On Thursday, 10 November 2016 at 17:17:51 UTC, Konstantin Kutsevalov wrote:
Hi, what is a correct (and simple) way to create an singleton?

This is how I see that now:

class ApMessageRouter
        static ApMessageRouter instance = null;
private this() { } // for disable constructor to use from outside
        public ApMessageRouter getInstance()
                if (this.instance is null) {
                        this.instance = new ApMessageRouter();
                return this.instance;

Thank you.

Hi Guys

Singleton pattern falls under Creational Pattern of Gang of Four (GOF) Design Patterns in .Net. It is pattern is one of the simplest design patterns. This pattern ensures that a class has only one instance. In this article, I would like share some useful link and helpful link. I hope it will help you to implementing singleton in correct way.




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