Re: Fiber based UI-Toolkit

2017-07-09 Thread Christian Köstlin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On 10.07.17 00:23, Christian Köstlin wrote:
To elaborate on the previous post, I uploaded a small example, that
tries naively to mix dlangui with fibers. Please have a look at:
For sure it does not work. The fiber in the callback is started,
but after the first yield, dlangui never returns to the fiber.
Does anybody know what needs to be done for that?

thanks a lot,

> On 09.07.17 23:12, bauss wrote:
>> On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 19:43:14 UTC, Christian Köstlin wrote:
>>> I wonder if there is any fiber based / fiber compatible UI-Toolkit out
>>> for dlang. The second question is, if it would make sense at all to
>>> have such a thing?
>>> christian
>> It doesn't really make sense to have that, because most (if not all)
>> operating systems only allow rendering from a single thread and I
>> believe OSX (possibly macOS too.) only allows it from the main thread.
>> Which means the only thing you can really operate on other threads are
>> events, but you'll always have to do callbacks to your UI thread in
>> order to render.
> Thanks for answering! you are touching exactly my question:
> Lets say, that all the event handling is done by fiber-aware code (means
> all io gives the thread free, when it would block, and perhaps
> a yield function for calculation heavy operations). It would then
> I think reduce the "risk" of a ANR (Application not responding (from
> android) or the famous beachball) without sacrificing the clarity of the
> code.
> e.g. you want to download something from a webpage and process the data,
> if you click a button. you cannot do this in the buttons-onclick
> callback (because this is usually a long running operation and the
> callback is called from the main thread). with fibers, the main thread
> could continue running (and update the screen) as soon as the io thread
> is blocking or the process thread calls yield (which he should on a
> regular basis). after the processing as soon as the fiber gets back the
> control, the result can easily be integrated back into the ui, because
> its already in the right thread.
> compare this with the traditionally apporach of spawning a new thread,
> passing over the arguments, processing it, passing back the result and
> integrating this into the ui, it could perhaps be "simpler".
> on the other hand, the process code would get a little bit messy because
> of the manually inserted yields (as far as i know, the erlang vm for
> example inserts such instructions automatically every n instructions).
> what do you think?

Re: How to get the address of a static struct?

2017-07-09 Thread Era Scarecrow via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 10 July 2017 at 03:48:17 UTC, FoxyBrown wrote:

static struct S

auto s = &S; // ?!?!?! invalid because S is a struct, but...

basically s = S. So S.x = s.x and s.a = S.a;

Why do I have to do this?

 Static has a different meaning for struct. More or less it means 
it won't have access to a delegate/fat pointer to the function 
that uses it. It doesn't mean there's only 1 instantiation ever 
(unlike like the static variables). So static is a no-op in this 
case (though still syntactically legal to use).

 To get the address of the struct you STILL have to instantiate 
it first. Although you don't to in order to access it's static 

 Though if all the members are static, it's basically a namespace 
and doing so is kinda pointless.

Re: How to get the address of a static struct?

2017-07-09 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thread local struct:

module foobar;

struct Foo {
int x;

Foo foo = Foo(8);

void main() {
import std.stdio;

Global struct:

module foobar;

struct Foo {
int x;

__gshared Foo foo = Foo(8);

void main() {
import std.stdio;

Compile time constant:

module foobar;

struct Foo {
int x;

enum FOO = Foo(8);

void main() {
import std.stdio;
Foo foo = FOO;

How to get the address of a static struct?

2017-07-09 Thread FoxyBrown via Digitalmars-d-learn

static struct S
   public static:
int x;
string a;

auto s = &S; // ?!?!?! invalid because S is a struct, but...

basically s = S. So S.x = s.x and s.a = S.a;

Why do I have to do this?

Because in visual D, global structs don't show up in the 
debugger. So if I create a local alias, I can see see them, but I 
don't wanna have to do one variable for each variable in the 

Re: Faster alternatives to std.xml

2017-07-09 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, July 8, 2017 8:45:57 PM MDT Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> What's the fastest XML-parser on
> Are there any benchmarks that show performance improvements
> compared to std.xml?

I'm not aware of any benchmarks for std.xml, but from what I know of it, it
would likely lose them all.

I've used

which was a GSoC project last year and was aimed at becoming the new
std.xml, but it hasn't been touched since November. It seems like the author
got too busy with school, and it fell completely by the wayside. So, I don't
know what's going to happen to it. It's worked reasonably well for my needs,
but it does have bugs, and it needs some work. I'd still rather use it than
std.xml though.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: The Nullity Of strings and Its Meaning

2017-07-09 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, July 9, 2017 1:51:44 PM MDT kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> > You also shouldn't rely on it returning null for a null input,
> > even when it currently does that.
> I assumed that a non-null string is returned for a non-null input.

There are going to be functions that return null rather than an empty slice
of the original array. You really can't rely on getting an empty array
instead of a null one from a function unless the documentation tells you
that. For most purposes, there is no practical difference between a null
array and an empty array, so very little code is written which cares about
the difference. The only place where I would expect a function in a library
to distinguish is if its documentation says that it does (e.g. if returning
null means something specific or if it specifically says that the result is
a slice of the input).

In general, relying on whether a dynamic array is null or not outside of
code that you control or functions that are explicit about what they so with
null is risky business.

Sometimes, I wish that null were not treated as empty, and you were forced
to allocate a new array or somesuch rather than having null arrays just work
- then you could actually rely on stuff being null or not - but that would
also result in a lot more segfaults when people screwed up. The status quo
works surprisingly well overall. It just makes it dangerous to do much with
distinguishing null arrays from empty ones.

- Jonathan M Davis

Having a strange issue with as a struct dependency

2017-07-09 Thread NoBigDeal256 via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm currently learning D and started working on one of my first 
projects which is an API wrapper. I'm currently having an issue 
with my program getting a InvalidMemoryOperationError upon 
exiting the process on Windows 7. On my Debian VM I get a 
segmentation fault.

I have tried to minimize the code as much as I possibly can while 
still reproducing the error. Here is the code:


struct ThingA {

HTTP http;

this(HTTP http) {
this.http = http;


ThingB[] arrayOfThingBs() {
ThingB[] thingBs;

thingBs ~= ThingB(this);

return thingBs;


struct ThingB {

ThingA thingA;

this(ThingA thingA) {
this.thingA = thingA;


void main() {
auto http = HTTP();
auto thingA = ThingA(http);

If I comment out the HTTP dependency like:

struct ThingA {

//HTTP http;

this(HTTP http) {
//this.http = http;


ThingB[] arrayOfThingBs() {
ThingB[] thingBs;

thingBs ~= ThingB(this);

return thingBs;


The error goes away. The error also goes away if 
ThingA.arrayOfThingBs returns a single instance of ThingB instead 
of an array of ThingB. Removing ThingBs dependency on ThingA also 
gets rid of the error. I'm new to low level languages in general 
so maybe I'm doing something wrong, but this seems like really 
strange behavior.

Re: iterate over variadic

2017-07-09 Thread Lamex via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 22:21:59 UTC, FoxyBrown wrote:
How can we iterate over a variadic and have it's index. I'll do 
different things depend on if it's an even or odd index, but 
seems to be no way to get it.

import std.stdio;
import std.typecons, std.meta;

template indexedAllSatisfy(alias F, T...)
bool doTest()
bool result = true;
import std.range: iota;
foreach(i; aliasSeqOf!(iota(0, T.length)))
result &= F!(T[i], i, T.length);
return result;
enum indexedAllSatisfy = doTest();

template evenIntString(T, int index, int length)
static if (length & 1)
enum evenIntString = false;
else static if (index & 1)
enum evenIntString = is(T == string);
enum evenIntString = is(T == int);

static assert(indexedAllSatisfy!(evenIntString, int, string, 
int, string));
static assert(!indexedAllSatisfy!(evenIntString, int , 
string, char, Object));


Re: iterate over variadic

2017-07-09 Thread drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

10.07.2017 01:21, FoxyBrown пишет:
How can we iterate over a variadic and have it's index. I'll do 
different things depend on if it's an even or odd index, but seems to be 
no way to get it.

auto foo(Types...)()
foreach(T; Types)
// do what you need
index could be added like usual

Re: Lazy range, extract only Nth element, set range size constraint?

2017-07-09 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/09/2017 11:51 PM, biocyberman wrote:

Following is the code for a more generalized Fibonacci range.


1. How do I get only the value of the Nth (i.e. N = 25) element in an 
idiomatic way?

As you've only got an input range, you have to popFront the 24 values 
that come before. You can use std.range.drop:

import std.range : drop;
auto twentyfifth = fib.drop(24).front;

But if you're not sure that the range actually has 25 elements, you 
should check `empty`, of course:

import std.range : popFrontN;
fib.popFrontN(24); /* or fib = fib.drop(24); */
if (!fib.empty)
auto twentyfifth = fib.front;

2. Can I set constraints in the range so that user gets warning if he 
asks for Nth element greater than a limit, say N> 30;

You can keep track of N in FibonacciRange and when it hits 30 you throw 
an exception or print a message or just set `empty` to true.

You can't make it a compilation warning/error as far as I can tell.

or if the actually 
range value at N is greater than datatype limit (e.g. max long)?

You can use std.experimental.checkedint to detect it at run time:

private bool _empty = false;
bool empty() const @property { return _empty; }

void popFront()
import std.experimental.checkedint : checked, Throw;
long tmp = 0;
try tmp = (checked!Throw(first)*multifactor + second).get;
catch (Throw.CheckFailure e) _empty = true;
first = second;
second = tmp;

(There may be a smarter way than making the operation throw an exception 
and catching that.)

Re: Fiber based UI-Toolkit

2017-07-09 Thread Christian Köstlin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On 09.07.17 23:12, bauss wrote:
> On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 19:43:14 UTC, Christian Köstlin wrote:
>> I wonder if there is any fiber based / fiber compatible UI-Toolkit out
>> for dlang. The second question is, if it would make sense at all to
>> have such a thing?
>> christian
> It doesn't really make sense to have that, because most (if not all)
> operating systems only allow rendering from a single thread and I
> believe OSX (possibly macOS too.) only allows it from the main thread.
> Which means the only thing you can really operate on other threads are
> events, but you'll always have to do callbacks to your UI thread in
> order to render.
Thanks for answering! you are touching exactly my question:
Lets say, that all the event handling is done by fiber-aware code (means
all io gives the thread free, when it would block, and perhaps
a yield function for calculation heavy operations). It would then
I think reduce the "risk" of a ANR (Application not responding (from
android) or the famous beachball) without sacrificing the clarity of the

e.g. you want to download something from a webpage and process the data,
if you click a button. you cannot do this in the buttons-onclick
callback (because this is usually a long running operation and the
callback is called from the main thread). with fibers, the main thread
could continue running (and update the screen) as soon as the io thread
is blocking or the process thread calls yield (which he should on a
regular basis). after the processing as soon as the fiber gets back the
control, the result can easily be integrated back into the ui, because
its already in the right thread.
compare this with the traditionally apporach of spawning a new thread,
passing over the arguments, processing it, passing back the result and
integrating this into the ui, it could perhaps be "simpler".

on the other hand, the process code would get a little bit messy because
of the manually inserted yields (as far as i know, the erlang vm for
example inserts such instructions automatically every n instructions).

what do you think?

iterate over variadic

2017-07-09 Thread FoxyBrown via Digitalmars-d-learn
How can we iterate over a variadic and have it's index. I'll do 
different things depend on if it's an even or odd index, but 
seems to be no way to get it.

Lazy range, extract only Nth element, set range size constraint?

2017-07-09 Thread biocyberman via Digitalmars-d-learn

Following is the code for a more generalized Fibonacci range.


1. How do I get only the value of the Nth (i.e. N = 25) element 
in an idiomatic way?

2. Can I set constraints in the range so that user gets warning 
if he asks for Nth element greater than a limit, say N> 30; or if 
the actually range value at N is greater than datatype limit 
(e.g. max long)? Maybe this should be done outside of the range, 
i.e. do check before accessing the range?

#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
import std.stdio : writeln;
long multifactor = 4;
int elemth = 25;

struct FibonacciRange
  long first = 1;
  long second = 1;

  bool empty() const @property
   // how to stop at n = 30?
return false;

  void popFront()
long tmp = 0;
tmp = first*multifactor + second;
first = second;
second = tmp;

  long front() const @property
return first;

void main()
import std.range : take;
import std.array : array;

FibonacciRange fib;

auto fib10 = take(fib, elemth);
long[] the10Fibs = array(fib10);

Re: Fiber based UI-Toolkit

2017-07-09 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 21:12:24 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 19:43:14 UTC, Christian Köstlin wrote:
I wonder if there is any fiber based / fiber compatible 
UI-Toolkit out for dlang. The second question is, if it would 
make sense at all to have such a thing?


It doesn't really make sense to have that, because most (if not 
all) operating systems only allow rendering from a single 
thread and I believe OSX (possibly macOS too.) only allows it 
from the main thread. Which means the only thing you can really 
operate on other threads are events, but you'll always have to 
do callbacks to your UI thread in order to render.

Aren't all fibers executed from a single thread?

Re: Fiber based UI-Toolkit

2017-07-09 Thread bauss via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 19:43:14 UTC, Christian Köstlin wrote:
I wonder if there is any fiber based / fiber compatible 
UI-Toolkit out for dlang. The second question is, if it would 
make sense at all to have such a thing?


It doesn't really make sense to have that, because most (if not 
all) operating systems only allow rendering from a single thread 
and I believe OSX (possibly macOS too.) only allows it from the 
main thread. Which means the only thing you can really operate on 
other threads are events, but you'll always have to do callbacks 
to your UI thread in order to render.

Fiber based UI-Toolkit

2017-07-09 Thread Christian Köstlin via Digitalmars-d-learn
I wonder if there is any fiber based / fiber compatible UI-Toolkit out
for dlang. The second question is, if it would make sense at all to have
such a thing?


Re: The Nullity Of strings and Its Meaning

2017-07-09 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 18:55:51 UTC, kdevel wrote:
Yes, it can obviously return one of the two representations of 
the empty D string.

The two being null and ""? There are more than those. One for 
every possible .ptr value.

Re: The Nullity Of strings and Its Meaning

2017-07-09 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 15:10:56 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 07/09/2017 03:51 PM, kdevel wrote:

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 10:32:23 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:


A null char* is not a proper C string.

A C string is a sequence of storage units containing legitimate 
character values of which the last one is the NUL character.

It doesn't have length 0. It has no length.

In C a NULL ptr does not refer to anything including not to a C 

A C function can't return a null char* when it's supposed to 
return an empty string.

That is true. And this it what mislead me thinking that D behaves 
the same.

But a D function can return a null char[] in that case.

Yes, it can obviously return one of the two representations of 
the empty D string.


Re: NNTP error: Disconnected from server (Connection closed)

2017-07-09 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/09/2017 06:10 AM, kdevel wrote:

What's going on here?

Happens all the time. Last time (I think) Martin Nowak had said that a 
network packet trace would be helpful to debug this issue.


Re: CTFE output is kind of weired

2017-07-09 Thread Andre Pany via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 08:43:47 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:

Thanks for all the answers and explanations. I will create an 
issue to make the assert output more readable. The first 5 
times I didn't recognize the slice information at the end of 
the string and thought dmd isn't working at all anymore.

Kind regards

Re: The Nullity Of strings and Its Meaning

2017-07-09 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/09/2017 03:51 PM, kdevel wrote:

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 10:32:23 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

As mentioned in the subject my posting is about the state of affairs 
wrt. the (non-)nullity of strings. In C/C++ once a char * variable 
became non-NULL 'it' never loses this property. In D this is not the 
case: The non-null value ""

'becomes' null in


Nullity of D strings is quite different from nullity of C strings. A 
null D string is a valid string with length 0. A null char* is not a 
proper C string. It doesn't have length 0. It has no length.

A C function can't return a null char* when it's supposed to return an 
empty string. But a D function can return a null char[] in that case.

Sure. But I am writing about the string value which comprises the 
(non-)nullity of the string. This is not preserved.

Just like other pointers are not preserved. In the .ptr field of a D 
array, a null pointer isn't special. Null arrays aren't special beyond 
having a unique name.

string is not a pointer but a type. To the user of string it is 
completely irrelevant, if the nullity of the string is implemented by 
referring to a pointer inside the implementation of string.

string is a type that involves a pointer. The type is not opaque. The 
user can access the pointer.

A null array is not some magic (invalid) value. It's just just the one 
that has a null .ptr and a zero .length.

I think that's widely known, but it might not actually be in the spec. 
At least, I can't find it. The page on arrays [1] just says that 
"`.init` returns `null`" and that "pointers are initialized to `null`, 
without saying what null means for arrays. On the `null` expression [2], 
the spec mentions a "null value" of arrays, but again doesn't say what 
that means.

You also shouldn't rely on it returning null for a null input, even 
when it currently does that.

I assumed that a non-null string is returned for a non-null input.

As far as I see, you had no reason to assume that. If the spec or some 
other document mislead you, it needs fixing.

Yes. But that second proposition what not the one chosen in the 
documentation. It was not chosen because it does not extend to the 
nontrivial case where one has more than zero elements. ;-)

Or the spec's just poorly written there, and wasn't meant the way you've 
interpreted it.


Re: The Nullity Of strings and Its Meaning

2017-07-09 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 13:51:44 UTC, kdevel wrote:

But that second proposition what not the one chosen in the 

Shall read: "But that second predicate was not the one chosen in 
the documentation."

Re: The Nullity Of strings and Its Meaning

2017-07-09 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 10:32:23 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 07/09/2017 01:12 AM, kdevel wrote:

On Saturday, 8 July 2017 at 18:39:47 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 07/08/2017 07:16 PM, kdevel wrote:


Moreover everything I've written about strings is also valid 
for e.g. dynamic arrays of doubles. Here there are also two 
different kinds of empty arrays which compare equal but are 
not identical. I see no purpose for that.

So you'd make `arr1 is arr2` true when they're empty, ignoring 
a difference in pointers. Otherwise, it would still compare 
pointers. Right?

As a D novice am not in the position to suggest changes in the 
language (yet).
I would appreciate a documentation that accurately represents 
what is implemented.

I don't think that's a good idea, simply because it's a special 

I noticed that you haven't mentioned `==`. You're probably 
aware of it, but if not we might be talking past each other. 
So, just to be clear: You can also compare arrays with `==` 
which compares elements. `null == ""` is true.

As mentioned in the subject my posting is about the state of 
affairs wrt. the (non-)nullity of strings. In C/C++ once a char * 
variable became non-NULL 'it' never loses this property. In D 
this is not the case: The non-null value ""

'becomes' null in


You only get surprised if you expect that to check for 
emptiness (or something else entirely).

As mentioned I was surprised, that the non-nullity did not 
pass thru decodeComponent.

decodeComponent doesn't seem to return the same (identical) 
string you pass it, most of the time.

Sure. But I am writing about the string value which comprises the 
(non-)nullity of the string. This is not preserved.


decodeComponent simply gives no promise of preserving pointers.

string is not a pointer but a type. To the user of string it is 
completely irrelevant, if the nullity of the string is 
implemented by referring to a pointer inside the implementation 
of string.

You also shouldn't rely on it returning null for a null input, 
even when it currently does that.

I assumed that a non-null string is returned for a non-null input.

The spec isn't very clear there. What does "the same array 
elements" mean for empty arrays?

Mathematically that's easily answered:

So "two empty arrays refer to the same elements" is true 
because everything said about the elements of empty arrays is 
true? Is "two empty arrays do *not* refer to the same elements" 
also true?

Yes. But that second proposition what not the one chosen in the 
documentation. It was not chosen because it does not extend to 
the nontrivial case where one has more than zero elements. ;-)


Re: The Nullity Of strings and Its Meaning

2017-07-09 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 8 July 2017 at 23:12:15 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Saturday, July 8, 2017 5:16:51 PM MDT kdevel via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


IMHO, if you want to check for empty, then you should use the 
empty property or check length directly, since those are clear 
about your intent, whereas with

My starting point wasn't to check for emptiness but the question 
if I can use the additional two states (string var is null or !is 
null) of a string variable to indicate if a value is absent.

If you understand all of this, it is perfectly possible to 
write code which treats null arrays as distinct from empty 
arrays. However, it's _very_ easy to get into a situation where 
you have an empty array rather than a null one.

My case was: I get a null one from


where I did not expect it. (cf. my corrected example in my post 
"13 hours ago", i.e Saturday, 08 July 2017, 23:12:20 +00:00).

Pretty much as soon as you do anything to a null array other 
than pass it around or compare it, trusting that it's still 
null can get error-prone.

It's the other way round. I was assuming that it is still not 
null (My example in my first post was wrong).


Personally, I think that it can make sense to have a function 
explicitly return null to indicate something, but beyond that, 
I'd actually consider using std.typecons.Nullable to make the 
whole thing clear, even if it is a bit dumb to have to wrap a 
nullable type in a Nullable to treat it as null.

You hit the nail on the head.


NNTP error: Disconnected from server (Connection closed)

2017-07-09 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

What's going on here?

Re: The Nullity Of strings and Its Meaning

2017-07-09 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 07/09/2017 01:12 AM, kdevel wrote:

On Saturday, 8 July 2017 at 18:39:47 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 07/08/2017 07:16 PM, kdevel wrote:

null is one specific array. It happens to be empty, but that doesn't 
really matter. `foo is null` compares with the null array. It doesn't 
check for emptiness. Conversion to bool also compares with null. The 
concept of emptiness is unrelated.

But why? What is the intended use of converting a string (or any other 
dynamic array) to bool?

As I said: I wouldn't mind if it went away. I don't see a strong use 
case that justifies the non-obvious behavior of `if (arr)`. But 
apparently it is being used, and breaking code is a no-no.

As for how it's used, I'd start digging at the link Timon has posted.

In Issue 17623 Vladimir pointed out, that in the case of strings there 
may be a need to store an empty D-string which also is a NUL-terminated 
C-String. It would be sufficient if the ptr-Value would convert for 
checking if there is a valid part of memory containing the NUL byte.

But just looking at .ptr doesn't tell if there's a '\0'. You'd have to 
dereference the pointer too.

And that's not what Vladimir is getting at. Issue 17623 is about `arr1 
is arr2`, not about conversions to bool like `if (arr)`. It makes sense 
that `null !is ""`. They're not "the same". One place where the 
difference matters is when working with C strings.

Issue 17623 is absolutely valid. But it's much more likely that the spec 
will be changed rather than the implementation.

Moreover everything I've written about strings is also valid for e.g. 
dynamic arrays of doubles. Here there are also two different kinds of 
empty arrays which compare equal but are not identical. I see no purpose 
for that.

So you'd make `arr1 is arr2` true when they're empty, ignoring a 
difference in pointers. Otherwise, it would still compare pointers. Right?

I don't think that's a good idea, simply because it's a special case.

I noticed that you haven't mentioned `==`. You're probably aware of it, 
but if not we might be talking past each other. So, just to be clear: 
You can also compare arrays with `==` which compares elements. `null == 
""` is true.

You only get surprised if you expect that to check for emptiness (or 
something else entirely).

As mentioned I was surprised, that the non-nullity did not pass thru 

decodeComponent doesn't seem to return the same (identical) string you 
pass it, most of the time. Try "foo":

void main()
import std.uri;
string a = "foo";
auto s = a.decodeComponent;
assert(s == a); /* passes */
assert(s is a); /* fails */

decodeComponent simply gives no promise of preserving pointers. You also 
shouldn't rely on it returning null for a null input, even when it 
currently does that.

The spec isn't very clear there. What does "the same array elements" 
mean for empty arrays?

Mathematically that's easily answered:

So "two empty arrays refer to the same elements" is true because 
everything said about the elements of empty arrays is true? Is "two 
empty arrays do *not* refer to the same elements" also true?

Is runtime info in shared memory?

2017-07-09 Thread Jean-Louis Leroy via Digitalmars-d-learn
When I look at ldc2's object.d I have the impression it's thread 
local. I may be wrong though, just beginning to learn about 

Re: CTFE output is kind of weired

2017-07-09 Thread Andre Pany via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 06:48:30 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 04:03:09 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Sat, Jul 08, 2017 at 03:09:09PM -0700, Ali Çehreli via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On 07/08/2017 02:29 PM, Andre Pany wrote:

> I use assert(false, tmp) to see the content of variable tmp 
> as it seems there is no other way in CTFE.

A more natural way is pragma(msg), which you can use in main 
in this



Unfortunately, pragma(msg) can only be used *after* CTFE has 
finished. It's not possible to print the message *during* CTFE.

Stefan Koch allegedly will add a ctfeWriteln to his new CTFE 
engine that should alleviate this limitation.


In fact ctfeWriteln harder to do for newCTFE then it is in the 
old interpreter.
I suggest people stick with either returning a string or 
assert(0, message).

Thanks for all the answers and explanations. I will create an 
issue to make the assert output more readable. The first 5 times 
I didn't recognize the slice information at the end of the string 
and thought dmd isn't working at all anymore.

Kind regards