Re: Generate a pointer to a method of a struct

2022-10-15 Thread user1234 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 October 2022 at 01:48:15 UTC, kdevel wrote:

Is this consistent?

I think all the compilers should error on expressions like 
`Type.nonStaticMethod`  and instead there should be a new 
__traits dedicated to that, especially because `this` is not a 
formal parameter.

Re: Generate a pointer to a method of a struct

2022-10-15 Thread Jack Pope via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 October 2022 at 01:48:15 UTC, kdevel wrote:

$ dmd -unittest -main -run ini
ini.d(6): Error: non-constant expression `& bar`
ini.d(7): Error: non-constant expression `& bar`

Is this consistent?

I can attest to consistency using ldc. Each of the following 
prevent function address re-assignment:

  immutable string function() f = &;
  const string function() f = &;
  enum f = &;

In contrast, as would be expected, the following has no such 

  string function() f = &;


  struct S {
string bar(){return "Hello";}
string foo(){return "Goodbye";}

  void main() {
string function() f = &;
writeln(f, " ", f());
f = &;
writeln(f, " ", f());

Re: Generate a pointer to a method of a struct

2022-10-14 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 October 2022 at 00:31:47 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

auto funcptr (alias method) ()
   return &method;
  fun = funcptr!bar;

Which works but neither dmd nor gdc were able to optimize the 
additional function call away.

pragma(inline, true)
auto funcptr (alias method) ()

Thanks. Just found that

template funcptr (alias method) {
   enum funcptr = &method;

works on both dmd and gdc. This gives rise to questions:

Is this code expected to compile and pass its unittest?

struct S {
   void bar () { }

enum ei = &;
immutable i = &;  // line 6
const c = &;  // line 7

unittest {
   import std.stdio;
   writeln (ei);
   writeln (i);
   writeln (c);

gdc passes while dmd says:

$ dmd -unittest -main -run ini
ini.d(6): Error: non-constant expression `& bar`
ini.d(7): Error: non-constant expression `& bar`

Is this consistent?

Re: Generate a pointer to a method of a struct

2022-10-14 Thread Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 14 October 2022 at 18:34:58 UTC, kdevel wrote:
dmd and gdc optimize the lambda invocations away. Nonetheless 
the expression looks somewhat too big. To overcome this I tried 
to generate the function pointer outside of the struct:

auto funcptr (alias method) ()
   return &method;
  fun = funcptr!bar;

Which works but neither dmd nor gdc were able to optimize the 
additional function call away.

pragma(inline, true)
auto funcptr (alias method) ()

Generate a pointer to a method of a struct

2022-10-14 Thread kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

Given a struct `S` with method `foo`: Any of these expressions
when they occur inside the struct they represent a delegate and 
not a function pointer. Is it okay to "extract" and use the 
function pointer from the delegate in this way:

struct S {
   void function () fp;
   void foo ()
  fp = (&bar).funcptr;
   void bar ()
  fp = (&foo).funcptr;
   auto fun () // invocation helper
  if (! fp)
 fp = (&foo).funcptr;
  void delegate () dg;
  dg.ptr = &this;
  dg.funcptr = fp;
  return dg ();

unittest {
   S s;;;

In [1] Walter suggested to use a "lambda function" which reads 
(adopted to structs):

struct S {
   void function (ref S) fp;
   void foo () {
  fun = function (ref S self) { return (); };

dmd and gdc optimize the lambda invocations away. Nonetheless the 
expression looks somewhat too big. To overcome this I tried to 
generate the function pointer outside of the struct:

auto funcptr (alias method) ()
   return &method;
  fun = funcptr!bar;

Which works but neither dmd nor gdc were able to optimize the 
additional function call away. So I replaced the function call 
with a value:

template funcptr (alias method) {
   immutable funcptr = &method; // (*)

That code compiles under gdc 12.1 but I could not find any dmd 
version which compiles the code. All say

ptrtomethod.d(15): Error: non-constant expression `& bar`

Line 15 is the line I marked with `(*)`. Any comments?

Member Function Pointers in D