TL;DR: Is there a simple way to copy directories recursively?

My goal is to copy the directories ./src/{css,images,js} and their contents to ./ddo/{css,images,js}.

Naively I tried this:

void main()
    import file = std.file;
    auto outputPath = "./ddo/";
    foreach (dir; ["css", "images", "js"])
        file.copy("./src/" ~ dir, outputPath ~ dir);

But that fails with "std.file.FileException@std/file.d(3154): src/ Is a directory".

`copy` doesn't have a parameter to enable copying directories, and I can't find any `copyDir` or `copyRecurse` or some such.

As it looks I'll end up implementing my own `copyRecurse`:

void copyRecurse(string from, string to)
import std.file: copy, dirEntries, isDir, isFile, mkdirRecurse, SpanMode;
    import std.path: buildNormalizedPath, buildPath;

    from = buildNormalizedPath(from);
    to = buildNormalizedPath(to);

    if (isDir(from))

        auto entries = dirEntries(from, SpanMode.breadth);
        foreach (entry; entries)
            auto dst = buildPath(to,[from.length + 1 .. $]);
                // + 1 for the directory separator
            if (isFile( copy(, dst);
            else mkdirRecurse(dst);
    else copy(from, to);

Is there a simpler way to do this?

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