Re: Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-31 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 31 May 2016 at 06:40:31 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:

On Tuesday, 31 May 2016 at 05:31:59 UTC, chmike wrote:
My conclusion is that rebindable is not a satisfying solution 
to have mutable references to immutable objects.

I don't understand the rationale of these immutable 
references. It is too constraining.

 I still don't know why you're trying to use immutable. In the 
other thread you have listed you are trying to make a global 
singleton? You needed it mutable but marked immutable (for... 
some reason?) but all the methods won't change the contents or 
spirit of the object.

 I need to wrap my head around what you're trying to do before 
i can suggest anything else. Although making all members 
private and all functions as const would give you a 
mutable/unchanging object...

The code I gave are just examples.

The reason I used immutable is because I have two types of 

I have many Info objects (~150) which are all singletons.
These Info objects have a reference to a Category objects which 
is also a singleton.

I can have mutable singleton objects. I have a public interface 
that doesn't allow to modify the object. This is not the problem.

The problem is that I would like that all these objects are 
instantiated at compile time. This is to keep the start of the 
program fast.

There is no problem to instantiate the Category object at compile 
time. The problem is to instantiate the different Info objects at 
compile time that have a reference to the Category object. Ctfe 
doesn't work when a global variable is referenced.

I noticed that it worked when the Category is declared immutable. 
I can add a reference to that Category singleton instance to the 
new call of the Info objects.

So the goal is to create and interconnect multiple objects at 
compile time. Ideally I would need to store a reference to each 
of the Info objects in an associative array so that I can 
retrieve a reference to it with some key.

Re: Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-31 Thread Era Scarecrow via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 31 May 2016 at 05:31:59 UTC, chmike wrote:
My conclusion is that rebindable is not a satisfying solution 
to have mutable references to immutable objects.

I don't understand the rationale of these immutable references. 
It is too constraining.

 I still don't know why you're trying to use immutable. In the 
other thread you have listed you are trying to make a global 
singleton? You needed it mutable but marked immutable (for... 
some reason?) but all the methods won't change the contents or 
spirit of the object.

 I need to wrap my head around what you're trying to do before i 
can suggest anything else. Although making all members private 
and all functions as const would give you a mutable/unchanging 

Re: Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-30 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 30 May 2016 at 21:32:46 UTC, Alex Parrill wrote:

On Monday, 30 May 2016 at 10:09:19 UTC, chmike wrote:

Why can't info() return a Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl)) ?

What do you mean? `info` returns an `immutable(InfoImpl)`, not 
a `Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl))`. Rebindable doesn't apply 
itself to the return types of the methods of the return types 
(there's no reason to).

I mean that if I change the return type of info() into 
Rebindable!(immutable(infoImpl)) like this

Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl)) info() { ... return 

I get an error. I was explained privately that its because 
Rebindable... Is an lvalue and not a type.

My conclusion is that rebindable is not a satisfying solution to 
have mutable references to immutable objects.

I don't understand the rationale of these immutable references. 
It is too constraining.

Re: Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-30 Thread Alex Parrill via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 30 May 2016 at 10:09:19 UTC, chmike wrote:

This code compile, but array appending doesn't work

alias Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl)) Info;

class InfoImpl
void foo() {}
static immutable(InfoImpl) info()
__gshared immutable InfoImpl x = new immutable InfoImpl;
return x;

void main()
Info t =;
Info[] a;
//a ~=; <--  KO Compiler Error
a ~= rebindable(; // Ok

Why can't info() return a Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl)) ?

What do you mean? `info` returns an `immutable(InfoImpl)`, not a 
`Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl))`. Rebindable doesn't apply 
itself to the return types of the methods of the return types 
(there's no reason to).

Re: Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-30 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn

This code compile, but array appending doesn't work

alias Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl)) Info;

class InfoImpl
void foo() {}
static immutable(InfoImpl) info()
__gshared immutable InfoImpl x = new immutable InfoImpl;
return x;

void main()
Info t =;
Info[] a;
//a ~=; <--  KO Compiler Error
a ~= rebindable(; // Ok

Why can't info() return a Rebindable!(immutable(InfoImpl)) ?

Re: Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-30 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn
Oops, the duplicate alias instruction and main are copy past 
error. It looks like the code was already too complex for me. ;) 
Here is the code I tested

import std.typecons;

Rebindable!(immutable TestImpl) Test;

class TestImpl
void foo() {}
Test test() { __gshared x = new immutable TestImpl; return 
rebindable(x); }


void main()
Test t = Test.test;

Why simple code using Rebindable doesn't compile ?

2016-05-30 Thread chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn


here is a program stripped down to the minimum code that doesn't 

import std.typecons;

Rebindable!(immutable TestImpl) Test;

Rebindable!(immutable TestImpl) Test;

class TestImpl
void foo() {}
Test test() { __gshared x = new immutable TestImpl; return 
rebindable(x); }


void main()
Test t = Test.test;

void main()
Test t = Test.test;

source/app.d(32,10): Error: circular reference to 'app.Test'
source/app.d(32,10): Error: Test is used as a type
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/typecons.d(1616,20): Error: template 
instance std.traits.isDynamicArray!(immutable(TestImpl)) error 
source/app.d(27,1):instantiated from here: 
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/typecons.d(1625,17): Error: mixin 
std.typecons.RebindableCommon!(immutable(TestImpl), TestImpl, 
Rebindable) does not match template declaration 
RebindableCommon(T, U, alias This) if (is(T == class) || is(T == 
interface) || isAssociativeArray!T)