Re: Recommendation on plotting library

2023-07-20 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

20.07.2023 05:37, Chris Piker пишет:

Hi D

One of my jobs is to release and maintain public data archives from 
long-running scientific instruments.  In order to help people understand 
how to process the data, sample code is often included with the archive. 
Recently this has been in the form of short programs that generate a 
plot of a representative time period.  Python works well for this task 
as matplotlib support is pretty much universal.  Matlab is also a 
reasonable choice for many.

Were I to also provide sample code in D, what library would you 
recommend for scientific plotting, especially for dynamic power spectral 
densities generated from time-series data (basically heatmaps)?

Since dub can pull down dependencies easily enough and since it supports 
single file projects it seems that D would be well suited to this task, 
but I've never plotted any data directly from a D program.  Many GUI 
libraries I see for D are wrappers around external C or C++ based 
libraries that would need to be installed separately.  I'd like to avoid 
such complications if that's possible.

Thanks for any advice,

Re: How to free memory ater use of "new" to allocate it.

2023-07-17 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

17.07.2023 15:45, Alain De Vos пишет:

This works also:


Despite this time you use new you still allocate your class on stack 
using scope and its scope still is `dofun`. But I just want to inform 
you. Your solutions work. Don't get me wrong.

N.B. I would say if you do not have THE reason to manually free memory - 
do not do this. At all. Just let GC does its work.

Re: How to free memory ater use of "new" to allocate it.

2023-07-17 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

17.07.2023 13:17, Alain De Vos пишет:

The following code works:

import std.stdio:writefln;
import object: destroy;
import core.memory: GC;
import core.stdc.stdlib: malloc,free;
import std.typecons;

class C {
  int * pa;
  int [] a;
     // Constructor
     this() {writefln("Called constructor");
    pa=cast(int *)malloc(1000*int.sizeof);

   writefln("Called Destructor");


void dofun()
    auto x=scoped!(C);

int main(){
    return 0;



Note that you do not use new anymore. You allocate your class instances 
on stack and their scope is `dofun()` only

Re: How get struct value by member name string ?

2023-05-30 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

30.05.2023 11:46, John Xu пишет:

How to put above enum as a function parameter? Following code wouldn't 

     string getTMember(T t, enum string memberName) {
     return __traits(getMember, t, memberName);

My database table is very wide, with many columns. Above ddbc allows a 
to map db returned data. Then if I want a member's value to show in 
vibe.d template,

how do I use a function to get it?

This works for me:
import std;

void main() {
struct T {int a; string name;}
 auto t = T(12, "got by member name");
 enum s = "name";
 writeln(__traits(getMember, t, s));

Re: Coding Challenges - Dlang or Generic

2023-01-10 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

10.01.2023 14:23, drug007 пишет:

10.01.2023 13:57, matheus пишет:

On Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 05:21:15 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Printing it in this format is trivial, and not very interesting.  The 
interest in the challenge is to lay it out like I posted, 

Like I said I did it over D online compiler which unfortunately I 
couldn't validate the output because it "wraps" the text, and the font 
wasn't monospace.

But It just a case of changing the loop in a way to print 3 groups of 

... and to do so in a way that the code is clean, maintainable, and 
consists of reusable components. ...

Talking about modularity and reusable components, I really think it 
depends, because if that's was really the case, then I would think of 
using the OS functions to move the cursor around (If console/terminal) 
to print a given month in some location or side by side until reach 
some horizontal limit (Terminal), then it could be 1 column only (Like 
I did), 2, 3 and maybe 4 columns if the terminal/resolution permit, 
and for that I would use ARSD. :]

But I think this would be too much for this kind of thing writing on 
online compiler.

... That's where the challenge lies.

To be honest when I saw your proposal, I really thought that the real 
challenge would be to write my own algo to handle the date, and I was 
pretty sure after posting above, you would say that, but not about the 
layout or printing in groups. =]


[To clarify the 

(H S Teoh is the author of this article)

Also I'd like to add that this article inspired Eric Niebler to write 
ranges for C++. Now C++ has already 3rd version of ranges and they are 
still not used in general.

Re: Coding Challenges - Dlang or Generic

2023-01-10 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

10.01.2023 13:57, matheus пишет:

On Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 05:21:15 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Printing it in this format is trivial, and not very interesting.  The 
interest in the challenge is to lay it out like I posted, 

Like I said I did it over D online compiler which unfortunately I 
couldn't validate the output because it "wraps" the text, and the font 
wasn't monospace.

But It just a case of changing the loop in a way to print 3 groups of 

... and to do so in a way that the code is clean, maintainable, and 
consists of reusable components. ...

Talking about modularity and reusable components, I really think it 
depends, because if that's was really the case, then I would think of 
using the OS functions to move the cursor around (If console/terminal) 
to print a given month in some location or side by side until reach some 
horizontal limit (Terminal), then it could be 1 column only (Like I 
did), 2, 3 and maybe 4 columns if the terminal/resolution permit, and 
for that I would use ARSD. :]

But I think this would be too much for this kind of thing writing on 
online compiler.

... That's where the challenge lies.

To be honest when I saw your proposal, I really thought that the real 
challenge would be to write my own algo to handle the date, and I was 
pretty sure after posting above, you would say that, but not about the 
layout or printing in groups. =]


[To clarify the 

(H S Teoh is the author of this article)

Re: Is `void` the correct way to say "do not initialize this variable"?

2022-10-03 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/3/22 09:35, tsbockman wrote:

On Sunday, 2 October 2022 at 23:45:45 UTC, drug007 wrote:

It works but not as someone could expect. In case of
Foo[2] arr = void;
`arr` value is not defined, it is not an initialized array of 
uninitialized elements like you want, it is just uninitialized array.

This is incorrect. It is not possible to declare an uninitialized static 
array variable in D; only the elements are affected by `= void`.

The meta data of a static array like `Foo[2] arr` (`.ptr` and `.length`) 
is determined statically at compile time and inserted where needed into 
the generated code. It is not stored in mutable memory the way a dynamic 
array/slice's meta data is, and does not need to be initialized at run 

You are right. I used to complex structure (with indirections) for 
testing and made wrong statement.

By contrast, it **is** possible to declare a completely uninitialized 
dynamic array, or to just leave its elements uninitialized:

     // Meta data is not initialized, and no elements are allocated.
     // This has no static array equivalent:
     int[] arrA = void;

     // Meta data is initialized, and elements are allocated but not 

     // This is the dynamic equivalent of the static:
     // int[2] arr = void;
     int[] arrB = uninitializedArray!(int[])(2);

Re: Is `void` the correct way to say "do not initialize this variable"?

2022-10-02 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/3/22 02:30, ryuukk_ wrote:
I have tried to look at the documentation and various places on the DMD 
source, but i couldn't find the answer

MyStruct test = void;

Does this guarantee that the compiler will not initialize it?


Does it work with static arrays of struct too?

It works but not as someone could expect. In case of
Foo[2] arr = void;
`arr` value is not defined, it is not an initialized array of 
uninitialized elements like you want, it is just uninitialized array.

The generated code is different than ``MyStruct test;``

What exactly (by exactly i mean is the behavior documented somewhere?) 
``void`` does?

Re: std.container.array.Array is not @nogc?

2017-01-15 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 15.01.2017 15:49, Jack Stouffer wrote:

No you're not.

Array was designed before the @nogc attribute was created, so it wasn't
coded with it's requirements in mind. Looking at the code, Array
allocates GC memory for exception throwing in some cases. These can and
should be changed to asserts.

I am writing a PR now to fix this. There doesn't seem to be too many
cases to fix.

Thanks for answer. Looking forward for your PR.

std.container.array.Array is not @nogc?

2017-01-15 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is there a way to use Array in @nogc code:
import std.container.array : Array;

void main(string[ ] args)
   Array!int ai;
   ai ~= 1;
   assert(ai[0] == 1);
main.d(8): Error: @nogc function 'D main' cannot call non-@nogc function 
'std.container.array.Array!int.Array.opOpAssign!("~", int).opOpAssign' 

main.d(9): Error: @nogc function 'D main' cannot call non-@nogc function 

am I doing something wrong?

Re: Accessing members through pointers to structs (also, CTFE associative arrays)

2016-12-13 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 13.12.2016 23:30, Ali wrote:

Hi, Long time watcher and recently started playing with D a bit more.
Ran in to a couple of snags that I'll combine in one post. It involves a
data set that contains a list of strings. Each string represents a Room
name. What I'm trying to do is pluck out the room names and also
calculate the frequency each letter occurs in a name, per room.

First problem is to do with pointers to structs. Here's the code:

static immutable rooms = import("data.txt").split("\n").map!parse.array;

static Tuple!(const(Room*), "room", int[char],
"frequencies")[rooms.length] data;
static this() {
 foreach (i, room; rooms) {
 data[i].room = 
 // Also calculate frequencies, but that's not important yet.

void main() {
 foreach (d; data) {; // <-- How do I access name here??

I've tried d.(*room).name but that didn't work. There's no arrow

I'm sleepy, sorry for quick and probable wrong answer - try (*

Re: Using the result of a comma expression is deprecated

2016-11-27 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 27.11.2016 14:07, Suliman wrote:

I am getting deprecation message:
"Using the result of a comma expression is deprecated" on this code:

string sqlinsert = (`INSERT INTO usersshapes (userlogin, uploading_date,
geometry_type, data) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s') `, login,
uploading_date, geometry_type, data);

What's wrong with it?
Didn't you miss something like class/structure/function before 
"(`INSERT..."? What result do you expect?

Re: How do i convert this Makefile to dub

2016-08-08 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 08.08.2016 21:48, Adil wrote:

On Monday, 8 August 2016 at 18:45:35 UTC, drug007 wrote:

On 08.08.2016 21:35, Adil wrote:

On Monday, 8 August 2016 at 18:29:54 UTC, Adil wrote:


One minor addition. I use the Makefile in our CI tool, that inserts
auto-increment numbers in place of git hashes. Numbers are a
familiar. Ex:

make VERSION_STRING=v%build.number%;
make screener-d-debug VERSION_STRING=v%build.number%;

Can i insert a version number when i run dub?

You can do it by using `preBuildCommands` in dub.sdl, see

How can i pass a VERSION_STRING from the cmd line?
I don't know about passing from cli, but you can redirect output to some 
.d file and import it, for example.

Re: How do i convert this Makefile to dub

2016-08-08 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 08.08.2016 21:35, Adil wrote:

On Monday, 8 August 2016 at 18:29:54 UTC, Adil wrote:

I have a Makefile setup that I use to return the latest git tag/commit
from within my program. The setup is as below:

VERSIONED_LIB = myversion.d && rm -f myversion.d
VERSION_STRING ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)

echo "module compileConfig; public string versionString =
\"$(VERSION_STRING)\";" > myversion.d;

mysoftware: makeVersion
dmd -de -O /* compiler flags */ source/myprogrma.d myversion.d
rm -f myversion.d

When i run `make mysoftware` my binary now contains the latest git
commit HASH, which i use for debugging.

How can i mimic the same setup i dub? Is there an alternative to
achieve the same goal?

One minor addition. I use the Makefile in our CI tool, that inserts
auto-increment numbers in place of git hashes. Numbers are a familiar. Ex:

make VERSION_STRING=v%build.number%;
make screener-d-debug VERSION_STRING=v%build.number%;

Can i insert a version number when i run dub?
You can do it by using `preBuildCommands` in dub.sdl, see

Re: Array of const objects with indirections and std.algorithm.copy

2016-07-28 Thread drug007 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 28.07.2016 21:45, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 07/27/2016 04:51 AM, drug wrote:

 > cfoo.copy(foo); // fails to compile because phobos in case of array uses
 > // array specialization and this specialization fails
 > // see

Thanks for explaining further. Yes, this is a bug. Although
areCopyCompatibleArrays!(const(Foo)[], Foo[]) is true,
std.algorithm.copy of that specialization fails. Please create a bug
report at

Thank you,

Thank you too.