Re: Other libraries - web site link, and other thoughts

2016-12-16 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
Forgive if I'm suggesting something which was already discussed 
and dismissed, but I too would love a way to leverage C++ stuff 
into D. Can't we go to C++? Meaning there's a C++ compiler coming 
from the same hands as D. Couldn't we try to get the C++ compiler 
to compile in such a manner that D can easily pick up the result?

I will only use libraries where I have the source code, so from 
my point of view, I don't need binary compatibility. I also don't 
need D to pollute itself with the past. But if the Digital Mars 
C++ compiler could help and assist with creating libs/dlls etc 
that are properly set up for D and possibly produce the import 
for D, then it would solve a lot of things. For instance, if a 
project is in C++, you will need to be able to track revisions to 
that project, meaning the D conversion should be reasonably 
painless. Take something like WxWidgets for instance, the D port 
is stale, but WxWidgets is compatible with Digital Mars. If any 
project doesn't support Digital Mars C++, then it would be a C++ 
to C++ port, which is always going to be easier and less volatile 
than a C++ to D port.

Just wondering

Re: Other libraries - web site link, and other thoughts

2015-01-26 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 27/01/2015 8:29 a.m., Laeeth Isharc wrote:

At the moment it goes straight go, which may be a bit
overwhelming if you have just arrived at and want to see what
it can do.

Is it worth changing to the library wiki write up page on libraries?
And making sure link to is prominent, saying
" is a registry of D libraries hosted on github.  There
are currently XYZ libraries, of which ABC are under active development".

At the moment, the list of libraries on the wiki is fairly complete, but
not oriented towards answering the question of how do I do stuff.  It
would be nice to have a set of pages on this that mines the gold from
the forums and makes it easy to find. Eg "how do I navigate html or
xml?".  Use dom.d or ae, and here are some simple programs.

Compare python community doc situation to ours.  (We are leaner, but
that doesn't mean we can't do a better job),

Also say that if you cannot find the library you need, you should know
that it is easy to interface to all C libraries (click for details), and
that it is possible and fairly easy to interface to many C++ libraries
(click here).

p0nce and others are doing great work on D idioms, but what is missing
is pointers to examples of larger programs.  I know it is common sense
if you are experienced to read the source of other projects to learn,
but is it worth making this easy by having in the section on learning D
some pointers to some model D code bases.

The FUD crowd on slashdot always brings up the Tango / Phobos split, but
this is not prominently addressed on the web site. Should this not be
answered in the main FAQ?

The compilation speed of dmd (and somewhat ldc) is a major advantage.
It is stunning in outright terms, and almost inconceivable if you come
from the world of c++.  It really matters because it allows you to shift
styles to iterative development.  So it should be featured on the front
page, and there should be quantitative benchmarks (because that's what
modern people like) comparing dmd to other language compilers as well as
pointing out how quickly phobos compiles. A YouTube video may make it
more concrete.  And there should be quotes from authoritative users of D
talking about how useful they find quick compilation and iterative

People are lazy.  Or more charitably, not wealthy in terms of attention
and time in the modern world.  The documentation is often written from
the point of view of the compiler and library writer, and this is not
the point of view of the user, who wants to know what he can do, and how
he can do it.

In the "interfacing to C tutorial", how about starting off by getting to
the point.  Have the following section at the beginning, and maybe even
make it crisper by saying that D can utilise all existing C libraries,
and all that needs to be done is to translate the header  files to D.

Using Existing C Libraries
Since D can call C code directly, it can also call any C library
functions, giving D access to the smorgasbord of existing C libraries.
To do so, however, one needs to write a D interface (.di) file, which is
a translation of the C .h header file for the C library into D.

For popular C libraries, the first place to look for the corresponding D
interface file is the Deimos Project. If it isn't there already, and you
write one, please contribute it to the Deimos Project.


In the spirit of accommodating peoples' attention poverty, why not say
at the top that there are translation tools for objective C and C.
Click here to download dstep binaries (linux / win etc), and here to go
to the github dstep site.  I confess that I struggled for ages
unsuccessfully to compile dstep on my platform without realising that
the binaries were available for download.

Similarly for C++, the web site starts off completely on the wrong
note." While D is fully capable of interfacing to C, its ability to
interface to C++ is much more limited. There are three ways to do it:"

I hear "much more limited", and think I am not going to bother with this
(if I have not yet committed to the language).  Whereas in actual fact,
as Walter pointed out in his talk, nobody else can interface with C++
and it is a marvel to be able to do so at all, let alone in a way that
is much more complete than the docs suggest.  And it sounds like this
phrasing is in any case outdated.

Change to something like: "Interfacing to C++ is a challenging endeavour
for any language, but it is a challenge that must be met in order to
take advantage of the large set of existing libraries and code bases in
C++.  It is therefore a priority for 2015 to implement an ability to
link to a set of C++ that will be complete for most use cases.  Walter
Bright spoke recently at Microsoft on this topic, and the reader may
find the following forum threads of interest.

As things stand, the following features are complete:..., whilst there
are limitations with respect to: exceptions, multiple inheritance,

Other libraries - web site link, and other thoughts

2015-01-26 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
At the moment it goes straight go, which may be a 
bit overwhelming if you have just arrived at and want 
to see what it can do.

Is it worth changing to the library wiki write up page on 
libraries?  And making sure link to is prominent, 
saying " is a registry of D libraries hosted on 
github.  There are currently XYZ libraries, of which ABC are 
under active development".

At the moment, the list of libraries on the wiki is fairly 
complete, but not oriented towards answering the question of how 
do I do stuff.  It would be nice to have a set of pages on this 
that mines the gold from the forums and makes it easy to find.  
Eg "how do I navigate html or xml?".  Use dom.d or ae, and here 
are some simple programs.

Compare python community doc situation to ours.  (We are leaner, 
but that doesn't mean we can't do a better job),

Also say that if you cannot find the library you need, you should 
know that it is easy to interface to all C libraries (click for 
details), and that it is possible and fairly easy to interface to 
many C++ libraries (click here).

p0nce and others are doing great work on D idioms, but what is 
missing is pointers to examples of larger programs.  I know it is 
common sense if you are experienced to read the source of other 
projects to learn, but is it worth making this easy by having in 
the section on learning D some pointers to some model D code 

The FUD crowd on slashdot always brings up the Tango / Phobos 
split, but this is not prominently addressed on the web site.  
Should this not be answered in the main FAQ?

The compilation speed of dmd (and somewhat ldc) is a major 
advantage.  It is stunning in outright terms, and almost 
inconceivable if you come from the world of c++.  It really 
matters because it allows you to shift styles to iterative 
development.  So it should be featured on the front page, and 
there should be quantitative benchmarks (because that's what 
modern people like) comparing dmd to other language compilers as 
well as pointing out how quickly phobos compiles. A YouTube video 
may make it more concrete.  And there should be quotes from 
authoritative users of D talking about how useful they find quick 
compilation and iterative development.

People are lazy.  Or more charitably, not wealthy in terms of 
attention and time in the modern world.  The documentation is 
often written from the point of view of the compiler and library 
writer, and this is not the point of view of the user, who wants 
to know what he can do, and how he can do it.

In the "interfacing to C tutorial", how about starting off by 
getting to the point.  Have the following section at the 
beginning, and maybe even make it crisper by saying that D can 
utilise all existing C libraries, and all that needs to be done 
is to translate the header  files to D.

Using Existing C Libraries
Since D can call C code directly, it can also call any C library 
functions, giving D access to the smorgasbord of existing C 
libraries. To do so, however, one needs to write a D interface 
(.di) file, which is a translation of the C .h header file for 
the C library into D.

For popular C libraries, the first place to look for the 
corresponding D interface file is the Deimos Project. If it isn't 
there already, and you write one, please contribute it to the 
Deimos Project.


In the spirit of accommodating peoples' attention poverty, why 
not say at the top that there are translation tools for objective 
C and C.  Click here to download dstep binaries (linux / win 
etc), and here to go to the github dstep site.  I confess that I 
struggled for ages unsuccessfully to compile dstep on my platform 
without realising that the binaries were available for download.

Similarly for C++, the web site starts off completely on the 
wrong note." While D is fully capable of interfacing to C, its 
ability to interface to C++ is much more limited. There are three 
ways to do it:"

I hear "much more limited", and think I am not going to bother 
with this (if I have not yet committed to the language).  Whereas 
in actual fact, as Walter pointed out in his talk, nobody else 
can interface with C++ and it is a marvel to be able to do so at 
all, let alone in a way that is much more complete than the docs 
suggest.  And it sounds like this phrasing is in any case 

Change to something like: "Interfacing to C++ is a challenging 
endeavour for any language, but it is a challenge that must be 
met in order to take advantage of the large set of existing 
libraries and code bases in C++.  It is therefore a priority for 
2015 to implement an ability to link to a set of C++ that will be 
complete for most use cases.  Walter Bright spoke recently at 
Microsoft on this topic, and the reader may find the following 
forum threads of interest.

As things stand, the following features are complete:..., whilst 
there are limitations with res