Compiler or Interpreter or Hybrid

2020-11-22 Thread evanchitger via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 02:06:00 UTC, newB wrote:
How is D  implemented? (Compiler, Interpreter and Hybrid). Can 
you please explain why?

A computer program is usually written in high level language 
described as a source code. The difference between an interpreter 
and compiler is the point at which a source code is actually 
executed. This means that when convert source code into machine 
code , we use either a compiler or an interpreter. So generally 
categorizing computer languages by "compiled" or "interpreted" 
doesn't make much sense. Now a days, interpreting Vs. compiling 
is a trade-off, with time spent compiling often being rewarded by 
better runtime performance , but an interpretative environment 
giving more opportunities for interaction .

Re: Compiler or Interpreter or Hybrid

2016-04-20 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 02:06:00 UTC, newB wrote:
How is D  implemented? (Compiler, Interpreter and Hybrid). Can 
you please explain why?

Generally D is a compiled language: you give the compiler some 
source code and it produces executable binary with native machine 
code. Then you can distribute and run this binary without having 
to have any source code.
However inside the compiler there is also an interpreter for most 
of D, it's used during the compilation to perform some 
compile-time computations and decisions, including ability to 
generate more D code that gets further interpreted or compiled.

Compiler or Interpreter or Hybrid

2016-04-20 Thread newBeeee via Digitalmars-d-learn
How is D  implemented? (Compiler, Interpreter and Hybrid). Can 
you please explain why?