Attempt at creating a simpler unique_ptr

2019-03-28 Thread Alec Stewart via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm sure something like this has been posted quite a bit, but I 
thought I'd try this for the heck of it.

Looking at unique_ptr.h, oof, that ugly. So this is what I have 
so far.

This to note

- since templates can't except function arguments, I thought I'd 
make use of alias arguments and AliasSeq
- since optional named arguments aren't a thing, I really have 
two options
  1. Have Func be null on initialization by, unless something is 

  2. Make the template variadic
  The second of these two might actually be better.
- This is really basic and it's just the sole template at the 

///  Attempt to replicate C++'s unique_ptr, but a lot simpler.
///  Hopefully Better C compatiable as well.

import core.memory : __delete;
import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.typecons;
import std.traits;
import std.meta : AliasSeq;

/// This allows us to pass a function as an argument
/// for our pointer templates, and allows us to test
/// if a function (one that deletes, which we'll have to
/// figure a way to test for that later on) is passed to
/// our UniquePointer.
static auto ref SmartArgs(alias Thing, alias Func)()
return Func(Thing);

/// The UniquePointer
/// Will delete whatever it references whenever it goes
/// out of scope. Pretty basic at the moment.
struct UniquePointer(alias Thing, alias Func)
@disable this();

this(auto Thing, Func = null)
auto ptr = &Thing;
auto func = Func.nullable;
static assert(isVoid!ptr, "Cannot use something of an 
incomplete type");
static assert(ptr.sizeof > 0, "Cannot use something of an 
incomplete type.");


static if (!isNull!func && isFunction!func)
AliasSeq!(SmartArgs!(func, ptr));
writeln("No deletion function way provided, or what 
was provided wasn't a function.");

scope (exit)

This is a probably really complicated way of going about how to 
learn to use templates, but I just thought it'd be fun.

Re: Operator overloading for size_t

2019-03-14 Thread Alec Stewart via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 14 March 2019 at 18:25:17 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 06:07:46PM +, Alec Stewart via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote: [...]

bool opEquals(ref const Interval i) const {
// probably would be a bit more than just this, but 
for this issue

// let's just stick with this.
return d_start.opEquals(other.d_start) && 


There's no need to call opEquals explicitly like that. All you 
need to do is to use <, ==, and > as you normally would:

 bool opEquals(ref const Interval i) const {
 return d_start == other.d_start) && d_end == d_end;


Thanks. I somehow managed to overthink this...

For < and >, would one do this?

size_t opCmp(ref const Interval other) const {
return d_start < other.d_start;

size_t opCmp(ref const Interval other) const {
return d_end < other.d_end;

size_t opCmp(ref const Interval other) const {
return d_start > other.d_start;

size_t opCmp(ref const Interval other) const {
return d_end > other.d_end;

Or would it better to do

size_t opCmp(ref const Interval other) const {
if (d_start < other.d_start) {
return d_start < other.d_start;
} else if (d_start > other.d_start) {
return d_start > other.d_start;
} else if (d_end < other.d_end) {
return d_end < other.d_end;
} else if (d_end > other.d_end) {
return d_end > other.d_end;
} else {
return false;

Operator overloading for size_t

2019-03-14 Thread Alec Stewart via Digitalmars-d-learn
I thought (for shits and giggles) to try and implement the 
Aho-Corasick algorithm[1].

I thought I'd start with a struct to represent the "interval":

struct Interval {
size_t d_start;
size_t d_end;
size_t size;

this(size_t start, size_t end) {
d_start = start;
d_end = end;
size = d_end - d_start + 1;

It'd be useful to check for equality and inequality between 
instances of `Interval`, so I thought to use `.opEquals` for 
`d_start` and `d_end`.

bool opEquals(ref const Interval i) const {
// probably would be a bit more than just this, but for 
this issue

// let's just stick with this.
return d_start.opEquals(other.d_start) && 


But I do get an error saying

`none of the overloads  of `opEquals` are callable using argument 
types `(const(ulong), const(ulong))`, candidates are:` and it 
doesn't say the candidates.

So should I bother with operator overloading here, or just make a 
member function?


Re: Interfacing with C libs: weeding through C/C++ macros and such in header files

2019-01-13 Thread Alec Stewart via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 13 January 2019 at 23:23:50 UTC, Alex wrote:

These three are members of the standard library in D.

Ah, yea that's way easier.

At first, I would suggest to try out some automatic converters, 
which are written by the community:
especially dstep and dpp

That would make it easier because there's a lot of preprocessor 
stuff that ends up being circular references if I use `enum` or 

Also, if there is a possibility to compile the C/C++ library, 
you could provide the interface only to the functions you need. 
Then, you reuse the existent code directly and interface the 
library by declaring the interfaces as extern in your D sources.

That would also be easier. :P Thanks!

Interfacing with C libs: weeding through C/C++ macros and such in header files

2019-01-13 Thread Alec Stewart via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello all!

So while I have a decent grasp on D, I've been having trouble 
figuring out specific projects that I could do in D, so I thought 
I'd maybe find a little C or C++ library I could transfer over to 
D. I decided to make my life easier and look for something that's 
just a single header file, and while that does make things easier 
there are a TON of macros and inline functions that it almost 
seems ridiculous and it's somewhat overwhelming.

Example without code; for some reason a macro is defined for the 
stdlib functions `malloc`, `realloc`, and `free`. Maybe it's just 
because I don't have any pro experience with C or C++, but that 
seems a bit excessive. Or I could just be dumb.

Example with code (because I need help figuring out how whether I 
even need this or not):

#ifndef RS_API
/* GCC version 3.1 required for the no inline attribute. */
#if RS_GCC_VERSION > 30100
#define RS_API static __attribute__((noinline))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define RS_API static __declspec(noinline)
#define RS_API static
#elif RS_C99
#define RS_API static inline
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define RS_API static __inline__
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define RS_API static __forceinline
#define RS_API static

I understand what it's doing, but do I really any of this with D? 
And then there's this inline function

#define RS_DATA_SIZE(f, s, input) 
	do { 

if (rs_is_heap(input))  \
f(s, input->heap.buffer, rs_heap_len(input));   \
f(s, input->stack.buffer, rs_stack_len(input)); \
} while (0)

so yea. There's a little over 300 lines of preprocessor stuff. My 
question is how you all determine what to carry over from C libs 
in terms of preprocessor stuff. I imagine most useful values 
everyone just makes an enum for, and structs and unions are kept.

Thanks for any help you give!