Why does foreach allow ref element for non-ref front() of std.range.enumerate()

2020-01-26 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

import std;
import std.range;
void main()
int[] a = [3, 5, 7];
foreach (i, ref ae; a.enumerate)
writeln(i, " ", ae);
ae = 6;
assert(a[].equal([6, 6, 6]));  // fails, a is in initial state

Why does the compiler allow such 'ref ae' loop, if the actual 
value is not a reference? Or it is a reference to hidden stack 
variable that was copied by enumerate from a during front()?

Re: Bitfields

2019-05-21 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 21 May 2019 at 17:16:05 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:


Has anyone used D to work with arbitrary length bitfields with 
multiple occurences of a sub-bitfield. I am working with DVB 
Sections and EIT packets are defined as bitfields with loops in 
them and the header is 112 bits. The loops are handleable with 
subfields obviously, assuming you can work out how the 
bigendian works on the byte sequence.

As far as I can see std.bitmanip only caters for 8, 16, 32, and 
64 bit long bitfields.

Never used it myself, but BitArray with careful handling of 
endianess might fit your task.


Re: Tweakig -lowmem to be more eager

2019-05-20 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 May 2019 at 23:54:27 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:

What makes it decide to collect? What triggers it?

You can try setting heapSizeFactor option to something lower than 
2 to increase collection frequency:


dmd appears to respect DRT_GCOPT environment variable.

The logic behind the decision to collect, I'm afraid, is not 
described anywhere but the code itself 

Re: Linked List iterating over and inserting an element around (before/after) the current position.

2019-05-19 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 May 2019 at 22:20:48 UTC, Josh wrote:
This is just more curiosity, but do you happen to know why I 
have to use DList.linearRemove() instead of DList.remove()?

These two functions are separate because they differ in 
complexity. remove is O(1), linearRemove on the other hand 
eagerly walks through the Take range, wich makes it 

Re: Anonymous mapped regions increases unlimitely on spawn

2018-12-14 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 14 December 2018 at 21:22:05 UTC, unDEFER wrote:

So it looks like a bug, and I have reported about it:


Not an expert, but you may wish to try GC.minimize() 

Re: Can you move a disabled this(this) struct in to a container type if it's an rvalue?

2018-12-13 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 13 December 2018 at 09:51:42 UTC, aliak wrote:


struct S {
@disable this(this);
this(int i) {}

struct Container(T) {
T value;
this(T value) {
this.value = value;

void main() {
auto a = Container!S(S(3)); // can't do this.

I can build a custom constructor for Container that makes this 

static auto construct(Args...)(auto ref Args args) {
import std.algorithm: move;
auto value = T(args);
auto opt = Container!T.init;
opt.value = move(value);
return move(opt);

And then "auto a = Container!T.construct(3);" works.

But is there a way to do it without adding a custom constructor 

- Ali

You can just move in container constructor:

struct S {
@disable this(this);
this(int i) {}

struct Container(T) {
T value;
this(T value) {
import std.algorithm: move;
this.value = value.move;

void main() {
auto a = Container!S(S(3));

Re: Throwing constructors and member destructors

2018-11-20 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 20 November 2018 at 13:20:08 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 


Wording "object" means both classes and structs?

Re: Throwing constructors and member destructors

2018-11-20 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 20 November 2018 at 13:20:08 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 


Nvm, found the info in the issue tracker, thank you for the link.

Throwing constructors and member destructors

2018-11-20 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn


Notice no "B destructor" line in stdout.

Just got bitten by the assumption that my Buffer struct that 
transactionally aquires multiple external resources in 
constructor will rollback via member destructors that were 
successfully completed before the throw.

Can I get a clarification about current semantics? Should I 
essentially never throw in constructors if I want to rely on 
scope-based RAII?

And before we start a 10-page argument about the ideology of 
constructors, I would mostly just like to hear that this is 
documented somewhere, because I have certanly missed it.

Re: custom sorting of lists ?

2018-10-14 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 14 October 2018 at 01:31:26 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
Unless there's something about the implementation that's tied 
to the list itself, I would think that it would make more sense 
to make it a generic algorithm, then it will work with any 
non-random-access range, and it avoids needing to reimplement 
it for similar circumstances. IMHO, it really only makes sense 
to tie it to the container if the implementation itself needs 
to be for some reason.

- Jonathan M Davis

All operations on collections are tied to implementation. Phobos 
just intorduced range abstraction that hides iteration code (and 
is still implemented by collection itself). Iteration is only a 
small part of functionality that one expects from the data 
structure. I'm against operation generalization, collections have 
little in common besides basic semantics of insertion, they 
should provide their own methods.

It is the lack of such methods that is more disheartening. And 
the lack of cursor\iterator concept, wich maps well to mutation 
semantics of lists\trees.

Re: Use nested functions as callbacks with Windows API functions?

2018-10-01 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 1 October 2018 at 23:07:29 UTC, spikespaz wrote:
The problem with the code you have is that the callback needs 
to be extern (Windows). I don't know how to do that with a 

Neither do I actually. Apparently it is impossible.
Best I could squeeze out was this:

Re: Use nested functions as callbacks with Windows API functions?

2018-10-01 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 1 October 2018 at 20:27:43 UTC, spikespaz wrote:
I was hoping I could use something more akin to JavaScript's 
syntax: (void* hWnd, long) => {}.

I tried this but I'm getting errors with the signature, it says 
the function is a delegate and apparently Windows API can't 
accept a delegate.

You can make it a non-delegate by passing a pointer to hWndList 
in lParams as it was supposed to by WinApi devs, instead of zero, 
and not implicitly capturing stack pointer by referencing 
hWndList directly from the body.


Re: why use string for this example of appender?

2018-04-16 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 16 April 2018 at 06:46:36 UTC, WhatMeForget wrote:

Another thing that had me wondering is the use of put() down 
below; doesn't the append syntax (~=) give you the same exact 
functionality; so why bother?

Appender also performs unicode-related conversions, so you can 
append dstring to string and vice-versa, wich may come in handy.

Re: Optional parameters?

2018-04-01 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 1 April 2018 at 22:44:45 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Which doesn't work in @safe code and doesn't work when you have 
an rvalue as you would when passing 42. Ultimately, using 
pointers ultimately either requires explicitly allocating stuff 
on the heap to be able to pass rvalues, or it has the same 
restrictions that ref does in terms of passing rvalues. You can 
certainly take that approach if you'd like, but overall, I 
think that it's safe to say that using Nullable generally 
causes fewer problems.

1). There's nothing wrong with @trusted.
2). Rvalue it trivially converted to lvalue on the stack using 
local variable.
3). You haven't shown syntax for passing null. Pointer is 
foo(null). Yours will probably be foo(nullable!int());
4). I certanly wouldn't like typing nullable(...) for each 
optional parameter, I see it as a much bigger problem.

Re: Optional parameters?

2018-04-01 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 1 April 2018 at 22:25:45 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

How would a pointer help? Instead of doing


he'd have to do

foo(new int(42))

which is just one character shorter and ends up allocating on 
the heap, unlike with Nullable.

- Jonathan M Davis


Re: Optional parameters?

2018-04-01 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 1 April 2018 at 15:54:16 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
I currently have a situation where I want to have a function 
that accepts a parameter optionally.

I would simply use a pointer for this. Fighting D grammar seems 
too much of a hassle for such simple task.

Re: Fast GC allocation of many small objects

2018-03-31 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 30 March 2018 at 20:31:35 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
Is there a faster way of allocating many small class objects 
such as...

maybe something like this:

import std.conv: to;
import std.stdio;

class Node {}

class StrNode : Node
string value;

void main()
writeln(StrNode.classinfo.name);// onlineapp.StrNode
size_t il = StrNode.classinfo.m_init.length;
writeln(il); // 32
void[] backBuf = new void[il * 1000];
StrNode[] nodes = new StrNode[1000];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
backBuf[i * il .. (i+1) * il] = StrNode.classinfo.m_init;
nodes[i] = cast(StrNode) &backBuf[i * il];
nodes[i].value = i.to!string;
foreach (n; nodes[995..$])
writeln(n.classinfo.name, " ", n.value);  
// prints onlineapp.StrNode 995-999

Re: "in" no longer "scope" since 2.079.0?

2018-03-27 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 27 March 2018 at 09:27:07 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, March 27, 2018 09:15:43 Boris-Barboris via Now that 
DIP 1000 is being implemented, and scope is actually going to 
do something for more than just delegates, it was deemed too 
dangerous to have in suddenly really mean both scope and const, 
because it would potentially break a lot of code. So, in order 
to prevent such breakage, in was changed to officially only 
mean const instead of const scope.


- Jonathan M Davis

Well, here I am, writing "in" everywhere in anticipation of DIP1k 

But I guess "do not break" at this point is indeed more important.

"in" no longer "scope" since 2.079.0?

2018-03-27 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! Can someone point me to the changelong entry or maybe a 
pull request, wich changed the "in" from "scope const" to 
"const"? I thought the previous matter of things was pretty 
natural, and current "in" is now redundant. Would be glad to read 
up on this design decision.


Re: opDispatch with string mixin does not work as I would expect.

2018-02-09 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 10 February 2018 at 06:32:43 UTC, German Diago wrote:
The mixin line does not work. I want to generate the access to 
the field. How could I achieve that?

struct Outer
struct Inner
int a;
float b;
Inner i;

auto opDispatch(string name)()
return __traits(getMember, i, name);

Re: Using Postgres connection functions

2018-01-16 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 13 January 2018 at 17:58:14 UTC, Joe wrote:
...ddb. The latter perhaps has the distinction that it doesn't 
use libpq, but rather implements the Postgres FE/BE protocol. 
That's a bit *too* native for my taste. It means the library 
maintainer has to keep up with changes to the internal 
protocol, which although published, the Postgres group doesn't 
have to maintain compatibility from version to version.

Not that it matters, but client-server protocol is actually the 
most stable one, it hasn't changed since Postgress 7.4 (Release 
date: 2003-11-17). It's the language-level abstractions like 
libpq that keep being changed\updated on almost each release.

Re: struct template constructors

2017-06-22 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 June 2017 at 21:16:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
And yes, there should be one destructor, which may be a no-op 
if you grab its resource and set it to null.

On all compilers...

That's a relief, thank you for your help.

Re: struct template constructors

2017-06-22 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 June 2017 at 20:05:46 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
To be complete, 'auto ref' passes lvalues by reference and 
rvalues by value, which you can detect with __traits(isRef):

struct S{

void foo()(auto ref S s) {
static if (__traits(isRef, s)) {
pragma(msg, "lvalue");
} else {
pragma(msg, "rvalue");

void main() {
auto s = S();



Thank you very much! And the last question:
Is it guaranteed an all compilers, that:
1). destructor for said rvalue is called only once.
2). function taking auto ref parameter gets that exact 
(memory-wise) rvalue, for example:

struct S {}

S produce() { return S(); }


void consume(auto ref S s)
  // s passed by value, but is exactly that struct returned by 
produce, as if it

  // was RVO'd inside consume's stack frame.
  // and S destructor called only once on consume's scope escape?

Re: struct template constructors

2017-06-22 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 June 2017 at 19:17:13 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
No time to think about the rest of the design but just to get 
the code compiled, replace 'ref' with 'auto ref' like so:

Ok, looks like this indeed passes rhs by reference, thank you.

destcalls - number of times UniquePtr destructor was called
deallocs - number of times internal pointer was freed.

deallocs = destcalls = 0;

class A {}
class B: A {}

UniquePtr!B b = UniquePtr!B.make();
UniquePtr!A a = b;
assert(destcalls == 0);
assert(deallocs == 0);
assert(destcalls == 1);
assert(deallocs == 1);
assert(destcalls == 2);
assert(deallocs == 1);

Re: struct template constructors

2017-06-22 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 June 2017 at 19:17:13 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
No time to think about the rest of the design but just to get 
the code compiled, replace 'ref' with 'auto ref' like so:

this(DT)(scope auto ref UniquePtr!DT rhs)
// ...


i added this static variable:

static int destcalls = 0;

changed constructor to:

this(DT)(scope auto ref UniquePtr!DT rhs)
// here rhs releases pointer
pragma(msg, typeof(rhs));

wich prints "UniquePtr!(B)" on my machine,
and destructor:

~this() { destcalls++; }

Following code compiles and runs ok:

class A {}
class B: A {}
UniquePtr!A a = UniquePtr!A.make();
assert(destcalls == 0);
UniquePtr!A b = UniquePtr!B.make();
assert(destcalls == 1);

Destructor is called for the result of "UniquePtr!B.make();", and 
if it actually was passed by value (wich is indicated by pragma's 
output), b's internal pointer would refer to freed heap block.

Re: Dealing with the interior pointers bug

2017-06-22 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 June 2017 at 19:11:19 UTC, Cym13 wrote:
Here it's the programmer's fault really. You should never use 
casts in normal code, cast is the ultimate switch to say "Look, 
I know what I'm doing, so disable all safety, don't try to make 
sense of it, and let me do my thing. If I'm telling you it's a 
cat, then it is dammit.". You can't blame the type system not 
to do something coherent here, you explicitely went out of your 
way to lie to that very same type system in the most unsafe way 
We're on the same page, I just think that ability to lie is part 
of the type system, that's all.

struct template constructors

2017-06-22 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn



Is there a cleaner way to go than the one on the line 26? And why 
is the constructor

/d475/f781.d(37): f781.UniquePtr!(A).UniquePtr.__ctor(DT)(ref 
scope UniquePtr!DT rhs)

unfit for line 51?
Is it because the expression " = UniquePtr!B.make()" cannot be 
interpreted as "scope ref"? It must release ownership of a 
pointer it holds, and looks like it cannot do it in this form.

Re: Dealing with the interior pointers bug

2017-06-22 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 June 2017 at 13:56:29 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
For example, the type system guarantees that immutable data 
never changes. But the compiler allows you to cast from 
immutable to mutable and change the data. It's an invalid 
operation, but the compiler is not expected to catch that for 
Casts are part of the type system. Yes, D type system allows 
invalid operations. It's not the compiler's fault, it's type 
system's fault.

immutable int a = 4;
int* b = cast(int*) &a;
*b = 5;
assert(*(&a) == 5);
assert(a == 4);

Re: Dealing with the interior pointers bug

2017-06-22 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 June 2017 at 09:45:09 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
I think the term "systems programming language" contains no 
actual data, so needs to be retired. In this situation it 
provides no reason for conservative garbage collection.

It means the intent of language designer to let you write 
operating system with his language, wich implies certain building 
blocks available to you. Whether it actually allows it or not is 
another question.

Why should any language allow anything outside the type system.
Everything the language allows to compile is allowed by it's type 
system, or is a bug in the compiler.

Strong typing means strong typing
Define strong typing then. Pointer is part of the type system, 
all casts and operations on it are too. If you pass wrongly-typed 
pointer, it won't compile.

Maybe then the fault is having a weak type system, as any 
language is that allows ints to be pointers and vice versa.

What's wrong with pointers in a language? You're not forced to 
use them, you know? But some tasks force you. If you seek 
compile-time verifyability, use different coding patterns \ 
languages, designed around this intent.

Maybe type systems should be strong and all FFI be by value 
with no references to memory allowed?

No, they definetly should not.

Why can't GC use staticaly available type info (all 
pointer\reference variables and fields are visible in program 
text, why not just scan only them)? I don't know, probably it's 
harder, since it requires more cooperation between compiler and 
runtime, and increases GC signature (you have to store a huge 
list of pointers to all pointers on all stacks (and probably heap 
too), and compiler should generate code to populate this list on 
every function call). At this point you would be better off with 
RAII, wich will be more efficient and explicit and do exactly 
what you tell it to do.

Re: D structs weak identity and RAII

2017-06-19 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 19 June 2017 at 06:34:49 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
It's unreliable because structs are value types in D, which 
means that they can be moved around freely. This is why 
self-referencing structs are illegal in D.

I guess it's more like the spec states, that they can be moved 
vithout notice. Value type semantics themselves do not mean 
spontaneous uncontrolled mobility.

I can't claim expertise but here is a quick and dirty proof of 
concept that Vittorio Romeo and I had played with a few weeks 


shared byte b; // to prevent compiler optimizations

struct UniquePtr {
void * p;

this(void * p) {
this.p = p;
import core.atomic;
core.atomic.atomicOp!"+="(b, 1);

Very interesting hack, thank you.

Note how post-blit is disabled there. In addition to a 
moveFrom(), that's exactly what Atila Neves had to do in this 
automem library as well:


Nice, thanks.

D structs weak identity and RAII

2017-06-18 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello, I was trying to write some templated unique pointers.
Idea was simple: struct UniquePointer that handles underlying 
pointer in RAII-style and WeakPointer struct that is spawned by 
UniquePointer. Weak pointer is handled differently in my 
collections, wich subscribe to the event of UniquePointer 
destruction, so that there are no dangling references left all 
over the heap (I use Mallocator). Collection's insertFront\Back 
methods register callbacks in Weak pointer itself, and all 
existing weak pointers are registered in Unique pointer.

That, unfortunately, failed at the very beginning. Then I wrote a 
unit test to investigate:


1). line 47 and 76 together mean, that there is basically no 
reliable way to write uniqueptr method wich returns WeakPointer, 
registered by the correct pointer in it's constructor. Or is 
there? Is usage of &this in constructor (or in struct methods in 
general) fundamentally unreliable in D?
2). postblit was never called when returning struct from 
function. I noticed it was called once on line 91, if i removed 
opAssign with ref argument. What are the rules? Why is it always 
called when passing struct to function and creating local copy of 
the parameter (lines 113, 127, 139), and why is opAssign not 
3). Is there a way to reliably encapsulate all assignments? Looks 
like complete mess will happen should I apply some std.algorithm 
functions on array of structs with overloaded operators.
4). Any suggested workarounds? I never tried it in C++, but, 
IIRC, struct life cycle is much more consistent there ang gives 
the strict control I desire.

5). If all this is a design choice, what is the reason behind it?

Re: DList efficiency

2017-06-08 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 8 June 2017 at 22:42:14 UTC, Boris-Barboris wrote:
1). Do I understand correctly, that there is currently no way 
(aside from editing the sources of course) to efficiently 
(using one underlying iteration) remove all\first element(s) 
from DList based on a predicate?

Oh, sorry, I guess I didn't search thoroughly enough:

DList efficiency

2017-06-08 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

Good day to you reader! I have a couple questions about Phobos:
1). Do I understand correctly, that there is currently no way 
(aside from editing the sources of course) to efficiently (using 
one underlying iteration) remove all\first element(s) from DList 
based on a predicate? Can such operation be performed for arrays 
using std.algorithm (though in array case it can at least be done 
2). Was the idea of range types, that allow underlying structure 
modification ever considered ("remove element from the collection 
being iterated and shift to next element" is first candidate).
3). Is there a container library featuring alternative concepts, 
namely, iterators?

Re: protected behaviour on base class member access from another module

2017-04-30 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn
Ok, sorry, look's like that was always the case in C++, so it's 
too late to question it. I'll just elevate it to package, I guess.

protected behaviour on base class member access from another module

2017-04-30 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn


I have a base class in module A:

module A;
class GuiElement: GuiComponent
GuiElement _parent;

template isGuiElement(T)
enum isGuiElement = is(T: GuiElement);

and derived class in module B:

module B;
class Div(uint dim, uint odim): GuiElement
protected GuiElement[] children;

this(Children...)(GuiManager manager, Children kids)
if (allSatisfy!(isGuiElement, Children))
children = [kids];
this._parent = null;   <- This works
foreach (kid; children)
	kid._parent = this;<- Error: class A.GuiElement 
member _parent is not accessible

A couple of questions:
1). Is this intended?
2). If yes, why? What is the reasoning behind such restriction? 
Quoting the docs: "...a symbol can only be seen by members of the 
same module, or by a derived class...".
3). What does the cryptic "If accessing a protected instance 
member through a derived class member function, that member can 
only be accessed for the object instance which can be implicitly 
cast to the same type as ‘this’" mean?
Let's say B derives from A, and B instance has a method that 
accesses A.protected_member inside of it. What does member access 
have to do with it? Why does this sentence jump from member to 
method, back to member, and then to some object that was never 
mentioned before? Objects don't request access, statements do. 
`this` of who?

Re: strange CFTE issue

2017-04-09 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 April 2017 at 16:44:41 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

Or you can make it a template value parameter [2] with type 

string[] sfilter(T, string[] fields)()
string[] result;
foreach (f; aliasSeqOf!fields)
/* ... loop body as you have it ... */
return result;

Thank you, I didn't even expect it was possible, array as a 
template parameter is quite foreign to me after C++.

Function parameters are never usable in static contexts.

  Good to know, thank you. So, there are no exceptions to this, 
even when parameter is very simple numeric type value?

Re: strange CFTE issue

2017-04-09 Thread Boris-Barboris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 March 2017 at 17:27:35 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
Phobos has it: std.meta.aliasSeqOf "converts an input range 
[...] to an

alias sequence." [1]

Woops, forgot to give the URL for that "[1]". Here it is:


Hello, I have a similar problem. For the life of me I can't make 
CTFE work while manipulating collections. Source:

import std.meta;
import std.traits;

template isFunctionField(OwnerType, string field_name)
enum isFunctionField =
isFunction(mixin(OwnerType.stringof ~ "." ~ field_name));

string[] sfilter(T)(string[] fields)
string[] result;
foreach (f; fields)
enum isfunc = isFunctionField!(T, f);
// variable f cannot be read at compile time.
// Even when I change isFunctionField from template to function 
that returns

// bool and takes "string field_name".
if (isfunc)
result ~= f;
return result;

string[] TypeFields(T)() pure
enum field_names = [__traits(allMembers, T)];
pragma(msg, typeof(field_names)); // prints string[]
pragma(msg, field_names); // prints correct member names
enum filtered = sfilter!(T)(field_names);
return filtered;

//then I call it by:
enum fields = TypeFields!(SomeStruct)();

  I can get string array of class members allright. Whenever I 
try to do any logic with it, I fail. I get that "enum field_names 
= " is not lvalue. How should I pass it to sfilter? When I change 
foreach loop into for loop, I can't index "string[] fields" array 
since "variable fields cannot be read at compile time".
  Should I pass field_names string array as some other type, 
AliasSeq or something?

  The thing is, on some level inside TypeFields, I will need to 
mutate array, I can't stick to tuples. I tried declaring array 
parameters immutable, but CTFE forbids casting from mutable into 
immutable. I'm kinda out of ideas.