting only one argument?


std.algorithm.sort error with default predicate

2014-07-07 Thread Archibald via Digitalmars-d-learn

Using std.algorithm.sort(a,b,c,d,e) I get the error message :

0350): Predicate for isSorted is not antisymmetric. Both pred(a, 
b) and pred(b,
a) are true for a=Tuple!(float, int, uint[], int, 
uint[])(-7.56963e-05, 17, [585
105407, 512], 1041, [2732589055, 0]) and b=Tuple!(float, int, 
uint[], int, uint[
])(-7.56963e-05, 17, [2732589055, 0], 1105, [585105407, 512]) in 
positions 25182

 and 25183

I am using the default predicate so is it a bug?

Re: Ranges & containers : is it possible to get a SortedRange from a RedBlackTree ?

2014-07-07 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 19:20:24 UTC, Fr wrote:

It's in the example above :

SortedRange!(MyObject[]) opSlice() { 
sequence[].array.assumeSorted; }

I thought that that using ".array" would lead to instantiating 

Yes, this *will* instantiate an array and copy all of the items 
from the RedBlackTree into it. There's not really a way around it 
(unless you upgrade to 2.066 so assumeSorted will accept the 
result of sequence[] without having the intermediate array).

Re: Ranges & containers : is it possible to get a SortedRange from a RedBlackTree ?

2014-07-07 Thread Fr via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 16:58:51 UTC, anonymous wrote:

No array is created in the example. Where do you think an array
is created?

It's in the example above :

SortedRange!(MyObject[]) opSlice() { 
sequence[].array.assumeSorted; }

I thought that that using ".array" would lead to instantiating 

Oh, must be a restriction that's going to be lifted in 2.066. 
I'm using git head, so I didn't realize that it doesn't work in 

OK that's what I was suspecting... Thanks for checking that.

Looks like you can't get binary search through
SortedRange over a Range of a RedBlackTree. If you don't need
that, you can just drop SortedRange (and assumeSorted) and use
InputRange directly.

Yes it seems this is the way to go in my case.

As far as I know, true (efficient) random access on a RB tree is 
not a "natural" thing and I would nto have expected that ranges 
coming from those trees would support it. However it's curious 
that random access was required by SortedSet, but as far as I 
understand, this constraint has been recently dropped.

RandomAccessFinite is in the same family as InputRange [...]
SortedRange is a different kind of template. The template
parameter is a range type (e.g. MyObject[] or
Replacing the one with the other doesn't make sense, and doesn't

Of course ! I'm sorry I retyped it incorrectly, I tested so many 
things... The actual code was the following, which seems to make 
sense if SortedRange expects random access:

SortedRange!(RandomAccessFinite!MyObject) opSlice();

But then I have this error on assumeSorted() :

template std.range.assumeSorted cannot deduce function from 
argument types !()(InputRange!int), candidates are: [...]

[...] Now, if you'd want to go the static-duck-typing route, 

ditch the MyObjectSet interface. Instead, you'd pass
RedBlackTree!MyObject or just RedBlackTree around as a template
argument, possibly implicitly. Maybe you could give an example 
of how you would use MyObjectSet. Then we could think about a 
template-based alternative.

For various reasons I'm very attached to interface-oriented 
design, and although I understand that this is not very "D"-like, 
I'll try a little bit more in this way ;) I really like the D 
language itself but for me it's almost mandatory to manipulate 
abstract interface such as "ordered set" and then to be able to 
switch easily between particular implementations.

Note that `sequence` is declared as RedBlackTree!MyObject, not
just RedBlackTree. There is no RedBlackTree.Range, but there is

Yes, of course, stupid question, sorry...

Thank you very much for your help !!

Best regards,

Re: dustmite build

2014-07-07 Thread Frustrated via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 17:50:35 UTC, Frustrated wrote:
when I build dustmite using dmd or gdc with no options or -O3, 
it is 18M but in the dmd directory, dustmite is only 650k. I 
assume I'm statically linking the whole library while in the 
small one is using some dynamic link library? Or is all that 
debug information or what?

Also, how does one use dustmite on a project that invloves many 
subfolders and uses a library that is specified in the lib path 
in sc.ini, that also uses many directories? e.g., import a.b.c.d.

Say the regression is in the library(worked in one version, new 
dmd version doesn't work cause it broke something in the 
library). Is dustmite going to pull in the problematic code from 
the library or is it too going to just crap out and now show the 
real problem?

dustmite build

2014-07-07 Thread Frustrated via Digitalmars-d-learn
when I build dustmite using dmd or gdc with no options or -O3, it 
is 18M but in the dmd directory, dustmite is only 650k. I assume 
I'm statically linking the whole library while in the small one 
is using some dynamic link library? Or is all that debug 
information or what?

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 12:00:48 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 12:17:34 +0100, Joakim 

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 10:19:01 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
See if stdio allows you to specify delete sharing when 
opening the file.

I don't know what delete sharing is exactly, but the File 
constructor simply calls fopen and I don't see any option for 
the Windows fopen that seems to do it:

The fopen variant that allows you to specify sharing is:

But it does not mention delete sharing there.

CreateFile allows sharing to be specified for delete however:

So... you could:
 - Call CreateFile giving you a "handle"
 - Call _open_osfhandle to get a "file descriptor"
 - Call _fdopen on the file descriptor to get a FILE* for it

But!  I agree with Adam, leave it as a thin wrapper.  Being a 
windows programmer by trade I would expect the remove to fail, 
I would not expect all my files to be opened with delete 
sharing enabled by default.

Thanks for all the info.  I'm looking at it from the point of 
view of a beginner or someone who just writes a quick D script 
that does something like this.  They may find it confusing that 
it works on linux but doesn't work on Windows, especially given 
the confusing error message.

But it is good practice to close a file before deleting and if D 
prefers to have thin wrappers around OS APIs, that implies less 
hand-holding like this, so maybe we just tell such people to 
close the file first.

Re: dmd & dub from git master

2014-07-07 Thread Nordlöw

On Sunday, 6 July 2014 at 11:25:04 UTC, w0rp wrote:
I hit this myself also. I was trying to use the master branch 
DMD, druntime, and phobos with a recent vibe.d for building the 
documentation with ddox, and I ran into the reliance on 

I got things to work after some cleanups of the DUB 
installations. I don't know exactly how...but no things work :)

Re: Ranges & containers : is it possible to get a SortedRange from a RedBlackTree ?

2014-07-07 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 14:51:37 UTC, Fr wrote:
The solution of making an array from the range works, but I'm 
concerned about the cost of instantiating a (potentially very 
large) array each time I need to walk across the set. Unless 
doing that is costless in D for any reason, it does not seem 
practical in my case.

No array is created in the example. Where do you think an array
is created?

And when trying to compile the above example I got the 
following error:

Error: template instance std.range.SortedRange!(InputRange!int) 
does not match template declaration SortedRange(Range, alias 
pred = "a < b") if (isRandomAccessRange!Range && 

Oh, must be a restriction that's going to be lifted in 2.066. I'm
using git head, so I didn't realize that it doesn't work in 2.065.

RedBlackTree's range is sorted, of course, but it's not a random
access range. The documentation says that "SortedRange could
accept ranges weaker than random-access, but it is unable to
provide interesting functionality for them". I don't know what to
do about this. Looks like you can't get binary search through
SortedRange over a Range of a RedBlackTree. If you don't need
that, you can just drop SortedRange (and assumeSorted) and use
InputRange directly.

I tried to replace SortedRange!InputRange thing with the 
following :

RandomAccessFinite!(InputRange!MyObject) opSlice();

But then I got the folowing error:

Error: template std.range.assumeSorted cannot deduce function 
from argument types !()(InputRange!int), candidates are: [...]

And I must admit that I'm stuck on that...

RandomAccessFinite is in the same family as InputRange: an
`interface` that defines/requires a set of range primitives
(front, popFront, etc). The template parameter is the element
type (e.g. MyObject).
SortedRange is a different kind of template. The template
parameter is a range type (e.g. MyObject[] or
Replacing the one with the other doesn't make sense, and doesn't

Beside that I understand that range interfaces like SorteRange 
are not idiomatic at all in D. So I don't mind using something 
else, but I can't see how a could make an "abstract" range from 
a RedBlackTree.Range struct.

SortedRange is not an interface. It's one of those
static-duck-typing wrappers. Different SortedRange instances are
incompatible types, even when the element types of the wrapped
ranges are the same.
In contrast, different instances of InputRangeObject all
implement the InputRange interface (and other more advanced
interfaces like RandomAccessFinite when possible). So, different
instances of InputRangeObject are compatible through those
interfaces, given that the element types match.

Now, if you'd want to go the static-duck-typing route, you'd
ditch the MyObjectSet interface. Instead, you'd pass
RedBlackTree!MyObject or just RedBlackTree around as a template
argument, possibly implicitly.
Maybe you could give an example of how you would use MyObjectSet.
Then we could think about a template-based alternative.

I wouldn't mind encapsulating it in another struct or class I 
would define myself, but it seems I cannot access the 
RedBlackTree.Range struct from outside... For exemple with:

RedBlackTree.Range rbtRange = this.sequence[];

I get:

Error: identifier 'Range' of 'RedBlackTree.Range' is not defined

Note that `sequence` is declared as RedBlackTree!MyObject, not
just RedBlackTree. There is no RedBlackTree.Range, but there is

Re: recursive definition error

2014-07-07 Thread Frustrated via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 09:56:17 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 02:57:09 UTC, Frustrated wrote:
So, I took all the code surrounding the error message(which 
was a lot of code) and stuck it into one .d file.

No errors! Works as expected.

So, WTF?!?!

I guess now I have to attempt to split the code across modules 
to see WTF is going on? Maybe this is a modules issue. I know 
some of the code I'm using deals with module resolution and 
there was some talk in the main forum about changing something 
to do with modules.

Could this be the issue?

D really needs a better fing way to debug templates or improve 
the error messages. I'm dealing with about 20k lines of code 
spread across about 100 modules and the error messages are 
completely useless as when I put all the code surrounding what 
it says is causing the error, I do not get the error.

Realize, this code works fine in 2.064 so it's not a coding 
issue as if something magical with my fingers when I copy the 
code from the modules into a single .d file. Either something 
was "fixed" or something was "broke"... after all the work I 
spend trying to figure out what was causing the problem, I'm 
just as clueless.

Have you tried dustmite? It can also reduce source code split 
over several files.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

Re: dependency graph

2014-07-07 Thread Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks! Between the -deps flag and duml I think this is exactly 
what I need.

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 14:25:54 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
If I had to guess, I would say it would still be possible to 
access the file.

It's documented so. I guess, linux implements file deletion with 
delete-on-close feature too, if it exists, a separate deletion 
operation is not needed.

Re: [dmd 2.066-b1] std.range.array with shared objects and AA rehash

2014-07-07 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 09:53:22 UTC, NCrashed wrote:
I am using ranges (wrapped in InputRangeObject for use in 
interfaces) of shared objects, with new beta some cases are 

import std.range;

class A {}

InputRange!(shared A) foo()
return [new A].inputRangeObject;

void bar()
auto res = foo.array;

void main() {}
Fails with:
source/app.d(7): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(inputRangeObject([new A])) of type 
std.range.InputRangeObject!(A[]).InputRangeObject to 
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/conv.d(3914): Error: cannot 
implicitly convert expression (arg) of type shared(A) to app.A
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/array.d(2476): Error: template 
instance std.conv.emplaceRef!(shared(A)).emplaceRef!(shared(A)) 
error instantiating
from here: put!(shared(A))
source/app.d(12):instantiated from here: 


And also AA starts behave strange in shared context:
shared string[][string] map;

void main()
My AA is stored in shared class, the shared is inferred 
implicitly. Also following workaround works:

void main()

Is this behavior a bug, or it works as expected?

I don't know about your second problem, but the fix for your 
first problem is to construct a shared A. You're trying to create 
a normal A and have it implicitly casted to shared, which the 
compiler won't do.

InputRange!(shared A) foo()
//"new shared A" instead of "new A"
return [new shared A].inputRangeObject;

Re: Ranges & containers : is it possible to get a SortedRange from a RedBlackTree ?

2014-07-07 Thread Fr via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi again,

The solution of making an array from the range works, but I'm 
concerned about the cost of instantiating a (potentially very 
large) array each time I need to walk across the set. Unless 
doing that is costless in D for any reason, it does not seem 
practical in my case.

And when trying to compile the above example I got the following 

Error: template instance std.range.SortedRange!(InputRange!int) 
does not match template declaration SortedRange(Range, alias pred 
= "a < b") if (isRandomAccessRange!Range && hasLength!Range)

I tried to replace SortedRange!InputRange thing with the 
following :

RandomAccessFinite!(InputRange!MyObject) opSlice();

But then I got the folowing error:

Error: template std.range.assumeSorted cannot deduce function 
from argument types !()(InputRange!int), candidates are: [...]

And I must admit that I'm stuck on that...

Beside that I understand that range interfaces like SorteRange 
are not idiomatic at all in D. So I don't mind using something 
else, but I can't see how a could make an "abstract" range from a 
RedBlackTree.Range struct.

I wouldn't mind encapsulating it in another struct or class I 
would define myself, but it seems I cannot access the 
RedBlackTree.Range struct from outside... For exemple with:

RedBlackTree.Range rbtRange = this.sequence[];

I get:

Error: identifier 'Range' of 'RedBlackTree.Range' is not defined

Or is it a syntax-related problem ?

Thanks again for your help !

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread Regan Heath via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 15:18:51 +0100, Jesse Phillips  

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 12:00:48 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
But!  I agree with Adam, leave it as a thin wrapper.  Being a windows  
programmer by trade I would expect the remove to fail, I would not  
expect all my files to be opened with delete sharing enabled by default.


And I believe behavior is still different. In Linux an open file can be  
accessed even after a delete operation (unlink). But in Windows is that  

Not sure, I've never done this.  It's just not something you would  
typically want/try to do on windows.

If I had to guess, I would say it would still be possible to access the  


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn
It can be also a bad user experience, when delete succeeds only 
pertially and doesn't free the disk space. Delete-on-close flag 
should be better in this regard.

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread Jesse Phillips via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 12:00:48 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
But!  I agree with Adam, leave it as a thin wrapper.  Being a 
windows programmer by trade I would expect the remove to fail, 
I would not expect all my files to be opened with delete 
sharing enabled by default.


And I believe behavior is still different. In Linux an open file 
can be accessed even after a delete operation (unlink). But in 
Windows is that possible?

Re: Ranges & containers : is it possible to get a SortedRange from a RedBlackTree ?

2014-07-07 Thread Frédérik
Thank you very much to all of you for these very quick and 
precise answers !! As well as for tour recommendations about D's 
idiomatisms, it seems very important to me since there are so 
many available paradigms in D.

I'll try these solutions and I'll be able to go ahead with my 
first D project ;)

For the time being I like D very much, I think this language 
deserves much more audience and I hope it will continue to grow ! 
No doubt that having more "polished" std.streams and 
std.containers will really help, especially for people coming 
from Java where these API are quite clean.

Best regards,

Re: Ranges & containers : is it possible to get a SortedRange from a RedBlackTree ?

2014-07-07 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn


(a SortedRange needs a range with random access,

I think SortedRange was recently improved, and now accepts more 
than just random access ranges.


Re: Ranges & containers : is it possible to get a SortedRange from a RedBlackTree ?

2014-07-07 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 12:06:21 UTC, Frédérik wrote:

I'm trying to achieve something like that (approximate D code):

interface MyObjectSet
 void add(MyObject o);
 void SortedRange!MyObject opSlice();

class SomeRedBlackBasedImplementation
 private RedBlackTree!MyObject sequence = new

 void add(MyObject o) { this.sequence.insert(o); }
 void SortedRange!MyObject opSlice() { ? }

I would need to get the range that comes from the red black tree
(as returned by this.sequence[]) but I can't figure out how to
map it to a generic interface like SortedRange that would be
suitable to write a clean interface above.

SortedRange is not a generic interface. Its template parameter is
not the element type, but the type of the underlying range.

It seems to me that the Range used by RedBlackTree is a kind of
private struct that does not implement an interface but just
complies with some implicit contract about range properties. Am 
I right ?

yes (it's not `private`, but it's a type specific to RedBlackTree)

If so how is it possible to make it fit in a more generic 
framework ?

Use inputRangeObject(sequence[]) to get an instance of the
InputRange interface over the range. Then use assumeSorted to get
a SortedRange!(InputRange!MyObject). Of course, only use
assumeSorted when the range is already sorted. Otherwise, use

Such interface/Object oriented style is not very popular in D,
though, as far as I can tell. Static duck typing through
templates seems to be more fashionable, e.g. what you called
"some implicit contract about range properties".

Full, compiling example:

import std.container: RedBlackTree;
import std.range;

alias MyObject = int;

interface MyObjectSet
 void add(MyObject o);
 SortedRange!(InputRange!MyObject) opSlice();

class SomeRedBlackBasedImplementation : MyObjectSet
 private RedBlackTree!MyObject sequence;
 sequence = new RedBlackTree!MyObject();

 void add(MyObject o) { this.sequence.insert(o); }
 SortedRange!(InputRange!MyObject) opSlice()
 InputRange!MyObject r = inputRangeObject(sequence[]);
 return assumeSorted(r);

void main()
 MyObjectSet x = new SomeRedBlackBasedImplementation;
 import std.algorithm: equal;
 assert(equal(x[], [1, 2, 3]));

Re: Ranges & containers : is it possible to get a SortedRange from a RedBlackTree ?

2014-07-07 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn


Especially I can't figure out how std.containers can connect
properly with std.ranges :

std.containers is still primitive, it needs to be improved and 
fleshed out, after Andrei's memory allocators.

I would need to get the range that comes from the red black tree
(as returned by this.sequence[]) but I can't figure out how to
map it to a generic interface like SortedRange that would be
suitable to write a clean interface above.

In Phobos there are very few true interfaces. Most "interfaces" 
are instead compile-time protocols for templates, that create 
different types. But in std.range there are also (rarely used) 
class-based range adaptors to do what you want.

Regarding RedBlackTree not already returning SortedRange, I think 
this could be fixed.


Re: Ranges & containers : is it possible to get a SortedRange from a RedBlackTree ?

2014-07-07 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 12:06:21 UTC, Frédérik wrote:

Hi all,

I'm discovering the D language that seems very nice in many
aspects, but I'm quite confused by the container and range APIs
while trying to design a very simple interface-oriented API.

Especially I can't figure out how std.containers can connect
properly with std.ranges :

I'm trying to achieve something like that (approximate D code):

interface MyObjectSet
 void add(MyObject o);
 void SortedRange!MyObject opSlice();

class SomeRedBlackBasedImplementation
 private RedBlackTree!MyObject sequence = new

 void add(MyObject o) { this.sequence.insert(o); }
 void SortedRange!MyObject opSlice() { ? }

I would need to get the range that comes from the red black tree
(as returned by this.sequence[]) but I can't figure out how to
map it to a generic interface like SortedRange that would be
suitable to write a clean interface above.

It seems to me that the Range used by RedBlackTree is a kind of
private struct that does not implement an interface but just
complies with some implicit contract about range properties. Am 
right ? If so how is it possible to make it fit in a more 

framework ?

Thank you all for your help

Best regards,

There are a few problems with your code. Here and here:

void SortedRange!MyObject opSlice();
void SortedRange!MyObject opSlice() { ? }

You have specified two return types; both void and 
SortedRange!MyObject. I'm assuming you probably want the latter. 
Furthermore, you can't pass just MyObject as a template argument 
to SortedRange. SortedRange is a struct that must be instantiated 
with a type that supports the range interface, and a sorting 
function (the default is function(a, b) { return a < b; }).

However, you also can't instantiate a SortedRange with 
RedBlackTree, as it doesn't implement the range interface that is 
a convention in D. You can get a range interface from 
RedBlackTree, but that *also* doesn't implement the proper 
interface (a SortedRange needs a range with random access, which 
RedBlackTree's range view doesn't support). Therefore, the 
simplest way is probably to make an array out of the 
RedBlackTree's elements and then wrapping it in a SortedRange. 
Your function would become:

import std.array;
import std.range;

SortedRange!(MyObject[]) opSlice() { 
sequence[].array.assumeSorted; }

assumeSorted is a function in std.range that assumes its argument 
is already sorted and wraps it in a SortedRange. The array 
function from std.array converts its argument into an array, 
which is in this case a range view of sequence, which you can get 
by slicing it as shown.

It seems like a lot of annoyance to go through just to get a 
SortedRange like you want, which mostly stems from the fact that 
RedBlackTree doesn't expose a random access range interface for 
implementation reasons. Maybe this will be changed in the future; 
I don't know.

As for your other question, it's more subjective and 
philosophical, so I'll leave that for someone else to answer.

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread rumbu via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 11:17:35 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 10:19:01 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
See if stdio allows you to specify delete sharing when opening 
the file.

In std.stdio, File(name, mode) is forwarded to _wfopen on Windows 
and to fopen on posix.

On Windows there are many mode flags supported by the _wfopen 
function (link above):

If you intend to delete the file immediately after closing it, 
you can use the "D" mode flag when instantiating the File struct.


You can write your own wrapper around CreateFile/Ex WinAPI 
function and use FILE_SHARE_DELETE for dwSharingMode; now you can 
safely delete the file without closing it even from another 

Ranges & containers : is it possible to get a SortedRange from a RedBlackTree ?

2014-07-07 Thread Frédérik

Hi all,

I'm discovering the D language that seems very nice in many
aspects, but I'm quite confused by the container and range APIs
while trying to design a very simple interface-oriented API.

Especially I can't figure out how std.containers can connect
properly with std.ranges :

I'm trying to achieve something like that (approximate D code):

interface MyObjectSet
 void add(MyObject o);
 void SortedRange!MyObject opSlice();

class SomeRedBlackBasedImplementation
 private RedBlackTree!MyObject sequence = new

 void add(MyObject o) { this.sequence.insert(o); }
 void SortedRange!MyObject opSlice() { ? }

I would need to get the range that comes from the red black tree
(as returned by this.sequence[]) but I can't figure out how to
map it to a generic interface like SortedRange that would be
suitable to write a clean interface above.

It seems to me that the Range used by RedBlackTree is a kind of
private struct that does not implement an interface but just
complies with some implicit contract about range properties. Am I
right ? If so how is it possible to make it fit in a more generic
framework ?

Thank you all for your help

Best regards,

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread Regan Heath via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 12:17:34 +0100, Joakim   

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 10:19:01 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

See if stdio allows you to specify delete sharing when opening the file.

I don't know what delete sharing is exactly, but the File constructor  
simply calls fopen and I don't see any option for the Windows fopen that  
seems to do it:

The fopen variant that allows you to specify sharing is:

But it does not mention delete sharing there.

CreateFile allows sharing to be specified for delete however:

So... you could:
 - Call CreateFile giving you a "handle"
 - Call _open_osfhandle to get a "file descriptor"
 - Call _fdopen on the file descriptor to get a FILE* for it

But!  I agree with Adam, leave it as a thin wrapper.  Being a windows  
programmer by trade I would expect the remove to fail, I would not expect  
all my files to be opened with delete sharing enabled by default.


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 10:19:01 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
See if stdio allows you to specify delete sharing when opening 
the file.

I don't know what delete sharing is exactly, but the File 
constructor simply calls fopen and I don't see any option for the 
Windows fopen that seems to do it:

Re: Visual D: Settings to Improve compil and link process

2014-07-07 Thread ParticlePeter via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 6 July 2014 at 19:27:38 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

Ok, that allows separate compilation of the class, but 
templates are still compiled with the rest of the program. I 
thought the templates were the part that cause the slow 

I had no chance to profile till now, but I don't think that the 
templates are slow. They just extract type information from 
primitive or struct arrays, and pass the type info and void array 
on. I have the impression that the whole rebuild-relink process 
of the library itself was taking so long, so I wanted ensure that 
the non-templte code ( the majority ) does not have to be 
compiled over and over again.

These object files are in the library ;-) That means manual 
selection, though, as incremental builds to multiple object 
files don't work with dmd, and single file compilation is 
painfully slow.

Not sure if I am getting this right, so when one object file has 
to be recompiled all other object files, even if up to date, 
would be recompiled ?

The modules form MyProject do import the MyLib modules 
properly, I do
not get compiler errors. However, the compiler should create 
files from MyLib modules, and the linker should link them. But 
he does not.
On the other hand, when I add MyLib modules to MyProject ( 
MyProject - add - existing item... MyLib source files ) then 

works. I do not understand why the later step is necessary.

dmd does not compile imported modules, but rdmd does.

Ähm ... not seeing the connection here either, why is this 
significant ?

I feel that I could not explain my problem properly, so one 
Importing phobos modules. I do not have to define any import path 
or lib file in the project settings, I just need to import 
std.somthing. That's because the import path for phobos modules 
are stored in the dmd sc.ini file.
When I want to import my modules which are somewhere on my 
hard-drive and not added to my project I need to tell the 
compiler where these modules can be found, using the additional 
import path project setting. That's fine, doing this.

But result is, std.somthing works, my modules in a path known by 
the compiler don't work, giving me linker errors. Why ? ( I do 
not create a lib, I just want to import the module. )

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On windows files are traditionally opened without delete sharing, 
such files can't be deleted until closed, because all sharing 
options are always honored.

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn
See if stdio allows you to specify delete sharing when opening 
the file.

Re: recursive definition error

2014-07-07 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 02:57:09 UTC, Frustrated wrote:
So, I took all the code surrounding the error message(which was 
a lot of code) and stuck it into one .d file.

No errors! Works as expected.

So, WTF?!?!

I guess now I have to attempt to split the code across modules 
to see WTF is going on? Maybe this is a modules issue. I know 
some of the code I'm using deals with module resolution and 
there was some talk in the main forum about changing something 
to do with modules.

Could this be the issue?

D really needs a better fing way to debug templates or improve 
the error messages. I'm dealing with about 20k lines of code 
spread across about 100 modules and the error messages are 
completely useless as when I put all the code surrounding what 
it says is causing the error, I do not get the error.

Realize, this code works fine in 2.064 so it's not a coding 
issue as if something magical with my fingers when I copy the 
code from the modules into a single .d file. Either something 
was "fixed" or something was "broke"... after all the work I 
spend trying to figure out what was causing the problem, I'm 
just as clueless.

Have you tried dustmite? It can also reduce source code split 
over several files.

[dmd 2.066-b1] std.range.array with shared objects and AA rehash

2014-07-07 Thread NCrashed via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am using ranges (wrapped in InputRangeObject for use in 
interfaces) of shared objects, with new beta some cases are 

import std.range;

class A {}

InputRange!(shared A) foo()
return [new A].inputRangeObject;

void bar()
auto res = foo.array;

void main() {}
Fails with:
source/app.d(7): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(inputRangeObject([new A])) of type 
std.range.InputRangeObject!(A[]).InputRangeObject to 
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/conv.d(3914): Error: cannot 
implicitly convert expression (arg) of type shared(A) to app.A
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/array.d(2476): Error: template 
instance std.conv.emplaceRef!(shared(A)).emplaceRef!(shared(A)) 
error instantiating
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/array.d(64):instantiated from 
here: put!(shared(A))
source/app.d(12):instantiated from here: 


And also AA starts behave strange in shared context:
shared string[][string] map;

void main()
My AA is stored in shared class, the shared is inferred 
implicitly. Also following workaround works:

void main()

Is this behavior a bug, or it works as expected?