Re: Can't pass [] to extern function object method

2020-11-18 Thread Bastiaan Veelo via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 10:50:12 UTC, frame wrote:
I found the "bug". It was caused by a debug {} statement within 
a struct method. I assume that the debug symbol is just 
incompatible called from the DLL context.

Were the DLL and main program built in different modes 
(debug/release)? Then this problem is understandable. Otherwise I 
find this surprising, and probably worth a bug report?

— Bastiaan.

Re: Function Pointer Not Working

2020-11-18 Thread Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 04:23:13 UTC, Marcone wrote:

// Function threadingw()
void threadingw(HWND hwn, void delegate() fun) nothrow {
try {
// Function _fun()
uint _fun(void * arg){
			(*(cast(void delegate()*) arg))(); // Do not show "Hello 
World!" :(

return 0;
CreateThread(null, 0, &_fun, &fun, 0, null);
} catch(Throwable){}

void main(){
null.threadingw({writeln("Hello World!");});


A delegate is a "fat" pointer (function pointer + context), so it 
can't fit in a void*.

You could do something like the following to "uncurry" the 
delegate and extract its context to a void* and a regular 
function, which can then combine the void* given to it later to 
call the original delegate:

import std.traits;

auto uncurryDelegate(alias anchor, alias target)()
alias Args = Parameters!target;
alias R = ReturnType!target;

alias ContextPtr = void*;
alias Dg = typeof(&target);

union Delegate
Dg dg;
void* ptr;
void* funcptr;

auto dg = Delegate(&target);
	__gshared void* funcptr; // Will always be the same for this 

funcptr = (&target).funcptr;

static struct Result
R function(ContextPtr ptr, Args args) fun;
ContextPtr context;

static R fun(ContextPtr ptr, Args args)
Delegate dg;
dg.funcptr = funcptr;
dg.ptr = ptr;
return dg.dg(args);
return Result(&fun, dg.ptr);

auto uncurryDelegate(alias target)()
return uncurryDelegate!(target, target);

int fun(int i)
return i + 1;
auto r = uncurryDelegate!fun;
assert(, 2) == 3);

struct S
int i;
int fun(int j)
return i + j;

auto funUncurried() { return uncurryDelegate!(i, fun); }
auto s = S(2);
auto r = s.funUncurried();
assert(, 3) == 5);

Sadly you can't write `static immutable void* funcptr = 
(&target).funcptr;`, because the compiler tries to evaluate 
&target first.

Alternatively you could do this (not recommended):

Function Pointer Not Working

2020-11-18 Thread Marcone via Digitalmars-d-learn

// Function threadingw()
void threadingw(HWND hwn, void delegate() fun) nothrow {
try {
// Function _fun()
uint _fun(void * arg){
			(*(cast(void delegate()*) arg))(); // Do not show "Hello 
World!" :(

return 0;
CreateThread(null, 0, &_fun, &fun, 0, null);
} catch(Throwable){}

void main(){
null.threadingw({writeln("Hello World!");});


Re: betterC question

2020-11-18 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 00:20:50 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar 
On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 00:18:54 UTC, rikki cattermole 

You don't need the brackets to call a function (and with a 
little help from UFCS):

void main() {
import std.stdio;


Okay thanks. Bad idea IMO.

Imagine what range pipelines would look like without it. This is 
one of my favorite D features.

Re: betterC question

2020-11-18 Thread Dibyendu Majumdar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 00:18:54 UTC, rikki cattermole 

You don't need the brackets to call a function (and with a 
little help from UFCS):

void main() {
import std.stdio;


Okay thanks. Bad idea IMO.

Re: betterC question

2020-11-18 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 19/11/2020 1:11 PM, Dibyendu Majumdar wrote:

On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 00:08:59 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 00:07:12 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar wrote:

int function() fp = test;

This tries to *call* the function test and assign its return value to fp.

Really? why does it do that?

You don't need the brackets to call a function (and with a little help 
from UFCS):

void main() {
import std.stdio;


Re: betterC question

2020-11-18 Thread Dibyendu Majumdar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 00:08:59 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 00:07:12 UTC, Dibyendu 
Majumdar wrote:

int function() fp = test;

You want &test to get the address.

Okay that works. Thanks

Re: betterC question

2020-11-18 Thread Dibyendu Majumdar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 00:08:59 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 00:07:12 UTC, Dibyendu 
Majumdar wrote:

int function() fp = test;

This tries to *call* the function test and assign its return 
value to fp.

Really? why does it do that?

You want &test to get the address.

Re: betterC question

2020-11-18 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 00:07:12 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar 

int function() fp = test;

This tries to *call* the function test and assign its return 
value to fp.

You want &test to get the address.

betterC question

2020-11-18 Thread Dibyendu Majumdar via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have simple test program:

import core.stdc.stdio : printf;

void test() {
int* a;
printf("a == null %d\n", a == null);

int function() fp = test;

extern (C) void main() {

Why do I get:

\d\dmd-2.092.1\windows\bin64\dmd.exe -betterC tests.d
tests.d(5): Error: printf cannot be interpreted at compile time, 
because it has no available source code

This is on Windows

Re: Git-repo-root relative path

2020-11-18 Thread Petar via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 16 November 2020 at 10:21:27 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
I need a function that gets the relative path of a file in a 
Git-repo and preferrably also its status.

I'm not sure I understand the question. I have written two 
programs, hopefully one of them does what you want :D

Either via an external call to `git` or optionally via `libgit` 
(if available).

Which DUB packages do you prefer?

For such small tasks, the easiest is to just use the shell.

1st answer:

Initially I thought that you want to convert the current working 
directory (I don't know why - I didn't read well the question 
apparently :D) to a path relative to the root git repo path. 
Here's my solution to that problem:

import std.exception : enforce;
import std.format : format;
import std.file : getcwd;
import std.path : asRelativePath;
import std.process : executeShell;
import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.string : stripRight;

void main()
auto cwd = getcwd();
const gitRootPathResult = executeShell("git rev-parse 

gitRootPathResult.status == 0,
"`git` is not installed, or '%s' is not a git 

// Trim trailing whitespace from the shell invocation
const gitRoot = gitRootPathResult.output.stripRight;
debug writeln("Git root path: ", gitRoot);

Example usage:

$ cd ~/code/repos/dlang/dlang/dmd/src/dmd/backend/

$ dmd -run ~/code/cwd_to_git_relative_path.d

# Sanity check:

$ dmd -debug -run ~/code/cwd_to_git_relative_path.d
Git root path: /home/zlx/code/repos/dlang/dlang/dmd

$ cd '../../..' && pwd

2nd answer:

Reading a second time, I don't understand what you meant by "gets 
the relative path of a file in a Git-repo". Did you mean that it 
receives an absolute path (or relative to current working 
directory) to a file and converts it to a path relative to a git 
repo? If so, here's my solution and for determining the status of 
a file:

spurious conversion to int

2020-11-18 Thread Richard Delorme via Digitalmars-d-learn

The following code
module foo;

static immutable ubyte [2] t = [2, 3];

ubyte g(const ubyte a) {
return cast (ubyte) (a + 1);

void f(const ubyte a, const ubyte b, const int i) {
ubyte [2] c = a > b ? [a.g(), b.g()] : [b, a];   // compile
ubyte [2] d = a > b ? [t[i], a] : [a, t[i]]; // compile
	ubyte [2] e = a > b ? [t[i].g(), a.g()] : [a, t[i]]; // does not 


does not compile (with DMD 2.94.1). The error message is:
foo.d(12): Error: incompatible types for ([g(t[cast(ulong)i]), 
g(a)]) : ([cast(int)a, cast(int)t[cast(ulong)i]]): ubyte[] and 

Is this a compiler bug? Or can someone explain me what is wrong 
with the last line? Why the second array is converted to int[] in 
this case and not on the above line?

Re: implementing default opCmp

2020-11-18 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 22:29:17 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
How do I do something really simple for opCmp? I tried this it 
didn't work:

return this == other ? 0 :
this.tupleof < other.tupleof ? -1 : 1;

std.typecons.Tuple has opCmp. So this works:

int opCmp(S other)
import std.typecons: tuple;
return tuple(this.tupleof).opCmp(tuple(other.tupleof));

Re: implementing default opCmp

2020-11-18 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 22:29:17 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

I have a struct like this:

struct S
   int x;
   int y;

and I want a default comparison. The problem is, that 
comparison doesn't have a default, and requires I implement 
opCmp. While this is useful for the compiler, there's no 
default I know of that is an easy one-liner.

Here's a stab at a totally generic version that I haven't unit 
tested at all, except to verify that it works for your example 
struct S:

auto cmp(T, U)(auto ref T lhs, auto ref U rhs)
import core.lifetime: forward;

static if (__traits(compiles, lhs.opCmp(rhs)))
return forward!lhs.opCmp(forward!rhs);
else static if (__traits(compiles, rhs.opCmp(lhs)))
return -forward!rhs.opCmp(forward!lhs);
return lhs < rhs ? -1 : lhs > rhs ? 1 : 0;

mixin template defaultOpCmp()
import std.traits: isAggregateType;

static assert(isAggregateType!(typeof(this)),
"opCmp can only be overloaded for aggregate types.");

auto opCmp()(auto ref typeof(this) other)
import std.traits: ReturnType, CommonType, Fields;
import std.meta: Map = staticMap;

alias cmpType(T) = ReturnType!((T lhs, T rhs) => cmp(lhs, 
alias Result = CommonType!(Map!(cmpType, 

Result result;

static foreach (i, _; typeof(this).tupleof)
if (result == 0)
result = cmp(this.tupleof[i], other.tupleof[i]);

return result;

implementing default opCmp

2020-11-18 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have a struct like this:

struct S
   int x;
   int y;

and I want a default comparison. The problem is, that comparison doesn't 
have a default, and requires I implement opCmp. While this is useful for 
the compiler, there's no default I know of that is an easy one-liner.

The truth is, I'm not entirely caring what order these things come out 
in. I just want them to be defined as having an order given that all the 
members have a defined order. My expectation is that a default opCmp 
would look like:

int opCmp(S other)
   if(x == other.x)
   if(y == other.y) return 0;
   return y < other.y ? -1 : 1;
   return x < other.x ? -1 : 1;

But really, as long as there is something to do this easily I don't care 
what the ordering turns out to be.

I can do equality like:

return this.tupleof == other.tupleof;

I can do assignment like:

this.tupleof = other.tupleof;

How do I do something really simple for opCmp? I tried this it didn't work:

return this == other ? 0 :
this.tupleof < other.tupleof ? -1 : 1;


Re: Calling function within class.

2020-11-18 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 11/18/20 7:01 AM, Vino wrote:

>Request your help on how to call a function(listFile) from another
> function(getFilelist) within the same class(GetDirlist), below is an
> example code.

That code looks unnecessarily complex to me. First of all, parallel() 
already executes the loop body in separate threads, so I don't see any 
reason for Task in that code.

std.parallel will appear during my DConf presentation on Saturday. The 
following program applies ideas from some of my slides and just works in 

import std.process;
import std.exception;
import std.format;
import std.parallelism;
import std.stdio;

class GetDirlist {

  @system private auto listFile(immutable string st)
auto fl = execute(["ls","-l"]);
enforce(fl.status == 0, format("File not Found: %s", fl.status));
return fl.output;

  @system public auto getFilelist()
// I am using D dynamic arrays for simpliticy
auto flstore = [ "/path1/Dir1", "path2/Dir2" ];

// Note preallocated slot for each result:
auto amidata = new string[flstore.length];

// Taking advantage of automatic loop counter
foreach(i, st; parallel(flstore,1)) {
  // Each execution assigns to its own slot
  amidata[i] = listFile(st);
return amidata[];

void main() {
  // Need an object to call a non-static member function:
  auto g = new GetDirlist();


Re: Calling function within class.

2020-11-18 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 11/18/20 11:25 AM, Vino wrote:

> why is this
> so complicated in D where as in PHP it is simple like below
> PHP Code:
> class PHPclass {
>function test1 ($st) { return $st; }
>function test2 ()  { return $this->test1("Test"); }
> }
> $obj = new PHPclass();
> print_r($obj->test2());

It is so similar in D that one can say they are the same:

class PHPclass {
  auto test1(T)(T st) { return st; }
  auto test2()  { return this.test1("Test"); }

import std.stdio;

void main() {
  auto obj = new PHPclass();


Re: Calling function within class.

2020-11-18 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 18:24:59 UTC, frame wrote:

On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 17:55:36 UTC, Vino wrote:

  I made the changes as below , still not working

auto fltask = task!listFile(st);
auto fltask = 

The syntax is just wrong:

auto fltask = task!({listFile(st);})(this).executeInNewThread();

Should be:

auto fltask = task!((GetDirlist 

It's the anonymous function syntax in one line compressed - 
it's equal to:

auto fltask = task!(
  function(GetDirlist obj) {

But with your context it must look like this:

auto fltask = task!(
  function(GetDirlist obj, string foo) {
)(this, st);

Still your code need to be fixed at lot to get working.


  The above code is a sample code, but the logic is same, correct 
me if my understanding is wrong, in the above code "obj" is a an 
object for the class GetDirlist, so we are accessing the class 
member using "obj.listFile(st)" , so why do we need the "(this)" 
and also why is this so complicated in D where as in PHP it is 
simple like below

PHP Code:
class PHPclass {
  function test1 ($st) { return $st; }
  function test2 ()  { return $this->test1("Test"); }

$obj = new PHPclass();

Re: Calling function within class.

2020-11-18 Thread frame via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 17:55:36 UTC, Vino wrote:

  I made the changes as below , still not working

auto fltask = task!listFile(st);
auto fltask = task!({listFile(st);})(this).executeInNewThread();

The syntax is just wrong:

auto fltask = task!({listFile(st);})(this).executeInNewThread();

Should be:

auto fltask = task!((GetDirlist 

It's the anonymous function syntax in one line compressed - it's 
equal to:

auto fltask = task!(
  function(GetDirlist obj) {

But with your context it must look like this:

auto fltask = task!(
  function(GetDirlist obj, string foo) {
)(this, st);

Still your code need to be fixed at lot to get working.

Re: Calling function within class.

2020-11-18 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 16:53:44 UTC, frame wrote:

On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 15:01:53 UTC, Vino wrote:

Hi All,

  Request your help on how to call a function(listFile) from 
another function(getFilelist) within the same 
class(GetDirlist), below is an example code.

I think it's basically the same issue like that recently opened 

You need to pass your class object as argument to a static 
method or anonymous function.


  I made the changes as below , still not working

auto fltask = task!listFile(st);
auto fltask = task!({listFile(st);})(this).executeInNewThread();

/DTECH/LDC/dlang/ldc-1.24.0/bin/../import/std/parallelism.d(516,34): Error: 
function literal __lambda2() is not callable using argument types (GetDirlist)
expected 0 argument(s), not 1
/DTECH/LDC/dlang/ldc-1.24.0/bin/../import/std/parallelism.d(842,16): Error: 
template instance GetDirlist.GetDirlist.getFilelist.__foreachbody2.
Task!(delegate () @system { this.listFile(st); } , GetDirlist) 
error instantiating instantiated from here: task!(delegate () 
@system { this.listFile(st); } , GetDirlist)


Re: Calling function within class.

2020-11-18 Thread frame via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 15:01:53 UTC, Vino wrote:

Hi All,

  Request your help on how to call a function(listFile) from 
another function(getFilelist) within the same 
class(GetDirlist), below is an example code.

I think it's basically the same issue like that recently opened 

You need to pass your class object as argument to a static method 
or anonymous function.

Re: Executing AWS commands

2020-11-18 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 17 November 2020 at 21:08:21 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Tuesday, 17 November 2020 at 19:07:42 UTC, Vino wrote:
auto pid = execute(["/usr/bin/aws ec2 describe-images 
--filters 'Name=state,Values=available' --query 

auto pid = execute(["/usr/bin/aws ec2 describe-images 
--filters 'Name=state,Values=available' --query 

You need to break up your command line so that each argument is 
in a separate array element. In the commands above you have 
multiple arguments grouped together into each array element.

Alternately, you can pass everything in a single string to 

Hi Paul,

 Thank you very much was able to execute the aws commands using 


Calling function within class.

2020-11-18 Thread Vino via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi All,

  Request your help on how to call a function(listFile) from 
another function(getFilelist) within the same class(GetDirlist), 
below is an example code.


class GetDirlist {

@system private auto listFile(immutable string st)
 auto fl = execute(["ls","-l"]);
 enforce(fl.status == 0, format("File not Found: %s", fl.status));
 return fl.output;

@system public auto getFilelist()
  Array!string amidata;
  auto flstore = Array!string("/path1/Dir1", "path2/Dir2");
  foreach(st; parallel(flstore,1)) {
 auto fltask = task!listFile(st);
  return amidata[];

void main() {


Re: Can't pass [] to extern function object method

2020-11-18 Thread frame via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 16 November 2020 at 22:22:42 UTC, frame wrote:

On Monday, 16 November 2020 at 21:58:44 UTC, Jack wrote:

What is the function prototype like and how are you declaring 
that struct?

The struct is very simple, it contains:

I found the "bug". It was caused by a debug {} statement within a 
struct method. I assume that the debug symbol is just 
incompatible called from the DLL context.