Re: Mir Slice Column or Row Major

2020-05-28 Thread welkam via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 16:53:37 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
Not always true...many languages support column-major order 
(Fortran, most obviously).

if your column major matrix is implemented as
then ok no puppies will be hurt. But I dont see much value in 
such implementations.

Re: Mir Slice Column or Row Major

2020-05-27 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 28 May 2020 at 00:51:50 UTC, 9il wrote:

Actually it is a question of notation. For example, mir-lapack 
uses ndslice as column-major Fortran arrays. This may cause 
some headaches because the data needs to be transposed in mind. 
We can think about ndslice as about column-major nd-arrays with 
the reversed order of indexing.

The current template looks like

Slice(Iterator, size_t N = 1, SliceKind kind = 1)

If we add a special column-major notation, then it will look 

Slice(Iterator, size_t N = 1, SliceKind kind = Contiguous, 
PayloadOrder = RowMajor)

A PR that adds this feature will be accepted.

Oh, that is news to me. I was under the impression that such a PR 
would not be accepted. The prototype you have is exactly what I 
had been thinking (that’s what eigen does).

Unfortunately, I don’t think I have the time to ensure everything 
works properly with column major. I think my time right now is 
better spent on other mir stuff, but it’s good to know that the 
only obstacle is someone putting the work in.

Re: Mir Slice Column or Row Major

2020-05-27 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 16:53:37 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 16:07:58 UTC, welkam wrote:
On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 01:31:23 UTC, data pulverizer 

column major

Cute puppies die when people access their arrays in column 

Not always true...many languages support column-major order 
(Fortran, most obviously). The Eigen C++ library allows the 
user to specify row major or column major. I had brought this 
up with Ilya early on in mir and he thought it would increase 
complexity to allow both and could also require more memory. So 
mir is row major.

Actually it is a question of notation. For example, mir-lapack 
uses ndslice as column-major Fortran arrays. This may cause some 
headaches because the data needs to be transposed in mind. We can 
think about ndslice as about column-major nd-arrays with the 
reversed order of indexing.

The current template looks like

Slice(Iterator, size_t N = 1, SliceKind kind = 1)

If we add a special column-major notation, then it will look like

Slice(Iterator, size_t N = 1, SliceKind kind = Contiguous, 
PayloadOrder = RowMajor)

A PR that adds this feature will be accepted.

Re: Mir Slice Column or Row Major

2020-05-27 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 16:07:58 UTC, welkam wrote:
On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 01:31:23 UTC, data pulverizer 

column major

Cute puppies die when people access their arrays in column 

Not always true...many languages support column-major order 
(Fortran, most obviously). The Eigen C++ library allows the user 
to specify row major or column major. I had brought this up with 
Ilya early on in mir and he thought it would increase complexity 
to allow both and could also require more memory. So mir is row 

Re: Mir Slice Column or Row Major

2020-05-27 Thread welkam via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 01:31:23 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:

column major

Cute puppies die when people access their arrays in column major.

Re: Mir Slice Column or Row Major

2020-05-26 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 01:31:23 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:


I have started running Kernel benchmarks calculations using Mir 
NDSlice, and I'm getting times that are much slower than 

I've swapped the calculation to row major and it's running as 

Mir Slice Column or Row Major

2020-05-26 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn


I have started running Kernel benchmarks calculations using Mir 
NDSlice, and I'm getting times that are much slower than 
expected. To check that I'm not making an obvious mistake, below 
are samples of the code I am using. The way the selection happens 
is that the `calculateKernelMatrix` function assumes that the 
data under the slice object is column major, if it is row major 
the calculation will be slow which could account for the issues 
I'm seeing. Thanks

Dot product functor
struct DotProduct(T)
  this(T _nothing)
  T opCall(U...)(Slice!(T*, U) x, Slice!(T*, U) y) const
T dist = 0;
auto m = x.length;
for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
  dist += x[i] * y[i];
return dist;

Kernel Matrix function:
auto calculateKernelMatrix(alias K, T, U...)(K!(T) kernel, 
Slice!(T*, U) data)

  size_t n = data.length!1;
  auto mat = slice!(T)(n, n);

  foreach(j; taskPool.parallel(iota(n)))
auto arrj = data[0..$, j];
foreach(size_t i; j..n)
  mat[i, j] = kernel(data[0..$, i], arrj);
  mat[j, i] = mat[i, j];
  return mat;

Benchmark Function
auto bench(alias K, T)(K!(T) kernel, long[] n, bool verbose = 

  auto times = new double[n.length];
  auto sw = StopWatch(;
  foreach(i; 0..n.length)
double[3] _times;
auto data = UniformVariable!T(0, 1).randomSlice(784L, n[i]);
foreach(ref t; _times[])
  auto mat = calculateKernelMatrix!(K, T)(kernel, data);
  t =!"nsecs"/1000_000_000.0;
times[i] = sum(_times[])/3.0;
  writeln("Average time for n = ", n[i], ", ", times[i], " 

  writeln("Detailed times: ", _times, "\n");
  return tuple(n, times);