Creating a "fixed-range int" with opDispatch and/or alias this?

2016-06-01 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to create a type that for all intents and purposes 
behaves exactly like an int except that it limits its values to 
be within a certain range [a,b]. Theoretically, I would think 
this looks something like:

struct FixedRangeInt {
  this(int min, int max, int value=0) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.value = value;
  auto opDispatch(string name, T...)(T args) {
auto backup = value;
scope (failure) value = backup;
auto result = mixin(`value.` ~ name ~ `(args)`);
if (value < min || value > max) {
  throw new Exception("Operation put value out of range");
return result;
  int min;
  int max;
  int value;

But that code doesn't work for simple cases, like:

FixedRangeInt(0, 100) x;
x += 5;

It looks like opDispatch doesn't participate in resolution of 
operator overloads. Is there any way I can achieve my desired 
result? I know alias this forwards operations like +=, but with 
alias this I cannot wrap the operation to do the bounds checking.

FWIW, the fixed range int part of this question is just an 
example, I'm mostly just interested in whether this idea is 
possible without a lot of bloat/duplication.

Re: Unique Enum Members

2016-05-05 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 5 May 2016 at 12:54:08 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
Is there a way to calculate unique enum members without using 
sort, such as *not* done in my current implementation:

auto uniqueEnumMembers(T)()
import std.traits: EnumMembers;
import std.algorithm: sort, uniq;
return [EnumMembers!T].sort().uniq;

Preferrably both at compile-time and run-time.

Sure, if you can hash the underlying type this should do the 
trick in linear time:

Re: Observing exceptions in a destructor

2015-04-21 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

Oh well :(.

Yeah, it's just for debugging. I want to publish a script that
automatically gathers relevant debug information so that my users
can just copy paste it all into one place, ready for me to take a
look even if I can't repro. One of the primitives in my script is
a wrapper around std.process that caches the result, and I wanted
to make it so that if the program throws an exception while one
of the CacheResult objects is in scope, it dumps its contents out
to a pastebin and logs the URL.

I ended up manually adding some scope (failure)s at the call
sites and putting the relevant code in a member function... but
it would have been nice to not need to duplicate the scope
(failure)s and have it simply live in the destructor.

Observing exceptions in a destructor

2015-04-21 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'd like to be able to know if my destructor is being called 
because an exception was thrown. Any way to do that?

I tried this:

(Pasted here for convenience):

import std.stdio, std.exception;

struct Catcher {
~this() {
try {} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
scope (failure) {
writeln("W w!");

void main() {
scope (failure) writeln("Sensible");
scope (exit) writeln("Always written");
Catcher c1;
scope auto c2 = Catcher();
throw new Exception("Foobar");

Which does not print the "Wooo" lines, but does print all the 

Re: Why doesn't map!(a => writeln(a)) print anything?

2015-04-17 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 18 April 2015 at 01:04:24 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
map evaluates its arguments on demand. Think of it as returning 
a function that does the work instead of actually doing the 
work - you still need to call that function, which happens when 
you loop over it.

std.algorithm.each is more appropriate for acting now.

Ahhh cool. Thanks!

Why doesn't map!(a => writeln(a)) print anything?

2015-04-17 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

Why can't I print things using the map algorithm?


Re: Getting associative array value by reference

2015-03-31 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
Not quite. You'll note that I am creating the elements in the 
associative array, not just iterating over them; some of them 
just happen to be duplicates. FWIW: That foreach happens to be 
over an input stream.

Getting associative array value by reference

2015-03-31 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm presently trying to create the value of a key in an 
associative array if it does not exist, and then maintain a 
reference/pointer to the value. This is what I came up with, but 
it seems really crufty and I feel that there must be a cleaner 

Value[string] assocArray;

foreach (...) {
  auto value = key in assocArray;
  if (!value) {
assocArray[key] = Value();
value = &assocArray[key];
  value.memberB = "foobar";

The goal was to avoid writing:
Value[string] assocArray;

foreach (...) {
  assocArray[key].memberB = "foobar";

and save a lookup call, but my solution is both less readable and 
also performs worse for keys not already in the associative 

Re: Equivalent of C++ function-scope static initialization

2015-03-02 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 2 March 2015 at 23:07:30 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

immutable string bar;

shared static this()
bar = painfulToInitialize();

void foo() {

Clever :).

> I don't need the thread-safety that C++ provides in that case,

I am not aware of such safety. (?) Is that a newer C++ feature?


New as of C++11. All function-scope statics are guaranteed to be 
initialized in a thread-safe manner. Exactly one thread will 
initialize the variable the first time the function is called.

Equivalent of C++ function-scope static initialization

2015-03-02 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm looking for the D equivalent of:

void foo() {
  static string bar = painfulToInitialize(); //Always returns the 
same value

  /* A bunch of code */

I don't need the thread-safety that C++ provides in that case, 
though it wouldn't hurt. I'm essentially trying to memoize the 
result of painfulToInitialize() between calls to foo. I could use 
std.functional.memoize, but that seems like a syntactic burden.

Unfortunately, I cannot compute the value at compile time.

What's the idiomatic way of doing something like this?

Re: Getting what came *before* the results of a find call

2015-02-27 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

Ahhh right - forgot about that. Thanks!

Re: Getting what came *before* the results of a find call

2015-02-27 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
Not that it's super important, but the link didn't copy well, so 
here's that:

Getting what came *before* the results of a find call

2015-02-27 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
What's the idiomatic way of getting everything *before* the 
results of a call to find?

assert("hello world".find(" world").what_goes_here??? == "hello");

In an article Andrei wrote a few years ago 
(…) he mentioned a 
function like this with the name "until", but I can't find it or 
its replacement in Phobos.

Re: Equivalent of DllMain on OSX?

2014-07-25 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

Loading multiple D shared libraries isn't supported on OS X 
yet, see these warnings in druntime:

If you only have a single D shared library, I think it's 
possible, you just may have to tweak dmd/druntime or your build 
process a bit.

I think Martin Nowak or Jacob Carlborg can really answer your 
questions, as Martin wrote a lot of that code and Jacob seems 
to follow it closely, whereas I don't use OS X but looked at 
that code when porting to Android.

It would only be a single shared library.

Finally got the code publicly available:

It should compile on OSX with a simple `make clean all`
Testing would require installing the iODBC driver manager and
pressing the 'Add Driver' button, possibly making a new User DSN,
and possibly pressing 'Test'.

Equivalent of DllMain on OSX?

2014-07-25 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am presently trying to port a driver I wrote for Windows to 
OSX. The one thing standing in my way is figuring out how to get 
the equivalent of DllMain on OSX.

I need a place to call Runtime.initialize() and whatnot.

Reading the wiki, it seemed like `shared static this()`  was the 
appropriate construct to use, and indeed, when I run the test 
program from:

I get the desired results: namely, I see that the `shared static 
this()` in that test program is called the desired point.

When I try the same thing in my driver, it is never executed.

Are dylibs on OSX not supported still (I saw some very old 
threads from 2012 stating as much)? Does it matter that I have 
multiple modules in the driver? Any help would be appreciated.

I shall endeavor to get the modified driver code into a state 
where I can link it as well.

Re: Getting libcurl for 64 bit Windows

2014-06-26 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

Resolved the issue.

Re: Getting libcurl for 64 bit Windows

2014-06-26 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

Managed to build it successfully I think, but have actually
returned to the problem that initially caused me to want to try
and build the library in the first place:

If I try to build a simple program:

import std.stdio;

void main() {
   writeln("Hello world");

The program compiles, but does not print Hello World at
runtime... it just stops, and seemingly does nothing.

Trying to determine the root cause of that now.

Getting libcurl for 64 bit Windows

2014-06-26 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I am attempting to make use of and having trouble
acquiring libcurl for 64 bit Windows. I need to be able to link
with the MSVC linker (which happens to be the default when
compiling using dmd with -m64). I've looked on the libcurl
website and not found any downloads that look promising.

I've tried following the instructions at:

But when I compile the dll with: "dmd main.d -m64 -Llibcurl.dll"
I get the linker error:
libcurl.dll : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file:
cannot read at 0x330

Might anyone have an idea as to how to resolve this?

How to free memory of an associative array

2014-06-24 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

How can I free the memory used by an associative array?

I need to be able to reuse the same array, but set it to an empty
state and free up the memory it used previously.

I do not believe that setting the associative array to null is
sufficient to free the memory, as it is possible that someone
still has a reference to an element inside, and so the garbage
collector must be conservative.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Using D static library from C

2014-06-05 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I found that if I told dmd rather than gcc to do the linking that
everything just magically worked.

In other words:
gcc -c cstuff.c
dmd -c dstuff.d
dmd cstuff.o dstuff.o

I presume that dmd would be similarly smart with static libraries.

Re: Linking with C on Windows

2014-06-05 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

Still unresolved, but a thought:

I decided to take a step back and try to link with C on Linux
first. I found out that if I did the linking step with dmd things
worked, but not with gcc. The reason then became apparent: dmd
knows to pass druntime and phobos and all of that stuff to the
linker. Running on the assumption that this was also my problem 
on Windows, I ran dmd with -v (verbose) to try and get the linker 
line it uses for a simple program that just uses some Phobos 
functions, the line I get is: C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\link.exe 
Which does not appear to be helpful and seems to indicate that 
Phobos does not need to be passed to the linker?

Re: Linking with C on Windows

2014-06-05 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 22:59:48 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Mark Isaacson:

My attempts to have either the MinGW linker or the Visual 

linker accept my D .objs have all failed.

Try using the dmc compiler for the C code.


I'd considered that, but in the long term that will not be a
viable solution for me. I need to eventually be able to export a
dll that can talk with anything. I just figured this would be an
easy first stepping stone to that end.

Linking with C on Windows

2014-06-05 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm having a very difficult time figuring out exactly how to do
this. I've compiled my D code into a .obj file with dmd, but I
don't know what C compiler I should use (or if it makes any
difference). I've attempted to use MinGW gcc, which spits out .o
files, and Visual Studio, which does... something else.

My attempts to have either the MinGW linker or the Visual Studio
linker accept my D .objs have all failed.

I have tried both extern(C) and extern(Windows) in the D code,
and I'm not sure which of them is more appropriate.

In any case, this is the code I'm trying to compile:

extern(Windows) int square(int x) { return x^^2; }


int square(int x);

int main() {
   assert(square(2) == 4);
   return 0;

I compiled dimpl.d with: dmd -c dimpl.d

Not really sure where to go from here, though I'll post back if I
figure anything out. I'm more than willing to take whatever
answer I get here and add it to appropriate wiki/site pages :)


Are tests interruptible/concurrent? Is use of a (thread local) global safe in tests?

2014-05-30 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm having fun running some unittests. I set up a simple homemade
mock of's functions that essentially just consists
of a global queue that I can add strings to and get back in a
predictable order when calling

I use this mock in a couple of different modules for unit
testing, namely the module I have the mock in and one other one.
When I run my unit tests, it seems to enqueue all of the
responses from both of my unit tests (from different modules)
before finishing those tests and removing things from the global
queue. This is problematic in that I cannot anticipate the state
of the global queue for my tests. Does this sound more like a bug
or a "feature". My understanding is that, at least for now, tests
are not run concurrently on the latest official dmd release;
since my queue is not qualified with shared, things should be
thread local anyway.

Executation of tests A and B is as follows:
A pushes to global queue
B pushes to global queue
B pops on global queue -- program crashes

Expected order:
A pushes to global queue
A pops from global queue
B pushes to global queue
B pops from global queue

Or switch the order in which A and B execute, doesn't really

Re: Looping over all enum values

2014-05-28 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 28 May 2014 at 20:20:37 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 28 May 2014 at 20:19:45 UTC, Mark Isaacson wrote:

Is there a mechanism that allows you to loop over all of an
enum's values? I've wanted to do so a couple times now for
CTFE/mixin templates.

__traits(allMembers) on the enum can do it or this can help too

Brilliant! Thanks Adam! I actually checked your book before any
other sources for this :)

Looping over all enum values

2014-05-28 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is there a mechanism that allows you to loop over all of an
enum's values? I've wanted to do so a couple times now for
CTFE/mixin templates.

I was able to loop over the underlying type when my enum was
integer-based, but I can't do that if the values are strings
(also that solution is quite hacky).

Perhaps there's a pattern involving __traits?

Re: Temporary silence output (stdout)

2014-05-10 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 10 May 2014 at 20:24:50 UTC, MarisaLovesUsAll wrote:

I sometimes got a useless messages in stdout from SDL_Image
library, and I want to temporary silence it. How do I do?

Consider using either version or debug statements.

If you want the messages to be opt-in, debug statements are quite
debug(myModule) writeln("Hello world!");

Which will only print when you compile with -debug=myModule

If you want more power than that, version statements can be
useful. First declare (or don't) a specific version (or several):

version = MyVersion;

Then conditionally compile code based on that:

version(MyVersion) {
   writeln("Hello World");

Note that the compiler declares some versions automatically, such
as version(unittest) when compiling with --unittest.

Re: Reading a single whitespace-separated word from stdin

2014-05-06 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

An exceptionally generous offer! May take you up on that. Thank 
you :).

Re: Reading a single whitespace-separated word from stdin

2014-05-06 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
Indeed. However, doing so looks more painful than redefining my 
goals. Upon further examination it seems that I had more 
flexibility than I originally estimated. Besides, the real reason 
I'm implementing this project is just to practice for when I get 
to write production D code in a week anyway; I'd rather learn the 

Re: Reading a single whitespace-separated word from stdin

2014-05-06 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
Fair enough. I've done stuff like that in the past. I'm trying to 
implement a university project that was originally designed for 
C++ style I/O... and so where I'd have otherwise jumped at 
something like that from the beginning, my hands are slightly 

Suppose I'll make due/not fully comply with the spec.

Reading a single whitespace-separated word from stdin

2014-05-05 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm trying my hand at reading from standard input and having 
little luck. In particular, I would like to be able to do the 
rough equivalent of C++'s:

cin >> myString;

As opposed to reading the whole line.

I attempted to do this with readf:

string result;
readf(" %s ", &result);

However this does not seem to do the trick. If I enter "Hello\n" 
on the terminal, it keeps waiting for input. By contrast, if I 
enter "Hello program", it correctly identifies "Hello" as the 

Thus, contrary to what I've been reading, the trailing space 
seems to only account for space characters, not general 

I presume that I'm missing something obvious, any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Need help with movement from C to D

2014-05-04 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 May 2014 at 03:57:54 UTC, Andrey wrote:

Guys, could someone help me with suitable template?

I have C macro, which calculates the offset of the field in a 

#define offsetof(type, field)   ((long) &((type *)0)->field)

A similar D code is, as far as I know,


Is there an any way to make a corresponding D template?

Thank you!

Something like:

unittest {
  enum offsetof(string type, string field) = mixin(type ~ "." ~ 
field ~ ".offsetof");

  struct StrToBob {
string str;
int bob;

  writeln(offsetof!("StrToBob", "bob"));


If not that then I'm not sure what you're asking for.

Re: C++ std::map equivalent? (An in-order iterable associative container)

2014-05-04 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
Interesting. I clearly have more to learn about Tuple. I think I 
concur with Dicebot's alterations for self-documentation.

Thanks for all of your suggestions gentlemen.

Re: C++ std::map equivalent? (An in-order iterable associative container)

2014-05-04 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 4 May 2014 at 21:40:04 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Mark Isaacson:

2) Create a wrapper struct that contains key and value and 
whose comparison operator is defined only on the key. This 
would essentially be doing what the C++ implementation does.

Until we have a tree-based associative map, use a tuple for the 
key-value and define a "less" template argument like q{a.key < 
b.key} or q{a[0] < b[0]}.


Got it, no native support. Most unfortunate. I've always been 
vehemently against losing self-documentation via the 
std::pair/tuple based solution to the problem. I ended up rolling 
my own solution that lets you give meaningful names to the 
wrapper struct's data members:


C++ std::map equivalent? (An in-order iterable associative container)

2014-05-04 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm looking for a means to associate a key with a value and 
iterate over said container in-order. My natural choice in C++ 
would be std::map. When I look in std.container, I see that there 
is a RedBlackTree implementation, however this does not associate 
a key with a value (it is the equivalent of std::set).

My question is essentially what the best/most idiomatic way to 
represent this is in D?

I've contemplated several solutions:

1) Have 2 containers, a RedBlackTree of keys and a D associative 
array of keys to values. The downside to this approach is that I 
incur the cost of both key lookups when I iterate (the tree's and 
the array's). Furthermore, separate containers likely incurs a 
cache performance hit.

2) Create a wrapper struct that contains key and value and whose 
comparison operator is defined only on the key. This would 
essentially be doing what the C++ implementation does.

3) Use an associative array and sort the keys each time I intend 
to iterate. This is an indue performance cost. I could probably 
cache the sorted keys in this particular instance reasonably 
successfully, but this doesn't seem like a general solution.

I suppose the reason I'm reluctant to take the 2nd option is that 
I feel like if this was the correct move there would be a 
mechanism for this somewhere in phobos (ideally with a better 
abstraction than C++'s std::map's decision to use std::pair 

Have I missed something? Is the idiomatic solution to just do one 
of the above depending on the performance tradeoffs?

Thanks in advance!

Re: const ref parameters and r-value references

2014-05-04 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks for the insights! I suppose we'll get a chance to see 
where things stand at this year's dconf.

It's quite interesting that D's concept of r-values seems less 
developed than C++. Here's hoping that that only results in a 
better thought out solution.

Re: Postblit not invokable with MyStruct(MyStruct()); ?

2014-05-03 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn

What actually fails is the initialization of 'a'.
Add another

   this(A a) { /* Stuff */ }

constructor to the 'A' struct, and it will work.

And, yes, the missing cpctors are a language problem.


Thanks. Yeah, I figured I could do that, I was just hoping that I 
could leverage the postblit.

Ultimately my answer to my second question became: "Calling the 
postblit directly is far too low level, just use 
instead". to!A(x) did exactly the right thing (without any 
modification of the original classes I think).

Re: Postblit not invokable with MyStruct(MyStruct()); ?

2014-05-02 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
@bearophile - Unless I'm missing something, alas, no. Neither A 
nor B is a subtype of the other. In particular, in the real code 
one is a CartesianVector and the other a PolarVector. For what 
it's worth, 'foo' is actually opBinary addition.

Thanks for the thought though.

Re: Postblit not invokable with MyStruct(MyStruct()); ?

2014-05-02 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
Did some thinking: Realized that the appropriate mechanism to 
express that A and B are two ways of representing the same thing 
is to do so via opCast. I had not considered this option 
carefully initially as I am translating someone else's C++ code 
to D and hoped that they had used the appropriate representations 
on the C++ side.

I added the appropriate code to permit casting and I was then 
able to get the desired code-reuse and template constraints.

Accordingly, I no longer need an answer to my second question 
unless someone knows of a more idiomatic way to get the same 

Postblit not invokable with MyStruct(MyStruct()); ?

2014-05-02 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have just discovered that the postblit constructor is not able 
to be invoked like a "normal" constructor, or, as one would 
manually do so in C++ with a copy constructor. Accordingly I have 
a couple questions:

1) What are the various ways to invoke the postblit constructor? 
I have not tested, but assume that:

auto s1 = MyStruct();
auto s2 = s1;

Is one such way to invoke it and that:

auto s1 = MyStruct;

Where foo is defined as: void foo(MyStruct s) {}

is another way. Are there others?

2) I ran into this issue while attempting to leverage the 
postblit for code-reuse. In particular, I have a setup that is 
similar to:

struct A {
  this(B b) { /* Stuff */ }

struct B {


void foo(T)(T param) {
  auto a = A(param);
  /* Stuff */

unittest {
  foo(A()); //Fails
  foo(B()); //Succeeds

The notion being that A and B are 2 ways to represent the same 
thing, why not convert everything to the A format and proceed 
from there; I figured the compiler would optimize out the 
pointless copy when T == A. Alas, as shown in my unittest, foo 
fails to accept arguments of type A.

I suppose my question would be: What is the idiomatic way of 
accomplishing this form of code reuse in D?

I'd prefer to not have to write two versions of foo, even if one 
is as simple as converting the argument and passing it to the 
other. I'd also prefer to avoid having some shenangians along the 
lines of:

void foo(T)(T param) {
  static if (is(T == A)) {
auto a = param;
  } else {
auto a = A(param);

As this would be difficult to express in a template constraint in 
the function signature.

Re: const ref parameters and r-value references

2014-05-02 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
Auto ref parameters seem to be just what I need. Thanks! I'd 
still be curious if anyone has additional information regarding 
the rationale at play (I'm spoiled, reading TDPL and having each 
decision explained in text).

const ref parameters and r-value references

2014-05-02 Thread Mark Isaacson via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm in the process of learning/practicing D and I noticed 
something that seems peculiar coming from a C++ background:

If I compile and run:

void fun(const ref int x) {

unittest {
  fun(5); //Error! Does not compile

I get the specified error in my unit test. I understand that the 
cause is that I've attempted to bind ref to an r-value, what's 
curious is that in C++, the compiler realizes that this is a 
non-issue because of 'const' and just 'makes it work'. Is there a 
rationale behind why D does not do this? Is there a way to write 
'fun' such that it avoids copies but still pledges 
const-correctness while also allowing r-values to be passed in?

Thanks in advance!