Re: SortedRange.lowerBound from FrontTransversal

2016-08-07 Thread Michael Coulombe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 8 August 2016 at 00:57:41 UTC, Michael Coulombe wrote:


And looking at the source, the reason it fails when using 
TransverseOptions.assumeNotJagged is that it does not implement 
length or $.

I made this into an enhancement request:

Re: SortedRange.lowerBound from FrontTransversal

2016-08-07 Thread Michael Coulombe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 6 August 2016 at 23:00:42 UTC, Alex wrote:

Hi all... a technical question from my side...
why the last line of the following gives the error?

import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;

void main()
size_t[][] darr;
darr.length = 2;
darr[0] = [0, 1, 2, 3];
darr[1] = [4, 5, 6];
auto fT = frontTransversal(darr);
assert(equal(fT, [ 0, 4 ][]));

auto heads = assumeSorted!"a <= b"(fT);
writeln(heads.lowerBound(3)); //!(SearchPolicy.gallop)

The error is:
Error: template 
cast(TransverseOptions)0), "a <= b").SortedRange.lowerBound 
cannot deduce function from argument types !()(int), candidates 
cast(TransverseOptions)0), "a <= 
b").SortedRange.lowerBound(SearchPolicy sp = 
SearchPolicy.binarySearch, V)(V value) if 
(isTwoWayCompatible!(predFun, ElementType!Range, V) && 

I tried also with "assumeNotJagged" for the FrontTransversal, 
it didn't worked either, beyond the fact, that assumeNotJagged 
is not of interest for me...

Unfortunately, frontTraversal is not giving you a random access 
range, only a bidirectional range, which means it does not 
support indexing or slicing. It appears that the TraversalOptions 
doesn't cover the case where each range is "long enough" to be 
indexed but not equal length.

static assert(isBidirectionalRange!(typeof(fT))); // succeeds
static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(fT)));  // fails
static assert(__traits(compiles, fT[0])); // fails
static assert(__traits(compiles, fT[0 .. 2]));// fails

In the mean time, you can use this simple alternative:

auto fT =!front; // for arrays
auto fT =!"a.front"; // for any range

SortedRange.lowerBound from FrontTransversal

2016-08-06 Thread Alex via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi all... a technical question from my side...
why the last line of the following gives the error?

import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;

void main()
size_t[][] darr;
darr.length = 2;
darr[0] = [0, 1, 2, 3];
darr[1] = [4, 5, 6];
auto fT = frontTransversal(darr);
assert(equal(fT, [ 0, 4 ][]));

auto heads = assumeSorted!"a <= b"(fT);
writeln(heads.lowerBound(3)); //!(SearchPolicy.gallop)

The error is:
Error: template 
cast(TransverseOptions)0), "a <= b").SortedRange.lowerBound 
cannot deduce function from argument types !()(int), candidates 
cast(TransverseOptions)0), "a <= 
b").SortedRange.lowerBound(SearchPolicy sp = 
SearchPolicy.binarySearch, V)(V value) if 
(isTwoWayCompatible!(predFun, ElementType!Range, V) && 

I tried also with "assumeNotJagged" for the FrontTransversal, it 
didn't worked either, beyond the fact, that assumeNotJagged is 
not of interest for me...