Re: F*cked by memory corruption after assiging value to associative array

2021-01-27 Thread frame via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 22:57:11 UTC, tsbockman wrote:

There is supposed to only be one instance of the D GC running 
per process. If you have more than one running then either you 
aren't linking and loading the DLLs correctly, or you have run 
into a serious bug in the D tooling.

What could I do wrong by just using SimpleDllMain and then put my 

build line for DLL is: rdmd -shared --build-only -gf -m64

Under Linux everything is shared. Under Windows each DLL seems to 
run in its own thread, has its own rt_options and do not see any 
__gshared variable value. Its completely isolated and so I assume 
that also GC is.

Also says: Each EXE and 
DLL will have their own gc instance.

I also wonder why the static linked DLL should use a GC proxy 
while as SimpleDllMain does nothing with a proxy - should 
loadLibrary() take care off here automatically? It seems, it does 

Re: Why filling AA in shared library freezes execution?

2021-01-27 Thread SealabJaster via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 16:38:07 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 


Yikes! Ok, I thought DLLs were just "sort of" unusable due to the 
RTTI issue, but now I'm convinced that they're almost completely 
useless in their current state unless you want to live in a world 
of hurt and pain.

It's almost comical.

At least the underlying issue is complicated, instead of it 
rather being a case of "no one's worked on it at all".

Unfortunately, the underlying issue is complicated, so I don't 
have the greatest faith in DLLs becoming useable anytime soon.

Thanks for the explanation.

Re: Initializing D runtime and executing module and TLS ctors for D libraries

2021-01-27 Thread tsbockman via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 28 January 2021 at 00:58:17 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 28/01/2021 1:16 PM, tsbockman wrote:
The documentation build on is broken. Check the 
source code or Adam D. Ruppe's for the complete 


I still don't see thread_setThis and thread_detachThis anywhere 
on the copy.

Re: Assigning to class struct member leading to unexpected behavior.

2021-01-27 Thread Paul via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 28 January 2021 at 02:03:40 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
The braced-initializer syntax only works in declarations, not 

Oh, I see, I'm guessing that explains the (sadly unfinished) 
In-place struct initialization

DIP of wilzbach.

Kind of sad so many DIP's seem to end up stranded :/

Re: Assigning to class struct member leading to unexpected behavior.

2021-01-27 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 28 January 2021 at 01:43:13 UTC, Paul wrote:
I'm experiencing a compile error, but for the life of me, I 
cannot figure out what is wrong.

I'll try to keep it short but the code is roughly as follows:

class Window{
   Screen screen;
   alias screen this;

this() {
Screen s = {bottom_f: {[0, 1]}};
this.screen = s; // Works
this.screen = {bottom_f: {[0, 1]}}; // Leads to the 
list of errors below


The braced-initializer syntax only works in declarations, not 

Screen s = {bottom_f: {[0, 1]}}; // Ok - this is a declaration
this.screen = {bottom_f: {[0, 1]}}; // No good - this is an 

Assigning to class struct member leading to unexpected behavior.

2021-01-27 Thread Paul via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm experiencing a compile error, but for the life of me, I 
cannot figure out what is wrong.

I'll try to keep it short but the code is roughly as follows:

class Window{
   Screen screen;
   alias screen this;

this() {
Screen s = {bottom_f: {[0, 1]}};
this.screen = s; // Works
this.screen = {bottom_f: {[0, 1]}}; // Leads to the 
list of errors below


struct Screen{
Vec!(2, int) bottom_f;

alias Vec(uint size, Type) = Mat!(size, 1, Type);

struct Mat(uint rows, uint columns = rows, Type = float) {
private enum uint size = rows * columns;
Type[columns][rows] mat;
Type[size] vec;
static if (columns == 1) alias vec this;
else alias mat this;
. . .

List of errors:
1. "Label "bottom_f" is not used."
2. "expected ; instead of }"
3. "found `}` when expecting `;` following statement"
4. "use `{ }` for an empty statement, not `;`"
5. "found `void` when expecting `;` following statement" (later 
at function below constructor)

Why would assigning to a member variable lead to errors when 
using an intermediate variable of the same type does not?
I tried tweaking a lot but I just can't figure it out. Am I doing 
something wrong?

Re: Conversion error.

2021-01-27 Thread Ruby The Roobster via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 28 January 2021 at 01:09:52 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 28 January 2021 at 01:01:36 UTC, Ruby The Roobster 


This is why I hate readf, it is sensitive to litte things.

If you put a space in that string I think it will fix it. What 
happens here is it reads the float, then leaves the buffer at 
the \n from when the user pressed enter. So when it comes 
around it complains about that unexpected character.

So try readf(" %d") or readf("%d\n") or something like that.

OR just use `readln().strip().to!int` that kind fo thing.


Re: Conversion error.

2021-01-27 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 28 January 2021 at 01:01:36 UTC, Ruby The Roobster 


This is why I hate readf, it is sensitive to litte things.

If you put a space in that string I think it will fix it. What 
happens here is it reads the float, then leaves the buffer at the 
\n from when the user pressed enter. So when it comes around it 
complains about that unexpected character.

So try readf(" %d") or readf("%d\n") or something like that.

OR just use `readln().strip().to!int` that kind fo thing.

Conversion error.

2021-01-27 Thread Ruby The Roobster via Digitalmars-d-learn

I don't know any explanation for the following error:
 Unexpected '\n' when converting from type LockingTextReader to type int

Here is my code for reference:

module main;

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import core.thread;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
import std.string;
int main(string[] args)
Tid worker;
int x;
writeln("Enter in 1 for arabic, 2 for turkish, 0 to quit.");
worker = spawn(&Translate_Hello);
while(x != 0);
return 0;

void Translate_Hello()
int num;
num = receiveOnly!int();
case 1:
case 2:
stdout.writeln("Invalid Language");

Re: Conversion error.

2021-01-27 Thread Ruby The Roobster via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 28 January 2021 at 01:01:36 UTC, Ruby The Roobster 

I don't know any explanation for the following error:
 Unexpected '\n' when converting from type LockingTextReader to type int

In addition, this only gives that exception when you enter 1 or 
2, so I don't know what is happening.

Re: Initializing D runtime and executing module and TLS ctors for D libraries

2021-01-27 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 28/01/2021 1:16 PM, tsbockman wrote:
The documentation build on is broken. Check the source code or 
Adam D. Ruppe's for the complete documentation:


Re: Initializing D runtime and executing module and TLS ctors for D libraries

2021-01-27 Thread tsbockman via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 24 January 2021 at 03:59:26 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I am surprised how much I had learned at that time and how much 
I've already forgotten. :/ For example, my PR involves 
thread_setThis, which seems to be history now:

And thread_detachThis seems to be missing now:

Documentation issue or is it not needed anymore?

The documentation build on is broken. Check the source 
code or Adam D. Ruppe's for the complete 

You'll find thread_setThis and thread_detachThis are still there.

Re: Compile time check for GC?

2021-01-27 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 20:21:02 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
You can define a symbol that will conflict with GC and prevent 
linking with it.

That was an interesting thought! Maybe that could be a first step.

It didn't occur to me that I could sabotage the usage of GC. :-D

Re: F*cked by memory corruption after assiging value to associative array

2021-01-27 Thread tsbockman via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 18:09:39 UTC, frame wrote:
I have no idea if there are multiple runtimes. I just use the 
mixin SimpleDllMain. But there must be multiple instances of 
GCs running because

Another thread is running right now which I think is touching 
upon these same issues. Adam D. Ruppe explains some of what's 
going on:

Sadly, it looks like shared D DLLs are just kind of broken on 
Windows, unless you want to go the betterC route...

Re: F*cked by memory corruption after assiging value to associative array

2021-01-27 Thread tsbockman via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 18:09:39 UTC, frame wrote:

there must be multiple instances of GCs running because

Sharing data between multiple threads that each use a different 
instance of the D GC will definitely not work right, because each 
GC will only know to pause the threads and scan the roots that it 
has been directly informed of.

There is supposed to only be one instance of the D GC running per 
process. If you have more than one running then either you aren't 
linking and loading the DLLs correctly, or you have run into a 
serious bug in the D tooling.

Or my debugger lied to me.

I have found the gdb debugger on Linux often breaks horribly on 
my D code, especially when it is multi-threaded, and the debugger 
is only semi-usable. Maybe the Windows debugger is better now? (I 
wouldn't know, since I haven't used it in a while.) I think 
skepticism is warranted here.

Re: 200-600x slower Dlang performance with nested foreach loop

2021-01-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 1/27/21 10:14 AM, Paul Backus wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 15:12:32 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

Maybe it's to avoid invalidating the result of `key in aa` when adding 
or removing entries? The spec doesn't say anything about it either way 
[1], but allowing invalidation would make AAs much more difficult to 
use in @safe code.

Yes, that's the reason.

Correction: the GC would take care of the safety issue, of course. I 
haven't had my morning tea yet, and clearly I'm not thinking straight. :)

No, it wouldn't. The problem is not a GC issue, but an issue with 
aliasing expectations (if you rehash, you completely rearrange the buckets).

so if you have:

auto x = key in aa;

aa[someOtherKey] = value; // rehashes

Code at this point currently can count on x pointing at the item being 
used in the AA.

If we change it now, lots of code will break.

This is not truly a horrible issue, you can use a custom implementation 
(see any number of container libraries on

What would be nice though, is to provide an actual template, that 
builtin AAs are an alias for (like string), and then if you want 
slightly different behavior, you provide different parameters.

But at the end of the day, the builtin AAs will ALWAYS do this. We can't 
change it now.


Re: How do I get the output of the time bash command?

2021-01-27 Thread Anthony via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 09:58:18 UTC, Arafel wrote:

On 27/1/21 10:35, Anthony wrote:

I'm trying to read the timed output of a pipeShell command but 
it only results in empty output.

Does anyone know why this is?

     auto p = pipeShell("time ls");

     foreach(str; p.stdout.byLine) {

I'm not sure why you get an empty output, you should get at 
least the `ls` output unless it's an empty directory (or one 
with only "dot" files).

However, in any case `time` returns the timing information 
through `stderr`, not `stdout`[1]. You can try [2,3] (untested):

auto p = pipeShell("time ls", Redirect.stderrToStdout);




Thanks! I think this was the issue.
Turns out that pipeShell uses sh not bash so the "time" program 
isn't available.

When I printed stderr, it showed me the error.

Re: Compile time check for GC?

2021-01-27 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn
You can define a symbol that will conflict with GC and prevent 
linking with it.

Re: F*cked by memory corruption after assiging value to associative array

2021-01-27 Thread frame via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 17:41:05 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 1/26/21 6:31 AM, frame wrote:

> all GCs

Multiple D runtimes? That might work I guess but I've never 
heard of anybody talking about having multiple runtimes. Does 
rt_init() initialize *a* D runtime or *the* D runtime? If it 
indeed works we definitely need much better documentation.

I load my libraries with loadLibrary[1] so that "[if] the 
library contains a D runtime it will be integrated with the 
current runtime."



I have no idea if there are multiple runtimes. I just use the 
mixin SimpleDllMain. But there must be multiple instances of GCs 
running because

1) command line argument --DRT-gcopt=gc:manual was seen by the 
EXE but ignored by the DLL and still crashed
2) after "burning in" gc:manual in the DLL, observing 
GC.profileStats.numCollections shows in one DLL thread 0 and the 
other DLL thread > 0 and thus crashed. Or my debugger lied to me.

I also use loadLibrary.

Re: F*cked by memory corruption after assiging value to associative array

2021-01-27 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 1/26/21 6:31 AM, frame wrote:

> all GCs

Multiple D runtimes? That might work I guess but I've never heard of 
anybody talking about having multiple runtimes. Does rt_init() 
initialize *a* D runtime or *the* D runtime? If it indeed works we 
definitely need much better documentation.

I load my libraries with loadLibrary[1] so that "[if] the library 
contains a D runtime it will be integrated with the current runtime."



Re: How to dinamically create Tuples?

2021-01-27 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 05:17:18PM +, Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 17:11:52 UTC, Leonardo wrote:
> > Hi, I want to know if are some way to dinamically create Tuples,
> > with variable size and types defined at runtime. Thanks.
> No. D is a statically-typed language, so all types have to be defined
> at compile time.

But you can probably achieve equivalent semantics with an array of
Variant (see std.variant).


Written on the window of a clothing store: No shirt, no shoes, no service.

Re: How to dinamically create Tuples?

2021-01-27 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 17:11:52 UTC, Leonardo wrote:
Hi, I want to know if are some way to dinamically create 
Tuples, with variable size and types defined at runtime. Thanks.

No. D is a statically-typed language, so all types have to be 
defined at compile time.

Re: F*cked by memory corruption after assiging value to associative array

2021-01-27 Thread frame via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 26 January 2021 at 14:31:58 UTC, frame wrote:
but why does not see DLL 1 then that sub objects of

B are still alive?

I may fool myself but could it be caused by an already gone slice 
data? It very looks like that only a specific string property is 
corrupted which got the same slice data as an input parameter.

I thought that the slice data should stay referenced in the 
persistent object anyway but the GC seems not so smart to detect 

The error can be prevented with .dup so far.

How to dinamically create Tuples?

2021-01-27 Thread Leonardo via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi, I want to know if are some way to dinamically create Tuples, 
with variable size and types defined at runtime. Thanks.

Re: Why filling AA in shared library freezes execution?

2021-01-27 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 15:25:17 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
I'm surprised this stuff hasn't been fixed yet, considering 
Walter (mostly?) works on Windows. Has he never run into these 
issues before?

It had a dconf talk spell it all out.

But it can be difficult to reproduce the nasty cases in a reduced 
test. Well, the exception catching ones are trivial to reproduce, 
it just plain doesn't work. But the GC and EH tables not lining 
up are harder to find. The EH table one rears its head once you 
fix the typeinfo problem that prevents the catch in the first 

But then the GC one is just hard to trigger. Unless you're using 
dll plugins in my day job project. (but even there it only 
happens after like 100 iterations of stuff, just the day job 
scripts run hundreds of times a day so you see it regularly... 
just can't fix it...)

Re: Why filling AA in shared library freezes execution?

2021-01-27 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 02:39:08PM +, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 14:36:16 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> > (btw as for me fixing it myself
> oh edit, I should point out it also requires some degree of language
> change to match what Microsoft's C++ does. They do dllimport and
> dllexport annotations to help the compiler generate the stuff. So that
> prolly is another complication to actually merge it. "Breaking"
> changes lololololol as if it can get more broken than it is now.

I'm surprised this stuff hasn't been fixed yet, considering Walter
(mostly?) works on Windows. Has he never run into these issues before?


One reason that few people are aware there are programs running the internet is 
that they never crash in any significant way: the free software underlying the 
internet is reliable to the point of invisibility. -- Glyn Moody, from the 
article "Giving it all away"

Re: 200-600x slower Dlang performance with nested foreach loop

2021-01-27 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 14:15:26 UTC, FeepingCreature 

Associative arrays allocate per entry added?! 
Oh God, associative arrays allocate per entry added!

Maybe it's to avoid invalidating the result of `key in aa` when 
adding or removing entries? The spec doesn't say anything about 
it either way [1], but allowing invalidation would make AAs much 
more difficult to use in @safe code.


Re: 200-600x slower Dlang performance with nested foreach loop

2021-01-27 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 15:12:32 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

Maybe it's to avoid invalidating the result of `key in aa` when 
adding or removing entries? The spec doesn't say anything about 
it either way [1], but allowing invalidation would make AAs 
much more difficult to use in @safe code.


Correction: the GC would take care of the safety issue, of 
course. I haven't had my morning tea yet, and clearly I'm not 
thinking straight. :)

Re: Why filling AA in shared library freezes execution?

2021-01-27 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 14:36:16 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

(btw as for me fixing it myself

oh edit, I should point out it also requires some degree of 
language change to match what Microsoft's C++ does. They do 
dllimport and dllexport annotations to help the compiler generate 
the stuff. So that prolly is another complication to actually 
merge it. "Breaking" changes lololololol as if it can get more 
broken than it is now.

Re: Why filling AA in shared library freezes execution?

2021-01-27 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 13:39:32 UTC, SealabJaster wrote:
The biggest one for me, is that RTTI isn't "shared" across 

Yeah, that's a big one. Exception handling tables are also not 
properly merged leading to random behavior even if you do manage 
to catch the exception (I wrote a PR for that but it isn't 
theoretically sound 
), the GC proxy is done wrong - but there might be a chance to 
fix that - and there's a bug with static data not being scanned. 
Possibly related to the GC proxy, not sure.

It is all related to the same root problem - on Windows, unlike 
Linux, symbols are not automatically merged. More info

Yes, from 2016. And a branch aiming to fix it:

So what happens is if you have a global variable in the dll and 
exe, each one has their own copy of it. So typeid are not merged, 
GC meta is not merged. druntime tries to hack around this but it 
doesn't do a good job.

But then in user libs the same thing happens and they almost 
never make any attempt to handle it, so if you using other stuff, 
there be dragons. It might be perfectly fine, separate copies of 
data is often not fatal at all. But if they expect sharing - you 
can get separate singletons and such - you're in some trouble.

Technically what dmd does for dlls isn't wrong. That is the way 
the underlying operating system works. But since it is more 
useful to handle these things and the Microsoft C++ compilers 
paper over this with auto-generated indirection, even Windows 
programmers might not realize it and it just seems completely 

(btw as for me fixing it myself, there's a number of subtleties 
that I don't even know. Maybe i could figure them out but the 
fact is it is prolly gonna be a buggy transition. But the most 
discouraging part is seeing all that talk and code from 2016 just 
sitting there, ignored. What's the point of even trying if it is 
just going to rot again.)

Re: 200-600x slower Dlang performance with nested foreach loop

2021-01-27 Thread FeepingCreature via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 02:14:39 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Yes, definitely try this.  This will completely eliminate the 
overhead of using an AA, which has to allocate memory (at 
least) once per entry added.  Especially since the data has to 
be sorted eventually anyway, you might as well sort first then 
use the sortedness as a convenient property for fast 
de-duplication.  Since .uniq traverses the range linearly, this 
will be cache-friendly, and along with eliminating GC load 
should give you a speed boost.


Associative arrays allocate per entry added?! 
Oh God, associative arrays allocate per entry added!

Re: How do I get the output of the time bash command?

2021-01-27 Thread bachmeier via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 09:58:25 UTC, Marcone wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 09:35:21 UTC, Anthony wrote:

I'm trying to read the timed output of a pipeShell command but 
it only results in empty output.

Does anyone know why this is?

auto p = pipeShell("time ls");

foreach(str; p.stdout.byLine) {

writeln(executeShell("time ls")[1]);

This is the correct answer. The documentation for pipeShell says

Like the functions they wrap, these functions return 
immediately, leaving the child process to execute in parallel 
with the invoking process. It is recommended to always call 
wait on the returned, as detailed in the 
documentation for wait.

Re: Why filling AA in shared library freezes execution?

2021-01-27 Thread SealabJaster via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 13:39:32 UTC, SealabJaster wrote:
I've crossed them out of my mind entirely at this point though, 
since Windows in general doesn't seem to get much love in 
certain parts of D (e.g. the makefile for Phobos didn't support 
things that the posix makefile did).

Should just quickly clarify that these "certain parts of D" are 
usually minor/niche parts and things.

Re: Why filling AA in shared library freezes execution?

2021-01-27 Thread SealabJaster via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 26 January 2021 at 17:39:50 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 02:12:17PM +, Adam D. Ruppe via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Monday, 25 January 2021 at 21:48:10 UTC, Vitalii wrote:
> Q: Why filling assoc.array in shared library freeze 
> execution?

D exes loading D dlls are very broken on Windows. You can 
kinda make it work but there's a lot of bad design and 
showstopper bugs.


Just out of curiosity, what are some of the showstoppers?  I'd 
have expected D exe's loading D dll's should be the first 
priority in making Windows dll's work in D.  I'm surprised 
there are still obvious problems.


The biggest one for me, is that RTTI isn't "shared" across 

So typeid(int) in your .exe isn't compatible with typeid(int) 
from a .dll

I found out the hard way, since sdlang-d was giving me a very 
strange type mismatch error which was caused due to this issue in 

Am I wrong in saying that it was fixed at some point though, or 
at least, someone was attempting a fix?

It's kind of discouraging to hear from Adam that there's actually 
even *more* issues regarding DLLs.

I've crossed them out of my mind entirely at this point though, 
since Windows in general doesn't seem to get much love in certain 
parts of D (e.g. the makefile for Phobos didn't support things 
that the posix makefile did).

Re: How do I get the output of the time bash command?

2021-01-27 Thread Ferhat Kurtulmuş via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 09:35:21 UTC, Anthony wrote:

I'm trying to read the timed output of a pipeShell command but 
it only results in empty output.

Does anyone know why this is?

auto p = pipeShell("time ls");

foreach(str; p.stdout.byLine) {

Probably, just getting a string output is not enough. It looks a 
little outdated, but there is this library:

Re: How do I get the output of the time bash command?

2021-01-27 Thread Arafel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 27/1/21 10:35, Anthony wrote:

I'm trying to read the timed output of a pipeShell command but it only 
results in empty output.

Does anyone know why this is?

     auto p = pipeShell("time ls");

     foreach(str; p.stdout.byLine) {

I'm not sure why you get an empty output, you should get at least the 
`ls` output unless it's an empty directory (or one with only "dot" files).

However, in any case `time` returns the timing information through 
`stderr`, not `stdout`[1]. You can try [2,3] (untested):

auto p = pipeShell("time ls", Redirect.stderrToStdout);




Re: How do I get the output of the time bash command?

2021-01-27 Thread Marcone via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021 at 09:35:21 UTC, Anthony wrote:

I'm trying to read the timed output of a pipeShell command but 
it only results in empty output.

Does anyone know why this is?

auto p = pipeShell("time ls");

foreach(str; p.stdout.byLine) {

writeln(executeShell("time ls")[1]);

How do I get the output of the time bash command?

2021-01-27 Thread Anthony via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm trying to read the timed output of a pipeShell command but it 
only results in empty output.

Does anyone know why this is?

auto p = pipeShell("time ls");

foreach(str; p.stdout.byLine) {