Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, October 03, 2016 18:05:47 Chalix via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Ah great, now I understand it :)
> I thought, import and include would work the same way (taking all
> the code in the .h or .d file and pasting it into the other file).
> But if import extracts only the definitions, it is clear, that
> you have to link against the library, or to add all the .d files
> to your source code.

#include is a _very_ inefficient way to do things. It results in the same
code being compiled over and over again, which is why pretty much every
language post C/C++ has some sort of symbol import mechanism in attempt to
compile everything only once. The way it works in D, you do end up with some
amount of work being redone if you do incremental compilation, but even
then, it minimizes how much it has to redo, and there are future
improvements planned which will make it even better. There's a reason why D
compiles so much faster than C/C++. :)

You should probably read this article by Walter on why C/C++ compilation is
so slow:

It's quite enlightening - and horrifying.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Mike Wey via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/03/2016 07:19 PM, Chalix wrote:

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 13:51:28 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

// wrapfoo.d
import foo;  // import the foo module from above

void myFunc(string s)
import std.string : toStringz;

Thank you for the example, Mike!

And thanks to all others who support me with their answers! I didn't
expect so much answers, the D community seems to be very helpful :)

But there still is one thing, which I don't get:

If I "import foo;" in my project, it will be compiled alongside. So
there is no need for an extra library. Same should be for wrapfoo.d. If
I "import wrapfoo;", I should just need the C-library "foo", and no
D-library "food" right?

To have a more practical example, I looked up the "header" of the GtkD
gtk/Main.d file. There are functions exactly like you described:

public static void init(ref string[] argv)
int argc = cast(int)argv.length;
char** outargv = Str.toStringzArray(argv);

gtk_init(&argc, &outargv);

argv = Str.toStringArray(outargv, argc);

This function wraps the C-like gtk_init function to a D init function.
The gtk_init function is the function from the GTK+ library, which is
loaded in the gtkc/gtk.d file:, "gtk_init", LIBRARY.GTK);

Linker and link are defined in the gtkc/Loader.d

So, why is it not enough just to "import gtk.Main"? What kind of code is
inside the gtkd-3 library?

The gtkd-3 library contains for example the code you quoted above.

Mike Wey

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 17:19:47 UTC, Chalix wrote:

If I "import foo;" in my project, it will be compiled 
alongside. So there is no need for an extra library. Same 
should be for wrapfoo.d. If I "import wrapfoo;", I should just 
need the C-library "foo", and no D-library "food" right?

You do have some confusion here, which Jonathan's answer should 
clear up (that is, importing a module does not cause it to be 
compiled, only makes its symbols to the module in which the 
declaration is made), however, there is one point I'd like to 
make below.

This function wraps the C-like gtk_init function to a D init 
The gtk_init function is the function from the GTK+ library, 
which is loaded in the gtkc/gtk.d file:, "gtk_init", LIBRARY.GTK);

Linker and link are defined in the gtkc/Loader.d

So, why is it not enough just to "import gtk.Main"? What kind 
of code is inside the gtkd-3 library?

I don't know the details of the gtkd-3 library, but consider this 

// csay.c
void sayHi() { puts("Hi\n"); }

// dsay.d
module dsay;
extern(C) void sayHi();

// hi.d
import dsay;
void main() { sayHi(); }

Assuming you have both dmd and dmc installed, you can easily do a 
bit of experimentation like so:

First, use dmd to generate csay.obj.
dmc -c csay.c

Next, with dsay.d, hi.d and csay.obj all in the same directory, 
build an executable.

dmd hi.d csay.obj

This should result in both a successful compile and a successful 
link. But understand that dsay.d was *never* compiled in this 
process. Importing dsay made the source symbol 'sayHi' available 
to hi.d. The compiler emitted a call to sayHi in the generated 
binary (hi.obj). Finally, the linker was able to match that call 
to the C sayHi function and could perform the link to generate 
the executable. Because the binary symbol for sayHi was already 
present in csay.obj, you did not need to compile and link dsay.d.

Now, let's change it up a bit:

// csay.h
extern void sayHi();
#define sayHiTwice \
   sayHi(); \

This is a horrible macro, but it serves its purpose as an 
example. In order to provide sayHiTwice in D, it will have to be 
implemented and not just declared:

// dsay.d
extern(C) void sayHi();
void sayHiTwice() {

Since the C version of sayHiTwice is a macro and not a function, 
it need not be extern(C). However, no we have an implementation 
and not simply a declaration. So this:

// hi.d
import dsay;
void main() { sayHiTwice(); }

dmd hi.d csay.obj

Is now going to generate a *linker* error. It will *compile* just 
fine, since the import of dsay makes sayHiTwice visible during 
compilation. However, since csay.obj does not contain a binary 
symbol for sayHiTwice (as it's a macro and not a function), the 
the linker will be unable to match the call to any existing 
symbol and will produce an error. So you would have to do this:

dmd hi.d dsay.d csay.obj

Now, the binary symbol for sayHiTwice will be generated because 
dsay.d is being compiled and linked into the program.

So, when you have a declarations-only module, with no function 
implementations or template instantiations, then it need not 
actually be compiled and linked into the program. In that you are 
correct. But, no, importing a module does not automatically 
compile it. And any function declarations still need an 
implementation somewhere if they are used in the modules you do 

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Chalix via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 17:56:46 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
When you do precompile to a library, you can skip the 
compilation later. That can save time.

True, linking with this library instead of compiling it every 
time I changed my code will save me a lot of time :)

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/03/2016 05:47 AM, Chalix wrote:

> what do you mean
> by "turn C functions into classes"?

Many C APIs are object-oriented in that, they pass the most interesting 
object as the first parameter:

// C struct
struct Foo {
// ...

// Factory method (or, "constructor")
Foo* make_foo(int i, double d);

void free_foo(Foo** foo);

int use_foo(Foo* foo, const char *str);

Instead of living with C's limitations, one can define a D struct Foo 
and turn such function into member functions:

// D struct
struct FooD {
// ...
Foo* c_foo;
// other things that go with

// Factory method (or, "constructor")
this(int i, double d) {
c_foo = make_foo(i, d);// dispatch to C library

~this() {
free_foo(&c_foo);// dispatch to C library

void use(BarD bar) {
enforce(use_foo(c_foo, "hello");

That's how a D wrapper of a C library may look like, which should be 
almost identical to how it could be done in C++.

> Also, I used the Qt library a lot with C++. But although it is a
> library, I have access to all the classes, like " QWidget w = new
> QWidget();". There is no factory method used. (This confuses me now a
> bit...)

'new QWidget()' does call the constructor automatically, which D cannot 
do. (Although, with the recent changes in C++ interoperability, perhaps 
even that's doable today.)

If D cannot create C++ object with the 'new' keyword, then they can use 
a layer of a factory method to do it:

// A C++ layer
extern "C" QWidget* make_QWidget() {
return new QWidget();

extern "C" void free_QWidget(QWidget* p) {
delete p;

Since that function (i.e. not the "new expression" itself) is callable 
from D, the D code can now use the library:

extern (C) {
// ...
QWidget* make_QWidget();
void free_QWidget(QWidget* p);

// D class
class QWidgetD
QWidget* cpp_widget;

this() {
cpp_widget = make_QWidget();

~this() {

// ...

That's how I understand it anyway... :) Again though, this may be much 
easier today with the recent and ongoing improvements to C++ 


Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Chalix via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 17:45:55 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
The import statement just tells the D compiler to pull in 
declarations for the symbols that it needs from those modules. 
It doesn't actually compile those modules. You still have to 
give them to the compiler (either all together or separately to 
generate .o/.obj files) in order to actually compile them. And 
anything that's not D (like a C/C++ library) still needs to be 
linked in just like it would be in C/C++.

In C/C++, #including is not enough to compile everything into 
your code unless everything is in the header files (which it 
rarely is). For the files in your project, you have to compile 
every .c/.cpp file to generate the .o or .obj files that the 
linker then links into your program, and for the 3rd party 
stuff that's in a library you need to link in the library. 
Simply #including doesn't actually bring something like curl or 
gtk into your program. You also have to link it when generating 
your executable.

It's basically the same thing with D. Every .d file in your 
project needs to be compiled so that it gets linked into your 
executable, and if you want to use 3rd party stuff, you have to 
link in the libraries just like you would with C/C++. The 
separation is perhaps a bit less clear in D, because you 
usually just use .d files for everything, whereas C/C++ have .h 
and .c/.cpp as separate files. D does have .di files for the 
cases where you need to hide your code, but they don't get used 
often. But when you do use a .di file, that's what gets 
imported rather than the .d file which contains the actual 
definitions, so in that case, the separation is clearer.

Ah great, now I understand it :)
I thought, import and include would work the same way (taking all 
the code in the .h or .d file and pasting it into the other file).
But if import extracts only the definitions, it is clear, that 
you have to link against the library, or to add all the .d files 
to your source code.

A big thank-you to all repliers for making things clear :D

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/03/2016 07:19 PM, Chalix wrote:

If I "import foo;" in my project, it will be compiled alongside.

Not necessarily. dmd won't compile foo unless you tell it to by putting 
foo.d on the command line. If foo is only imported, dmd parses the file 
but it doesn't compile it.

there is no need for an extra library.

You don't *need* the library. You can just compile the file together 
with the rest of your program, yes.

When you do precompile to a library, you can skip the compilation later. 
That can save time.

And you can shorten the distributed D source files to just the function 
signatures, like with header files in C. For this, the compiler 
recognizes the .di filename extension. This can be used to somewhat 
protect closed source code.

And then there are shared libraries, which are loaded at run time. Their 
code is not included in the executable, so you get a smaller file. Makes 
sense with popular libraries that are used by many programs.

Same should be for wrapfoo.d. If
I "import wrapfoo;", I should just need the C-library "foo", and no
D-library "food" right?

If wrapfoo is really just a binding, i.e. it provides only function 
signatures and no implementation, then there's no point in compiling it 
to a library.

Otherwise, if wrapfoo actually implements something of its own, it can 
make sense to compile it to a library. Just like with every other piece 
of code.

To have a more practical example, I looked up the "header" of the GtkD
gtk/Main.d file. There are functions exactly like you described:

public static void init(ref string[] argv)
int argc = cast(int)argv.length;
char** outargv = Str.toStringzArray(argv);

gtk_init(&argc, &outargv);

argv = Str.toStringArray(outargv, argc);

This function wraps the C-like gtk_init function to a D init function.
The gtk_init function is the function from the GTK+ library, which is
loaded in the gtkc/gtk.d file:, "gtk_init", LIBRARY.GTK);

Linker and link are defined in the gtkc/Loader.d

So, why is it not enough just to "import gtk.Main"? What kind of code is
inside the gtkd-3 library?

If the GtkD files contain all the implementations (not just signatures), 
then you don't have to build/use the library. You can just compile the 
GtkD source files along with your program, and link with the C library.

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, October 03, 2016 17:19:47 Chalix via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> But there still is one thing, which I don't get:
> If I "import foo;" in my project, it will be compiled alongside.
> So there is no need for an extra library. Same should be for
> wrapfoo.d. If I "import wrapfoo;", I should just need the
> C-library "foo", and no D-library "food" right?

The import statement just tells the D compiler to pull in declarations for
the symbols that it needs from those modules. It doesn't actually compile
those modules. You still have to give them to the compiler (either all
together or separately to generate .o/.obj files) in order to actually
compile them. And anything that's not D (like a C/C++ library) still needs
to be linked in just like it would be in C/C++.

In C/C++, #including is not enough to compile everything into your code
unless everything is in the header files (which it rarely is). For the files
in your project, you have to compile every .c/.cpp file to generate the .o
or .obj files that the linker then links into your program, and for the 3rd
party stuff that's in a library you need to link in the library. Simply
#including doesn't actually bring something like curl or gtk into your
program. You also have to link it when generating your executable.

It's basically the same thing with D. Every .d file in your project needs to
be compiled so that it gets linked into your executable, and if you want to
use 3rd party stuff, you have to link in the libraries just like you would
with C/C++. The separation is perhaps a bit less clear in D, because you
usually just use .d files for everything, whereas C/C++ have .h and .c/.cpp
as separate files. D does have .di files for the cases where you need to
hide your code, but they don't get used often. But when you do use a .di
file, that's what gets imported rather than the .d file which contains the
actual definitions, so in that case, the separation is clearer.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Chalix via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 13:51:28 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

// wrapfoo.d
import foo;  // import the foo module from above

void myFunc(string s)
import std.string : toStringz;

Thank you for the example, Mike!

And thanks to all others who support me with their answers! I 
didn't expect so much answers, the D community seems to be very 
helpful :)

But there still is one thing, which I don't get:

If I "import foo;" in my project, it will be compiled alongside. 
So there is no need for an extra library. Same should be for 
wrapfoo.d. If I "import wrapfoo;", I should just need the 
C-library "foo", and no D-library "food" right?

To have a more practical example, I looked up the "header" of the 
GtkD gtk/Main.d file. There are functions exactly like you 

public static void init(ref string[] argv)
int argc = cast(int)argv.length;
char** outargv = Str.toStringzArray(argv);

gtk_init(&argc, &outargv);

argv = Str.toStringArray(outargv, argc);

This function wraps the C-like gtk_init function to a D init 
The gtk_init function is the function from the GTK+ library, 
which is loaded in the gtkc/gtk.d file:, "gtk_init", LIBRARY.GTK);

Linker and link are defined in the gtkc/Loader.d

So, why is it not enough just to "import gtk.Main"? What kind of 
code is inside the gtkd-3 library?

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:08:54 UTC, Chalix wrote:

Hi All!

The documentation of D 
( says:

"Direct Access to C API's

Not only does D have data types that correspond to C types, it 
provides direct access to C functions. There is no need to 
write wrapper functions, parameter swizzlers, nor code to copy 
aggregate members one by one."

D was inspired by Java, so wrappers meant here are probably JNI 

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:47:48 UTC, Chalix wrote:
Also, I used the Qt library a lot with C++. But although it is 
a library, I have access to all the classes, like " QWidget w = 
new QWidget();". There is no factory method used. (This 
confuses me now a bit...)

Qt bindings is a major undertaking, it was tried a couple of 
times. As an alternative you can try Calypso which has a C++ language 
plugin so can read headers directly.

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:08:54 UTC, Chalix wrote:

Furthermore, if there is an not very popular C library, where 
no wrapper function exists, would it possible to include it 
into a D project? Probably I have to transform all the .h to .d 
files, so i can "import" them instead of "include" them. But 
then, could I link against the C-library?

Yes, but here you're talking about a binding, not a wrapper.

I did not understand the concept of interaction between C and 
D, and I am a bit confused about wrapper functions and bindings 
for D now...
Would be great if someone could make it a bit more clear to me 

A binding is just the C function declared in D:

// foo.h
extern void my_func(const char *str);

// foo.d
extern(C) void my_func(const(char)* str) @nogc nothrow;

Now with the declaration in D, you can link directly to the C 
library. But you also need foo.d to be linked into your program, 
either by compiling it alongside your own source files or linking 
it as a library (as you do with gtkd-3.lib).

A wrapper takes a C interface and makes it more D like.

// wrapfoo.d
import foo;  // import the foo module from above

void myFunc(string s)
import std.string : toStringz;

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 13:12:55 UTC, Chalix wrote:
But I don't get, why I have a gtkd-3 lib. Why can't I just link 
against the gtk-3 lib then? I have now the headers to use the 
nice D stuff, but the linking should be done against the 
C-compiled library.

If you don't use D-specific stuff like autogenerated comparison 
operators and big struct initializers, you would be able to link 
with C library alone.

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 04/10/2016 1:56 AM, Chalix wrote:

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:15:10 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

To use any kind of function you must declare it, plain and simple.
Any c or c++ function/class is the very much same way.
Now C++ types such as classes are highly limited in D since it doesn't
ugh cross over all that well (it does some weird things).

I don't know if we understand each other. You have to declare each
function in the language you are programming, that is clear to me. So if
you write in D, you need "D-Headers" (which are not called headers in D,
i know).

What do you mean with "Now C++ types such as classes are highly limited
in D"?

Basically some features do not match up nicely like operators and 
constructors. They also do not share semantics e.g. value versus reference.

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Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Chalix via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:54:03 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
It is possible, you just need to match compilers with the 
library in C++, whereas C libraries don't need such an exact 

With your Qt library, you get a build of it that is compatible 
with the compiler you use to build your application (either 
compiling it yourself or getting it from an OS package repo 
where they did it for you for your OS version)

Ah, so the Qt libraries are C++ libraries. And they have to be 
compiled with the same compiler (or at least with a compiler with 
the same specification) I use for my application? I didn't know 
that, but it makes sense to me.

But if there would be 2 C++ compilers on my linux system which 
create 2 different API's, I would need the Qt library twice on my 
system? One for an application compiled with the one compiler, 
and the other library for an application compiled with the other 
compiler. Since I have only 1 Qt library on my system, all linux 
compilers must create compatible API's, right?

Wrap the C functions inside D classes. So they write D code 
that calls the C functions, then you use their D code.

Ok, this is the same what cym13 wanted to say, right? So you can 
use the advantages of D?

But I don't get, why I have a gtkd-3 lib. Why can't I just link 
against the gtk-3 lib then? I have now the headers to use the 
nice D stuff, but the linking should be done against the 
C-compiled library.

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Chalix via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:15:10 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
To use any kind of function you must declare it, plain and 

Any c or c++ function/class is the very much same way.
Now C++ types such as classes are highly limited in D since it 
doesn't ugh cross over all that well (it does some weird 

I don't know if we understand each other. You have to declare 
each function in the language you are programming, that is clear 
to me. So if you write in D, you need "D-Headers" (which are not 
called headers in D, i know).

What do you mean with "Now C++ types such as classes are highly 
limited in D"?

Why don't they "just" support them you ask?

Yeah, that a D compiler can't read .h files is obvious to me :)

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:47:48 UTC, Chalix wrote:
I read a bit about creating libraries in C++, and I found out, 
this is not possible, because there is no definition of the API.

It is possible, you just need to match compilers with the library 
in C++, whereas C libraries don't need such an exact match.

With your Qt library, you get a build of it that is compatible 
with the compiler you use to build your application (either 
compiling it yourself or getting it from an OS package repo where 
they did it for you for your OS version)

you mean by "turn C functions into classes"?

Wrap the C functions inside D classes. So they write D code that 
calls the C functions, then you use their D code.

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Chalix via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:12:44 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
A lot of people like the wrappers as being prettier to use 
since you can turn C functions into classes and such. gtkd is 
an example of that.

Thanks for your fast answers :)

Hm, I thing I am missing some fundamentals...
I read a bit about creating libraries in C++, and I found out, 
this is not possible, because there is no definition of the API. 
So you need some C "factory methods" to load C++ classes.
So is it possible now by D to load a class directly, or what do 
you mean by "turn C functions into classes"?
Also, I used the Qt library a lot with C++. But although it is a 
library, I have access to all the classes, like " QWidget w = new 
QWidget();". There is no factory method used. (This confuses me 
now a bit...)

If its too much to explain within some sentences, maybe you know 
something where I could read more about it? I did not find 
anything myself. But I really want to understand what's going on.

Of course, it is simple, just bring over the necessary struct, 
constant, and function prototypes and it just works.

I have to try it :D

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread cym13 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:08:54 UTC, Chalix wrote:

Hi All!

The documentation of D 
( says:

"Direct Access to C API's

Not only does D have data types that correspond to C types, it 
provides direct access to C functions. There is no need to 
write wrapper functions, parameter swizzlers, nor code to copy 
aggregate members one by one."

So, if there is no need for wrapper functions, why are there a 
lot of them? For example, GTK+ is a C library, with C-include 
files. Now there exists the GtkD ( library, 
which describes itself as a wrapper of GTK+. GtkD contains the 
.d files (which I need for import, of course) and a seperate 
library (
If D has direct Access to C API's, why do we need this the 
gtkd-3 lib, and not just use the gtk-3 lib?

Furthermore, if there is an not very popular C library, where 
no wrapper function exists, would it possible to include it 
into a D project? Probably I have to transform all the .h to .d 
files, so i can "import" them instead of "include" them. But 
then, could I link against the C-library?

I did not understand the concept of interaction between C and 
D, and I am a bit confused about wrapper functions and bindings 
for D now...
Would be great if someone could make it a bit more clear to me 

D provides ways to do things that C or C++ don't provide 
(otherwise we wouldn't be using it). C/C++ functions and 
structures are designed to fit well in C/C++, not in D. To make 
them easy to use and avoid code of mixed style we build up a 
facade : the wrapper. That's all.

Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 04/10/2016 1:08 AM, Chalix wrote:

Hi All!

The documentation of D (

"Direct Access to C API's

Not only does D have data types that correspond to C types, it provides
direct access to C functions. There is no need to write wrapper
functions, parameter swizzlers, nor code to copy aggregate members one
by one."

So, if there is no need for wrapper functions, why are there a lot of
them? For example, GTK+ is a C library, with C-include files. Now there
exists the GtkD ( library, which describes itself as a
wrapper of GTK+. GtkD contains the .d files (which I need for import, of
course) and a seperate library (
If D has direct Access to C API's, why do we need this the gtkd-3 lib,
and not just use the gtk-3 lib?

Furthermore, if there is an not very popular C library, where no wrapper
function exists, would it possible to include it into a D project?
Probably I have to transform all the .h to .d files, so i can "import"
them instead of "include" them. But then, could I link against the

I did not understand the concept of interaction between C and D, and I
am a bit confused about wrapper functions and bindings for D now...
Would be great if someone could make it a bit more clear to me :)

Ok lets get a few things straight.

To use any kind of function you must declare it, plain and simple.
Any c or c++ function/class is the very much same way.
Now C++ types such as classes are highly limited in D since it doesn't 
ugh cross over all that well (it does some weird things).

These kinds of declarations are called bindings. We must have them since 
the D compilers don't support reading header files. Why don't they 
"just" support them you ask? Well simple, that's a whole new frontend 
that we must support... Walter is quite opposed to the idea and rightly so.

So the real interesting question, why do we have wrappers around e.g. 
c++ libs? Simple, the original C++ code was designed for C++ and we can 
simply do those interfaces better.

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Re: Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:08:54 UTC, Chalix wrote:
So, if there is no need for wrapper functions, why are there a 
lot of them?

A lot of people like the wrappers as being prettier to use since 
you can turn C functions into classes and such. gtkd is an 
example of that.

Furthermore, if there is an not very popular C library, where 
no wrapper function exists, would it possible to include it 
into a D project?

Of course, it is simple, just bring over the necessary struct, 
constant, and function prototypes and it just works.

Why using wrappers for D?

2016-10-03 Thread Chalix via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi All!

The documentation of D 
( says:

"Direct Access to C API's

Not only does D have data types that correspond to C types, it 
provides direct access to C functions. There is no need to write 
wrapper functions, parameter swizzlers, nor code to copy 
aggregate members one by one."

So, if there is no need for wrapper functions, why are there a 
lot of them? For example, GTK+ is a C library, with C-include 
files. Now there exists the GtkD ( library, 
which describes itself as a wrapper of GTK+. GtkD contains the .d 
files (which I need for import, of course) and a seperate library 
If D has direct Access to C API's, why do we need this the gtkd-3 
lib, and not just use the gtk-3 lib?

Furthermore, if there is an not very popular C library, where no 
wrapper function exists, would it possible to include it into a D 
project? Probably I have to transform all the .h to .d files, so 
i can "import" them instead of "include" them. But then, could I 
link against the C-library?

I did not understand the concept of interaction between C and D, 
and I am a bit confused about wrapper functions and bindings for 
D now...

Would be great if someone could make it a bit more clear to me :)