Re: InsertBefore in DList of structs

2019-03-05 Thread r-const-dev via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 5 March 2019 at 08:39:56 UTC, drug wrote:

On 05.03.2019 2:01, r-const-dev wrote:

dataPoints is an aggregate type variable, not a range and slice 
operator opSlice/[] returns a range of this aggregate type. I 
have no appropriate links unfortunately but these can be useful - this 
operator returns a range 
- this is

 range that allows to iterate over DList elements - intro to ranges


`find` returns a range that starts from the key
`until` returns a range of all elements before the key


Thank you for clarifications, it makes sense to me now.

Re: InsertBefore in DList of structs

2019-03-05 Thread drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 05.03.2019 2:01, r-const-dev wrote:

Thanks, seems that using dataPoints[] makes dataPoints usable as an 
range. How can I learn more about [] operator? I'm not sure I understand 
how is this documented in DList.
dataPoints is an aggregate type variable, not a range and slice operator 
opSlice/[] returns a range of this aggregate type. I have no appropriate 
links unfortunately but these can be useful - this 
operator returns a range - this is 
 range that allows to iterate over DList elements - intro to ranges

Find does the job! What's the difference between find and until?

`find` returns a range that starts from the key
`until` returns a range of all elements before the key

P.S. `findSplit` returns three ranges, first one contains all elements 
before the key like `until`, second range contains all elements that are 
equal to the key and third range contains the rest

Re: InsertBefore in DList of structs

2019-03-04 Thread r-const-dev via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 March 2019 at 10:09:19 UTC, drug wrote:

On 04.03.2019 13:03, drug wrote:
insertStable needs DList.Range, not Until!... one. You can do 
something like this
Oops, it was wrong example, I'd recommend this way -

import std.algorithm, std.container, std.stdio;

struct DataPoint {
immutable ulong time;
ulong value;

void main() {
auto dataPoints = DList!DataPoint([
DataPoint(10_000_000, 1),
DataPoint(30_000_000, 3),
DataPoint(40_000_000, 4),

auto time = 30_000_000;
auto r = findSplit!((a, b) => a.time == b)(dataPoints[], 

auto dp = dataPoints[].find(r[1].front);
writeln("before: ", dataPoints[]);
dataPoints.insertBefore(dp, DataPoint(20_000_000, 2));
writeln("after: ", dataPoints[]);


Thanks, seems that using dataPoints[] makes dataPoints usable as 
an range. How can I learn more about [] operator? I'm not sure I 
understand how is this documented in DList.

Find does the job! What's the difference between find and until?

Re: InsertBefore in DList of structs

2019-03-04 Thread drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 04.03.2019 13:03, drug wrote:
insertStable needs DList.Range, not Until!... one. You can do something 
like this
Oops, it was wrong example, I'd recommend this way -

import std.algorithm, std.container, std.stdio;

struct DataPoint {
immutable ulong time;
ulong value;

void main() {
auto dataPoints = DList!DataPoint([
DataPoint(10_000_000, 1),
DataPoint(30_000_000, 3),
DataPoint(40_000_000, 4),

auto time = 30_000_000;
auto r = findSplit!((a, b) => a.time == b)(dataPoints[], [time]);

auto dp = dataPoints[].find(r[1].front);
writeln("before: ", dataPoints[]);
dataPoints.insertBefore(dp, DataPoint(20_000_000, 2));
writeln("after: ", dataPoints[]);


Re: InsertBefore in DList of structs

2019-03-04 Thread drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 04.03.2019 11:14, r-const-dev wrote:
I have a DList of structs, DataPoint, ordered by a struct field, time. 
I'm trying to insert a new entry preserving order, so I'm trying to use 
`until` to find the insertion point and `insertBefore` with the result.

struct DataPoint {
     immutable ulong time;
     ulong value;

void main() {
     DList!DataPoint dataPoints;
     void incrementAt(ulong time) {
     auto dataPoint = until!(dp => dp.time >= time)(dataPoints);
     if (dataPoint.time == time) {
     } else {
     dataPoints.insertBefore(dataPoint, DataPoint(time, 1));

But I'm getting:

Error: template instance `onlineapp.main.incrementAt.Until!(__lambda2, 
DList!(DataPoint), void)` does not match template declaration 
Until(alias pred, Range, Sentinel) if (isInputRange!Range)
onlineapp.d(14): Error: template instance 
`onlineapp.main.incrementAt.until!((dp) => dp.time >= time, 
DList!(DataPoint))` error instantiating

dataPoints itself isn't a range, you need to use dataPoints[]. Also
insertStable needs DList.Range, not Until!... one. You can do something 
like this