Re: with (auto p = new ...)

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

aOn Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 15:19:59 UTC, Andre wrote:


I just wonder why with (auto p = new ...) is not working.
It would be some syntax sugar in this scenario:

with (auto p = new Panel())
parent = this;
text = bla;
with (auto b = new Button())
parent = p; // Here p is needed
text = bla2;

source\app.d(8): Error: expression expected, not 'auto'
source\app.d(8): Error: found 'p' when expecting ')'
source\app.d(8): Error: found '=' instead of statement

Kind regards
see more example

see more example example

Re: Trying to get Derelict.opengl3.gl3 and derelict.glfw3.glfw3 to work together

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 03:08:55 UTC, csmith wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've got derelict.opengl3.gl3 and derelict.glfw3.glfw3 setup 
with dub and can get a window to open up and close with glfw3. 
I can also use glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); however, beyond 
this most OpenGL commands fail and I can't seem to figure out 
how to fix it.


import std.stdio;
import derelict.opengl3.gl3, derelict.glfw3.glfw3;

void main(string args[])
DerelictGL3.load(); // Loads OpenGL v1.0 and v1.1
DerelictGLFW3.load(); // Loads GLFW3

assert (glfwInit(), Failed to initialize GLFW3);
scope (exit) glfwTerminate();


auto window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, Simple

see more example

example, null, null); 
assert (window !is null);

auto vers = DerelictGL3.reload(); // Created GLFW3 
context, so GL3 needs to be reloaded

while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {
if (glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE) == 

glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, GL_TRUE);




extern (C) void error_callback(int error, const(char)* 
description) nothrow {

printf(%s %s, error, description);

Compiler Output:

derelict-util: [derelict-util]
derelict-util: [derelict-util]
derelict-glfw3: [derelict-glfw3, derelict-util]
derelict-util: [derelict-util]
derelict-gl3: [derelict-gl3, derelict-util]
myproj: [myproj, derelict-util, derelict-glfw3, 
derelict-util, derelict-gl3, derelict-util]
Target is up to date. Using existing build in 
Use --force to force a rebuild.
Target is up to date. Using existing build in 
Use --force to force a rebuild.
Target is up to date. Using existing build in 
Use --force to force a rebuild.
Building myproj configuration application, build type 

source/app.d(25): Error: undefined identifier glBegin
source/app.d(26): Error: undefined identifier glEnd
myproj executable
Error executing command run: DMD compile run failed with 
exit code 1

Any ideas?


Re: How to export a deduced template type to the enclosing scope?

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 22:09:11 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I think similar questions were asked by others in different 
contexts before.

I played with core.thread.Fibre a little bit. As others have 
done a number of times before, I tried to make the following 
syntax possible inside fiber code:


I wonder whether there is a clever trick to pull out a deduced 
type from a template. I don't think it is possible, because 
there may be many instantiations of the template and it would 
not be clear which one to pull out. (I don't think there is any 
way of getting all of the instantiations of a template because 
the compiler has only a partial view of the program at a time.)

However, what if there is exactly one instantiation allowed?

struct S(alias Func)
/* This template mixin will instantiate the yield(T) 
template. */

mixin Func!();
see more example

void yield(T)(T)
/* As expected and demonstrated by the following 
pragma, in
 * this case T happens to be 'double'. Assuming that 
Func is
 * not allowed to call yield() with more than one type, 
can we

 * pull the actual type of T out into S's scope? */

alias YieldedT = T;
pragma(msg, YieldedT);/* Prints 'double'. */

/* QUESTION: Can we know the type for the single 
instantiation of

 *   yield(T) here? */

YieldedT data;/* What is YieldedT? */

mixin template MyFunc()
void foo()
double d;
yield(d);/* -- The single instantiation */

void main()
auto s = S!MyFunc();;

So near and yet so far... :)


Re: Does remove immutability using cast to pass in a function make sense?

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 02:07:09 UTC, AsmMan wrote:

I have this array:

static immutable string[] months = [jan, fev, ...];

I need to pass it into canFind(). But it doesn't works with 
immutables so I need to cast it like in canFind(cast(string[]) 
months, month) to work. There's a reason related to design why 
it doesn't work with immutables or a function just wasn't 

What I want to know is if I'm doing something wrong in casting 
it to work. I know from C which such casts should be done 

see more example

Re: New changes to DDOC where is the u tag coming from in parent classes?

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 07:26:06 UTC, Gary Willoughby
On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 20:44:25 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
Below is a change that results from re-generating my 
documentation using ddoc. I wonder where the new u tags are 
coming from that wrap the parent class name.

-div class=module-membersh2a name=Button/aclass 
span class=symbolButton/span: 
+div class=module-membersh2a name=Button/aclass 
span class=symbolButton/span: 

Has there been a new ddoc symbol defined and not mentioned in: I've redefined most of these in my 
own .ddoc file and can't seem to get rid of the new tag. Is 
there a master ddoc file being read from somewhere?

Any help?

This has started to occur with the latest compiler release.

see mora example

Re: New changes to DDOC where is the u tag coming from in parent classes?

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 20:44:25 UTC, Gary Willoughby
Below is a change that results from re-generating my 
documentation using ddoc. I wonder where the new u tags are 
coming from that wrap the parent class name.

-div class=module-membersh2a name=Button/aclass 
span class=symbolButton/span: 
+div class=module-membersh2a name=Button/aclass 
span class=symbolButton/span: 

Has there been a new ddoc symbol defined and not mentioned in: I've redefined most of these in my 
own .ddoc file and can't seem to get rid of the new tag. Is 
there a master ddoc file being read from somewhere?

Any help?

see more example

Re: can't understand why code do not working

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 19:36:39 UTC, Suliman wrote:
Already 1 hour I am looking at example from and my modification 
of it, and can't understand what's difference? Why it's output 


and then do not do nothing!

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import core.thread;

void main()
   Tid wk = spawn(worker);
   foreach(v; 1..5)
int result = receiveOnly!int();

see more example

void worker()
int value = 0;
value = receiveOnly!int();
int result = value * 3;

see more example

Re: Can't get Visual D to come up. No warnings, no errors, no nothing

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 03:21:44 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:

Anybody installed Visual D recently?

As per the install instructions, I downloaded the  Visual 
Studio isolated Shell 2013 and its integrated package. 
Everything went smoothly.  I then downloaded Visual D and 
installed it with no problems. However, when I try to run the 
vdserver.exe application, nothing happens?

Am I missing something obvious?

see more example

Re: Segfault in DMD OSX

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 16:36:03 UTC, Etienne wrote:
I'm having issues with DMD returning exit code -11 rather than 
compiling my project. I have no idea how to debug this, I'm 
using Mac OS X 10.9.4 with latest git DMD tagged 2.066, and 
this project:

When I hit `dub run`, I get the exit code. Not sure why or 
where the problem comes from, I can't get GDB to run on the mac 
(something about Mach task port error in gdb), and dmd DEBUG 
gives no additional info. Any ideas?

see more example

Re: Cannot deduce from type

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 14:45:31 UTC, Chris wrote:

Why is that?

import std.stdio, std.array

void main() {
  auto output = appender!(string);
  output ~= world!;
//, Hello, );  // Doesn't work
  auto asString =;
  asString.insertInPlace(0, Hello, );  // Works
  writeln(asString);  // prints Hello, world!

Error: template std.array.insertInPlace cannot deduce function 
from argument types !()(string, int, string), candidates are:

   std.array.insertInPlace(T, U...)(ref T[] array, size_t 
pos, U stuff) if (!isSomeString!(T[])  
allSatisfy!(isInputRangeOrConvertible!T, U)  U.length  0)

   std.array.insertInPlace(T, U...)(ref T[] array, size_t 
pos, U stuff) if (isSomeString!(T[])  
allSatisfy!(isCharOrStringOrDcharRange, U))

  see ore example
:// example

Re: parallel foreach hangs

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 11:25:53 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:

this code never end

import std.stdio;
import std.file;
import std.parallelism : parallel;
import std.algorithm : filter;

void main(string[] args)
foreach(d; parallel(args[1 .. $], 1))
auto phpFiles = 


see more example

Re: how to create and compile reesources for dmd 64

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

`On Friday, 19 September 2014 at 22:20:59 UTC, Cassio Butrico

Hello everyone,
When I create and compile resouces to 32 works perfect, but 
when I try to compilat of 64 error

LNK1136: invalid or corrupt file.
I do not know if it has to do with comverter COFF to OMF.
can someone give me a light?
Thank you for your attention.

see more example

Re: put string[] into a appender without loop?

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 21 September 2014 at 23:41:58 UTC, AsmMan wrote:
I'd like to copy an array string into a appender!string() but I 
can't see how to do this without loop myself over the string 
array. Is there a native function or should I write it myself?

see more example

Re: How does GC.addRange work?

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 20 September 2014 at 20:14:36 UTC, Gary Willoughby
How does GC.addRange work? i.e. what is it doing? I'm assuming 
reading the docs that it adds a range for the GC to scan but 
what actually happens? Does the GC look into this range and 
check for the existence of pointers it's currently managing?

For example, if i nulled a pointer in the range i added would 
that trigger the GC to collect that resource on the next sweep? 
(assuming it was the last reference.)

see more example

Re: Unicode arithmetic at run-time

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 21 September 2014 at 03:00:34 UTC, Charles McAnany

I note that there are playing cards in unicode:

They follow a nice pattern, so I can quickly convert from a 
rank and suit to the appropriate escape sequence in D. I'd like 
to automate this, but I can't seem to do arithmetic on unicode 
characters as I could in ascii.

writefln(%c, '/U0001F0A1'); //works fine, ace of spades. 
Backslash replaced with / for displayability.

//So logically, this would be the two of spades:
writefln(%c, '/U0001F0A1'+1); // 
std.format.FormatException@format.d(1325): integral

Would this be solvable with a mixin (return //U1F0A ~ 
rank;), or are escape sequences impossible to generate after 
the source has been lexed by dmd?

I looked in std.uni and std.utf, but they don't seem to want to 
generate a unicode character from an int, they're more 
concerned about switching between encodings.


  see more example

Re: Cannot deduce from type

2014-09-24 Thread kiran kumari via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 14:45:31 UTC, Chris wrote:

Why is that?

import std.stdio, std.array

void main() {
  auto output = appender!(string);
  output ~= world!;
//, Hello, );  // Doesn't work
  auto asString =;
  asString.insertInPlace(0, Hello, );  // Works
  writeln(asString);  // prints Hello, world!

Error: template std.array.insertInPlace cannot deduce function 
from argument types !()(string, int, string), candidates are:

   std.array.insertInPlace(T, U...)(ref T[] array, size_t 
pos, U stuff) if (!isSomeString!(T[])  
allSatisfy!(isInputRangeOrConvertible!T, U)  U.length  0)

   std.array.insertInPlace(T, U...)(ref T[] array, size_t 
pos, U stuff) if (isSomeString!(T[])  
allSatisfy!(isCharOrStringOrDcharRange, U))

see more example

isCallable is not an expression

2014-09-24 Thread andre via Digitalmars-d-learn

following code throws an error when I uncomment method 
getPropertyDuplicate is just a copy of getProperty except the 
method name.

Why these errors are thrown?

C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\traits.d(1257): Error: 

tPropertyDuplicate) is not an expression
source\app.d(25):while looking for match for 

C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\traits.d(1257): Error: 
template insta
nce std.traits.isCallable!(getPropertyDuplicate) error 
source\app.d(11):instantiated from here: 

source\app.d(11):while looking for match for 


Kind regards

template MyTemplate()
	import std.traits : isSomeFunction, functionAttributes, 
FunctionAttribute, ReturnType;

string[] getPropertyNames()
string[] result;
foreach(m;__traits(allMembers, typeof(this)))
			static if (isSomeFunction!(__traits(getMember, typeof(this), 
			   functionAttributes!(__traits(getMember, typeof(this), m))

result ~= m;
return result;

/*string[] getPropertyDuplicate()
string[] result;
foreach(m;__traits(allMembers, typeof(this)))
			static if (isSomeFunction!(__traits(getMember, typeof(this), 
			   functionAttributes!(__traits(getMember, typeof(this), m))

result ~= m;
return result;

class A {
mixin MyTemplate;

void main() {
auto a = new A();

Re: Trying to get Derelict.opengl3.gl3 and derelict.glfw3.glfw3 to work together

2014-09-24 Thread Nicolas F. via Digitalmars-d-learn

Make sure to call DerelictGL3.reload() to get all the OpenGL
calls, if you don't, you only get OpenGL 1.1

Remove filename from path

2014-09-24 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn

What is the best way to remove file name from full path?

string path = thisExePath()

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-24 Thread monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 10:11:04 UTC, Suliman wrote:

What is the best way to remove file name from full path?

string path = thisExePath()

Seems like dirName in std.path is a good candidate ;)

You'll find many other path manipulation functions there.

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-24 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn

string path = thisExePath()

Seems like dirName in std.path is a good candidate ;)

You'll find many other path manipulation functions there.

Thanks! But if I want to strip it, how I can cut it?

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-24 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn
I can't understand how to use strip? For example I would like to 
cut just extension.

path = path.stripRight(exe);
Error: no overload matches for stripRight(C)(C[] str) if

Recursive function call

2014-09-24 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn

string getFileName()
	//чтобы было проще обрабатываемый файл будем хранить рядом с 

string filename = chomp(readln());
string path = getcwd();
writeln((path ~ \\ ~ filename));
if (exists(path ~ \\ ~ filename))
return (path ~ \\ ~ filename);
writeln(File do not exists. Please try again);
		getFilename(); //I need something similar, to call function 



In case of error, how I can call function getFileName again?

Re: Trying to get Derelict.opengl3.gl3 and derelict.glfw3.glfw3 to work together

2014-09-24 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/24/2014 12:08 PM, csmith wrote:

Hi everyone,

 source/app.d(25): Error: undefined identifier glBegin
 source/app.d(26): Error: undefined identifier glEnd
myproj executable
 Error executing command run: DMD compile run failed with exit code 1

Any ideas?

You're using deprecated OpenGL calls. The gl3 module only declares and 
loads modern OpenGL. If you really want to use the deprecated stuff, 
change the gl3 import to this:


And call load/reload on the DerelictGL instance rather than DerelictGL3. 
All of the modern stuff will still be available.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-24 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 10:35:28 +
Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn

 I can't understand how to use strip? For example I would like to 
 cut just extension.
std.path.setExtension is your friend.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-24 Thread monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 10:35:29 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I can't understand how to use strip? For example I would like 
to cut just extension.

path = path.stripRight(exe);
Error: no overload matches for stripRight(C)(C[] str) if

stripExtension would be your friend here.

If you want the extension, then extension.

As a general rule, everything you need to manipulate paths and 
filenames is in std.path:

Re: Recursive function call

2014-09-24 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

How about using a loop?

string getFileName() {
while(true) {
string filename = chomp(readln());
string path = getcwd();
writeln((path ~ \\ ~ filename));
if (exists(path ~ \\ ~ filename))
return (path ~ \\ ~ filename);
writeln(File do not exists. Please try again);

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-24 Thread monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 10:35:29 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I can't understand how to use strip? For example I would like 
to cut just extension.

path = path.stripRight(exe);
Error: no overload matches for stripRight(C)(C[] str) if

strip doens't work that way. It simply removes leading/trailing 

There's a version in std.algorithm which is more generic, but it 
accepts either a predicate, or an element, but not a range.

Unfortunately, there is no generic function that allows striping 
of a specific ending range (though there are ways to either 
detect it, or strip it from the end).

If you want something generic, then:

string path = myFile.doc;
string extension = .doc;
if (path.endsWith(extension))
path = path[0 .. $ - extension.length];

Would work.

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-24 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 12:21:40 +
monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

 Unfortunately, there is no generic function that allows striping 
 of a specific ending range
but for strings we have std.string.chomp.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Recursive function call

2014-09-24 Thread monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 10:57:27 UTC, Suliman wrote:

string getFileName()
	//чтобы было проще обрабатываемый файл будем хранить рядом с 

string filename = chomp(readln());
string path = getcwd();
writeln((path ~ \\ ~ filename));
if (exists(path ~ \\ ~ filename))
return (path ~ \\ ~ filename);

Don't do `path ~ \\ ~ filename`. Instead, use 
std.path.buildPath. It's more portable, faster, and convenient.

Also, you should store the result in a named variable, or you'll 
reallocate a new string everytime.

writeln(File do not exists. Please try again);
		getFilename(); //I need something similar, to call function 



In case of error, how I can call function getFileName again?

Any kind of looping control structure would work. I'd advocate 
the while(1) loop with a break or return:

  string filename = chomp(readln());
  string path = getcwd();
  string fullPath = buildPath(path, filename);
  if (exists(fullPath))
return fullPath;
  writeln(File does not exists. Please try again);

Re: Recursive function call

2014-09-24 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 10:57:27 UTC, Suliman wrote:

string getFileName()

		getFilename(); //I need something similar, to call function 

You mistyped the function name, it's getFileName (capital N), and
you forgot return. So:

return getFileName();

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-24 Thread monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 12:29:09 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 12:21:40 +
monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

Unfortunately, there is no generic function that allows 
striping of a specific ending range

but for strings we have std.string.chomp.

I missread that documentation. I thought it removed all 
characters that can also be found in delim. Power to me.

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-24 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 12:39:01 +
monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

 I missread that documentation. I thought it removed all 
 characters that can also be found in delim. Power to me.
ah, i just found this function (really, less than hour ago), that's why
i still remember where it is and what it's doing. ;-)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Trying to get Derelict.opengl3.gl3 and derelict.glfw3.glfw3 to work together

2014-09-24 Thread csmith via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 11:07:56 UTC, Mike Parker
You're using deprecated OpenGL calls. The gl3 module only 
declares and loads modern OpenGL. If you really want to use the 
deprecated stuff, change the gl3 import to this:


And call load/reload on the DerelictGL instance rather than 
DerelictGL3. All of the modern stuff will still be available.

Thanks for this. Was using GLFW's example trying to troubleshoot
it. Wasn't really considering them using the outdated functions.
I guess I'll look for a different tutorial elsewhere.

Also, thanks for making it in the first place!

Re: with (auto p = new ...)

2014-09-24 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d-learn

Enhancement 13526 filed:

Re: Trying to get Derelict.opengl3.gl3 and derelict.glfw3.glfw3 to work together

2014-09-24 Thread Nicolas F. via Digitalmars-d-learn

Whoops, I just saw that my earlier answer was totally inaccurate.
I was on my phone at the time, so didn't look at the code in

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 13:59:41 UTC, csmith wrote:

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 11:07:56 UTC, Mike Parker
You're using deprecated OpenGL calls. The gl3 module only 
declares and loads modern OpenGL. If you really want to use 
the deprecated stuff, change the gl3 import to this:


And call load/reload on the DerelictGL instance rather than 
DerelictGL3. All of the modern stuff will still be available.

Thanks for this. Was using GLFW's example trying to troubleshoot
it. Wasn't really considering them using the outdated functions.
I guess I'll look for a different tutorial elsewhere.

Also, thanks for making it in the first place!

Yes, ##opengl on freenode has good tutorials and examples in the
topic. If you've been reading NeHe, drop it. NeHe is severely out
of date and anyone still recommending it probably don't know what
they're talking about.

Here's some links:

Note that modern OpenGL is a bit more involved to get something
on the screen. You'll be writing a lot more boilerplate in the
beginning, but a lot of the modern features are definitely worth

Re: Trying to get Derelict.opengl3.gl3 and derelict.glfw3.glfw3 to work together

2014-09-24 Thread csmith via Digitalmars-d-learn
Whoops, I just saw that my earlier answer was totally 

I was on my phone at the time, so didn't look at the code in

No big deal, figured you just missed it / auto response to this 
kinda question. I did my best to google this question, but wasn't 
really sure where to begin.

Yes, ##opengl on freenode has good tutorials and examples in the
topic. If you've been reading NeHe, drop it. NeHe is severely 
of date and anyone still recommending it probably don't know 

they're talking about.

Here's some links:

Exactly the kinda thing I was looking for. Thanks for the heads 
up about NeHe.

Note that modern OpenGL is a bit more involved to get something
on the screen. You'll be writing a lot more boilerplate in the
beginning, but a lot of the modern features are definitely worth

I came from web development, you're meaning to tell me there's 
coding outside of writing boilerplate? Jokes aside, figured if I 
took the time to learn a modern language, I'd be consistent with 
adding in newer technologies :)

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-24 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 09/24/2014 05:21 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 10:35:29 UTC, Suliman wrote:

I can't understand how to use strip? For example I would like to cut
just extension.

path = path.stripRight(exe);
Error: no overload matches for stripRight(C)(C[] str) if

strip doens't work that way. It simply removes leading/trailing white.

There's a version in std.algorithm which is more generic, but it accepts
either a predicate, or an element, but not a range.

Unfortunately, there is no generic function that allows striping of a
specific ending range (though there are ways to either detect it, or
strip it from the end).
If you want something generic, then:

 string path = myFile.doc;
 string extension = .doc;
 if (path.endsWith(extension))
 path = path[0 .. $ - extension.length];

Would work.

find() and friends can be used:

import std.algorithm;

void main()
string path = myFile.doc;
string extension = .doc;

path = findSplitBefore(path, extension)[0];
assert(path == myFile);

And three retro()s make one modern(): :p

import std.algorithm;
import std.range;

void main()
string path = myFile.doc;
string extension = .doc;

path = findSplitAfter(path.retro,

assert(path == myFile);


Re: isCallable is not an expression

2014-09-24 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 09/24/2014 01:11 AM, andre wrote:

 static if (isSomeFunction!(__traits(getMember,
typeof(this), m))

Submitted the following bug report:

import std.traits;

mixin template MyTemplate()
void foo()
pragma(msg, __traits(getMember, typeof(this), foo));

class A
mixin MyTemplate;

void main()
auto a = new A();

Error: Internal Compiler Error: CTFE DotType: this.A
   while evaluating pragma(msg, __traits(getMember, A, foo))


Re: Trying to get Derelict.opengl3.gl3 and derelict.glfw3.glfw3 to work together

2014-09-24 Thread Nicolas F. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 16:36:29 UTC, csmith wrote:

I came from web development, you're meaning to tell me there's 
coding outside of writing boilerplate? Jokes aside, figured if 
I took the time to learn a modern language, I'd be consistent 
with adding in newer technologies :)

In that case, here's some two things on the way that may not be 
all that intuitive for a web developer when it comes to dealing 
with OpenGL, as they are quirks stemming mostly from how C works:

1. When you need to pass an array of some sort to an OpenGL 
function, remember to use foo.ptr, not foo. foo.ptr will get you 
a pointer to an array that the rest of the world, not just D, 

2. The OpenGL spec mandates that empty error logs for shader 
compilation are to report length 0, but if you ask on an nvidia 
machine about the length of its empty error log, it will reply 
with length 1. This is because nvidia just send the length of the 
string in all cases, which for empty C strings is 1 due to the 

I hope this helps you along, good luck!

Re: isCallable is not an expression

2014-09-24 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 09/24/2014 01:11 AM, andre wrote:

 template MyTemplate()
  import std.traits : isSomeFunction, functionAttributes,
 FunctionAttribute, ReturnType;

  string[] getPropertyNames()

1) You need a this template parameter:

string[] getPropertyNames(this MyType)()

2) Now, replace all typeof(this) expressions with MyType below.

  /*string[] getPropertyDuplicate()

3) Same here:

string[] getPropertyDuplicate(this MyType)()

And it works! :)

class A {
mixin MyTemplate;
@property int zzz()
return 42;

void main() {
auto a = new A();

import std.string;
assert(a.getPropertyNames() == [ zzz ]);
assert(a.getPropertyDuplicate() == [ zzz ]);


Re: with (auto p = new ...)

2014-09-24 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 14:39:25 +
Andre via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

 Enhancement 13526 filed:
i wrote a quickhack-patch for this ER. as it's my first patch that
goes outside parser it needs to be reviewed by someone who knows
compiler internals.

ah, and we need grammar fixes for it too, but it's completely out of my
scope now.

Description: PGP signature

Does D has C#'s string.Empty?

2014-09-24 Thread AsmMan via Digitalmars-d-learn

Does D has C#'s string.Empty?